public void LegalToAddExceedCapicity() { Wagon wagon = new Wagon(); Herbivore herbivore = new Herbivore(AnimalEnums.AnimalSize.Large); wagon.AddToWagon(herbivore); wagon.AddToWagon(herbivore); bool actual = wagon.LegalToAdd(herbivore); Assert.IsFalse(actual); }
public void CheckCompatibilityTrueTest2() { //arrange //By giving the wagon a huge capacity we can safely bypass the weight test and will only have to pass the compatibility test. //This test will check if we can add a smaller carnivore to a wagon with a larger herbivore. Wagon wagon = new Wagon(100, false); Animal animal = new Animal("test", Size.Large, typeAnimal.Herbivore); Animal animal2 = new Animal("test", Size.Medium, typeAnimal.Carnivore); //act wagon.AddToWagon(animal); bool test = wagon.AddToWagon(animal2); //assert Assert.IsTrue(test); }
public void CheckCompatibilityFalseTest2() { //arrange //By giving the wagon a huge capacity we can safely bypass the weight test and will only have to pass the compatibility test. //This test will check if the method prevents a carnivore and herbivore of the same size being added to the same wagon Wagon wagon = new Wagon(100, false); Animal animal = new Animal("test", Size.Large, typeAnimal.Carnivore); Animal animal2 = new Animal("test", Size.Large, typeAnimal.Herbivore); //act wagon.AddToWagon(animal); bool test = wagon.AddToWagon(animal2); //assert Assert.IsFalse(test); }
public void CheckCompatibilityFalse() { //Arrange //Door de wagon een enorme capaciteit te geven, kunnen we de gewichtstest veilig omzeilen en hoeven we alleen de compatibiliteitstest te doorstaan. //Deze test controleert of de methode voorkomt dat een kleinere PlantenEter wordt toegevoegd aan een wagon met een grotere VleesEter. Wagon wagon = new Wagon(100, false); Animal animal = new Animal("test", GrootteTypes.Groot, AnimalTypes.VleesEter); Animal animal2 = new Animal("test", GrootteTypes.Middelgroot, AnimalTypes.PlantenEter); //Act wagon.AddToWagon(animal); bool test = wagon.AddToWagon(animal2); //Assert Assert.IsFalse(test); }
public void CheckWeightFalseTrue() { //arrange //By leaving the wagon empty the compatibility test will automatically pass so this will only focus on the weight test Wagon wagon = new Wagon(4, false); Animal animal = new Animal("test", Size.Large, typeAnimal.Herbivore); //act bool test = wagon.AddToWagon(animal); //assert Assert.IsFalse(test); }
public void CheckWeightFalseIsTrue() { //Arrange Wagon wagon = new Wagon(4, false); Animal animal = new Animal("test", GrootteTypes.Groot, AnimalTypes.PlantenEter); //Act bool test = wagon.AddToWagon(animal); //Assert Assert.IsFalse(test); }
public void CheckWeightIsTrue() { //Arrange //Door de wagen leeg te laten zal de compatibiliteitstest automatisch slagen, dus dit zal alleen gericht zijn op de gewichtstest Wagon wagon = new Wagon(6, false); Animal animal = new Animal("test", GrootteTypes.Groot, AnimalTypes.PlantenEter); //Act bool test = wagon.AddToWagon(animal); //Assert Assert.IsTrue(test); }
public void LegalToAddDoubleCarnivores() { Wagon wagon = new Wagon(); Carnivore carnivore = new Carnivore(AnimalEnums.AnimalSize.Small); wagon.AddToWagon(carnivore); bool actual = wagon.LegalToAdd(carnivore); Assert.IsFalse(actual); }
public void AddOneToWagonTest() { //arrange Wagon wagon = new Wagon(10, false); Animal animal = new Animal("test", Size.Small, typeAnimal.Herbivore); //act wagon.AddToWagon(animal); int count = wagon.AnimalsInWagon.Count(); //assert Assert.AreEqual(1, count); }
public void AddAnimalToWagon() { //Arrange Wagon wagon = new Wagon(10, false); Animal animal = new Animal("test", GrootteTypes.Klein, AnimalTypes.VleesEter); //Act wagon.AddToWagon(animal); int count = wagon.AnimalToWagon.Count(); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(1, count); }
public void LegalToAddLargerCarnivoreByHerbivore() { Wagon wagon = new Wagon(); Herbivore herbivore = new Herbivore(AnimalEnums.AnimalSize.Small); Carnivore carnivore = new Carnivore(AnimalEnums.AnimalSize.Medium); wagon.AddToWagon(herbivore); bool actual = wagon.LegalToAdd(carnivore); Assert.IsFalse(actual); }
public void SameSizeAnimals() { wagon.AddToWagon(lion); Assert.IsFalse(giraffe.IsSafe(wagon.Animals)); }