        public VarStruct(string typeString, VarLocation location) : base(typeString)
            // Set our struct definition
            string canonicalName = VarParser.GetEnumOrStructCanonicalName(typeString);

            if (!AstParser._structsByCanonicalName.TryGetValue(canonicalName, out var structDefinition))
                throw new ArgumentException("Could not find struct definition for parsed canonical name.");

            // Set our obtained struct definition.
            StructDefinition = structDefinition;

            // Obtain our struct members.
            Members = StructDefinition.Members.Select(x => new StateVariable(x)).ToArray();

            // Resolve all of the storage locations for these state variables.
            StorageLocation endLocation = StorageManager.ResolveStorageSlots(Members);

            // Obtain our next free slot based off of our end location.
            int nextFreeSlot = (int)endLocation.SlotKeyInteger;

            if (endLocation.DataOffset > 0)

            // Our next free slot signifies our used storage entry count to that point.

            // Initialize our bounds
            InitializeBounds(nextFreeSlot, UInt256.SIZE, location);
        public VarEnum(string typeString) : base(typeString)
            // Set our enum definition
            string canonicalName = VarParser.GetEnumOrStructCanonicalName(typeString);

            if (!AstParser._enumsByCanonicalName.TryGetValue(canonicalName, out var enumDefinition))
                throw new ArgumentException("Could not find enum definition for parsed canonical name.");

            // Set our obtained struct definition.
            EnumDefinition = enumDefinition;

            // Determine how many bytes is needed to address the enum. The enum size is
            // dependent on the amount of bytes needed to index all enum options.
            int enumSize           = 0;
            int highestMemberIndex = EnumDefinition.Members.Length - 1;

            while (highestMemberIndex > 0)
                // Add one to our byte count, and shift over.
                highestMemberIndex >>= 8;

            // Initialize our bounds
            InitializeBounds(1, enumSize);