/// <summary>
 ///     To help ensure hashcode uniqueness, a carefully selected random number multiplier
 ///     is used within the calculation.  Goodrich and Tamassia's Data Structures and
 ///     Algorithms in Java asserts that 31, 33, 37, 39 and 41 will produce the fewest number
 ///     of collissions.  See http://computinglife.wordpress.com/2008/11/20/why-do-hash-functions-use-prime-numbers/
 ///     for more information.
 /// </summary>
 public override int GetHashCode()
     if (cachedHashcode.HasValue)
     if (IsTransient())
         //this.cachedHashcode = base.GetHashCode();
         return(TransientId.GetHashCode()); //don't cache because this won't stay transient forever
             // It's possible for two objects to return the same hash code based on
             // identically valued properties, even if they're of two different types,
             // so we include the object's type in the hash calculation
             var hashCode = GetType().GetHashCode();
             cachedHashcode = (hashCode * HashMultiplier) ^ Id.GetHashCode();
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            var compareTo = obj as AuditEntityConfiguration;

            if (ReferenceEquals(this, compareTo))
            if (compareTo == null || !GetType().Equals(compareTo.GetTypeUnproxied()))
            if (HasSameNonDefaultIdAs(compareTo))
            // Since the Ids aren't the same, both of them must be transient to
            // compare domain signatures; because if one is transient and the
            // other is a persisted entity, then they cannot be the same object.
            return(IsTransient() && compareTo.IsTransient() && (base.Equals(compareTo) || TransientId.Equals(compareTo.TransientId)));