public void AddPatient(string guid, string idlpu, PatientDto patient) { TestPatient p = new TestPatient(guid, idlpu, patient); try { p.DeletePatient(); client.AddPatient(guid, idlpu, patient); p = new TestPatient(guid, idlpu, patient); TestPatient a = TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(guid, idlpu, patient.IdPatientMIS); if (!p.CheckPatientInDataBase()) { Global.errors1.AddRange(Global.errors2); Global.errors1.Add("Не совпадение значений объектов"); } } catch (System.ServiceModel.FaultException<PixServiseTests.PixServise.RequestFault> we) { if (we.Detail.Message == reinclusionString) { TestPatient wwww = TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(guid ,idlpu, patient.IdPatientMIS); if (TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(guid ,idlpu, patient.IdPatientMIS) == null) Global.errors1.Add("Ошибочное сообщение о попытке повторного добавления"); else Global.errors1.Add(we.Detail.Message); } else { Global.errors1.Add(we.Detail.Message); } } }
private bool CheckField(TestPatient returnedPatient, TestPatient examplePatient) { bool mark = true; if ((examplePatient.patient.FamilyName == null) || (examplePatient.patient.FamilyName == returnedPatient.patient.FamilyName)) { ; } else { Global.errors1.Add("Не верная фамилия, возвращено: " + returnedPatient.patient.FamilyName.ToString()); mark = false; } if ((examplePatient.patient.GivenName == null) || (examplePatient.patient.GivenName == returnedPatient.patient.GivenName)) { ; } else { Global.errors1.Add("Не верное имя, возвращено: " + returnedPatient.patient.GivenName.ToString()); mark = false; } if ((examplePatient.patient.BirthDate == DateTime.MinValue) || (examplePatient.patient.BirthDate == returnedPatient.patient.BirthDate)) { ; } else { Global.errors1.Add("Не верная дата рождения, возвращено: " + returnedPatient.patient.BirthDate.ToString()); mark = false; } if ((examplePatient.patient.Sex == 0) || (examplePatient.patient.Sex == returnedPatient.patient.Sex)) { ; } else { Global.errors1.Add("Не верный пол, возвращено: " + returnedPatient.patient.Sex.ToString()); mark = false; } if (examplePatient.documents != null) { foreach (TestDocument doc in returnedPatient.documents) { TestDocument exampledoc = examplePatient.documents[0]; if ((exampledoc.document.DocN == doc.document.DocN) && (exampledoc.document.DocS == doc.document.DocS) && (exampledoc.document.IdDocumentType == doc.document.IdDocumentType)) { ; } else { Global.errors1.Add("Несоответствие документов"); mark = false; } } } return(mark); }
public bool CheckPatientInDataBase() { TestPatient p = TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(GUID, IDLPU, patient.IdPatientMIS); this.Equals(p); return(this == p); }
public TestCaseBase(string guid, CaseBase cb) { GUID = guid.ToLower(); if (cb != null) { caseBase = cb; if (caseBase.OpenDate == null) { caseBase.OpenDate = DateTime.MinValue; } if (caseBase.CloseDate == null) { caseBase.CloseDate = DateTime.MinValue; } } if (cb.Author != null) { autor = new TestParticipant(cb.Author, cb.IdLpu); if ( == null) { = cb.IdLpu; } } if (cb.Authenticator != null) { authenticator = new TestParticipant(cb.Authenticator, cb.IdLpu); if ( == null) { = cb.IdLpu; } } if (cb.LegalAuthenticator != null) { legalAuthenticator = new TestParticipant(cb.LegalAuthenticator, cb.IdLpu); if ( == null) { = cb.IdLpu; } } if (cb.DoctorInCharge != null) { doctorInCharge = new TestDoctor(cb.DoctorInCharge, cb.IdLpu); if ( == null) { = cb.IdLpu; } } if (cb.Guardian != null) { guardian = new TestGuardian(cb.Guardian); } if (cb.IdPatientMis != null) { patient = TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(guid, cb.IdLpu, cb.IdPatientMis); } }
public void UpdatePatient(string guid, string idlpu, PatientDto patient) { TestPatient example = TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(guid, idlpu, patient.IdPatientMIS); example.ChangePatientField(patient); client.UpdatePatient(guid, idlpu, patient); if (!example.CheckPatientInDataBase()) { Global.errors1.Add("Не совпадение значений объектов"); } }
public PatientDto[] GetPatient(string guid, string idlpu, PatientDto patient, SourceType type) { TestPatient example = new TestPatient(guid, idlpu, patient); try { ArrayList patientsFromDB = new ArrayList(); if (type == SourceType.Reg) { patientsFromDB = Find(guid, idlpu, example); } PatientDto[] patients = client.GetPatient(guid, idlpu, patient, type); if (patients != null) { foreach (PatientDto a in patients) { TestPatient getting = new TestPatient(guid, idlpu, a); CheckField(getting, example); if (type == SourceType.Reg) { bool mark = false; foreach (TestPatient i in patientsFromDB) { if (i.Equals(getting)) { mark = true; } } if (patients.Length != patientsFromDB.Count) { Global.errors1.Add("Не все пациенты из базы возвращены"); } if (!mark) { Global.errors1.AddRange(Global.errors2); Global.errors2.Clear(); Global.errors1.Add("Возвращенный пациент не соответствует ни одному из базы"); } } } } return(patients); } catch (System.ServiceModel.FaultException <PixServiseTests.PixServise.RequestFault> we) { Global.errors1.Add(we.Detail.Message); return(null); } }
public TestCaseBase(string guid, CaseBase cb) { GUID = guid.ToLower(); if (cb != null) { caseBase = cb; if (caseBase.OpenDate == null) caseBase.OpenDate = DateTime.MinValue; if (caseBase.CloseDate == null) caseBase.CloseDate = DateTime.MinValue; } if (cb.Author != null) { autor = new TestParticipant(cb.Author, cb.IdLpu); if ( == null) = cb.IdLpu; } if (cb.Authenticator != null) { authenticator = new TestParticipant(cb.Authenticator, cb.IdLpu); if ( == null) = cb.IdLpu; } if (cb.LegalAuthenticator != null) { legalAuthenticator = new TestParticipant(cb.LegalAuthenticator, cb.IdLpu); if ( == null) = cb.IdLpu; } if (cb.DoctorInCharge != null) { doctorInCharge = new TestDoctor(cb.DoctorInCharge, cb.IdLpu); if ( == null) = cb.IdLpu; } if (cb.Guardian != null) guardian = new TestGuardian(cb.Guardian); if (cb.IdPatientMis != null) patient = TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(guid, cb.IdLpu, cb.IdPatientMis); }
public override bool Equals(Object obj) { TestPatient p = obj as TestPatient; if ((object)p == null) { return(false); } if ((Global.IsEqual(this.adds, p.adds)) && (this.patient.BirthDate == p.patient.BirthDate) && (Global.IsEqual(this.conts, p.conts)) && (this.patient.DeathTime == p.patient.DeathTime) && (Global.IsEqual(, && (this.patient.FamilyName == p.patient.FamilyName) && (this.patient.GivenName == p.patient.GivenName) && (this.patient.IdBloodType == p.patient.IdBloodType) && (this.patient.IdGlobal == p.patient.IdGlobal) && (this.patient.IdLivingAreaType == p.patient.IdLivingAreaType) && (this.patient.IsVip == p.patient.IsVip) && (Global.IsEqual(this.job, p.job)) && (this.patient.MiddleName == p.patient.MiddleName) && (Global.IsEqual(this.privilege, p.privilege)) && (this.patient.Sex == p.patient.Sex) && (this.patient.SocialGroup == p.patient.SocialGroup) && (this.patient.SocialStatus == p.patient.SocialStatus) && Global.IsEqual(this.birthplace, p.birthplace)) { return(true); } else { this.FindMismatch(p); Global.errors3.Add("несовпадение TestPatient"); return(false); } }
public void AddPatient(string guid, string idlpu, PatientDto patient) { TestPatient p = new TestPatient(guid, idlpu, patient); try { p.DeletePatient(); client.AddPatient(guid, idlpu, patient); p = new TestPatient(guid, idlpu, patient); TestPatient a = TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(guid, idlpu, patient.IdPatientMIS); if (!p.CheckPatientInDataBase()) { Global.errors1.AddRange(Global.errors2); Global.errors1.Add("Не совпадение значений объектов"); } } catch (System.ServiceModel.FaultException <PixServiseTests.PixServise.RequestFault> we) { if (we.Detail.Message == reinclusionString) { TestPatient wwww = TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(guid, idlpu, patient.IdPatientMIS); if (TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(guid, idlpu, patient.IdPatientMIS) == null) { Global.errors1.Add("Ошибочное сообщение о попытке повторного добавления"); } else { Global.errors1.Add(we.Detail.Message); } } else { Global.errors1.Add(we.Detail.Message); } } }
static public TestCaseBase BuildBaseCaseFromDataBaseData(string guid, string idlpu, string mis, string idPerson) { //idPerson = TestPerson.GetPersonId(guid, idlpu, idPerson); string caseId = GetCaseId(guid, idlpu, mis, idPerson); if (caseId != null) { using (SqlConnection connection = Global.GetSqlConnection()) { string IdDoctor = ""; string IdGuardian = ""; int idCaseT = 0; bool isCanceld = false; CaseBase p = new CaseBase(); string findCase = "SELECT TOP(1) * FROM \"Case\" WHERE IdCase = '" + caseId + "'"; SqlCommand caseCommand = new SqlCommand(findCase, connection); using (SqlDataReader caseReader = caseCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (caseReader.Read()) { if (caseReader["CloseDate"].ToString() != "") { p.CloseDate = Convert.ToDateTime(caseReader["CloseDate"]); } else { p.CloseDate = DateTime.MinValue; } if (caseReader["Comment"].ToString() != "") { p.Comment = Convert.ToString(caseReader["Comment"]); } else { p.Comment = null; } if (caseReader["HistoryNumber"].ToString() != "") { p.HistoryNumber = Convert.ToString(caseReader["HistoryNumber"]); } else { p.HistoryNumber = null; } if (caseReader["IdCaseAidType"].ToString() != "") { p.IdCaseAidType = Convert.ToByte(caseReader["IdCaseAidType"]); } else { p.IdCaseAidType = 0; } if (caseReader["IdCaseMis"].ToString() != "") { p.IdCaseMis = Convert.ToString(caseReader["IdCaseMis"]); } else { p.IdCaseMis = null; } if (caseReader["IdCaseResult"].ToString() != "") { p.IdCaseResult = Convert.ToByte(caseReader["IdCaseResult"]); } else { p.IdCaseResult = 0; } if (caseReader["IdCasePaymentType"].ToString() != "") { p.IdPaymentType = Convert.ToByte(caseReader["IdCasePaymentType"]); } else { p.IdPaymentType = 0; } if (caseReader["OpenDate"].ToString() != "") { p.OpenDate = Convert.ToDateTime(caseReader["OpenDate"]); } else { p.OpenDate = DateTime.MinValue; } if (caseReader["IDDoctor"].ToString() != "") { IdDoctor = Convert.ToString(caseReader["IDDoctor"]); } if (caseReader["IdGuardian"].ToString() != "") { IdGuardian = Convert.ToString(caseReader["IDGuardian"]); } if (caseReader["IdCaseType"].ToString() != "") { idCaseT = Convert.ToInt32(caseReader["IdCaseType"]); } isCanceld = Convert.ToBoolean(caseReader["IsCancelled"]); } } findCase = "SELECT * FROM mm_AccessRole2Case WHERE IdCase = '" + caseId + "'"; caseCommand = new SqlCommand(findCase, connection); using (SqlDataReader caseReader = caseCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (caseReader.Read()) { switch (caseReader["IdAccessRole"].ToString()) { case "1": p.Confidentiality = Convert.ToByte(caseReader["IdPrivacyLevel"]); break; case "2": p.DoctorConfidentiality = Convert.ToByte(caseReader["IdPrivacyLevel"]); break; case "3": p.CuratorConfidentiality = Convert.ToByte(caseReader["IdPrivacyLevel"]); break; } } } p.IdCaseMis = mis; p.IdLpu = idlpu; TestCaseBase cb = new TestCaseBase(guid, p); cb.idCaseType = idCaseT; cb.isCanceld = isCanceld; if (IdDoctor != "") { cb.doctorInCharge = TestDoctor.BuildTestDoctorFromDataBase(IdDoctor); } else { cb.doctorInCharge = null; } if (IdGuardian != "") { = TestGuardian.BuildTestGuardianFromDataBase(IdGuardian, idPerson); } else { = null; } if (idPerson != "") { cb.patient = TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(patientId: idPerson); } else { cb.patient = null; } findCase = "SELECT * FROM mm_Author2Case WHERE IdCase = '" + caseId + "'"; caseCommand = new SqlCommand(findCase, connection); using (SqlDataReader caseReader = caseCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (caseReader.Read()) { switch (caseReader["IdAuthorshipType"].ToString()) { case "1": cb.autor = TestParticipant.BuildTestParticipantFromDataBase(caseId, Convert.ToString(caseReader["IdDoctor"]), 1); break; case "3": cb.authenticator = TestParticipant.BuildTestParticipantFromDataBase(caseId, Convert.ToString(caseReader["IdDoctor"]), 3); break; case "4": cb.legalAuthenticator = TestParticipant.BuildTestParticipantFromDataBase(caseId, Convert.ToString(caseReader["IdDoctor"]), 4); break; } } } return(cb); } } return(null); }
private void FindMismatch(TestPatient b) { if (this.patient.FamilyName != b.patient.FamilyName) Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение FamilyName TestPatient"); if (this.patient.MiddleName != b.patient.MiddleName) Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение MiddleName TestPatient"); if (this.patient.GivenName != b.patient.GivenName) Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение GivenName TestPatient"); if (this.patient.BirthDate != b.patient.BirthDate) Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение BirthDate TestPatient"); if (this.patient.Sex != b.patient.Sex) Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение Sex TestPatient"); if (this.patient.IsVip != b.patient.IsVip) Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение IsVip TestPatient"); if (this.patient.SocialStatus != b.patient.SocialStatus) Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение SocialStatus TestPatient"); if (this.patient.SocialGroup != b.patient.SocialGroup) Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение SocialGroup TestPatient"); if (this.patient.IdLivingAreaType != b.patient.IdLivingAreaType) Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение IdLivingAreaType TestPatient"); if (this.patient.IdBloodType != b.patient.IdBloodType) Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение IdBloodType TestPatient"); if (this.patient.DeathTime != b.patient.DeathTime) Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение DeathTime TestPatient"); if (Global.GetLength( != Global.GetLength( Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение длины documents TestPatient"); if (Global.GetLength(this.conts) != Global.GetLength(b.conts)) Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение длины contacts TestPatient"); if (Global.GetLength(this.adds) != Global.GetLength(b.adds)) Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение длины addreses TestPatient"); if (Global.GetLength(this.job) != Global.GetLength(b.job)) Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение длины job TestPatient"); if (Global.GetLength(this.privilege) != Global.GetLength(b.privilege)) Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение длины privilege TestPatient"); if (Global.GetLength(this.birthplace) != Global.GetLength(b.birthplace)) Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение длины birthplace TestPatient"); }
public static TestPatient BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(string guid = null, string idlpu = null, string mis = null, string patientId = null) { if (patientId == null) patientId = GetPatientId(guid, idlpu, mis); else { string[] s = GetGUIDandIDLPUandIDMIS(patientId); guid = s[0]; idlpu = s[1]; mis = s[2]; } if (patientId != null) { using (SqlConnection connection = Global.GetSqlConnection()) { string findPatient = "SELECT TOP(1) * FROM Person, PatientAdditionalInfo WHERE Person.IdPerson = '" + patientId + "' AND Person.IdPerson = PatientAdditionalInfo.IdPerson"; SqlCommand person = new SqlCommand(findPatient, connection); using (SqlDataReader patientFromDataBase = person.ExecuteReader()) { while (patientFromDataBase.Read()) { PatientDto p = new PatientDto(); if (patientFromDataBase["FamilyName"].ToString() != "") p.FamilyName = Convert.ToString(patientFromDataBase["FamilyName"]); else p.FamilyName = null; if (patientFromDataBase["MiddleName"].ToString() != "") p.MiddleName = Convert.ToString(patientFromDataBase["MiddleName"]); else p.MiddleName = null; if (patientFromDataBase["GivenName"].ToString() != "") p.GivenName = Convert.ToString(patientFromDataBase["GivenName"]); else p.GivenName = null; p.BirthDate = Convert.ToDateTime(patientFromDataBase["BirthDate"]); p.Sex = Convert.ToByte(patientFromDataBase["IdSex"]); p.IsVip = Convert.ToBoolean(patientFromDataBase["IsVip"]); if (patientFromDataBase["IdSocialStatus"].ToString() != "") p.SocialStatus = Convert.ToString(patientFromDataBase["IdSocialStatus"]); else p.SocialStatus = null; if (patientFromDataBase["IdSocialGroup"].ToString() != "") p.SocialGroup = Convert.ToByte(patientFromDataBase["IdSocialGroup"]); else p.SocialGroup = null; if (patientFromDataBase["IdLivingAreaType"].ToString() != "") p.IdLivingAreaType = Convert.ToByte(patientFromDataBase["IdLivingAreaType"]); else p.IdLivingAreaType = null; if (patientFromDataBase["IdBloodType"].ToString() != "") p.IdBloodType = Convert.ToByte(patientFromDataBase["IdBloodType"]); else p.IdBloodType = null; if (patientFromDataBase["DeathTime"].ToString() != "") p.DeathTime = Convert.ToDateTime(patientFromDataBase["DeathTime"]); else p.DeathTime = null; p.IdPatientMIS = mis; p.IdGlobal = patientId; TestPatient patient = new TestPatient(guid, idlpu, p); patient.documents = TestDocument.BuildDocumentsFromDataBaseData(patientId); patient.addreses = TestAddress.BuildAdressesFromDataBaseData(patientId); patient.contacts = TestContact.BuildContactsFromDataBaseData(patientId); patient.job = TestJob.BuildTestJobFromDataBase(patientId); patient.privilege = TestPrivilege.BuildTestPrivilegeFromDataBase(patientId); patient.birthplace = TestBirthplace.BuildBirthplaceFromDataBaseData(patientId); return patient; } } } } return null; }
public ArrayList Find(string guid, string idlpu, TestPatient patient) { string findPatient = ""; if (patient.patient.IdPatientMIS != null) { findPatient = "SELECT * FROM ExternalId WHERE IdPersonMIS = '" + patient.patient.IdPatientMIS + "' AND SystemGuid = '" + guid + "'"; } else { if (patient.patient.Sex == 0) { findPatient = "SELECT * FROM Person WHERE FamilyName = '" + patient.patient.FamilyName + "' AND GivenName ='" + patient.patient.GivenName + "' AND BirthDate ='" + patient.patient.BirthDate + "'"; } else { findPatient = "SELECT * FROM Person WHERE FamilyName = '" + patient.patient.FamilyName + "' AND GivenName ='" + patient.patient.GivenName + "' AND BirthDate ='" + patient.patient.BirthDate + "' AND IdSex ='" + patient.patient.Sex + "'"; } } // ContactPersonDto p = new ContactPersonDto(); ArrayList patients = new ArrayList(); string patientId = ""; using (SqlConnection connection = Global.GetSqlConnection()) { SqlCommand findPatients = new SqlCommand(findPatient, connection); using (SqlDataReader patientsReader = findPatients.ExecuteReader()) { //int i = 0; while (patientsReader.Read()) { patientId = Convert.ToString(patientsReader["IdPerson"]); if (patient.documents != null) { string findDoc = ""; if (patient.documents[0].document.DocS != null) findDoc = "SELECT * FROM Document WHERE IdPerson = '" + patientId + "' AND DocS ='" + patient.documents[0].document.DocS + "' AND DocN ='" + patient.documents[0].document.DocN + "'"; else findDoc = "SELECT * FROM Document WHERE IdPerson = '" + patientId + "' AND DocN ='" + patient.documents[0].document.DocN + "'"; using (SqlConnection connection2 = Global.GetSqlConnection()) { SqlCommand findPatients2 = new SqlCommand(findDoc, connection2); using (SqlDataReader patientsReader2 = findPatients2.ExecuteReader()) { string addedId = ""; while (patientsReader2.Read()) { if (addedId != patientId) { TestPatient patientFromDb = TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(patientId: patientId); addedId = patientId; patientFromDb.GUID = guid; patientFromDb.IDLPU = idlpu; patients.Add(patientFromDb); } } } } } else { TestPatient patientFromDb2 = TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(patientId: patientId); patients.Add(patientFromDb2); } } } } return patients; }
public void UpdateCaseBase(string guid, CaseBase cb) { if (guid != "") GUID = guid.ToLower(); if (cb != null) { if (cb.CloseDate != DateTime.MinValue) this.caseBase.CloseDate = cb.CloseDate; if (cb.Comment != "") this.caseBase.Comment = cb.Comment; if (cb.Confidentiality != 0) this.caseBase.Confidentiality = cb.Confidentiality; if (cb.CuratorConfidentiality != 0) this.caseBase.CuratorConfidentiality = cb.CuratorConfidentiality; if (cb.DoctorConfidentiality != 0) this.caseBase.DoctorConfidentiality = cb.DoctorConfidentiality; if (cb.HistoryNumber != "") this.caseBase.HistoryNumber = cb.HistoryNumber; if (cb.IdCaseAidType != 0) this.caseBase.IdCaseAidType = cb.IdCaseAidType; if (cb.IdCaseMis != "") this.caseBase.IdCaseMis = cb.IdCaseMis; if (cb.IdCaseResult != 0) this.caseBase.IdCaseResult = cb.IdCaseResult; if (cb.IdLpu != "") this.caseBase.IdLpu = cb.IdLpu; if (cb.IdPaymentType != 0) this.caseBase.IdPaymentType = cb.IdPaymentType; if (cb.OpenDate != DateTime.MinValue) this.caseBase.OpenDate = cb.OpenDate; if (cb.Author != null) { autor = new TestParticipant(cb.Author, cb.IdLpu); if ( == null) = cb.IdLpu; } if (cb.Authenticator != null) { authenticator = new TestParticipant(cb.Authenticator, cb.IdLpu); if ( == null) = cb.IdLpu; } if (cb.LegalAuthenticator != null) { legalAuthenticator = new TestParticipant(cb.LegalAuthenticator, cb.IdLpu); if ( == null) = cb.IdLpu; } if (cb.DoctorInCharge != null) { doctorInCharge = new TestDoctor(cb.DoctorInCharge, cb.IdLpu); if ( == null) = cb.IdLpu; } if (cb.Guardian != null) guardian = new TestGuardian(cb.Guardian); if (cb.IdPatientMis != null) patient = TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(guid, cb.IdLpu, cb.IdPatientMis); } }
private bool CheckField(TestPatient returnedPatient, TestPatient examplePatient) { bool mark = true; if ((examplePatient.patient.FamilyName == null) || (examplePatient.patient.FamilyName == returnedPatient.patient.FamilyName)) ; else { Global.errors1.Add("Не верная фамилия, возвращено: " + returnedPatient.patient.FamilyName.ToString()); mark = false; } if ((examplePatient.patient.GivenName == null) || (examplePatient.patient.GivenName == returnedPatient.patient.GivenName)) ; else { Global.errors1.Add("Не верное имя, возвращено: " + returnedPatient.patient.GivenName.ToString()); mark = false; } if ((examplePatient.patient.BirthDate == DateTime.MinValue) || (examplePatient.patient.BirthDate == returnedPatient.patient.BirthDate)) ; else { Global.errors1.Add("Не верная дата рождения, возвращено: " + returnedPatient.patient.BirthDate.ToString()); mark = false; } if ((examplePatient.patient.Sex == 0) || (examplePatient.patient.Sex == returnedPatient.patient.Sex)) ; else { Global.errors1.Add("Не верный пол, возвращено: " + returnedPatient.patient.Sex.ToString()); mark = false; } if (examplePatient.documents != null) { foreach (TestDocument doc in returnedPatient.documents) { TestDocument exampledoc = examplePatient.documents[0]; if ((exampledoc.document.DocN == doc.document.DocN) && (exampledoc.document.DocS == doc.document.DocS) && (exampledoc.document.IdDocumentType == doc.document.IdDocumentType)) ; else { Global.errors1.Add("Несоответствие документов"); mark = false; } } } return mark; }
public PatientDto[] GetPatient(string guid, string idlpu, PatientDto patient, SourceType type) { TestPatient example = new TestPatient(guid, idlpu, patient); try { ArrayList patientsFromDB = new ArrayList(); if (type == SourceType.Reg) patientsFromDB = Find(guid, idlpu, example); PatientDto[] patients = client.GetPatient(guid, idlpu, patient, type); if (patients != null) foreach (PatientDto a in patients) { TestPatient getting = new TestPatient(guid, idlpu, a); CheckField(getting, example); if (type == SourceType.Reg) { bool mark = false; foreach (TestPatient i in patientsFromDB) { if (i.Equals(getting)) { mark = true; } } if (patients.Length != patientsFromDB.Count) Global.errors1.Add("Не все пациенты из базы возвращены"); if (!mark) { Global.errors1.AddRange(Global.errors2); Global.errors2.Clear(); Global.errors1.Add("Возвращенный пациент не соответствует ни одному из базы"); } } } return patients; } catch (System.ServiceModel.FaultException<PixServiseTests.PixServise.RequestFault> we) { Global.errors1.Add(we.Detail.Message); return null; } }
static public TestPatient BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(string guid = null, string idlpu = null, string mis = null, string patientId = null) { if (patientId == null) { patientId = GetPatientId(guid, idlpu, mis); } else { string[] s = GetGUIDandIDLPUandIDMIS(patientId); guid = s[0]; idlpu = s[1]; mis = s[2]; } if (patientId != null) { using (SqlConnection connection = Global.GetSqlConnection()) { string findPatient = "SELECT TOP(1) * FROM Person, PatientAdditionalInfo WHERE Person.IdPerson = '" + patientId + "' AND Person.IdPerson = PatientAdditionalInfo.IdPerson"; SqlCommand person = new SqlCommand(findPatient, connection); using (SqlDataReader patientFromDataBase = person.ExecuteReader()) { while (patientFromDataBase.Read()) { PatientDto p = new PatientDto(); if (patientFromDataBase["FamilyName"].ToString() != "") { p.FamilyName = Convert.ToString(patientFromDataBase["FamilyName"]); } else { p.FamilyName = null; } if (patientFromDataBase["MiddleName"].ToString() != "") { p.MiddleName = Convert.ToString(patientFromDataBase["MiddleName"]); } else { p.MiddleName = null; } if (patientFromDataBase["GivenName"].ToString() != "") { p.GivenName = Convert.ToString(patientFromDataBase["GivenName"]); } else { p.GivenName = null; } p.BirthDate = Convert.ToDateTime(patientFromDataBase["BirthDate"]); p.Sex = Convert.ToByte(patientFromDataBase["IdSex"]); p.IsVip = Convert.ToBoolean(patientFromDataBase["IsVip"]); if (patientFromDataBase["IdSocialStatus"].ToString() != "") { p.SocialStatus = Convert.ToString(patientFromDataBase["IdSocialStatus"]); } else { p.SocialStatus = null; } if (patientFromDataBase["IdSocialGroup"].ToString() != "") { p.SocialGroup = Convert.ToByte(patientFromDataBase["IdSocialGroup"]); } else { p.SocialGroup = null; } if (patientFromDataBase["IdLivingAreaType"].ToString() != "") { p.IdLivingAreaType = Convert.ToByte(patientFromDataBase["IdLivingAreaType"]); } else { p.IdLivingAreaType = null; } if (patientFromDataBase["IdBloodType"].ToString() != "") { p.IdBloodType = Convert.ToByte(patientFromDataBase["IdBloodType"]); } else { p.IdBloodType = null; } if (patientFromDataBase["DeathTime"].ToString() != "") { p.DeathTime = Convert.ToDateTime(patientFromDataBase["DeathTime"]); } else { p.DeathTime = null; } p.IdPatientMIS = mis; p.IdGlobal = patientId; TestPatient patient = new TestPatient(guid, idlpu, p); patient.documents = TestDocument.BuildDocumentsFromDataBaseData(patientId); patient.addreses = TestAddress.BuildAdressesFromDataBaseData(patientId); patient.contacts = TestContact.BuildContactsFromDataBaseData(patientId); patient.job = TestJob.BuildTestJobFromDataBase(patientId); patient.privilege = TestPrivilege.BuildTestPrivilegeFromDataBase(patientId); patient.birthplace = TestBirthplace.BuildBirthplaceFromDataBaseData(patientId); return(patient); } } } } return(null); }
private void FindMismatch(TestPatient b) { if (this.patient.FamilyName != b.patient.FamilyName) { Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение FamilyName TestPatient"); } if (this.patient.MiddleName != b.patient.MiddleName) { Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение MiddleName TestPatient"); } if (this.patient.GivenName != b.patient.GivenName) { Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение GivenName TestPatient"); } if (this.patient.BirthDate != b.patient.BirthDate) { Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение BirthDate TestPatient"); } if (this.patient.Sex != b.patient.Sex) { Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение Sex TestPatient"); } if (this.patient.IsVip != b.patient.IsVip) { Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение IsVip TestPatient"); } if (this.patient.SocialStatus != b.patient.SocialStatus) { Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение SocialStatus TestPatient"); } if (this.patient.SocialGroup != b.patient.SocialGroup) { Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение SocialGroup TestPatient"); } if (this.patient.IdLivingAreaType != b.patient.IdLivingAreaType) { Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение IdLivingAreaType TestPatient"); } if (this.patient.IdBloodType != b.patient.IdBloodType) { Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение IdBloodType TestPatient"); } if (this.patient.DeathTime != b.patient.DeathTime) { Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение DeathTime TestPatient"); } if (Global.GetLength( != Global.GetLength( { Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение длины documents TestPatient"); } if (Global.GetLength(this.conts) != Global.GetLength(b.conts)) { Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение длины contacts TestPatient"); } if (Global.GetLength(this.adds) != Global.GetLength(b.adds)) { Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение длины addreses TestPatient"); } if (Global.GetLength(this.job) != Global.GetLength(b.job)) { Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение длины job TestPatient"); } if (Global.GetLength(this.privilege) != Global.GetLength(b.privilege)) { Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение длины privilege TestPatient"); } if (Global.GetLength(this.birthplace) != Global.GetLength(b.birthplace)) { Global.errors2.Add("несовпадение длины birthplace TestPatient"); } }
public void UpdateCaseBase(string guid, CaseBase cb) { if (guid != "") { GUID = guid.ToLower(); } if (cb != null) { if (cb.CloseDate != DateTime.MinValue) { this.caseBase.CloseDate = cb.CloseDate; } if (cb.Comment != "") { this.caseBase.Comment = cb.Comment; } if (cb.Confidentiality != 0) { this.caseBase.Confidentiality = cb.Confidentiality; } if (cb.CuratorConfidentiality != 0) { this.caseBase.CuratorConfidentiality = cb.CuratorConfidentiality; } if (cb.DoctorConfidentiality != 0) { this.caseBase.DoctorConfidentiality = cb.DoctorConfidentiality; } if (cb.HistoryNumber != "") { this.caseBase.HistoryNumber = cb.HistoryNumber; } if (cb.IdCaseAidType != 0) { this.caseBase.IdCaseAidType = cb.IdCaseAidType; } if (cb.IdCaseMis != "") { this.caseBase.IdCaseMis = cb.IdCaseMis; } if (cb.IdCaseResult != 0) { this.caseBase.IdCaseResult = cb.IdCaseResult; } if (cb.IdLpu != "") { this.caseBase.IdLpu = cb.IdLpu; } if (cb.IdPaymentType != 0) { this.caseBase.IdPaymentType = cb.IdPaymentType; } if (cb.OpenDate != DateTime.MinValue) { this.caseBase.OpenDate = cb.OpenDate; } if (cb.Author != null) { autor = new TestParticipant(cb.Author, cb.IdLpu); if ( == null) { = cb.IdLpu; } } if (cb.Authenticator != null) { authenticator = new TestParticipant(cb.Authenticator, cb.IdLpu); if ( == null) { = cb.IdLpu; } } if (cb.LegalAuthenticator != null) { legalAuthenticator = new TestParticipant(cb.LegalAuthenticator, cb.IdLpu); if ( == null) { = cb.IdLpu; } } if (cb.DoctorInCharge != null) { doctorInCharge = new TestDoctor(cb.DoctorInCharge, cb.IdLpu); if ( == null) { = cb.IdLpu; } } if (cb.Guardian != null) { guardian = new TestGuardian(cb.Guardian); } if (cb.IdPatientMis != null) { patient = TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(guid, cb.IdLpu, cb.IdPatientMis); } } }
public ArrayList Find(string guid, string idlpu, TestPatient patient) { string findPatient = ""; if (patient.patient.IdPatientMIS != null) { findPatient = "SELECT * FROM ExternalId WHERE IdPersonMIS = '" + patient.patient.IdPatientMIS + "' AND SystemGuid = '" + guid + "'"; } else { if (patient.patient.Sex == 0) { findPatient = "SELECT * FROM Person WHERE FamilyName = '" + patient.patient.FamilyName + "' AND GivenName ='" + patient.patient.GivenName + "' AND BirthDate ='" + patient.patient.BirthDate + "'"; } else { findPatient = "SELECT * FROM Person WHERE FamilyName = '" + patient.patient.FamilyName + "' AND GivenName ='" + patient.patient.GivenName + "' AND BirthDate ='" + patient.patient.BirthDate + "' AND IdSex ='" + patient.patient.Sex + "'"; } } // ContactPersonDto p = new ContactPersonDto(); ArrayList patients = new ArrayList(); string patientId = ""; using (SqlConnection connection = Global.GetSqlConnection()) { SqlCommand findPatients = new SqlCommand(findPatient, connection); using (SqlDataReader patientsReader = findPatients.ExecuteReader()) { //int i = 0; while (patientsReader.Read()) { patientId = Convert.ToString(patientsReader["IdPerson"]); if (patient.documents != null) { string findDoc = ""; if (patient.documents[0].document.DocS != null) { findDoc = "SELECT * FROM Document WHERE IdPerson = '" + patientId + "' AND DocS ='" + patient.documents[0].document.DocS + "' AND DocN ='" + patient.documents[0].document.DocN + "'"; } else { findDoc = "SELECT * FROM Document WHERE IdPerson = '" + patientId + "' AND DocN ='" + patient.documents[0].document.DocN + "'"; } using (SqlConnection connection2 = Global.GetSqlConnection()) { SqlCommand findPatients2 = new SqlCommand(findDoc, connection2); using (SqlDataReader patientsReader2 = findPatients2.ExecuteReader()) { string addedId = ""; while (patientsReader2.Read()) { if (addedId != patientId) { TestPatient patientFromDb = TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(patientId: patientId); addedId = patientId; patientFromDb.GUID = guid; patientFromDb.IDLPU = idlpu; patients.Add(patientFromDb); } } } } } else { TestPatient patientFromDb2 = TestPatient.BuildPatientFromDataBaseData(patientId: patientId); patients.Add(patientFromDb2); } } } } return(patients); }