void Start() { Debug.Log("testworld"); currentplayer = 0; playercontrols = new int[6]; delp = PlayerController.Instance.returndelp(); startentrance = SplitterController.Instance.returnStartEntrance(); startexit = SplitterController.Instance.returnStartExit(); startgear = SplitterController.Instance.returnStartGear(); upf = PlayerController.Instance.returnUPF(); upp = PlayerController.Instance.returnUPP(); Instance = this; World = new WorldData(upf, upp); //sets up actions from playercontroller to be sent to player objects using player controller instance// //sets instance to this specific version// //sets up world data// World.AddPlayer(); World.AddPlayer(); World.removePlayer(0); PlayerController.Instance.removePlayer(0, World.returnAmount()); Debug.Log(currentplayer); //add a player, just for testing// World.AddSplitter(2); World.addExit(3, 3); startexit(3, 3); World.addExit(3, 5); startexit(3, 5); World.setEntrance(-3, 4); startentrance(-3, 4); World.setGearPad(5, 5); startgear(5, 5); }