public void ReloadData() { foreach (var tab in tabContainer.GetComponentsInChildren <ITLMConfigOptionsTab>()) { try { tab.ReloadData(); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.DoErrorLog($"Error reloading data for {tab}: {e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}"); } } }
private static void ToolbarEvents_ToolbarOpened() { // For compatibility with Enhanced Build Panel, we have to check if the UIScrollablePanel has not been patched. UITabContainer tsContainer = GameObject.Find(GameObjectDefs.ID_TSCONTAINER).GetComponent <UITabContainer>(); UIScrollablePanel panel = tsContainer.GetComponentsInChildren <UIScrollablePanel>().FirstOrDefault(p => p.isVisible); if ( != "ScrollablePanel") { toggleToolbarWidthButton.isVisible = false; Mod.Instance.Log.Debug("Toolbar opened; ToggleToolbarWidthButton not visible due to panel not having its original name; expected: ScrollablePanel, actual: {0}",; return; } else { // We will keep a small compatibility problem however. This method gets called before Enhanced Build Panel changes // the name of the panel for the first opening of each panel. So we check it once after a small delay to see if the name // has been changed. Timer timer = new Timer(100); timer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => { timer.Stop(); if ( != "ScrollablePanel") { toggleToolbarWidthButton.isVisible = false; Mod.Instance.Log.Debug("ToggleToolbarWidthButton not visible after delay due to panel not having its original name; expected: ScrollablePanel, actual: {0}",; } timer.Dispose(); }; timer.Start(); Mod.Instance.Log.Debug("Toolbar opened; timer started to check if EnhancedBuildPanel changes the name of the scrollable panel after us"); } // We need to check if the size and position of TSContainer is still the same as we left it. // If not, then another mod has probably overwritten some stuff and we cannot enable the button. // Sorry Sapphire users, but I assume your skin already patches the width of the toolbar ;) if (tsContainer.absolutePosition.x >= lastTSContainerX - measureRange && tsContainer.absolutePosition.x <= lastTSContainerX + measureRange && tsContainer.width >= lastTSContainerWidth - measureRange && tsContainer.width <= lastTSContainerWidth + measureRange) { toolbarControlBox.isVisible = true; toggleToolbarWidthButton.isVisible = true; Mod.Instance.Log.Debug("Toolbar opened; ToolbarControlBox and ToggleToolbarWidthButton visibility = true"); } }
private void RefreshBuildingsButtons() { if (buildingsTabContainer == null) { return; } // This creates objects on heap, but it won't cause memory pressure because it's not called // in the simulation loop var items = buildingsTabContainer.GetComponentsInChildren <UIButton>()? .Select(b => new { Info = b.objectUserData as PrefabInfo, Button = b }) .Where(i => i.Info is BuildingInfo || i.Info is NetInfo); if (items == null) { return; } foreach (var item in items) { item.Button.tooltip = item.Info.GetLocalizedTooltip(); } }