public void VolumeList() { Configure(); var list = volumeApi.FindAll(datacenter.Id); Assert.IsTrue(list.Items.Count > 0); }
protected override void BeginProcessing() { try { var volumeApi = new VolumeApi(Utilities.Configuration); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(VolumeId)) { var volumes = volumeApi.FindAll(DataCenterId, depth: 5); WriteObject(volumes.Items); return; } else { var volume = volumeApi.FindById(DataCenterId, VolumeId, depth: 5); WriteObject(volume); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(ex, "", ErrorCategory.NotSpecified, null)); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var configuration = new Configuration { Username = "******", Password = "******", }; var dcApi = new DataCenterApi(configuration); var serverApi = new ServerApi(configuration); var volumeApi = new VolumeApi(configuration); var attachedVolumesApi = new AttachedVolumesApi(configuration); var nicApi = new NetworkInterfacesApi(configuration); // CreateDataCenterRequest. // The only required field is DataCenterName. // If location parameter is left empty data center will be created in the default region of the customer var datacenter = new Datacenter { Properties = new DatacenterProperties { Name = ".Net V2 - Test " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(), Description = "Unit test for .Net SDK PB REST V2", Location = "us/lasdev" } }; // Response will contain Id of a newly created data center. datacenter = dcApi.Create(datacenter); // CreateServer. // DataCenterId: Defines the data center wherein the server is to be created. // AvailabilityZone: Selects the zone in which the server is going to be created (AUTO, ZONE_1, ZONE_2). // Cores: Number of cores to be assigned to the specified server. Required field. // InternetAccess: Set to TRUE to connect the server to the Internet via the specified LAN ID. // OsType: Sets the OS type of the server. // Ram: Number of RAM memory (in MiB) to be assigned to the server. var server = new Server { Properties = new ServerProperties { Name = ".Net V2 - Test " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(), Cores = 1, Ram = 256 } }; // response will contain Id of a newly created server. server = serverApi.Create(datacenter.Id, server); // UpdateServer // ServerId: Id of the server to be updated. // ServerName: Renames target virtual server // Cores: Updates the amount of cores of the target virtual server // Ram: Updates the RAM memory (in MiB) of the target virtual server. The minimum RAM size is 256 MiB server = serverApi.PartialUpdate(datacenter.Id, server.Id, new ServerProperties { Name = server.Properties.Name + " -Updated" }); // CreateVolume // DataCenterId: Defines the data center wherein the storage is to be created. If left empty, the storage will be created in a new data center // Size: Storage size (in GiB). Required Field. // Type: SSD or HDD disk type, Required Field var volume = new Volume { Properties = new VolumeProperties { Size = 4, Image = "fbaae2b2-c899-11e5-aa10-52540005ab80", Type = "HDD", Name = ".Net V2 - Test " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(), SshKeys = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string> { "hQGOEJeFL91EG3+l9TtRbWNjzhDVHeLuL3NWee6bekA=" } } }; // Response will contain Id of a newly created volume. volume = volumeApi.Create(datacenter.Id, volume); // AttachVolume // ServerId: Identifier of the target virtual storage. Required field. // StorageId: Identifier of the virtual storage to be connected. Required field. // BusType: Bus type to which the storage will be connected attachedVolumesApi.AttachVolume(datacenter.Id, server.Id, new Volume { Id = volume.Id }); attachedVolumesApi.DetachVolume(datacenter.Id, server.Id, volume.Id); // Fetches list of all Data Centers var dcs = dcApi.FindAll(depth: 5); // Fetches list of all Servers var servers = serverApi.FindAll(datacenter.Id, depth: 5); // Fetches list of all Volumes var volumes = volumeApi.FindAll(datacenter.Id, depth: 5); // CreateNicRequest // Identifier of the target virtual server. Required field. // Nic: Names the NIC // Toggles usage of ProfitBricks DHCP // Lan var nic = new Nic { Properties = new NicProperties { Lan = 1, Dhcp = true, Name = "Nic name" } }; nic = nicApi.Create(datacenter.Id, server.Id, nic); }