        private static void showDayEvents(Core core, Primitive owner, int year, int month, int day, VariableCollection weekVariableCollection, List<Event> events)
            VariableCollection dayVariableCollection = weekVariableCollection.CreateChild("day");
            dayVariableCollection.Parse("DATE", day.ToString());
            dayVariableCollection.Parse("URI", Calendar.BuildDateUri(core, owner, year, month, day));

            DateTime now = core.Tz.Now;
            if (year == now.Year && month == now.Month && day == now.Day)
                dayVariableCollection.Parse("CLASS", "today");

            bool hasEvents = false;

            List<Event> expired = new List<Event>();
            foreach (Event calendarEvent in events)
                // if the event starts after the end of the day, skip this day
                if (calendarEvent.GetStartTime(core.Tz).CompareTo(new DateTime(year, month, day, 23, 59, 59)) > 0)

                VariableCollection eventVariableCollection = dayVariableCollection.CreateChild("event");

                eventVariableCollection.Parse("TITLE", calendarEvent.Subject);
                if (calendarEvent.GetStartTime(core.Tz).Day != day)
                    eventVariableCollection.Parse("START_TIME", calendarEvent.GetStartTime(core.Tz).ToString("d MMMM h:mmt").ToLower());
                    eventVariableCollection.Parse("START_TIME", calendarEvent.GetStartTime(core.Tz).ToString("h:mmt").ToLower());
                eventVariableCollection.Parse("URI", calendarEvent.Uri);

                if (calendarEvent is BirthdayEvent)
                    BirthdayEvent birthdayEvent = (BirthdayEvent)calendarEvent;

                    eventVariableCollection.Parse("BIRTH_DATE", birthdayEvent.User.Profile.DateOfBirth.Day + " " + core.Tz.MonthToString(birthdayEvent.User.Profile.DateOfBirth.Month));

                hasEvents = true;

                // if the event ends before the end of the day, finish up the event
                if (calendarEvent.GetEndTime(core.Tz).CompareTo(new DateTime(year, month, day, 23, 59, 59)) <= 0)

            if (hasEvents)
                dayVariableCollection.Parse("EVENTS", "TRUE");

            foreach (Event calendarEvent in expired)
        private static void DisplayMiniCalendar(Core core, Template template, VariableCollection vc1, Primitive owner, int year, int month)
            int days = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month);
            DayOfWeek firstDay = new DateTime(year, month, 1).DayOfWeek;
            int offset = Calendar.GetFirstDayOfMonthOffset(firstDay);
            int weeks = (int)Math.Ceiling((days + offset) / 7.0);

            if (template != null)
                template.Parse("CURRENT_MONTH", core.Functions.IntToMonth(month));
                template.Parse("CURRENT_YEAR", year.ToString());
                vc1.Parse("MONTH", core.Functions.IntToMonth(month));
                vc1.Parse("U_MONTH", BuildMonthUri(core, owner, year, month));

            for (int week = 0; week < weeks; week++)
                VariableCollection weekVariableCollection;
                if (template != null)
                    weekVariableCollection = template.CreateChild("week");
                    weekVariableCollection = vc1.CreateChild("week");

                weekVariableCollection.Parse("WEEK", (week + 1).ToString());

                if (week + 1 == 1)
                    int daysPrev = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year - (month - 1) / 12, (month - 1) % 12 + 1);
                    for (int i = offset - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        int day = daysPrev - i;

                        VariableCollection dayVariableCollection = weekVariableCollection.CreateChild("day");
                        dayVariableCollection.Parse("DATE", day.ToString());
                        dayVariableCollection.Parse("URI", Calendar.BuildDateUri(core, owner, year - (month - 2) / 12, (month - 2) % 12 + 1, day));
                    for (int i = offset; i < 7; i++)
                        int day = i - offset + 1;

                        VariableCollection dayVariableCollection = weekVariableCollection.CreateChild("day");
                        dayVariableCollection.Parse("DATE", day.ToString());
                        dayVariableCollection.Parse("URI", Calendar.BuildDateUri(core, owner, year, month, day));
                else if (week + 1 == weeks)
                    for (int i = week * 7 - offset; i < days; i++)
                        int day = i + 1;

                        VariableCollection dayVariableCollection = weekVariableCollection.CreateChild("day");
                        dayVariableCollection.Parse("DATE", day.ToString());
                        dayVariableCollection.Parse("URI", Calendar.BuildDateUri(core, owner, year, month, day));
                    for (int i = 0; i < weeks * 7 - days - offset; i++)
                        int day = i + 1;

                        VariableCollection dayVariableCollection = weekVariableCollection.CreateChild("day");
                        dayVariableCollection.Parse("DATE", day.ToString());
                        dayVariableCollection.Parse("URI", Calendar.BuildDateUri(core, owner, year + (month) / 12, (month) % 12 + 1, day));
                    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                        int day = week * 7 + i + 1 - offset;

                        VariableCollection dayVariableCollection = weekVariableCollection.CreateChild("day");
                        dayVariableCollection.Parse("DATE", day.ToString());
                        dayVariableCollection.Parse("URI", Calendar.BuildDateUri(core, owner, year, month, day));