public List <string> GetAutoTHSTerm(string criteria, string delivery, string criteriaType) { List <string> _leadTermList = new List <string>(); _cmd = new SqlCommand($"select leadterm from [dbo].[THSTerm] where LeadTerm like '%{criteria}%' and IsApproved = 'Y'", _conn); try { _conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = _cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { _leadTermList.Add(reader[0].ToString()); } } catch (Exception) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("Exception while fetching the THSTerm List"); throw; } finally { _conn.Close(); _cmd.Dispose(); } return(_leadTermList); }
public ArrayList GetDataFromThesTerm(string criteria) { ArrayList data = new ArrayList(); _cmd = new SqlCommand($"select LeadTerm, TermID from [dbo].[THSTerm] where LeadTerm = '{criteria}'", _conn); try { _conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = _cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { data.Add(reader[0].ToString()); data.Add(reader[1]); } } catch (SqlException) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("SQL Exception while fetching the data from THSTerm"); throw; } catch (Exception) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("Exception while fetching the data from THSTerm"); throw; } finally { _conn.Close(); _cmd.Dispose(); } return(data); }
public bool ValidateLeadTerm(string criteria) { bool _flag = false; _cmd = new SqlCommand($"select LeadTerm FROM [dbo].[THSTerm] where LeadTerm = '{criteria}'", _conn); try { SqlDataAdapter dAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(_cmd); DataTable dTable = new DataTable(); dAdapter.Fill(dTable); if (dTable.Rows.Count > 0) { _flag = true; } else { _flag = false; } } catch (SqlException) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("SQL Exception while Validating the Criteria"); throw; } catch (Exception) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("Exception while Validating the Criteria"); throw; } finally { _cmd.Dispose(); } return(_flag); }
public List <string> GetAutoCriteria(string criteria, string delivery, string criteriaType) { List <string> _criteriaList = new List <string>(); _cmd = new SqlCommand($"SELECT distinct Criteria FROM [dbo].[ADFeedSelectionCriteriaLookup] WHERE Delivery = '{delivery}' and CriteriaType = '{criteriaType}' and Criteria LIKE '%{criteria}%' and IsActive = 1", _conn); try { _conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = _cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { _criteriaList.Add(reader[0].ToString()); } } catch (Exception e) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("Exception while fetching the Criteria List"); throw; } finally { _conn.Close(); _cmd.Dispose(); } return(_criteriaList); }
public List <SelectListItem> PopulateCriteriaType(string ClientName) { List <SelectListItem> _criteriaType = new List <SelectListItem>(); _cmd = new SqlCommand($"select Distinct CriteriaType from [dbo].[ADFeedSelectionCriteriaLookup] where Delivery = '{ClientName}'", _conn); try { _conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = _cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { _criteriaType.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = reader[0].ToString() }); } } catch (Exception) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("Exception while Populating the Criteria Type List."); throw; } finally { _conn.Close(); _cmd.Dispose(); } return(_criteriaType); }
public void AuditLogger(string Delivery, string CriteriaType, string Criteria, string ActionType) { SqlCommand _logCmd = null; int? _termID = 0; try { _termID = GetTermID(Delivery, CriteriaType, Criteria); int _rowsAffected = 0; if (_termID == 0) { _logCmd = new SqlCommand($"insert into [dbo].[ADFeedSelectionCriteriaHistory] values('{Delivery}','{CriteriaType}','{Criteria}',null,'{ActionType}',GETDATE(),'{Environment.UserName}')", _conn); } else { _logCmd = new SqlCommand($"insert into [dbo].[ADFeedSelectionCriteriaHistory] values('{Delivery}','{CriteriaType}','{Criteria}',{_termID},'{ActionType}',GETDATE(),'{Environment.UserName}')", _conn); } _conn.Open(); _rowsAffected = _logCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("Exception while logging the events."); throw; } finally { _conn.Close(); _logCmd.Dispose(); } }
public int DeleteDrugFromDB(string Delivery, string CriteriaType, string Criteria) { int _rowsAffected = 0; _cmd = new SqlCommand($"update [dbo].[ADFeedSelectionCriteriaLookup] set IsActive = 0 , ModificationDate = GETDATE() where Delivery = '{Delivery}' and CriteriaType = '{CriteriaType}' and Criteria = '{Criteria}'", _conn); try { _conn.Open(); _rowsAffected = _cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqlException) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("SQL Exception while Deleting the Drug"); throw; } catch (Exception e) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("Exception while Deleting the Drug"); throw; } finally { _conn.Close(); _cmd.Dispose(); } return(_rowsAffected); }
public int AddDrugToDB(string delivery, string criteriaType, string criteria, int?termID) { int _rowsAffected = 0; if (termID == null) { _cmd = new SqlCommand($"insert into [dbo].[ADFeedSelectionCriteriaLookup] values ('{delivery}','{criteriaType}','{criteria}',null,{1},GETDATE(),GETDATE())", _conn); } else { _cmd = new SqlCommand($"insert into [dbo].[ADFeedSelectionCriteriaLookup] values ('{delivery}','{criteriaType}','{criteria}',{termID},{1},GETDATE(),GETDATE())", _conn); } try { _conn.Open(); _rowsAffected = _cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqlException) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("SQL Exception while adding drug to database."); throw; } catch (Exception) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("Exception while adding drug to database."); throw; } finally { _conn.Close(); _cmd.Dispose(); } return(_rowsAffected); }
public int CheckIsAvailableActive(string delivery, string criteriaType, string criteria, int?termID) { int _rowCount = 0; _cmd = new SqlCommand($"select Criteria FROM [dbo].[ADFeedSelectionCriteriaLookup] where Delivery = '{delivery}' and CriteriaType = '{criteriaType}' and Criteria = '{criteria}' and IsActive = 1 ", _conn); try { SqlDataAdapter dAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(_cmd); DataTable dTable = new DataTable(); dAdapter.Fill(dTable); if (dTable.Rows.Count > 0) { _rowCount = 1; } else { _rowCount = 0; } } catch (SqlException) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("SQL Exception while checking the Available and Active"); throw; } catch (Exception) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("Exception while checking the Available and Active"); throw; } finally { _cmd.Dispose(); } return(_rowCount); }
public bool CheckIsAvailableNonActive(string delivery, string criteriaType, string criteria) { bool _flag = false; _cmd = new SqlCommand($"select Criteria FROM [dbo].[ADFeedSelectionCriteriaLookup] where Criteria = '{criteria}' and CriteriaType = '{criteriaType}' and Delivery = '{delivery}' and IsActive = 0", _conn); try { SqlDataAdapter dAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(_cmd); DataTable dTable = new DataTable(); dAdapter.Fill(dTable); if (dTable.Rows.Count > 0) { _flag = true; } else { _flag = false; } } catch (SqlException) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("SQL Exception while checking the Available and Non-Active"); throw; } catch (Exception) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("Exception while checking the Available and Non-Active"); throw; } finally { _cmd.Dispose(); } return(_flag); }
public List <SelectListItem> PopulateClients() { List <SelectListItem> _clients = new List <SelectListItem>(); _cmd = new SqlCommand("select Distinct Delivery from [dbo].[ADFeedSelectionCriteriaLookup] where Delivery not in ('nl.novartis','nl.novartis_nonicsr') and IsActive = 1", _conn); try { _conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = _cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { _clients.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = reader[0].ToString() }); } } catch (Exception) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("Exception while Populating the Clients List."); throw; } finally { _conn.Close(); _cmd.Dispose(); } return(_clients); }
public List <DrugDetails> GetDrugList(string ClientName, string CriteriaType) { List <DrugDetails> _ddList = new List <DrugDetails>(); _cmd = new SqlCommand($"select * from [dbo].[ADFeedSelectionCriteriaLookup] where Delivery = '{ClientName}' and CriteriaType = '{CriteriaType}'", _conn); try { _conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = _cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { DrugDetails dd = new DrugDetails(); dd.Delivery = reader[0].ToString(); dd.CriteriaType = reader[1].ToString(); dd.Criteria = reader[2].ToString(); dd.IsActive = Convert.ToInt32(reader[4]); if (reader[3].Equals(System.DBNull.Value)) { dd.TermID = null; } else { dd.TermID = Convert.ToInt32(reader[3]); } if (reader[5].Equals(System.DBNull.Value)) { dd.ModificationDate = null; } else { dd.ModificationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader[5]); } if (reader[6].Equals(System.DBNull.Value)) { dd.CreationDate = null; } else { dd.CreationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader[6]); } _ddList.Add(dd); } } catch (Exception) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("Exception while fetching the Drug List"); throw; } finally { _conn.Close(); _cmd.Dispose(); } return(_ddList); }
public List <ExportToExcel> GetActiveDrugList(string Delivery, string CriteriaType) { List <ExportToExcel> _ddList = new List <ExportToExcel>(); _cmd = new SqlCommand($"select Delivery,CriteriaType,Criteria,ModificationDate,CreationDate from [dbo].[ADFeedSelectionCriteriaLookup] where Delivery = '{Delivery}' and CriteriaType = '{CriteriaType}' and IsActive = 1", _conn); try { _conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = _cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { ExportToExcel dd = new ExportToExcel(); dd.Delivery = reader[0].ToString(); dd.CriteriaType = reader[1].ToString(); dd.Criteria = reader[2].ToString(); if (reader[3].Equals(System.DBNull.Value)) { dd.ModificationDate = "Not Available"; } else { dd.ModificationDate = reader[3].ToString(); } if (reader[4].Equals(System.DBNull.Value)) { dd.CreationDate = "Not Available"; } else { dd.CreationDate = reader[4].ToString(); } _ddList.Add(dd); } } catch (Exception) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("Exception while Populating the Active Drug List."); throw; } finally { _conn.Close(); _cmd.Dispose(); } return(_ddList); }
public string ExportUsingDatatable(string Delivery, string CriteriaType) { string pathDownload = ""; _cmd = new SqlCommand($"select Delivery,CriteriaType,Criteria,TermID,ModificationDate,CreationDate from [dbo].[ADFeedSelectionCriteriaLookup] where Delivery = '{Delivery}' and CriteriaType = '{CriteriaType}' and IsActive = 1", _conn); try { SqlDataAdapter dAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(_cmd); DataTable dTable = new DataTable(); dAdapter.Fill(dTable); string pathUser = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile); pathDownload = Path.Combine(pathUser, "Downloads"); String ServerPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("Logs"); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(ServerPath + @"\LogFile.log", false); sw.Write(pathDownload); sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); string FileName = Delivery.Substring(Delivery.IndexOf('.') + 1); FileName = char.ToUpper(FileName[0]) + FileName.Substring(1); FileName += "_" + CriteriaType + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-mm-yyyy-HH-mm-ss-tt") + ".xls"; ExportToExcelSheet(dTable, pathDownload + @"\" + FileName); } catch (SqlException) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("SQL Exception while Exporting to Excel Format"); throw; } catch (Exception e) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("Exception while Exporting to Excel Format"); throw; } finally { _cmd.Dispose(); } return(pathDownload); }
public int UpdateToActive(string delivery, string criteriaType, string criteria) { int _rowsAffected = 0; _cmd = new SqlCommand($"update [dbo].[ADFeedSelectionCriteriaLookup] set IsActive = 1, ModificationDate = GETDATE() where Delivery = '{delivery}' and CriteriaType = '{criteriaType}' and Criteria = '{criteria}'", _conn); try { _conn.Open(); _rowsAffected = _cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception) { UserFriendlyMessage.setMessage("Exception while Updating the existing drug to Active"); throw; } finally { _conn.Close(); _cmd.Dispose(); } return(_rowsAffected); }