//FEATUES TO ADD: //1. DONE add var to keep track of previously entered box, so it can then be restored upon exiting the box can traverse tree/fort spaces now //2. DONE add way to navigate sw, se, nw, ne //3. DONE Create separate class for characterPlayer, Monster, World, etc. //4 .DONE Move fort stuff into fort class ( makes sense) //5 DONE enter and exit points put in fort //6. DONE Once fort entered, enter fort at start point. //7 DONE Once on exit square, exit fort. //8. DONE Replace new player in fortSession with current player in worldSession. hp and ac transfer between areas now //8. MEAH make more general class for fort, city, world to extend called MAP //9. generate cities! (max of 3 per game?) //10. food/suplies? goes down each time you move a square? //11. purchace more at cities? //12. money for defeating stuff in forts/ wilderness static void Main(string[] args) { WorldSession ws = new WorldSession(); //s.Start(); //run stuff fron session to create world here: //creates world: ws.AskSize(); //creates map/forts: ws.CreateMap(); //runs game: while (true) { if (!ws.Play()) { break; } } }