public void VerifyRegionIncludeWhitespaceFixup2()
            string value    = @"Hello
    #begin foo
            string expected = @"Hello

            byte[]       valueBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
            MemoryStream input      = new MemoryStream(valueBytes);
            MemoryStream output     = new MemoryStream();

            IOperationProvider[] operations = { new Region("#begin", "#end", true, false, true, null) };
            EngineConfig         cfg        = new EngineConfig(EnvironmentSettings, VariableCollection.Environment(EnvironmentSettings), "${0}$");
            IProcessor           processor  = Processor.Create(cfg, operations);

            //Changes should be made
            bool changed = processor.Run(input, output);

            Verify(Encoding.UTF8, output, changed, value, expected);
        public void VerifyTornPageInCloseSeekRegion()
            string value    = @"Hello
    #begin foo
            string expected = @"Hello

            byte[]       valueBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
            MemoryStream input      = new MemoryStream(valueBytes);
            MemoryStream output     = new MemoryStream();

            IOperationProvider[] operations = { new Region("#begin", "#end", false, true, true) };
            EngineConfig         cfg        = new EngineConfig(VariableCollection.Environment(), "${0}$");
            IProcessor           processor  = Processor.Create(cfg, operations);

            //Changes should be made
            bool changed = processor.Run(input, output, 28);

            Verify(Encoding.UTF8, output, changed, value, expected);
        public VsTemplateGlobalRunSpec(IParameterSet parameters, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> pathMap, IReadOnlyList <string> copyOnly)
            _pathMap = pathMap;
            _special = new Dictionary <IPathMatcher, IRunSpec>(copyOnly.Count);

            foreach (string copyOnlyFile in copyOnly)
                _special[new SpecificFilesMatcher(new[] { copyOnlyFile })] = new NoOpRunSpec();

            string registeredOrganization;

            using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine?.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"))
                registeredOrganization = key?.GetValue("RegisteredOrganization", "")?.ToString() ?? "";

            VariableCollection sys = new VariableCollection(VariableCollection.Environment(true, false, "${0}$"))
                ["$year$"] = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(),
                ["$registeredorganization$"] = registeredOrganization,
                ["$targetframeworkversion$"] = "4.6",
                ["$machinename$"]            = Environment.MachineName,
                ["$clrVersion$"]             = typeof(VsTemplateGenerator).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.ImageRuntimeVersion,
                ["$registeredorganization$"] = registeredOrganization,
                ["$time$"] = DateTime.Now.ToString("G"),
                ["$specificsolutionname$"] = "",
                ["$webnamespace$"]         = ""

            for (int i = 0; i < 11; ++i)
                sys[$"$guid{i}$"] = Guid.NewGuid();

            VariableCollection vc = new VariableCollection(sys);

            foreach (ITemplateParameter param in parameters.Parameters)
                if (param.Priority != TemplateParameterPriority.Required)
                    vc[$"${param.Name}$"] = param.DefaultValue;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <ITemplateParameter, string> param in parameters.ParameterValues)
                vc[$"${param.Key.Name}$"] = param.Value;

            RootVariableCollection = vc;
        public void TestLookAroundMatches()
            string value    = @"aababcabcacc";
            string expected = @"aaba!cabcacc";

            byte[]       valueBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
            MemoryStream input      = new MemoryStream(valueBytes);
            MemoryStream output     = new MemoryStream();

            IOperationProvider[] operations = { new Replacement("b".TokenConfigBuilder().OnlyIfBefore("cab").OnlyIfAfter("ba"), "!", null, true) };
            EngineConfig         cfg        = new EngineConfig(EnvironmentSettings, VariableCollection.Environment(EnvironmentSettings), "${0}$");
            IProcessor           processor  = Processor.Create(cfg, operations);

            //Changes should be made
            bool changed = processor.Run(input, output, 1);

            Verify(Encoding.UTF8, output, changed, value, expected);
        public void VerifyVariables()
            string value    = @"test %PATH% test";
            string expected = @"test " + Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH") + " test";

            byte[]       valueBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
            MemoryStream input      = new MemoryStream(valueBytes);
            MemoryStream output     = new MemoryStream();

            IOperationProvider[] operations = { new ExpandVariables() };
            EngineConfig         cfg        = new EngineConfig(VariableCollection.Environment(), "%{0}%");
            IProcessor           processor  = Processor.Create(cfg, operations);

            //Changes should be made
            bool changed = processor.Run(input, output);

            Verify(Encoding.UTF8, output, changed, value, expected);
        public void VerifyTinyPageReplacement()
            string value    = @"test value test";
            string expected = @"test foo test";

            byte[]       valueBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
            MemoryStream input      = new MemoryStream(valueBytes);
            MemoryStream output     = new MemoryStream();

            IOperationProvider[] operations = { new Replacment("value", "foo") };
            EngineConfig         cfg        = new EngineConfig(VariableCollection.Environment(), "${0}$");
            IProcessor           processor  = Processor.Create(cfg, operations);

            //Changes should be made
            bool changed = processor.Run(input, output, 1);

            Verify(Encoding.UTF8, output, changed, value, expected);
        public void VerifyRegionExcludeToggle()
            string value    = @"test region value x test region bar";
            string expected = @"test  bar";

            byte[]       valueBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
            MemoryStream input      = new MemoryStream(valueBytes);
            MemoryStream output     = new MemoryStream();

            IOperationProvider[] operations = { new Region("region", "region", false, false, false) };
            EngineConfig         cfg        = new EngineConfig(VariableCollection.Environment(), "${0}$");
            IProcessor           processor  = Processor.Create(cfg, operations);

            //Changes should be made
            bool changed = processor.Run(input, output);

            Verify(Encoding.UTF8, output, changed, value, expected);
        public void VerifyRegionStrayEnd()
            string value    = @"test foo value bar foo";
            string expected = @"test   bar ";

            byte[]       valueBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
            MemoryStream input      = new MemoryStream(valueBytes);
            MemoryStream output     = new MemoryStream();

            IOperationProvider[] operations = { new Region("value", "foo", true, false, false, null) };
            EngineConfig         cfg        = new EngineConfig(EnvironmentSettings, VariableCollection.Environment(EnvironmentSettings), "${0}$");
            IProcessor           processor  = Processor.Create(cfg, operations);

            //Changes should be made
            bool changed = processor.Run(input, output);

            Verify(Encoding.UTF8, output, changed, value, expected);
        public void TestLongestActualWins()
            string value    = @"foobarbaz";
            string expected = @"testarbaz";

            byte[]       valueBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
            MemoryStream input      = new MemoryStream(valueBytes);
            MemoryStream output     = new MemoryStream();

            IOperationProvider[] operations =
                new Replacement("foob".TokenConfigBuilder().OnlyIfBefore("arbaz"), "test",  null, true),
                new Replacement("foo".TokenConfigBuilder().OnlyIfBefore("barbaz"), "test2", null, true)
            EngineConfig cfg       = new EngineConfig(EnvironmentSettings, VariableCollection.Environment(EnvironmentSettings), "${0}$");
            IProcessor   processor = Processor.Create(cfg, operations);

            //Changes should be made
            bool changed = processor.Run(input, output, 1);

            Verify(Encoding.UTF8, output, changed, value, expected);
        public void TestReadAheadBreaksLookBehinds()
            string value    = @"footbarbaz";
            string expected = @"barbaz";

            byte[]       valueBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
            MemoryStream input      = new MemoryStream(valueBytes);
            MemoryStream output     = new MemoryStream();

            IOperationProvider[] operations =
                new MockOperationProvider(new MockOperation(null,               ReadaheadOneByte, true, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("foo"))),
                new Replacement("bar".TokenConfigBuilder().OnlyIfAfter("foot"), "b",              null, true)
            EngineConfig cfg       = new EngineConfig(EnvironmentSettings, VariableCollection.Environment(EnvironmentSettings), "${0}$");
            IProcessor   processor = Processor.Create(cfg, operations);

            //Changes should be made
            bool changed = processor.Run(input, output, 1);

            Verify(Encoding.UTF8, output, changed, value, expected);
        public void TestLookBehindCoveringMatchedValueGetsMatched()
            string value    = @"foobarbaz";
            string expected = @"fooba";

            byte[]       valueBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
            MemoryStream input      = new MemoryStream(valueBytes);
            MemoryStream output     = new MemoryStream();

            IOperationProvider[] operations =
                new Replacement("baz".TokenConfigBuilder().OnlyIfAfter("foobar"), "a", null, true),
                new Replacement("bar".TokenConfigBuilder().OnlyIfAfter("foo"),    "b", null, true)
            EngineConfig cfg       = new EngineConfig(_engineEnvironmentSettings, VariableCollection.Environment(_engineEnvironmentSettings), "${0}$");
            IProcessor   processor = Processor.Create(cfg, operations);

            //Changes should be made
            bool changed = processor.Run(input, output, 1);

            Verify(Encoding.UTF8, output, changed, value, expected);
        public void TestLookaroundMatchLengthBehavior()
            string value    = @"background-color:white;
            string expected = @"background-color:blue;

            byte[]       valueBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
            MemoryStream input      = new MemoryStream(valueBytes);
            MemoryStream output     = new MemoryStream();

            IOperationProvider[] operations =
                new Replacement("white".TokenConfigBuilder().OnlyIfBefore(";").OnlyIfAfter("background-color:"), "blue", null, true),
                new Replacement("white".TokenConfigBuilder().OnlyIfBefore(";").OnlyIfAfter("color:"),            "red",  null, true)
            EngineConfig cfg       = new EngineConfig(EnvironmentSettings, VariableCollection.Environment(EnvironmentSettings), "${0}$");
            IProcessor   processor = Processor.Create(cfg, operations);

            //Changes should be made
            bool changed = processor.Run(input, output, 1);

            Verify(Encoding.UTF8, output, changed, value, expected);
        public void VerifyRegionIncludeWhitespaceFixup()
            string value    = @"test value value x test foo bar";
            string expected = @"testx testbar";

            byte[]       valueBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
            MemoryStream input      = new MemoryStream(valueBytes);
            MemoryStream output     = new MemoryStream();

            IOperationProvider[] operations = { new Region("value".TokenConfig(), "foo".TokenConfig(), true, false, true, null, true) };
            EngineConfig         cfg        = new EngineConfig(_engineEnvironmentSettings.Host.Logger, VariableCollection.Environment(_engineEnvironmentSettings), "${0}$");
            IProcessor           processor  = Processor.Create(cfg, operations);

            //Changes should be made
            bool changed = processor.Run(input, output);

            Verify(Encoding.UTF8, output, changed, value, expected);
        public void TestLookAroundsCanBeUsedForInsertion()
            string value    = @"foobaz";
            string expected = @"foobarbaz";

            byte[]       valueBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
            MemoryStream input      = new MemoryStream(valueBytes);
            MemoryStream output     = new MemoryStream();

            IOperationProvider[] operations =
                new Replacement("".TokenConfigBuilder().OnlyIfAfter("foo").OnlyIfBefore("baz"), "bar", null, true)
            EngineConfig cfg       = new EngineConfig(_engineEnvironmentSettings.Host.Logger, VariableCollection.Environment(_engineEnvironmentSettings), "${0}$");
            IProcessor   processor = Processor.Create(cfg, operations);

            //Changes should be made
            bool changed = processor.Run(input, output, 1);

            Verify(Encoding.UTF8, output, changed, value, expected);
        public void VerifyLongStreamNoReplacement()
            Random rnd = new Random();

            byte[] valueBytes = new byte[1024 * 1024];
            ChunkMemoryStream input  = new ChunkMemoryStream(valueBytes, 512);
            ChunkMemoryStream output = new ChunkMemoryStream(1024);

            IOperationProvider[] operations = Array.Empty <IOperationProvider>();
            EngineConfig         cfg        = new EngineConfig(_engineEnvironmentSettings.Host.Logger, VariableCollection.Environment(_engineEnvironmentSettings), "${0}$");
            IProcessor           processor  = Processor.Create(cfg, operations);

            processor.Run(input, output, 1024);
            Assert.Equal(input.Length, output.Length);

            int file1byte;
            int file2byte;

                file1byte = input.ReadByte();
                file2byte = output.ReadByte();
            }while ((file1byte == file2byte) && (file1byte != -1));
            Assert.Equal(0, file1byte - file2byte);
        public void VerifyTinyPageRegion()
            string value    = @"Hello
    #begin foo
            string expected = @"Hello

            byte[]       valueBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
            MemoryStream input      = new MemoryStream(valueBytes);
            MemoryStream output     = new MemoryStream();

            IOperationProvider[] operations = { new Region("#begin".TokenConfig(), "#end".TokenConfig(), true, true, true, null, true) };
            EngineConfig         cfg        = new EngineConfig(_engineEnvironmentSettings.Host.Logger, VariableCollection.Environment(_engineEnvironmentSettings), "${0}$");
            IProcessor           processor  = Processor.Create(cfg, operations);

            //Changes should be made
            bool changed = processor.Run(input, output, 1);

            Verify(Encoding.UTF8, output, changed, value, expected);
        public void VerifyLongStreamWithReplacementBeforeAfter()
            string value    = @"test valueA before valueA after valueB valueB";
            string expected = @"test foo before valueA after bar valueB";

            StringBuilder valueBuilder    = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder expectedBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
            value    = valueBuilder.ToString();
            expected = expectedBuilder.ToString();

            byte[]            valueBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
            ChunkMemoryStream input      = new ChunkMemoryStream(valueBytes, 10);
            ChunkMemoryStream output     = new ChunkMemoryStream(10);

            IOperationProvider[] operations =
                new Replacement("valueA".TokenConfigBuilder().OnlyIfBefore(" before"), "foo", null, true),
                new Replacement("valueB".TokenConfigBuilder().OnlyIfAfter("after "),   "bar", null, true),
            EngineConfig cfg       = new EngineConfig(_engineEnvironmentSettings.Host.Logger, VariableCollection.Environment(_engineEnvironmentSettings), "${0}$");
            IProcessor   processor = Processor.Create(cfg, operations);

            //Changes should be made
            bool changed = processor.Run(input, output, 1000);

            Verify(Encoding.UTF8, output, changed, value, expected);
        private VariableCollection HandleVariables(IParameterSet parameters, JObject data, List <IOperationProvider> result, bool allParameters = false)
            VariableCollection vc = VariableCollection.Root();
            JToken             expandToken;

            if (data.TryGetValue("expand", out expandToken) && expandToken.Type == JTokenType.Boolean && expandToken.ToObject <bool>())
                result?.Add(new ExpandVariables());

            JObject sources        = (JObject)data["sources"];
            string  fallbackFormat = data["fallbackFormat"]?.ToString();
            Dictionary <string, VariableCollection> collections = new Dictionary <string, VariableCollection>();

            foreach (JProperty prop in sources.Properties())
                VariableCollection c      = null;
                string             format = prop.Value.ToString();

                switch (prop.Name)
                case "environment":
                    c = VariableCollection.Environment(format);

                    if (fallbackFormat != null)
                        c = VariableCollection.Environment(c, fallbackFormat);

                case "user":
                    c = ProduceUserVariablesCollection(parameters, format, allParameters);

                    if (fallbackFormat != null)
                        VariableCollection d = ProduceUserVariablesCollection(parameters, fallbackFormat, allParameters);
                        d.Parent = c;
                        c        = d;

                collections[prop.Name] = c;

            foreach (JToken order in ((JArray)data["order"]).Children())
                VariableCollection current = collections[order.ToString()];

                VariableCollection tmp = current;
                while (tmp.Parent != null)
                    tmp = tmp.Parent;

                tmp.Parent = vc;
                vc         = current;
