public async Task VectorAdd()
            var channel = new UaTcpSessionChannel(
                new AnonymousIdentity(),
                "opc.tcp://*****:*****@"  ------------------");
            Console.WriteLine($"  {result}");

            Console.WriteLine($"Closing session '{channel.SessionId}'.");
            await channel.CloseAsync();

        public async Task ReadHistoryRawValues()
            // describe this client application.
            var clientDescription = new ApplicationDescription
                ApplicationName = "Workstation.UaClient.FeatureTests",
                ApplicationUri  = $"urn:{System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()}:Workstation.UaClient.FeatureTests",
                ApplicationType = ApplicationType.Client

            // place to store certificates
            var certificateStore = new DirectoryStore("./pki");

            // create a 'UaTcpSessionChannel', a client-side channel that opens a 'session' with the server.
            var channel = new UaTcpSessionChannel(
                new AnonymousIdentity(),      // the anonymous identity
                "opc.tcp://localhost:48010"); // the endpoint of Unified Automation's UaCPPServer.

                // try opening a session and reading a few nodes.
                await channel.OpenAsync();

                Console.WriteLine($"Opened session with endpoint '{channel.RemoteEndpoint.EndpointUrl}'.");
                Console.WriteLine($"SecurityPolicy: '{channel.RemoteEndpoint.SecurityPolicyUri}'.");
                Console.WriteLine($"SecurityMode: '{channel.RemoteEndpoint.SecurityMode}'.");
                Console.WriteLine($"UserIdentityToken: '{channel.UserIdentity}'.");

                Console.WriteLine("\nCheck if DataLogger active.");

                // check if DataLoggerActive is true. If not, then call method StartLogging.
                var req = new ReadRequest
                    NodesToRead = new[] {
                        new ReadValueId {
                            NodeId = NodeId.Parse("ns=2;s=Demo.History.DataLoggerActive"), AttributeId = AttributeIds.Value
                var res = await channel.ReadAsync(req);

                if (StatusCode.IsBad(res.Results[0].StatusCode))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Error reading 'Demo.History.DataLoggerActive'. ");
                var isActive = res.Results[0].GetValueOrDefault <bool>();

                if (!isActive)
                    Console.WriteLine("Activating DataLogger.");

                    var req1 = new CallRequest
                        MethodsToCall = new[] {
                            new CallMethodRequest {
                                ObjectId = NodeId.Parse("ns=2;s=Demo.History"), // parent node
                                MethodId = NodeId.Parse("ns=2;s=Demo.History.StartLogging")
                    var res1 = await channel.CallAsync(req1);

                    if (StatusCode.IsBad(res1.Results[0].StatusCode))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Error calling method 'Demo.History.StartLogging'.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Note: Datalogger has just been activated, so there will be little or no history data to read.");
                    Console.WriteLine("      Try again in 1 minute.");

                Console.WriteLine("\nReading history for last 1 minute(s).");

                // A continuation point is returned if there are more values to return than the
                // limit set by parameter NumValuesPerNode. A client should continue calling HistoryRead
                // until the continuation point returns null.
                byte[] cp = null;

                    var req2 = new HistoryReadRequest
                        HistoryReadDetails = new ReadRawModifiedDetails
                            StartTime        = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-60)), // set start time to 1 minute ago
                            EndTime          = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            NumValuesPerNode = 100,                                            // sets limit. if there are more values to return then a continuation point is returned.
                            ReturnBounds     = false,                                          // set true to return interpolated values for the start and end times
                        TimestampsToReturn        = TimestampsToReturn.Both,
                        ReleaseContinuationPoints = false, // set true to abandon returning any remaining values from this interval
                        NodesToRead = new[] {
                            new HistoryReadValueId {
                                NodeId = NodeId.Parse("ns=2;s=Demo.History.DoubleWithHistory"), ContinuationPoint = cp

                    var res2 = await channel.HistoryReadAsync(req2);

                    if (StatusCode.IsGood(res2.Results[0].StatusCode))
                        var historyData = res2.Results[0].HistoryData as HistoryData;

                        Console.WriteLine($"Found {historyData.DataValues.Length} value(s) for node '{req2.NodesToRead[0].NodeId}':");

                        foreach (var dv in historyData.DataValues)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Read {dv.Value}, q: {dv.StatusCode}, ts: {dv.SourceTimestamp}");

                        cp = res2.Results[0].ContinuationPoint;
                        // if ContinuationPoint is null, then there is no more data to return.
                        if (cp == null)
                        Console.WriteLine($"HistoryRead return statuscode: {res2.Results[0].StatusCode}");
                } while (cp != null); // loop while ContinuationPoint is not null.

                Console.WriteLine($"\nClosing session '{channel.SessionId}'.");
                await channel.CloseAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                await channel.AbortAsync();

        public async Task VectorAdd()
            // describe this client application.
            var clientDescription = new ApplicationDescription
                ApplicationName = "Workstation.UaClient.FeatureTests",
                ApplicationUri = $"urn:{System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()}:Workstation.UaClient.FeatureTests",
                ApplicationType = ApplicationType.Client

            // place to store certificates
            var certificateStore = new DirectoryStore("./pki");

            // create a 'UaTcpSessionChannel', a client-side channel that opens a 'session' with the server.
            var channel = new UaTcpSessionChannel(
                new AnonymousIdentity(), // the anonymous identity
                "opc.tcp://*****:*****@"  ------------------");
                Console.WriteLine($"  {result}");

                Console.WriteLine($"\nClosing session '{channel.SessionId}'.");
                await channel.CloseAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                await channel.AbortAsync();