private void TestLed_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { YModule m; YLed led; if (!comboBox1.Enabled) { return; } m = (YModule)comboBox1.Items[comboBox1.SelectedIndex]; if (!m.isOnline()) { return; } led = YLed.FindLed(m.get_serialNumber() + ".led"); if (led.get_power() == YLed.POWER_OFF) { led.set_power(YLed.POWER_ON); } else { led.set_power(YLed.POWER_OFF); } refreshUI(); }
// link the instance to a real YoctoAPI object internal override void linkToHardware(string hwdName) { YLed hwd = YLed.FindLed(hwdName); // first redo base_init to update all _func pointers base_init(hwd, hwdName); // then setup Yocto-API pointers and callbacks init(hwd); }
public static YLedProxy FindLed(string name) { // cases to handle: // name ="" no matching unknwn // name ="" unknown exists // name != "" no matching unknown // name !="" unknown exists YLed func = null; YLedProxy res = (YLedProxy)YFunctionProxy.FindSimilarUnknownFunction("YLedProxy"); if (name == "") { if (res != null) { return(res); } res = (YLedProxy)YFunctionProxy.FindSimilarKnownFunction("YLedProxy"); if (res != null) { return(res); } func = YLed.FirstLed(); if (func != null) { name = func.get_hardwareId(); if (func.get_userData() != null) { return((YLedProxy)func.get_userData()); } } } else { func = YLed.FindLed(name); if (func.get_userData() != null) { return((YLedProxy)func.get_userData()); } } if (res == null) { res = new YLedProxy(func, name); } if (func != null) { res.linkToHardware(name); if (func.isOnline()) { res.arrival(); } } return(res); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string errmsg = ""; string target; YLed led; string on_off; if (args.Length < 2) { usage(); } target = args[0].ToUpper(); on_off = args[1].ToUpper(); if (YAPI.RegisterHub("usb", ref errmsg) != YAPI.SUCCESS) { Console.WriteLine("RegisterHub error: " + errmsg); Environment.Exit(0); } if (target == "ANY") { led = YLed.FirstLed(); if (led == null) { Console.WriteLine("No module connected (check USB cable) "); Environment.Exit(0); } } else { led = YLed.FindLed(target + ".led"); } if (led.isOnline()) { if (on_off == "ON") { led.set_power(YLed.POWER_ON); } else { led.set_power(YLed.POWER_OFF); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Module not connected"); Console.WriteLine("check identification and USB cable"); } YAPI.FreeAPI(); }
private void refreshUI() { int index = 4; YModule m; YLed led; if (comboBox1.Enabled) { //TestLed.Click -= TestLed_Click; index = 0; m = (YModule)comboBox1.Items[comboBox1.SelectedIndex]; led = YLed.FindLed(m.get_serialNumber() + ".led"); if (led.isOnline()) { if (led.get_power() == YLed.POWER_ON) { index = index | 1; TestLed.Checked = true; } else { TestLed.Checked = false; } if (m.get_beacon() == YModule.BEACON_ON) { index = index | 2; Beacon.Checked = true; } else { Beacon.Checked = false; } } } switch (index) { case 0: pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.poc; break; case 1: pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.pocg; break; case 2: pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.pocb; break; case 3: pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.pocbg; break; case 4: pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.nopoc; break; } }
public override async Task <int> Run() { try { await YAPI.RegisterHub(HubURL); YLed led; if (Target.ToLower() == "any") { led = YLed.FirstLed(); if (led == null) { WriteLine("No module connected (check USB cable) "); return(-1); } } else { led = YLed.FindLed(Target + ".led"); } if (await led.isOnline()) { if (OnOff.ToUpper() == "ON") { await led.set_power(YLed.POWER_ON); } else { await led.set_power(YLed.POWER_OFF); } } else { WriteLine("Module not connected (check identification and USB cable)"); } } catch (YAPI_Exception ex) { WriteLine("error: " + ex.Message); } YAPI.FreeAPI(); return(0); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string errmsg = ""; string target, serial; YBuzzer buz; YLed led, led1, led2; YAnButton button1, button2; if (args.Length < 1) { usage(); } target = args[0].ToUpper(); if (YAPI.RegisterHub("usb", ref errmsg) != YAPI.SUCCESS) { Console.WriteLine("RegisterHub error: " + errmsg); Environment.Exit(0); } if (target == "ANY") { buz = YBuzzer.FirstBuzzer(); if (buz == null) { Console.WriteLine("No module connected (check USB cable) "); Environment.Exit(0); } } else { buz = YBuzzer.FindBuzzer(target + ".buzzer"); } if (!buz.isOnline()) { Console.WriteLine("Module not connected"); Console.WriteLine("check identification and USB cable"); Environment.Exit(0); } serial = buz.get_module().get_serialNumber(); led1 = YLed.FindLed(serial + ".led1"); led2 = YLed.FindLed(serial + ".led2"); button1 = YAnButton.FindAnButton(serial + ".anButton1"); button2 = YAnButton.FindAnButton(serial + ".anButton2"); Console.WriteLine("press a test button or hit Ctrl-C"); while (buz.isOnline()) { int frequency; bool b1 = (button1.get_isPressed() == YAnButton.ISPRESSED_TRUE); bool b2 = (button2.get_isPressed() == YAnButton.ISPRESSED_TRUE); if (b1 || b2) { if (b1) { led = led1; frequency = 1500; } else { led = led2; frequency = 750; } led.set_power(YLed.POWER_ON); led.set_luminosity(100); led.set_blinking(YLed.BLINKING_PANIC); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) // this can be done using sequence as well { buz.set_frequency(frequency); buz.freqMove(2 * frequency, 250); YAPI.Sleep(250, ref errmsg); } buz.set_frequency(0); led.set_power(YLed.POWER_OFF); } } YAPI.FreeAPI(); }
public override async Task <int> Run() { try { await YAPI.RegisterHub(HubURL); YBuzzer buz; YLed led, led1, led2; YAnButton button1, button2; if (Target.ToLower() == "any") { buz = YBuzzer.FirstBuzzer(); if (buz == null) { WriteLine("No module connected (check USB cable) "); return(-1); } } else { buz = YBuzzer.FindBuzzer(Target + ".buzzer"); } if (!await buz.isOnline()) { WriteLine("Module not connected (check identification and USB cable)"); return(-1); } string serial = await(await buz.get_module()).get_serialNumber(); led1 = YLed.FindLed(serial + ".led1"); led2 = YLed.FindLed(serial + ".led2"); button1 = YAnButton.FindAnButton(serial + ".anButton1"); button2 = YAnButton.FindAnButton(serial + ".anButton2"); WriteLine("press a test button"); while (await buz.isOnline()) { int frequency; bool b1 = (await button1.get_isPressed() == YAnButton.ISPRESSED_TRUE); bool b2 = (await button2.get_isPressed() == YAnButton.ISPRESSED_TRUE); if (b1 || b2) { if (b1) { led = led1; frequency = 1500; } else { led = led2; frequency = 750; } await led.set_power(YLed.POWER_ON); await led.set_luminosity(100); await led.set_blinking(YLed.BLINKING_PANIC); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // this can be done using sequence as well await buz.set_frequency(frequency); await buz.freqMove(2 *frequency, 250); await YAPI.Sleep(250); } await buz.set_frequency(0); await led.set_power(YLed.POWER_OFF); } } } catch (YAPI_Exception ex) { WriteLine("error: " + ex.Message); } YAPI.FreeAPI(); return(0); }