public void AlignCameraRotationWithTrack() { UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject(transform, ALIGN_ROTATION_FUNCTION_NAME); TrackPath track = FindObjectOfType <TrackPath>(); if (track == null) { Debug.LogError("No track path found in scene; cannot align camera with track.", this); return; } if (track.LinearPath == null) { track.GenLinearPath(); } Vector3 pointOnPath; Vector3 trackDirection; Vector3 trackRight; track.LinearPath.GetClosestPointOnPath(transform.position, out pointOnPath, out trackDirection, out trackRight, true); Vector3 trackUp = Vector3.Cross(trackDirection, trackRight); Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, pointOnPath,, 5f); Debug.DrawLine(pointOnPath, pointOnPath + trackUp * 2.5f,, 5f); transform.SetLookRotation(trackDirection, trackUp); }
protected virtual void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { if (!Application.isPlaying) { FixedUpdate(); } if (waypoints == null) { waypoints = GetComponentInParent <TrackGeometry>(); } if (waypoints == null) { return; } var query = waypoints.Query(Distance); var midline = query.Midpoint; var forward = query.Forward; Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawLine(midline, position); Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawRay(midline, forward); }
public static void PlacePrefab(Transform car, TrackPath geometry, float distance, float offset) { var q = geometry.Query(distance); car.position = q.Midpoint + (q.Tangent * offset) + car.localPosition; car.forward = q.Forward; car.up = q.Up; }
public bool CheckPosition(TrackPath path, float position) { if (path.Flags(position).nospawn) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static TrackPath CreateBigTrackPath(string resourceString, int lapsCount) { GameObject testTrackPathPrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>(resourceString); testTrackPathPrefab.GetComponent <TrackPath>().countOfLaps = lapsCount; TrackPath path = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(testTrackPathPrefab) .GetComponent <TrackPath>(); return(path); }
public PathCache(TrackPath path, float resolution) { this.path = path; this.resolution = resolution; table = new PathQuery[Mathf.CeilToInt(path.totalLength / resolution)]; for (float d = 0; d < path.totalLength; d += resolution) { table[Lower(d)] = path.Query(d); } }
public ProfileAgent CreateAgent(TrackPath path, float position) { var container = path.transform.Find("Agents"); if (!container) { container = new GameObject("Agents").transform; container.SetParent(path.transform); } Util.SetLayer(AgentPrefab, TrainingProperties.AgentLayer); // for now car but we may add a training car layer in the future var agent = GameObject.Instantiate(AgentPrefab, container); = + " " + agents.Count; var driver = agent.GetComponent <ProfileController>(); DestroyImmediate(driver); var navigator = agent.GetComponent <PathNavigator>(); // ensure navigator is initialised first as profile agent will reset it navigator.waypoints = path; navigator.StartingPosition = position; var tracknavigator = agent.GetComponentInChildren <TrackNavigator>(); if (tracknavigator != null) { DestroyImmediate(tracknavigator); // don't need this so dont waste cpu time } var profileAgent = agent.GetComponent <ProfileAgent>(); if (!profileAgent) { profileAgent = agent.AddComponent <ProfileAgent>(); } profileAgent.profileLength = profileLength; profileAgent.speedStepSize = profileSpeedStepSize; profileAgent.interval = driver.observationsInterval; profileAgent.CreateProfile(); // re-create the profile with the updated parameters as CreateProfile will be called with the prefabs parameters by PathFinder.Awake() on AddComponent profileAgent.Reset(); agent.SetActive(true); // prefab may be disabled depending on when it was last updated return(profileAgent); }
private void OnSelectionChange() { if (!Selection.activeGameObject) { return; } TrackPath tPath = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent <TrackPath>(); if (tPath) { selectedGameObject = Selection.activeGameObject; trackPath = tPath; Repaint(); } }
public PlayerPilotController(PlayerPilotModelView player, ShipModelView ship, TrackPath checkpoints, DirectionArrowModelView dirHUDArrow) { playerModelView = player; shipModelView = ship; checkpointsPath = checkpoints; directionArrow = dirHUDArrow; checkpointsPath.SetObjPosition(shipModelView.transform, ship, true, true); directionArrow.CheckpointDirection = checkpointsPath.GetNextGatePoint(shipModelView.transform); directionArrow.ShipDirection = shipModelView.transform; playerModelView.OnMovingInput += HandleMovingInput; InputControl.Instance.OnActionInput += HandleActionInput; playerModelView.OnTriggerCollision += HandleTriggerCollision; }
/// <summary> /// Add information about the closest vector section /// </summary> /// <param name="trackViewer"></param> private void AddVectorSectionStatus(TrackViewer trackViewer) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.statusShowVectorSections) { TrVectorSection tvs = trackViewer.DrawTrackDB.ClosestTrack.VectorSection; if (tvs == null) { return; } uint shapeIndex = tvs.ShapeIndex; string shapeName = "Unknown:" + shapeIndex.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); try { // Try to find a fixed track TrackShape shape = trackViewer.RouteData.TsectionDat.TrackShapes.Get(shapeIndex); shapeName = shape.FileName; } catch { // try to find a dynamic track try { TrackPath trackPath = trackViewer.RouteData.TsectionDat.TSectionIdx.TrackPaths[tvs.ShapeIndex]; shapeName = "<dynamic ?>"; foreach (uint trackSection in trackPath.TrackSections) { if (trackSection == tvs.SectionIndex) { shapeName = "<dynamic>"; } // For some reason I do not undestand the (route) section.tdb. trackpaths are not consistent tracksections // so this foreach loop will not always find a combination } } catch { } } statusAdditional.Text += string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, " VectorSection ({3}/{4}) filename={2} Index={0} shapeIndex={1}", tvs.SectionIndex, shapeIndex, shapeName, trackViewer.DrawTrackDB.ClosestTrack.TrackVectorSectionIndex + 1, trackViewer.DrawTrackDB.ClosestTrack.TrackNode.TrVectorNode.TrVectorSections.Count()); } }
public void RecalculateTrackPosition() { TrackPath track = CinematicCameraTriggerManager.Instance.TrackPath; if (track.LinearPath == null) { CinematicCameraTriggerManager.Instance.TrackPath.GenLinearPath(); } float distanceToPoint; // unused track.LinearPath.GetClosestPointOnPath(transform.position, out closestPointOnTrack, out trackDirection, out trackPerpendicular, out distanceAlongTrack, out distanceToPoint, false); percentageAlongTrack = distanceAlongTrack / track.Distance * 100f; transform.position = closestPointOnTrack; UpdateName(); CinematicCameraTriggerManager.Instance.UpdateCameraTriggersIfNecessary(true); }
public void AttachTo( TrackPath otherPath ) { Transform otherTransform = otherPath.FinishTransform(); transform.rotation = otherTransform.rotation; if ( paths.Length > 0 ) { TrackPath firstPath = GetFirstPath(); Vector3 toOther = otherTransform.position - firstPath.StartTransform().position; transform.position += toOther; } else { transform.position = otherTransform.position; } }
void CalcTiltValue( TrackPath path ) { tiltValue = 0f; int numChoices = path.nextPath.Length; if ( numChoices < 2 ) return; foreach ( TrackPath possiblePath in path.nextPath ) { if ( possiblePath.nextPath.Length < 1 ) continue; // TODO - add three-way split handling tiltValue = possiblePath.DirectionVector.normalized.x; } }
private int runOutDirection = 2; // TODO переделать этот костыль public EnemyPilotController(EnemyPilotModelView enemyPilot, ShipModelView ship, TrackPath checkpoints) { pilotModelView = enemyPilot; shipModelView = ship; checkpointsPath = checkpoints; checkpointsPath.SetObjPosition(ship.transform, shipModelView, true); currentAim = checkpointsPath.GetStartPosition(); pilotModelView.ChechpointTarget = currentAim.position; pilotModelView.OnMovingInput += HandleMovingInput; pilotModelView.OnActionInput += HandleActionInput; pilotModelView.OnTriggerCollision += HandleTriggerCollision; shipModelView.OnSecondaryAbilityChanged += HandleShipSecondaryAbilityChanged; SetAimAndOffset(); }
public Agent CreateAgent(TrackPath track, float coefficient) { var container = track.transform.Find("Agents"); if (!container) { container = new GameObject("Agents").transform; container.SetParent(track.transform); } var agent = GameObject.Instantiate(AgentPrefab, container); = + " " + agents.Count; var path = agent.gameObject.AddComponent <InterpolatedPath>(); path.coefficient = coefficient; path.Initialise(); var navigator = agent.GetComponent <PathNavigator>(); navigator.waypoints = path; navigator.StartingPosition = 0; ResetController.ResetPosition(navigator); agent.SetActive(true); // prefab may be disabled depending on when it was last updated SetLayer(agent, TrainingProperties.AgentLayer); // for now car but we may add a training car layer in the future return(new Agent() { navigator = navigator, path = path, times = new float[path.waypoints.Count] }); }
public async Task <int?> AddPath(string location) { int?id = default(int?); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location)) { object parameters = new { location }; TrackPath path = new TrackPath(location), dbPath = await dataService.Get <TrackPath>(item => item.Location.Trim() == location.Trim()); if (dbPath != null) { id = dbPath.Id; } else { await dataService.Insert(path); id = path.Id; } } return(id); }
public static PlayerPilotController CreatePlayerPilotController(PlayerPilotModelView playerMV, ShipModelView shipMV, TrackPath checkpoints, DirectionArrowModelView dirArrowHUD) { return(new PlayerPilotController(playerMV, shipMV, checkpoints, dirArrowHUD)); }
void OnReachedNewPath( TrackPath newPath ) { CalcTiltValue( newPath ); }
public Experience(TrackPath path) { this.path = path; this.profiles = new List <List <ProfileAgent.Node> >(); }
public GameController(Canvas mainCanvas, Camera mainCam, GameStats gameStat, int lapsCount, int shipCount) // конструктор игры, можно сделать несколько конструкторов(например сколько противников, какая сложность, какая трасса) { mainCamera = mainCam; objectsInGame = new List <GameObject>(); canvas = mainCanvas; gameStats = gameStat; //создаем трассу trackMV = TrackFactory.CreateBigTrackModelView(gameStats.testTrackPrefab); // создаем трассу и добавляем в лист объектов в игре trackMV.OnPause += HandleGamePause; // подписываем обработчик паузы на событие паузы objectsInGame.Add(trackMV.gameObject); //создаем сеть чекпоинтов checkpointsPath = TrackFactory.CreateBigTrackPath(gameStats.testTrackPathPrefab, lapsCount); checkpointsPath.OnFinish += HandleTrackFinish; objectsInGame.Add(checkpointsPath.gameObject); // создаем объект размещения кораблей на трассе StartPlacerModelView placerMV = TrackFactory.CreateStartPlacer(checkpointsPath.GetStartPosition(), gameStats.placerPrefab); // создаем корабль игрока ShipModelView playerShipMV = ShipFactory.CreateShipModelView(placerMV.GetSpawnPoint(0)); ShipController shipController = ShipFactory.CreateShipController(playerShipMV, null); playerShipMV.gameObject.AddComponent <AudioListener>(); objectsInGame.Add(playerShipMV.gameObject); = "Player"; ///Создаем эффект песчаной бури и привязываем к игроку EffectModelView effectModelView = EffectsFactory.CreateSandstormEffect(gameStats.sandStormPrefab); effectModelView.transform.parent = playerShipMV.transform; effectModelView.transform.position = playerShipMV.transform.position; // создаем HUD стрелку направления DirectionArrowModelView HUDarrowMV = UIFactory.CreateDirectionArrow(canvas); // создаем пилота игрока PlayerPilotModelView playerPilotMV = PilotFactory.CreatePlayerPilotModelView(playerShipMV.transform); PlayerPilotController playerController = PilotFactory.CreatePlayerPilotController(playerPilotMV, playerShipMV, checkpointsPath, HUDarrowMV); objectsInGame.Add(playerPilotMV.gameObject); UIFactory.AddMinimapPointToPlayer(playerPilotMV.transform); for (int i = 1; i < shipCount; i++) { // создаем корабль противника ShipModelView enemyShipMV = ShipFactory.CreateShipModelView(placerMV.GetSpawnPoint(i)); objectsInGame.Add(enemyShipMV.gameObject); = $"Enemy {i}"; // создаем показатель хитпоинтов корабля противника HitpointsCanvasModelView enemyHp = UIFactory.CreateShipHealthBar(enemyShipMV.transform); if (enemyHp == null) { Debug.Log("HP NOT CREATED!!"); } objectsInGame.Add(enemyHp.gameObject); // создаем контроллер корабля противника ShipController enemyShipController = ShipFactory.CreateShipController(enemyShipMV, enemyHp); // создаем пилота противника EnemyPilotModelView enemyPilotMV = PilotFactory.CreateEnemyPilotModelView(enemyShipMV.transform); EnemyPilotController enemyPilotController = PilotFactory.CreateEnemyPilotController(enemyPilotMV, enemyShipMV, checkpointsPath); enemyShipMV.enemyPilotController = enemyPilotController; objectsInGame.Add(enemyPilotMV.gameObject); UIFactory.AddMinimapPointToEnemy(enemyPilotMV.transform); } // TODO создаем HUD отображение способностей (ТЕСТОВОЕ!!!) AbilityHUDModelView abilityHUDMV = UIFactory.CreatePlayerAbilityUI(canvas); objectsInGame.Add(abilityHUDMV.gameObject); AbilityHUDController abilityHUDController = new AbilityHUDController(abilityHUDMV, playerShipMV); // создаем риг камер CinemachineModelView cameraMV = CameraFactory.CreateCameraRig(playerShipMV.transform); mainCamera.gameObject.SetActive(false); // отключаем основную камеру после появления рига objectsInGame.Add(cameraMV.gameObject); //Создание синглтона Ввода данных от пользователя GameObject inputController = new GameObject(); inputController.AddComponent <InputControl>(); objectsInGame.Add(inputController); //Создание синглтона контроля за TimeScale GameObject timeFollowController = new GameObject(); timeFollowController.AddComponent <TimeFollowController>(); objectsInGame.Add(timeFollowController); // создаем окно оповещений alertsModelView = UIFactory.CreateAlertsModelView(canvas); objectsInGame.Add(alertsModelView.gameObject); //Создаём окно позиции в гонке: TrackPositionModelView trackposMenuModel = UIFactory.CreateTrackPositionModelView(canvas); trackposMenuModel.trackPath = checkpointsPath; objectsInGame.Add(trackposMenuModel.gameObject); // создаем миникарту GameObject minimapCamera = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>("Prefabs/MinimapCamera")); objectsInGame.Add(minimapCamera); GameObject miniMap = UIFactory.CreateMinimapObj(canvas); objectsInGame.Add(miniMap); }
private void CalculateAverageRankForPath(TrackPath path) { if (path.AverageRank == 0 || path.Tracks.Count < 3) { path.AverageRank = GetAverageTrackAndMixAndKeyRank(path.Tracks); } else { var track1 = path.Tracks[path.Tracks.Count - 2]; var track2 = path.Tracks[path.Tracks.Count - 1]; var trackRank = GetAverageTrackAndMixAndKeyRank(track1, track2); path.AverageRank = (((path.Tracks.Count - 1)*path.AverageRank) + trackRank)/path.Tracks.Count; } }
private void FindTrackPath() { trackPath = FindObjectOfType <TrackPath>(); }
public TrackPath(Track newTrack, TrackPath existingTracks) : this(newTrack, existingTracks.Tracks) { AverageRank = existingTracks.AverageRank; }
public void Traverse( float deltaTime ) { if ( currentPath == null ) return; float moveDelta = currentSpeed * deltaTime; float lengthRemaining = ( 1 - progress ) * currentPath.Length; // TODO cleanup, make while loop? if ( moveDelta > lengthRemaining ) { moveDelta -= lengthRemaining; currentPath = currentPath.SelectNextPath( GetTiltValue() ); if ( currentPath == null ) { playerGameObject.FormOfDeath("deadend"); playerGameObject.Kill(); return; } else { ChangeTiltValueAtPathChange(); SendMessage( "OnReachedNewPath", currentPath, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver ); } progress = 0; lengthRemaining = ( 1 - progress ) * currentPath.Length; } float progressDelta = moveDelta / currentPath.Length; progress += progressDelta; transform.position = currentPath.PointAt( progress ); LookAhead(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { playerGameObject = GetComponent<Player>(); currentPath = startPiece.GetFirstPath(); currentSpeed = ConvertFromMPH(initialSpeedInMPH); deceleration = (ConvertFromMPH(20f) - currentSpeed) / 10f; }
public List<Track> GeneratePlayList(List<Track> availableTracks, MixLibrary mixLibrary, List<Track> currentPlaylist, Direction direction, int approximateLength, AllowBearableMixStrategy allowBearable, MixStrategy strategy, UseExtendedMixes useExtendedMixes, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Track>> excludedMixes, bool restrictArtistClumping, bool restrictGenreClumping, bool restrictTitleClumping, ContinueMix continueMix, KeyMixStrategy keyMixStrategy, int maxTracksToAdd) { if (strategy == MixStrategy.Working && currentPlaylist.Count == 0) return currentPlaylist; Track workingTrack = null; if (strategy == MixStrategy.Working) { direction = Direction.Any; workingTrack = currentPlaylist.Last(); } GeneratePlayListStatus = ""; MixLibrary = mixLibrary; AvailableTracks = availableTracks; if (strategy == MixStrategy.Working) AvailableTracks.RemoveAll(t => MixLibrary.GetMixOutCount(t) == 0); if (AvailableTracks.Count == 0) return currentPlaylist; var availableTrackDescriptions = GetDistinctTrackDescriptions(AvailableTracks); var trackCountLimit = int.MaxValue; if (approximateLength > 0 && approximateLength != int.MaxValue) { var currentLength = currentPlaylist.Sum(cp => cp.Length); var requiredLength = Convert.ToInt32((approximateLength*60) - currentLength); if (requiredLength <= 0) return new List<Track>(); var averageLength = AvailableTracks.Average(t => t.Length); trackCountLimit = (requiredLength/Convert.ToInt32(averageLength)) + currentPlaylist.Count; if (trackCountLimit == currentPlaylist.Count) return new List<Track>(); } if (maxTracksToAdd != int.MaxValue && trackCountLimit > currentPlaylist.Count + maxTracksToAdd) { trackCountLimit = currentPlaylist.Count + maxTracksToAdd; } if (strategy != MixStrategy.Unranked && strategy != MixStrategy.Working) { if (trackCountLimit > AvailableTracks.Count) { trackCountLimit = AvailableTracks.Count; } } var initialPlaylistCount = currentPlaylist.Count; var currentPaths = new List<TrackPath>(); if (currentPlaylist.Count == 0) { var trackPaths = AvailableTracks.Select(track => new TrackPath(track)); foreach (var path in trackPaths) { CalculateAverageRankForPath(path); currentPaths.Add(path); } } else if (continueMix == ContinueMix.No) { var trackPaths = AvailableTracks .Select(track => new List<Track>(currentPlaylist) {track}) .Select(playlist => new TrackPath(playlist)); foreach (var path in trackPaths) { CalculateAverageRankForPath(path); currentPaths.Add(path); } } else { var path = new TrackPath(currentPlaylist); CalculateAverageRankForPath(path); currentPaths.Add(path); } _cancelGeneratePlayList = false; _stopGeneratePlayList = false; var nextPaths = new List<TrackPath>(); while (!IsGenerationHalted()) { ParallelHelper.ForEach(currentPaths, currentPath => GeneratePaths(direction, allowBearable, strategy, useExtendedMixes, excludedMixes, restrictArtistClumping, restrictGenreClumping, restrictTitleClumping, keyMixStrategy, workingTrack, availableTrackDescriptions, nextPaths, currentPath)); if (IsGenerationHalted()) break; if (nextPaths.Count == 0) break; GeneratePlayListStatus = $"Generated {nextPaths.Count} possible paths for {nextPaths[0].Tracks.Count} of {trackCountLimit} tracks."; var max = 50*Environment.ProcessorCount; if (nextPaths.Count > max) { nextPaths = nextPaths .OrderByDescending(t => t.AverageRank) .Take(max) .ToList(); } currentPaths.Clear(); currentPaths.AddRange(nextPaths); if (nextPaths[0].Tracks.Count >= trackCountLimit) break; nextPaths.Clear(); } if (_cancelGeneratePlayList) return currentPlaylist; var resultPath = currentPaths .OrderByDescending(t => GetAverageTrackAndMixAndKeyRank(t.Tracks)) .FirstOrDefault(); if ((strategy == MixStrategy.BestMix || strategy == MixStrategy.Variety || strategy == MixStrategy.ExtraVariety) && resultPath != null && resultPath.Tracks.Count < trackCountLimit && resultPath.Tracks.Count > 0) { availableTrackDescriptions = GetDistinctTrackDescriptions(AvailableTracks); var excludeTrackDescriptions = GetDistinctTrackDescriptions(resultPath.Tracks); var currentTrack = resultPath.Tracks[resultPath.Tracks.Count - 1]; var nextTrack = GetBestMixTracks(currentTrack, resultPath.Tracks, allowBearable, availableTrackDescriptions, excludeTrackDescriptions, restrictArtistClumping, restrictArtistClumping, restrictTitleClumping, keyMixStrategy) .OrderBy(t => GetAverageTrackAndMixAndKeyRank(currentTrack, t)) .FirstOrDefault(); if (nextTrack != null) resultPath.Tracks.Add(nextTrack); } var resultTracks = (resultPath != null) ? resultPath.Tracks : new List<Track>(); if (continueMix == ContinueMix.IfPossible && resultTracks.Count == initialPlaylistCount) { return GeneratePlayList(availableTracks, mixLibrary, currentPlaylist, direction, approximateLength, allowBearable, strategy, useExtendedMixes, excludedMixes, restrictArtistClumping, restrictGenreClumping, restrictTitleClumping, ContinueMix.No, keyMixStrategy, maxTracksToAdd); } return resultTracks; }
public static EnemyPilotController CreateEnemyPilotController(EnemyPilotModelView enemyMV, ShipModelView shipMV, TrackPath checkpoints) { return(new EnemyPilotController(enemyMV, shipMV, checkpoints)); }
private void Start() { if (creation.Count == 0) { return; } trackPath = GetComponent <TrackPath>(); pointsAndPrefabs = new Dictionary <GameObject, GameobjectsToCreate>(); pointsAndCreations = new Dictionary <GameObject, GameObject>(); listOfPoints = new List <GameObject>(); //определяем количество создаваемых объектов int sumPointToCreate = 0; foreach (GameobjectsToCreate gameobjectsToCreate in creation) { sumPointToCreate += gameobjectsToCreate.count; } //Длина интервала между точками спавна объектов float entitieDistance = trackPath.GetTrackDistance() / (sumPointToCreate + 1); float currentDistance = 0.5f; //создаём точки спавна объектов for (int i = 0; i < sumPointToCreate; i++) { currentDistance += entitieDistance; KeyValuePair <Transform, float> cKVP = trackPath.GetChekpointThrouDistance(currentDistance); Vector3 curPoint = cKVP.Key.position; Vector3 nextPoint = trackPath.GetNextCheckPointPosition(cKVP.Key).position; float m1 = currentDistance - cKVP.Value; float m2 = Vector3.Distance(curPoint, nextPoint) - m1; float x = (m2 * curPoint.x + m1 * nextPoint.x) / (m1 + m2); float y = (m2 * curPoint.y + m1 * nextPoint.y) / (m1 + m2); float z = (m2 * curPoint.z + m1 * nextPoint.z) / (m1 + m2); Vector3 posToCreate = new Vector3(x, y + 100f, z); GameObject pointOfCreation = Instantiate(pointCreator, posToCreate, Quaternion.identity, gameObject.transform); Vector3 posToLookAt = nextPoint; posToLookAt.y = pointOfCreation.transform.position.y; pointOfCreation.transform.LookAt(posToLookAt); pointsAndCreations.Add(pointOfCreation, default); listOfPoints.Add(pointOfCreation); } ///создаём Список всех создаваемых префабов по их количеству List <GameobjectsToCreate> creaturesCountList = new List <GameobjectsToCreate>(); foreach (var item in creation) { for (int i = 0; i < item.count; i++) { creaturesCountList.Add(item); } } //раздаём точкам тип префаба foreach (GameObject pointOfSpawn in listOfPoints) { int curRnd = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, creaturesCountList.Count); pointsAndPrefabs.Add(pointOfSpawn, creaturesCountList[curRnd]); creaturesCountList.RemoveAt(curRnd); } CheckAndCreateEntities(); if (generateConstantly) { StartCoroutine(CreateEntitiesCorut()); } }
private void GeneratePaths(Direction direction, AllowBearableMixStrategy allowBearable, MixStrategy strategy, UseExtendedMixes useExtendedMixes, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Track>> excludedMixes, bool restrictArtistClumping, bool restrictGenreClumping, bool restrictTitleClumping, KeyMixStrategy keyMixStrategy, Track workingTrack, ICollection<string> availableTrackDescriptions, List<TrackPath> nextPaths, TrackPath currentPath) { var currentTrack = currentPath.Tracks.Last(); DebugHelper.WriteLine("Start GeneratePaths " + currentTrack.Description); var excludeTrackDescriptions = GetDistinctTrackDescriptions(currentPath.Tracks); List<Track> mixTracks; if (strategy == MixStrategy.BestMix || strategy == MixStrategy.Variety || strategy == MixStrategy.ExtraVariety) { mixTracks = GetBestMixTracks(currentTrack, currentPath.Tracks, allowBearable, availableTrackDescriptions, excludeTrackDescriptions, restrictArtistClumping, restrictGenreClumping, restrictTitleClumping, keyMixStrategy); } else if (strategy == MixStrategy.Unranked) { mixTracks = GetUnrankedTracks(currentTrack, currentPath.Tracks, availableTrackDescriptions, excludeTrackDescriptions, keyMixStrategy, true); } else if (strategy == MixStrategy.Working) { mixTracks = GetWorkingTracks(currentTrack, currentPath.Tracks, workingTrack, availableTrackDescriptions, excludeTrackDescriptions, keyMixStrategy); } else { mixTracks = new List<Track>(); } if (direction != Direction.Any) { var preferredDirection = direction; if (preferredDirection == Direction.Cycle) preferredDirection = GetPreferredDirection(currentTrack, currentPath.Tracks); var filteredTracks = FilterTracksByDirection(currentTrack, mixTracks, preferredDirection); if (filteredTracks.Count > 0) mixTracks = filteredTracks; } if ((strategy == MixStrategy.BestMix || strategy == MixStrategy.Variety || strategy == MixStrategy.ExtraVariety) && useExtendedMixes != UseExtendedMixes.Any) { mixTracks = FilterTracksByExtendedMix(currentTrack, mixTracks, useExtendedMixes); } if (excludedMixes != null) { mixTracks = FilterExcludedMixes(currentTrack, mixTracks, excludedMixes); } if (strategy == MixStrategy.BestMix || strategy == MixStrategy.Variety || strategy == MixStrategy.ExtraVariety) { mixTracks = mixTracks .OrderByDescending(x => GetAverageTrackAndMixAndKeyRank(currentTrack, x)) .ThenBy(x => x.Length) .ToList(); if (strategy == MixStrategy.Variety) { mixTracks = FilterTracksForVariety(currentTrack, mixTracks); } else if (strategy == MixStrategy.ExtraVariety) { mixTracks = FilterTracksForExtraVariety(currentTrack, mixTracks); } } var max = 3*Environment.ProcessorCount; mixTracks = mixTracks .Take(max) .ToList(); var trackPaths = mixTracks.Select(mixTrack => new TrackPath(mixTrack, currentPath)); foreach (var newPath in trackPaths) { lock (nextPaths) { nextPaths.Add(newPath); CalculateAverageRankForPath(newPath); } if (IsGenerationHalted()) break; } DebugHelper.WriteLine("End GeneratePaths " + currentTrack.Description); }