static void StartServer() { Console.WriteLine("Initializing server"); _Server = new Webserver(_Hostname, _Port, DefaultRoute); _Server.Settings.Headers.Host = "https://" + _Hostname + ":" + _Port; _Server.Start(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { ApiService apiService = new ApiService(); Webserver server = new Webserver(apiService); server.Start(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { _Server = new Webserver(_Hostname, _Port, false, null, null, DefaultRoute); _Server.Start(); Console.WriteLine("HttpServerLite listening on http://" + _Hostname + ":" + _Port); Console.WriteLine("ENTER to exit"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) { taskInstance.GetDeferral(); Webserver server = new Webserver(); ThreadPool.RunAsync(workItem => { server.Start(); }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { StartServer(); Console.WriteLine("Started on https://" + _Hostname + ":" + _Port); while (_RunForever) { Console.Write("Command [? for help]: "); string userInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userInput)) { continue; } switch (userInput) { case "?": Menu(); break; case "q": _RunForever = false; break; case "c": case "cls": Console.Clear(); break; case "state": Console.WriteLine(_Server.IsListening); break; case "start": _Server.Start(); break; case "stop": _Server.Stop(); break; case "dispose": _Server.Dispose(); break; case "conn": ListConnections(); break; } } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WindowWidth = 100; Console.WindowHeight = 40; try { if (!File.Exists("server.jar")) { WebClient cl = new WebClient(); cl.DownloadProgressChanged += cl_DownloadProgressChanged; cl.DownloadFileCompleted += cl_DownloadFileCompleted; cl.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(""), "server.jar"); while (!fileDownloaded) { Thread.Sleep(100); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); Console.ReadKey(); return; } try { // The following commands are needed to redirect the standard output. // This means that it will be redirected to the Process.StandardOutput StreamReader. procStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; procStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; // Do not create the black window. procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; proc.StartInfo = procStartInfo; proc.ErrorDataReceived += proc_DataReceived; proc.OutputDataReceived += proc_DataReceived; proc.Start(); Webserver.Start(); new Thread(HandleCommand).Start(); while (!proc.HasExited) { ; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void StartServer() { if (_Server != null && _Server.IsListening) { Console.WriteLine("Already initialized"); return; } else { Console.WriteLine("Initializing server"); _Server = new Webserver(_Hostname, _Port, true, "cavemantcp.pfx", "simpletcp", DefaultRoute); _Server.Settings.Headers.Host = "https://" + _Hostname + ":" + _Port; _Server.Events.ServerStarted += ServerStarted; _Server.Events.ServerStopped += ServerStopped; _Server.Events.ServerDisposing += ServerDisposing; _Server.Events.Logger = Console.WriteLine; _Server.Settings.Debug.Responses = true; _Server.Settings.Debug.Routing = true; _Server.Start(); } }
public void ResolveWebserviceTest() { Webserver server = new Webserver(); server.Bind("http://+:80/Temporary_Listen_Addresses/FortAwesomeUtil.test/base/"); var dummy1 = new DummyWebservice(); server.RegisterWebservice("foo1/", dummy1); var dummy2 = new DummyWebservice(); server.RegisterWebservice("foo2/a/", dummy2); server.RegisterWebservice("foo2/b/", dummy2); server.Start(); string url = ""; Webservice expected = dummy1; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value Webservice actual; actual = server.ResolveWebservice(url); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Webserver server = new Webserver(); ConsoleWrite.Green("MyWebServer starts now!"); try { Thread serverThread = new Thread(() => server.Start()); serverThread.Start(); ConsoleWrite.Green("Server is running."); ////Manual Loading of Plugins (not working as intended, because .dll files could not be created right) //ConsoleWrite.Green("Server is running..."); //ConsoleWrite.White("Hit the F1-key to stop the server."); //ConsoleWrite.White("Press F2 to add a plugin to the plugin-manager."); //while (true) //{ // var key = Console.ReadKey().Key; // if (key == ConsoleKey.F1) // { // serverThread.Abort(); // ConsoleWrite.White("\nServer stopped."); // } // if (key == ConsoleKey.F2) // { // ConsoleWrite.White("DLL-Name:"); // string dllName = Console.ReadLine(); // string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); // string path = Path.Combine(directory, @"static-files", dllName); // try // { // var DLL = Assembly.LoadFile(path); // foreach (Type type in DLL.GetExportedTypes()) // { // if (type.GetInterface("IPlugin") != null) // { // server.AddPlugin((IPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance(type)); // ConsoleWrite.Green("Plugin added successfully!"); // } // } // } // catch (Exception e) // { // ConsoleWrite.Red("Error adding plugin: " + e.Message); // } // } //} } catch (Exception e) { ConsoleWrite.Red("Server could not be started! ERROR: " + e.Message); } while (true) //Console should not close, even if there is no clients { } }