private (int, int) GetScreenDimensions(XRCameraConfigHandler config) { if (Screen.orientation == ScreenOrientation.Landscape || Screen.orientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft || Screen.orientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight) { int height = config.activeXRCameraConfig.height; int width = config.activeXRCameraConfig.width; return(width, height); } else if (Screen.orientation == ScreenOrientation.Portrait || Screen.orientation == ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown) { int width = config.activeXRCameraConfig.height; int height = config.activeXRCameraConfig.width; return(width, height); } else { int width = config.activeXRCameraConfig.height; int height = config.activeXRCameraConfig.width; return(height, width); } }
public void Init(string path, string title) { //path and media title mediaDesitinationPath = path; this.title = title; //referencing var sessionOrigin = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("arSessionOrigin"); XRCameraConfigHandler config = sessionOrigin.GetComponentInChildren <XRCameraConfigHandler>(); //assigning running config int?fps = config.activeXRCameraConfig.framerate; (int width, int height) = GetScreenDimensions(config); int bitrate = (int)PlayerPrefsHandler.Instance.GetFloat("bitrate", 8); //init the recorder if (fps == 0 || fps == null) { InitRecorder(width, height, 30, bitrate, 3); } else { InitRecorder(width, height, (int)fps, 8, 3); } }