public void DropInInteractive(FillingRobber fillingRobber) { fillingRobber.RobbersSound.InsideInteractive(); fillingRobber.RobbersSound.PlayTimerAudio(true); Vibration.Vibrate(100); }
private async Task <bool> GetItems(string code) { if (await RemoveAllOld(code)) { if (Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet) { RestSharp.RestClient client = new RestSharp.RestClient(); string path = "GetDocument"; client.BaseUrl = new Uri(GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.APIPath + path); { string str = $"GET?qrystr=ACCHISTL|6|{code}|102|" + GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.UserCode; var Request = new RestSharp.RestRequest(); Request.Resource = str; Request.Method = RestSharp.Method.GET; var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var res = await client.ExecuteAsync(Request, cancellationTokenSource.Token); if (res.Content.ToString().Contains("DocNum")) { if (!firstSO) { if (!await PalletAddSO()) { return(false); } } await GoodsRecieveingApp.App.Database.DeleteSpecificDocs(code); DataSet myds = new DataSet(); myds = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DataSet>(res.Content); foreach (DataRow row in myds.Tables[0].Rows) { try { var Doc = new DocLine(); Doc.DocNum = row["DocNum"].ToString(); Doc.SupplierCode = row["SupplierCode"].ToString(); Doc.SupplierName = row["SupplierName"].ToString(); Doc.ItemBarcode = row["ItemBarcode"].ToString(); Doc.ItemCode = row["ItemCode"].ToString(); Doc.ItemDesc = row["ItemDesc"].ToString(); Doc.Bin = row["Bin"].ToString(); try { Doc.ScanAccQty = Convert.ToInt32(row["ScanAccQty"].ToString().Trim()); } catch { Doc.ScanAccQty = 0; } Doc.ScanRejQty = 0; try { Doc.PalletNum = Convert.ToInt32(row["PalletNumber"].ToString().Trim()); } catch { Doc.PalletNum = 0; } currentPallet = Doc.PalletNum; Doc.ItemQty = Convert.ToInt32(row["ItemQty"].ToString().Trim()); lblCode.Text = Doc.DocNum; lblCusName.Text = Doc.SupplierName; await GoodsRecieveingApp.App.Database.Insert(Doc); } catch (Exception) { LodingIndiactor.IsVisible = false; Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("Error In Server!!", true); return(false); } } return(true); } else { LodingIndiactor.IsVisible = false; Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("Error Invalid SO Code!!", true); } } } else { LodingIndiactor.IsVisible = false; Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("Internet Connection Problem!", true); } } return(false); }
internal void CheckForNfcMessage(Intent intent) { if (!Enabled) { return; } if (intent.Action != NfcAdapter.ActionTechDiscovered) { return; } if (!(intent.GetParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.ExtraTag) is Tag tag)) { return; } try { var ev1 = MifareUltralight.Get(tag); //TagDetected?.Invoke(tag); ev1.Connect(); byte[] FirstTag = MainTabViewModel.Current?.DataBag.GetData(); byte[] mem = new byte[80]; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i += 4) { byte[] payload = ev1.ReadPages(i); Buffer.BlockCopy(payload, 0, mem, 4 * i, 16); } if (WriteMode) { byte[] dstData = MainTabViewModel.MergeTagData(FirstTag, mem); // password auth // var response = ev1.Transceive(new byte[]{ // (byte) 0x1B, // PWD_AUTH // 0,0,0,0 }); // Check if PACK is matching expected PACK // This is a (not that) secure method to check if tag is genuine //if ((response != null) && (response.Length >= 2)) //{ //} for (int i = 4; i < 16; i++) { ev1.WritePage(i, dstData.Skip(4 * i).Take(4).ToArray()); } MainTabViewModel.Current?.DataBag.SetData(dstData); WriteMode = false; } else { MainTabViewModel.Current?.SetControlsVisibility(mem[41]); MainTabViewModel.Current?.DataBag.SetData(mem); } ev1.Close(); MainTabViewModel.Current.cbNFCRead = false; MainTabViewModel.Current.cbNFCWrite = false; try { // Use default vibration length Vibration.Vibrate(); } catch (FeatureNotSupportedException ex) { // Feature not supported on device } catch (Exception ex) { // Other error has occurred. } } catch (Exception e) { try { Vibration.Vibrate(); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(); } catch (Exception ex) { // Other error has occurred. } } }
async Task <bool> GetItems() { if (Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet) { RestClient client = new RestClient(); string path = "Inventory"; client.BaseUrl = new Uri(GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.APIPath + path); { string str = $"GET?CountIDNum={countID}"; var Request = new RestRequest(str, Method.GET); var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var res = await client.ExecuteAsync(Request, cancellationTokenSource.Token); if (res.IsSuccessful && res.Content.Contains("CountID")) { items.Clear(); DataSet myds = new DataSet(); myds = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DataSet>(res.Content); foreach (DataRow row in myds.Tables[0].Rows) { InventoryItem i1 = new InventoryItem(); i1.CountID = countID; i1.ItemDesc = row["ItemDesc"].ToString(); i1.BarCode = row["BarCode"].ToString(); i1.ItemCode = row["ItemCode"].ToString(); i1.Bin = row["Bin"].ToString(); i1.isFirst = Convert.ToBoolean(row["isFirst"].ToString()); i1.Complete = Convert.ToBoolean(row["Complete"].ToString()); try { i1.FirstScanQty = Convert.ToInt32(row["FirstScanQty"].ToString()); } catch { i1.FirstScanQty = 0; } try { i1.SecondScanQty = Convert.ToInt32(row["SecondScanQty"].ToString()); } catch { i1.SecondScanQty = 0; } try { i1.CountUser = Convert.ToInt32(row["CountUser"].ToString());; } catch { i1.CountUser = 0; } try { i1.SecondScanAuth = Convert.ToInt32(row["SecondScanAuth"].ToString());; } catch { i1.SecondScanAuth = 0; } items.Add(i1); } return(true); } } } else { Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("Please connect to the internet", true); return(false); } return(false); }
private void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { Vibration.Vibrate(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); }
internal void Salvage() { State = WreckageState.SALVAGING; var mAircraft = MiddleAircraft; var totalScale = mAircraft.GetTotalScale(); mAircraft.Visible = false; List <Part> totalparts = mAircraft.TotalParts; // unmount and disassemble mAircraft.Body = null; foreach (var part in totalparts) { part.Disassemble(); foreach (var singlePart in totalparts) { if (singlePart.Flipped) { singlePart.Flip(); } } // repair the part fully part.Reinitialize(); } // choose the parts that will be salvaged SalvagedParts = new List <Part>(); // how many? var rng = new Random(); int salvageCount = (int)(GetWreckPercentile(mAircraft) * totalparts.Count()); if (salvageCount != totalparts.Count() && rng.NextDouble() <= (GetWreckPercentile(mAircraft) * totalparts.Count()) % 1) { salvageCount++; } // choose random parts for (int i = 0; i < salvageCount; i++) { var index = rng.Next(totalparts.Count()); SalvagedParts.Add(totalparts.ElementAt(index)); totalparts.RemoveAt(index); } float delay = SalvagedParts.Count * SalvagedParts.Count * 150 + 100; float delaySec = delay / 1000; // vibrate if (Constants.oS != Constants.OS.WINDOWS) { Vibration.Vibrate(delay * 0.015f); } // visualize var boundsCenter = VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Center; CCPoint pointIn = boundsCenter + new CCPoint(0, VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size.Height * 0.6f); var width = VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size.Width / 3; float inMoveTime = 1f; Dictionary <Part, CCPoint> destinations = new Dictionary <Part, CCPoint>(); foreach (var part in SalvagedParts) { part.Visible = true; AddChild(part, -10); part.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddle; var rotation = new CCRepeatForever(new CCRotateBy(1, rng.Next(20, 30) * 0.5f)); rotation.Tag = RotationTag; part.AddAction(rotation); // find a free spot part.Scale = totalScale; const float BORDER = 32f; bool notFound = true; // first try to find a free space where the part can rotate without touching anything for (int tries = 0; tries < 40 && notFound; tries++) { destinations[part] = Constants.RandomPointBoxnear(boundsCenter, width, rng); // check whether the space is free part.Position = destinations[part]; CCRect bbox = part.BoundingBoxTransformedToWorld; // construct a bounding square float size = bbox.Size.Height > bbox.Size.Width ? bbox.Size.Height : bbox.Size.Width; bbox = new CCRect(bbox.Center.X - size / 2, bbox.Center.Y - size / 2, size, size); // add a bit of padding CCRect box = new CCRect(bbox.MinX - BORDER, bbox.MinY - BORDER, bbox.Size.Width + 2 * BORDER, bbox.Size.Height + 2 * BORDER); notFound = false; foreach (var otherPart in SalvagedParts) { if (otherPart == part) { continue; } if (box.IntersectsRect(otherPart.BoundingBoxTransformedToWorld)) { notFound = true; break; } } } // if this failed try to find a free space where the parts at least do not touch in starting configuration for (int tries = 0; tries < 40 && notFound; tries++) { destinations[part] = Constants.RandomPointBoxnear(boundsCenter, width, rng); // check whether the space is free part.Position = destinations[part]; CCRect bbox = part.BoundingBoxTransformedToWorld; // add a bit of padding CCRect box = new CCRect(bbox.MinX - BORDER, bbox.MinY - BORDER, bbox.Size.Width + 2 * BORDER, bbox.Size.Height + 2 * BORDER); notFound = false; foreach (var otherPart in SalvagedParts) { if (otherPart == part) { continue; } if (box.IntersectsRect(otherPart.BoundingBoxTransformedToWorld)) { notFound = true; break; } } } } foreach (var part in SalvagedParts) { part.Position = pointIn; part.AddAction(new CCSequence(new CCDelayTime(delaySec), new CCEaseOut(new CCMoveTo(inMoveTime, destinations[part]), 2f))); } // count down the percentage float startP = GetWreckPercentile(mAircraft); CCLabel percentLabel = GetPercentLabel(mAircraft); AddAction(new CCSequence(new CCEaseIn(new CCCallFiniteTimeFunc(delaySec, (progress, duration) => { SetWreckPercentile(mAircraft, startP * (1 - progress)); }), 4f), new CCCallFunc(() => { percentLabel.Visible = false; }))); // if no parts could be salvaged end the salvaged state immediately if (!SalvagedParts.Any()) { AddAction(new CCSequence(new CCDelayTime(delaySec + inMoveTime), new CCCallFunc(() => { State = WreckageState.SALVAGED; EndSalvage(); }))); } else { AddAction(new CCSequence(new CCDelayTime(delaySec + inMoveTime), new CCCallFunc(() => { State = WreckageState.SALVAGED; }))); } }
private async void txfItemCode_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e) { LoadingIndicator.IsVisible = true; if (txfItemCode.Text.Length > 10) { if (items.Where(x => x.BarCode == txfItemCode.Text && x.Complete == false).FirstOrDefault() != null) { int CUSTQTY = 1; if (InvLandingPage.CustQty) { string result = await DisplayPromptAsync("Custom QTY", "Enter QTY of SINGLE units", "OK", "Cancel", keyboard : Keyboard.Numeric); switch (result) { case "Cancel": Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("You have to enter a QTY", true); txfItemCode.Text = ""; LoadingIndicator.IsVisible = false; txfItemCode.Focus(); return; default: try { CUSTQTY = Convert.ToInt32(result); } catch { Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("Please enter a valid QTY", true); txfItemCode.Text = ""; LoadingIndicator.IsVisible = false; txfItemCode.Focus(); return; } break; } } SameItemCheck(items.Where(x => x.BarCode == txfItemCode.Text).First().ItemCode); CurrentQTYCounted += CUSTQTY; Setlbl(items.Where(x => x.BarCode == txfItemCode.Text).First().ItemDesc); if (!RefreshList()) { Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("Could Not Refresh The List", true); txfItemCode.Text = ""; LoadingIndicator.IsVisible = false; txfItemCode.Focus(); return; } } else { Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("No item found or scanning complete for this item", true); txfItemCode.Text = ""; LoadingIndicator.IsVisible = false; txfItemCode.Focus(); return; } } else if (txfItemCode.Text.Length > 7 && !InvLandingPage.CustQty) { BOMItem bi = new BOMItem(); try { bi = await GoodsRecieveingApp.App.Database.GetBOMItem(txfItemCode.Text); } catch { Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("Error! No Item with this code", true); txfItemCode.Text = ""; LoadingIndicator.IsVisible = false; txfItemCode.Focus(); return; } if (items.Where(x => x.ItemCode == bi.ItemCode && x.Complete == false).FirstOrDefault() != null) { SameItemCheck(bi.ItemCode); CurrentQTYCounted += bi.Qty; Setlbl(items.Where(x => x.ItemCode == bi.ItemCode).First().ItemDesc); if (!RefreshList()) { Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("Could Not Refresh The List", true); txfItemCode.Text = ""; LoadingIndicator.IsVisible = false; txfItemCode.Focus(); return; } } else { Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("No item found or scanning complete for this item", true); txfItemCode.Text = ""; LoadingIndicator.IsVisible = false; txfItemCode.Focus(); return; } } else if (InvLandingPage.CustQty && (txfItemCode.Text.Length == 8 || txfItemCode.Text.Length == 9)) { Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("You cannot add a pack to a custom Qty scan", true); } txfItemCode.Text = ""; LoadingIndicator.IsVisible = false; txfItemCode.Focus(); }
// Update is called once per frame public void RequestQuit() { Vibration.Vibrate(35); Application.Quit(); }
public MainPageViewModel() { FirebaseHelper firebaseHelper = new FirebaseHelper(); AllNotes = new ObservableCollection <string>(); EraseCommand = new Command(() => { TheNote = string.Empty; }); SaveCommand = new Command(async() => { Console.WriteLine("Hello" + _theNote); await firebaseHelper.AddNote(_theNote); var allNotes = await firebaseHelper.GetAllNotes(); Console.WriteLine("Hello" + allNotes); // AllNotes.Add(allNotes.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(allNotes.Capacity); for (int i = 0; i < allNotes.Count; i++) { if (i == allNotes.Capacity - 1) { AllNotes.Add(allNotes[i].TheNote); Console.WriteLine("Hello " + allNotes[i].TheNote); } } TheNote = string.Empty; }); GetAll = new Command(async() => { var allNotes = await firebaseHelper.GetAllNotes(); for (int i = 0; i < allNotes.Count; i++) { if (AllNotes.Count < allNotes.Count) { AllNotes.Add(allNotes[i].TheNote); Console.WriteLine("Hello " + allNotes[i].TheNote); } } }); /* * AllNotes.Add(TheNote); * * TheNote = string.Empty; * * * * async void saveCommand(object sender, EventArgs e) * { * await _firebaseHelper.AddNote(_theNote); * _theNote = string.Empty; * var allNotes = await _firebaseHelper.GetAllNotes(); * AllNotes.Add(allNotes.ToString()); * }*/ VibrateOn = new Command(() => { if (_sliderTime != 0) { Vibration.Vibrate(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(_sliderTime)); } }); VibrateOff = new Command(() => { Vibration.Cancel(); }); }
/// <summary> /// 确认消息 /// </summary> public static async Task <bool> ConfirmVibrantly(string message, string title = null, int vibratedDuration = 500, CancellationToken?cancelToken = null) { Vibration.Vibrate(vibratedDuration); return(await UserDialogs.Instance.ConfirmAsync(message, title, "确定", "取消", cancelToken)); }
private async void SearchBar_SearchButtonPressed(object sender, EventArgs e) { await Task.Yield(); activityIndicator.IsVisible = true; activityIndicator.IsRunning = true; MoviesList.IsVisible = false; var key = ((SearchBar)sender).Text; if (key == "") { DependencyService.Get <IToast>().LongAlert("The name can't be empty"); await SpeakNow("The name can't be empty"); return; } //Verify if internet connection is available if (Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.None || Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Unknown) { Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), () => { DependencyService.Get <IToast>().LongAlert("Please be sure that your device has an Internet connection"); return(false); }); return; } await MainThread.InvokeOnMainThreadAsync(async() => { try { if (key != "") { var movie_results = await Locator.Current.GetService <ApiClient>().SearchMovieByName(key); if (movie_results.Results.Count != 0) { vm.AllMoviesList.Clear(); foreach (var MovieResult in movie_results.Results) { if (MovieResult.BackdropPath != null) { vm.AllMoviesList.Add(MovieResult); } } BindingContext = vm; MoviesList.IsVisible = true; MoviesList.ItemsSource = vm.AllMoviesList; await MoviesList.TranslateTo(0, 0, 500, Easing.SpringIn); activityIndicator.IsVisible = false; activityIndicator.IsRunning = false; //await SpeakNow("Search completed"); } else { MoviesList.ItemsSource = null; activityIndicator.IsVisible = false; activityIndicator.IsRunning = false; MoviesList.IsVisible = true; DependencyService.Get <IToast>().LongAlert("It seems like that movie doesn't exists, check your spelling!"); //await SpeakNow("It seems like that movie doesn't exists, check your spelling!"); Vibration.Vibrate(); } } } catch (Exception e3) { Debug.WriteLine("Error: " + e3.InnerException); } }); }
/// <summary> /// 警告消息 /// </summary> /// <remarks>带振动</remarks> public static async Task AlertVibrantly(string message, string title = null, int vibratedDuration = 500, CancellationToken?cancelToken = null) { Vibration.Vibrate(vibratedDuration); await UserDialogs.Instance.AlertAsync(message, title, "确定", cancelToken); }
/// <summary> /// 提示消息 /// </summary> /// <remarks>带振动</remarks> public static void ToastVibrantly(string title, TimeSpan?dismissTimer = null, int vibratedDuration = 500) { Vibration.Vibrate(vibratedDuration); UserDialogs.Instance.Toast(title, dismissTimer); }
/* pulsation */ private void VPulse() { Vibration.Vibrate(30); }
public void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData) { if (!held) { held = true; SX = SY = 0; Vibration.Vibrate(50); //Debug.Log("JFIDOAWJDIOWA"); // When we press, we first want to snap the joystick to the user's finger if (SnapsToFinger) { CurrentEventCamera = eventData.pressEventCamera ?? CurrentEventCamera; Vector3 localStickPosition; Vector3 localBasePosition; RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle(_stickTransform, eventData.position, CurrentEventCamera, out localStickPosition); RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle(_baseTransform, eventData.position, CurrentEventCamera, out localBasePosition); float newX = localBasePosition.x; float newY = localBasePosition.y; if ((!swapped && localBasePosition.x < xClamp) || (swapped && localBasePosition.x > xClamp)) { newX = xClamp; //Debug.Log("CLAMPED"); } if (localBasePosition.y > yTopClamp) { newY = yTopClamp; //Debug.Log("CLAMPED"); } if (localBasePosition.y < yBotClamp) { newY = yBotClamp; //Debug.Log("CLAMPED"); } //Debug.Log(GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.height); _baseTransform.position = new Vector3(newX, newY, 0); _stickTransform.position = new Vector3(newX, newY, 0); _intermediateStickPosition = _stickTransform.anchoredPosition; OnDrag(eventData); } else { OnDrag(eventData); } // We also want to show it if we specified that behaviour if (HideOnRelease) { Hide(false); } } //afk manager- onTouchAction(); }
private async void ConfirmBtn_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (ContactNoEntry.Text == null) { // Use default vibration length Vibration.Vibrate(); codeFrame.BorderColor = Color.Red; codeFrameshakeAnimation(); } else { string code = ContactNoEntry.Text.Replace(" ", "").Trim(); if (code.Length < 6) { Vibration.Vibrate(); codeFrame.BorderColor = Color.Red; codeFrameshakeAnimation(); ContactNoEntry.Text = null; } else { request.ClientId = Constants.ClientId; request.CustomerId = Constants.cutomerAuthContext.CustomerId; request.Email = Constants.cutomerAuthContext.CustomerEmail; request.ConfirmationCode = code; bool busy = false; if (!busy) { try { busy = true; await PopupNavigation.Instance.PushAsync(new LoadingPopup("Loading details...")); await Task.Run(async() => { try { response = checkConfirmEmailAddress(request); } catch (Exception ex) { await PopupNavigation.Instance.PushAsync(new Error_popup(ex.Message)); } }); } finally { busy = false; if (PopupNavigation.Instance.PopupStack.Count == 1) { await PopupNavigation.Instance.PopAllAsync(); } if (PopupNavigation.Instance.PopupStack.Count > 1) { if (PopupNavigation.Instance.PopupStack[PopupNavigation.Instance.PopupStack.Count - 1].GetType() != typeof(ErrorWithClosePagePopup)) { await PopupNavigation.Instance.PopAllAsync(); } } if (response != null) { if (response.refId == 1) { if (App.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("CustomerId")) { App.Current.Properties["CustomerId"] = customerId; } else { App.Current.Properties.Add("CustomerId", customerId); } if (fromVal == 1) { await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new EmailonfirmSuccess(confirmationType, fromVal)); } else { await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new EmailonfirmSuccess(confirmationType)); } } else if (response.refId == 2) { await PopupNavigation.Instance.PushAsync(new Error_popup("Sorry, your confirmation code was expired. Please resend code. ")); } else { await PopupNavigation.Instance.PushAsync(new Error_popup("Invalid confirmation code")); } } else { await PopupNavigation.Instance.PushAsync(new Error_popup("Something went wrong, Please try again.")); } } } } } } catch (FeatureNotSupportedException ex) { // Feature not supported on device } catch (Exception ex) { // Other error has occurred. } //Navigation.PushAsync(new EmailonfirmSuccess()); }
void Jump() { if (tr.position.y >= 0.7f) { //stayEnd = false; return; } if (isJumping == true) { isJumping = false; SoundManager.Instance.PlaySound(eSound.Jump, 0); //SoundManager.Instance.PlaySound(eSound.Jump.ToString(), false, GameManager.Instance.AudioVolume); gage -= 10; GameManager.Instance.SetGagebar(gage / 100); if (firstJump == true) { currJumpPower = jumpPower; rigid.AddForce((Vector3.up * upPower + Vector3.forward * forwardPower) * currJumpPower, ForceMode.Impulse); firstJump = false; StartCoroutine("cor_FirstJump"); return; } if (tr.position.y >= 0.4f) { currJumpPower = jumpPower * 0.9f; upPower *= 0.97f; GameManager.Instance.SetJudgement(eJudgement.Excellent); // 진동 if (GameManager.Instance.IsVibration == true) { Vibration.Vibrate(GameManager.Instance.vibrationValue); } } else if (tr.position.y >= -0.1f) { currJumpPower = jumpPower * 0.8f; upPower *= 0.9f; GameManager.Instance.SetJudgement(eJudgement.Good); // 진동 if (GameManager.Instance.IsVibration == true) { Vibration.Vibrate((int)(GameManager.Instance.vibrationValue * 0.5f)); } } else { GameManager.Instance.SetJudgement(eJudgement.Fail); StartCoroutine(GameManager.Instance.GameOver()); return; } if (jumpCount < 2) { jumpCount++; } rigid.velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); rigid.AddForce((Vector3.up * upPower + Vector3.forward * forwardPower) * currJumpPower, ForceMode.Impulse); if (forwardPower < 15f) { forwardPower += speedIncreaseValue; } if (gage < 30) { upPower *= halfLife; } if (gage <= 0) { isFever = true; jumpCount = 0; } } }
private async Task <bool> CheckUser() { AccessLoading.IsVisible = true; try { try { DeviceConfig con = await GoodsRecieveingApp.App.Database.GetConfig(); if (con != null) { GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.APIPath = con.DefaultAPI; } } catch { } RestClient client = new RestClient(); string path = "GetUser"; //client.BaseUrl = new Uri("" + path); client.BaseUrl = new Uri(GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.APIPath + path); { string str = $"GET?UserName={txfUserBarcode.Text}"; var Request = new RestRequest(str, Method.GET); var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var res = await client.ExecuteAsync(Request, cancellationTokenSource.Token); if (res.IsSuccessful && res.Content.Contains("UserName")) { DataSet myds = new DataSet(); myds = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DataSet>(res.Content); foreach (DataRow row in myds.Tables[0].Rows) { GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.UserName = row["UserName"].ToString(); GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.UserCode = Convert.ToInt32(row["Id"].ToString()); GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.fReceive = Convert.ToBoolean(row["fReceive"]); GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.fRepack = Convert.ToBoolean(row["fRepack"]); GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.fInvCount = Convert.ToBoolean(row["fInvCount"]); GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.fWhTrf = Convert.ToBoolean(row["fWhTrf"]); GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.fPickPack = Convert.ToBoolean(row["fPickPack"]); GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.AuthWHTrf = Convert.ToBoolean(row["AuthWHTrf"]); GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.AuthReceive = Convert.ToBoolean(row["AuthReceive"]); GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.AuthDispatch = Convert.ToBoolean(row["AuthDispatch"]); GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.PickChecker = Convert.ToBoolean(row["PickChecker"]); GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.SystAdmin = Convert.ToBoolean(row["SystAdmin"]); GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.CreateInvCount = Convert.ToBoolean(row["CreateInvCount"]); GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.CloseInvCount = Convert.ToBoolean(row["CloseInvCount"]); //GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.CanPartRec = Convert.ToBoolean(row["CanPartReceive"]); GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.PSCollect = Convert.ToBoolean(row["PSCollect"]); } _ = GetInfo(); await Navigation.PushAsync(new MainPage()); AccessLoading.IsVisible = false; return(true); } else { AccessLoading.IsVisible = false; Vibration.Vibrate(); var result = await DisplayAlert("Error invalid access", "Could not get user access" + Environment.NewLine + "Would you like to edit the API path?", "Yes", "No"); if (result) { DeviceConfig con = new DeviceConfig(); bool isNew = false; try { con = await GoodsRecieveingApp.App.Database.GetConfig(); } catch { isNew = true; con.DefaultAPI = ""; } var PathVal = await DisplayPromptAsync("Change API path", "Enter the API path here", "OK", "Cancel", con.DefaultAPI); if (PathVal != "Cancel" && PathVal != "OK" && PathVal.Length > 4) { con.DefaultAPI = PathVal; if (isNew) { await GoodsRecieveingApp.App.Database.Insert(con); } else { await GoodsRecieveingApp.App.Database.Update(con); } } } //message.DisplayMessage("Error - " + res.ErrorMessage, true); return(false); } } } catch { AccessLoading.IsVisible = false; message.DisplayMessage("Invalid user!", true); Vibration.Vibrate(); return(false); } }
private void ButtonVibrate_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { Vibration.Vibrate(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(SliderTime.Value)); }
public void TapVibrate() { Vibration.Vibrate(); }
private async Task <bool> CheckWithSQL() { int QTY = 0; string itemcode = currentItem.ItemCode; if (Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet) { RestClient client = new RestClient(); string path = "ItemQOH"; client.BaseUrl = new Uri(GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.APIPath + path); { string stri = InvLandingPage.WH; string str = $"GET?WH={InvLandingPage.WH}&ItemCode={itemcode}"; var Request = new RestRequest(str, Method.GET); var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var res = await client.ExecuteAsync(Request, cancellationTokenSource.Token); if (!res.IsSuccessful || res.Content == null) { Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("Item not found", true); return(true); } else { QTY = Convert.ToInt32(Double.Parse(res.Content, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); } } } else { Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("Please recconect to the internet", true); return(true); } SetQty(); if (currentItem.isFirst) { if (currentItem.FirstScanQty == QTY) { items.Where(x => x.BarCode == currentItem.BarCode).First().Complete = true; items.Where(x => x.BarCode == currentItem.BarCode).First().FinalQTY = items.Where(x => x.BarCode == currentItem.BarCode).First().FirstScanQty; await DisplayAlert("Complete!", "QTY DID MATCH!", "OK"); } else { items.Where(x => x.BarCode == currentItem.BarCode).First().FinalQTY = items.Where(x => x.BarCode == currentItem.BarCode).First().FirstScanQty; items.Where(x => x.BarCode == currentItem.BarCode).First().isFirst = false; Vibration.Vibrate(); await DisplayAlert("Error", "QTY DID NOT MATCH\nPlease recount now!", "OK"); } } else { if (currentItem.SecondScanQty == QTY) { items.Where(x => x.BarCode == currentItem.BarCode).First().Complete = true; items.Where(x => x.BarCode == currentItem.BarCode).First().FinalQTY = items.Where(x => x.BarCode == currentItem.BarCode).First().SecondScanQty; await DisplayAlert("Complete!", "QTY DID MATCH!", "OK"); } else { items.Where(x => x.BarCode == currentItem.BarCode).First().Complete = true; items.Where(x => x.BarCode == currentItem.BarCode).First().FinalQTY = items.Where(x => x.BarCode == currentItem.BarCode).First().SecondScanQty; //await Navigation.PushAsync(new AcceptScanPage(currentItem,QTY)); } } if (Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet) { if (!await SendData()) { Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("Could not update the database", true); } } else { Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("No Internet Connection", true); } Navigation.InsertPageBefore(new CountPage(countID), Navigation.NavigationStack[3]); await Navigation.PopAsync(); return(true); }
public void TapVibrateCustom() //Android { Debug.Log(inputTime.text); Vibration.Vibrate(int.Parse(inputTime.text)); }
// Update is called once per frame private void Update() { // transform.localRotation = baseRotation * GyroManager.Instance.GetRotation(); // Quaternion quat = GyroManager.Instance.GetRotation(); if (solved == false) { Vector3 rot = GyroManager.Instance.GetRotation().eulerAngles; // int jump = (int)Math.Floor((rot.z - 15/2)/15)*15; int jump = (int)Math.Floor((rot.z) / degJump) * degJump; //Debug.Log("jump" + jump + " prevJump" + prevJump + " z-angle:" + rot.z); if (prevJump != degJump / 3 && prevJump != jump) { transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, (float)jump) * baseRotation; //double winPos = (180/Math.PI) * (solution*15); // the random // double winPos = Math.PI/4; // win position is hard coded to be at 225 deg now, can be changed to be dynamic somehow. double sineValue = Math.Sin(((Math.PI / 180) * jump - (Math.PI + (Math.PI / 180) * (double)winPos)) / 2.0); Debug.Log("sine: " + sineValue); audioSource.pitch = 1f + (float)Math.Pow(sineValue, 32.0) + (float)Math.Pow(sineValue, 4.0); // Debug.Log("pitch: " + audioSource.pitch); audioSource.PlayOneShot(clip, 0.5f); // To make the vibrations stronger closer to the goal: // double vibe = 20 + 0.5 * ((float)Math.Pow(sineValue, 32.0) + (float)Math.Pow(sineValue, 4.0)) * 235; // Vibration.Vibrate(15, (int)vibe, false); // To make the vibrations constant: // Vibration.Vibrate(15, 100, false); } // if(jump == 225){ // if(prevJump != 225){ if (jump == winPos) { if (prevJump != winPos) { //Debug.Log("jump: " + jump); start = System.DateTime.Now; Vibration.Vibrate(5, 255, false); //Debug.Log("winPos reached: " + System.DateTime.Now); } // int timeDiff = System.DateTime.Now - start; System.TimeSpan timeDiff = System.DateTime.Now - start; //Debug.Log("timeDiff: " + timeDiff); if (timeDiff.Seconds >= 3) { solved = true; } } prevJump = jump; } else if (unloading == false) { unloading = true; Debug.Log("You opened the safe! Clue collected."); ClueMessage.SetActive(true); StartCoroutine(UnloadVaultSceneAsync()); } }
public void TapVibratePattern() { long[] longs = inputPattern.text.Select(item => ( long )item).ToArray(); Debug.Log(longs + " " + int.Parse(inputRepeat.text)); Vibration.Vibrate(longs, int.Parse(inputRepeat.text)); }
private async void txfItemCode_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txfItemCode.Text.Length != 0) { // txfItemCode.Text = GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.CalculateCheckDigit(txfItemCode.Text); if (txfItemCode.Text.Length == 8) { BOMItem bi = new BOMItem(); try { bi = await GoodsRecieveingApp.App.Database.GetBOMItem(txfItemCode.Text); } catch { Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("Error! No Item with this code", true); txfItemCode.Text = ""; txfItemCode.Focus(); return; } if (await CheckOrderItemCode(bi.ItemCode)) { List <DocLine> docs = (await GoodsRecieveingApp.App.Database.GetSpecificDocsAsync(txfSOCode.Text)).Where(x => x.ItemCode == bi.ItemCode).ToList(); int i = docs.Sum(x => x.ScanAccQty); if (i + bi.Qty <= docs.First().ItemQty) { DocLine docline = new DocLine { Balacnce = 0, Complete = "No", DocNum = txfSOCode.Text, isRejected = false, ItemBarcode = docs.First().ItemBarcode, ItemDesc = docs.First().ItemDesc, ItemCode = docs.First().ItemCode, ItemQty = docs.First().ItemQty, PalletNum = currentPallet, ScanAccQty = bi.Qty }; await GoodsRecieveingApp.App.Database.Insert(docline); await RefreshList(); } else { Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("All of this item have been scanned for this order", true); } } else { Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("This Item is not on this order", true); } } else { if (await CheckOrderBarcode(txfItemCode.Text)) { List <DocLine> docs = (await GoodsRecieveingApp.App.Database.GetSpecificDocsAsync(txfSOCode.Text)).Where(x => x.ItemBarcode == txfItemCode.Text).ToList(); int i = docs.Sum(x => x.ScanAccQty); if (i + 1 <= docs.First().ItemQty) { DocLine docline = new DocLine { Balacnce = 0, Complete = "No", DocNum = txfSOCode.Text, isRejected = false, ItemBarcode = txfItemCode.Text, ItemDesc = docs.First().ItemDesc, ItemCode = docs.First().ItemCode, ItemQty = docs.First().ItemQty, PalletNum = currentPallet, ScanAccQty = 1 }; await GoodsRecieveingApp.App.Database.Insert(docline); await RefreshList(); } else { Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("All of this item have been scanned for this order", true); } } else { Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("This Item is not on this order", true); } } if (await CompleteCheck()) { btnComplete.IsVisible = true; } else { btnComplete.IsVisible = false; } txfItemCode.Text = ""; txfItemCode.Focus(); } }
public void FourthSub(string txt) { string fourthIndex = txt; //fourthIndex if (fourthIndex.Equals("a") || fourthIndex.Equals("A")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("b") || fourthIndex.Equals("B")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("c") || fourthIndex.Equals("C")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("d") || fourthIndex.Equals("D")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("e") || fourthIndex.Equals("E")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("f") || fourthIndex.Equals("F")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("g") || fourthIndex.Equals("G")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("h") || fourthIndex.Equals("H")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("i") || fourthIndex.Equals("I")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("j") || fourthIndex.Equals("J")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("k") || fourthIndex.Equals("K")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("l") || fourthIndex.Equals("L")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("m") || fourthIndex.Equals("M")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("n") || fourthIndex.Equals("N")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("o") || fourthIndex.Equals("O")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("p") || fourthIndex.Equals("P")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("q") || fourthIndex.Equals("Q")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("r") || fourthIndex.Equals("R")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("s") || fourthIndex.Equals("S")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("t") || fourthIndex.Equals("T")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("u") || fourthIndex.Equals("U")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("v") || fourthIndex.Equals("V")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("w") || fourthIndex.Equals("W")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("x") || fourthIndex.Equals("X")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("y") || fourthIndex.Equals("Y")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (fourthIndex.Equals("z") || fourthIndex.Equals("Z")) { Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration2); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); Vibration.Vibrate(duration1); Thread.Sleep(1000); } }
private async void txfSOCode_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet) { if (txfSOCode.Text.Length != 0) { LodingIndiactor.IsVisible = true; if (await GetItems(txfSOCode.Text.ToUpper())) { if (!await PalletCheck(txfSOCode.Text)) { LodingIndiactor.IsVisible = false; txfSOCode.Text = ""; txfSOCode.Focus(); } DocLine d = (await GoodsRecieveingApp.App.Database.GetSpecificDocsAsync(txfSOCode.Text)).First(); txfSOCode.IsEnabled = false; txfSOCode.IsVisible = false; lblSOCode.IsVisible = false; try { await GoodsRecieveingApp.App.Database.Delete(await GoodsRecieveingApp.App.Database.GetHeader(d.DocNum)); } catch { } await GoodsRecieveingApp.App.Database.Insert(new DocHeader { DocNum = txfSOCode.Text, PackerUser = GoodsRecieveingApp.MainPage.UserCode, AccName = d.SupplierName, AcctCode = d.SupplierCode }); LodingIndiactor.IsVisible = false; SOCodeLayout.IsVisible = false; ItemCodeLayout.IsVisible = true; AddSoLayout.IsVisible = true; GridLayout.IsVisible = true; string SONumbers = await GetAllSONumbers(currentPallet); if (SONumbers == "") { SONumbers = txfSOCode.Text + "|"; } List <string> codes = new List <string>(); foreach (ToolbarItem items in this.ToolbarItems) { codes.Add(items.Text); } foreach (string str in SONumbers.Split('|')) { if (str.Length > 1) { if (!codes.Contains(str)) { ToolbarItem item = new ToolbarItem { Text = str, Order = ToolbarItemOrder.Secondary }; item.Clicked += btnViewSO_Clicked; this.ToolbarItems.Add(item); } } } await RefreshList(); txfItemCode.Focus(); } else { txfSOCode.Text = ""; txfSOCode.Focus(); } } } else { Vibration.Vibrate(); message.DisplayMessage("No Internet Connection", true); txfSOCode.Text = ""; txfSOCode.Focus(); } }
async private void Button2_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { Vibration.Vibrate(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.03)); await Navigation.PushAsync(new Register()); }
public Basket() { ProductBasket.prodlist.Clear(); ProductBasket.sumlist.Clear(); ProductBasket.list.Clear(); InitializeComponent(); Product p = DbWorking.ViewToBasket(0); if (p == null) { ProdEmpty(); } else { Frame frame = new Frame { BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#F8F8F8"), Padding = new Thickness(20, 10, 20, 10), VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, HasShadow = false }; Button button = new Button { FontSize = 16, FontFamily = "Ubuntu-Bold.ttf#Ubuntu", Text = $"Оформить заказ на {ProductBasket.buttonText} р.\nДоставка = 0 р.", TextTransform = 0, TextColor = Color.White, BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#b39afd"), CornerRadius = 8, HeightRequest = 60 }; button.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { Vibration.Vibrate(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.03)); int check = DbWorking.CheckIO(); if (check == 0) { DisplayActionSheet("Кондитер", "Ок", null, "Ошибка! Для оплаты товара, необходимо зайти в учетную запись."); return; } Navigation.PushAsync(new BasketList()); }; frame.Content = button; StackLayout st = new StackLayout { Spacing = 0, }; foreach (Grid grid in ProductBasket.list) { st.Children.Add(grid); st.Children.Add(new Line { Margin = new Thickness(0, 10, 0, 0), HeightRequest = 0.2, X1 = 400, Stroke = Brush.LightGray, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }); } StackLayout stackLayout = new StackLayout { BackgroundColor = Color.White, Children = { st } }; ScrollView scrollView = new ScrollView { Content = stackLayout }; StackLayout stack = new StackLayout { BackgroundColor = Color.White, Spacing = 0, Children = { scrollView, frame } }; Content = stack; } }
private async void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Boton.Text.Equals("Finalizar Viaje")) { var myHttpClient = new HttpClient(); Archivo d = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Archivo>(TextoJson); var formContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary <string, string> { }); var uri = new Uri("" + d.idEmpresa + "&idVehiculo=" + d.idVehiculo + "&codigo=" + this.TxtCodReserva.Text); var codigoRespuesta = myHttpClient.PostAsync(uri.ToString(), formContent).Result; // Use default vibration length Vibration.Vibrate(); // Or use specified time var duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); Vibration.Vibrate(duration); if (codigoRespuesta.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { //Controlamos la respuesta de la api aTimer.Stop(); //a2Timer.Stop(); var responseString = await codigoRespuesta.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); RespuestaJsonFinViaje des = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RespuestaJsonFinViaje>(responseString); lblPrueba1.Text = "Ha finalizado su viaje!! "; lblPrueba1.TextColor = Color.Green; lblPrueba2.Text = "El viaje salió $" + des.precio + "."; lblPrueba2.TextColor = Color.Green; lblPrueba3.Text = "Vuelva pronto!!"; lblPrueba3.TextColor = Color.Green; } else { lblPrueba.Text = "Error al consumir el servicio codigo : " + codigoRespuesta.StatusCode.ToString(); } } else { // comenzar viaje var myHttpClient = new HttpClient(); // var uri = new Uri(""); Archivo d = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Archivo>(TextoJson); var formContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary <string, string> { }); var uri = new Uri("" + d.idEmpresa + "&idVehiculo=" + d.idVehiculo + "&codigo=" + this.TxtCodReserva.Text); var codigoRespuesta = myHttpClient.PostAsync(uri.ToString(), formContent).Result; if (codigoRespuesta.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { //Controlamos la respuesta de la api var responseString = await codigoRespuesta.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); RespuestaJsonInicioViaje des = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RespuestaJsonInicioViaje>(responseString); if (!(des.result.Equals("false"))) { Boton.Text = "Finalizar Viaje"; TxtCodReserva.IsEnabled = false; Color color1 = Color.Red; Boton.BackgroundColor = color1; Color color2 = Color.Black; Boton.TextColor = color2; Color color3 = Color.Green; lblCron.TextColor = color3; aTimer = new Timer(); aTimer.Interval = 1000; aTimer.Elapsed += OnTimedEvent; aTimer.Start(); /*aTimer2 = new Timer(); * aTimer2.Interval = 1000; * aTimer2.Elapsed += OnTimedEvent2; * * aTimer2.Start(); */ } else { lblPrueba.Text = "No existe el código de reserva"; } } else { lblPrueba.Text = "Error al consumir WS: " + codigoRespuesta; } } }