public bool IsTrackRecordable(TrackAsset track) { // A track with animated parameters can always be recorded to return(IsArmedForRecord(track) || track.HasAnyAnimatableParameters()); }
internal static void SetShowInlineCurves(this TrackAsset track, bool inlineOn) { TimelineWindowViewPrefs.SetShowInlineCurves(track, inlineOn); }
public CinemachineTrackManager(TimelineAsset _timeline) { timeline = _timeline; currentTrack = timeline.CreateTrack <CinemachineTrack>(null, "film_track"); }
internal static void SetCollapsed(this TrackAsset track, bool collapsed) { TimelineWindowViewPrefs.SetTrackCollapsed(track, collapsed); }
internal static void SetShowMarkers(this TrackAsset track, bool collapsed) { TimelineWindowViewPrefs.SetTrackShowMarkers(track, collapsed); }
public static double FindClipInsertionTime(TimelineClip clip, TrackAsset track) { return(ClipExtensions.FindClipInsertionTime(clip, track.clips)); }
// Reparents a list of tracks to a new parent // the new parent cannot be null (has to be track asset or sequence) // the insertAfter can be null (will not reorder) internal static bool ReparentTracks(List <TrackAsset> tracksToMove, PlayableAsset targetParent, TrackAsset insertMarker = null, bool insertBefore = false) { var targetParentTrack = targetParent as TrackAsset; var targetSequenceTrack = targetParent as TimelineAsset; if (tracksToMove == null || tracksToMove.Count == 0 || (targetParentTrack == null && targetSequenceTrack == null)) { return(false); } // invalid parent type on a track if (targetParentTrack != null && tracksToMove.Any(x => !TimelineCreateUtilities.ValidateParentTrack(targetParentTrack, x.GetType()))) { return(false); } // no valid tracks means this is simply a rearrangement var validTracks = tracksToMove.Where(x => x.parent != targetParent).ToList(); if (insertMarker == null && !validTracks.Any()) { return(false); } var parents = validTracks.Select(x => x.parent).Where(x => x != null).Distinct().ToList(); // push the current state of the tracks that will change foreach (var p in parents) { TimelineUndo.PushUndo(p, "Reparent"); } foreach (var t in validTracks) { TimelineUndo.PushUndo(t, "Reparent"); } TimelineUndo.PushUndo(targetParent, "Reparent"); // need to reparent tracks first, before moving them. foreach (var t in validTracks) { if (t.parent != targetParent) { TrackAsset toMoveParent = t.parent as TrackAsset; TimelineAsset toMoveTimeline = t.parent as TimelineAsset; if (toMoveTimeline != null) { toMoveTimeline.RemoveTrack(t); } else if (toMoveParent != null) { toMoveParent.RemoveSubTrack(t); } if (targetParentTrack != null) { targetParentTrack.AddChild(t); targetParentTrack.SetCollapsed(false); } else { targetSequenceTrack.AddTrackInternal(t); } } } if (insertMarker != null) { // re-ordering track. This is using internal APIs, so invalidation of the tracks must be done manually to avoid // cache mismatches var children = targetParentTrack != null ? targetParentTrack.subTracksObjects : targetSequenceTrack.trackObjects; TimelineUtility.ReorderTracks(children, tracksToMove, insertMarker, insertBefore); if (targetParentTrack != null) { targetParentTrack.Invalidate(); } if (insertMarker.timelineAsset != null) { insertMarker.timelineAsset.Invalidate(); } } return(true); }
public static TimelineClip[] GetClipsInSpanInTrack(TrackAsset track, double start, double end) { return(GetClipsInTrack(track, clip => clip.start >= start && clip.end <= end)); }
public void Grab(IEnumerable <ITimelineItem> items, TrackAsset referenceTrack) { Grab(items, referenceTrack,; }
public static TimelineClip[] GetClipsBeforeTimeInTrack(TrackAsset track, double time) { return(GetClipsInTrack(track, clip => clip.end < time)); }
public static TimelineClip[] GetClipsAfterTimeInTrack(TrackAsset track, double time) { return(GetClipsInTrack(track, clip => clip.start > time)); }
public static TimelineClip[] GetClipsAtTimeInTrack(TrackAsset track, double time) { return(GetClipsInTrack(track, clip => clip.start <= time && clip.end > time)); }
public static TimelineClip[] GetAllClipsInTrack(TrackAsset track, double time) { return(GetClipsInTrack(track, clip => true)); }
public bool IsArmedForRecord(TrackAsset track) { return(track == GetArmedTrack(track)); }
/// <summary> /// Queries whether the children of the Track are currently visible in the Timeline Editor. /// </summary> /// <param name="track">The track asset to query.</param> /// <returns>True if the track is collapsed and false otherwise.</returns> public static bool IsCollapsed(this TrackAsset track) { return(TimelineWindowViewPrefs.IsTrackCollapsed(track)); }
public void Grab(IEnumerable <ITimelineItem> items, TrackAsset referenceTrack, Vector2 mousePosition) { if (items == null) { return; } items = items.ToArray(); // Cache enumeration result if (!items.Any()) { return; } m_GrabbedModalUndoGroup = Undo.GetCurrentGroup(); var trackItems = items.GroupBy(c => c.parentTrack).ToArray(); var trackItemsCount = trackItems.Length; var tracks = items.Select(c => c.parentTrack).Where(x => x != null).Distinct(); movingItems = new MovingItems[trackItemsCount]; allowTrackSwitch = trackItemsCount == 1 && !trackItems.SelectMany(x => x).Any(x => x is MarkerItem); // For now, track switch is only supported when all items are on the same track and there are no items foreach (var sourceTrack in tracks) { // one push per track handles all the clips on the track TimelineUndo.PushUndo(sourceTrack, "Move Items"); // push all markers on the track because of ripple foreach (var marker in sourceTrack.GetMarkers().OfType <ScriptableObject>()) { TimelineUndo.PushUndo(marker, "Move Items"); } } for (var i = 0; i < trackItemsCount; ++i) { var track = trackItems[i].Key; var grabbedItems = new MovingItems(m_State, track, trackItems[i].ToArray(), referenceTrack, mousePosition, allowTrackSwitch); movingItems[i] = grabbedItems; } m_LeftMostMovingItems = null; m_RightMostMovingItems = null; foreach (var grabbedTrackItems in movingItems) { if (m_LeftMostMovingItems == null || m_LeftMostMovingItems.start > grabbedTrackItems.start) { m_LeftMostMovingItems = grabbedTrackItems; } if (m_RightMostMovingItems == null || m_RightMostMovingItems.end < grabbedTrackItems.end) { m_RightMostMovingItems = grabbedTrackItems; } } m_ItemGUIs = new HashSet <TimelineItemGUI>(); m_ItemsGroup = new ItemsGroup(items); foreach (var item in items) { m_ItemGUIs.Add(item.gui); } targetTrack = referenceTrack; EditMode.BeginMove(this); m_Grabbing = true; }
internal static void UnarmForRecord(this TrackAsset track) { TimelineWindow.instance.state.UnarmForRecord(track); }
private void OnGUI() { GUILayout.BeginVertical(); // GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); //区域B 展示区域 int x = 0; int y = 0; int size = 60; int padding = 10; int maxCount = 600 / (size + padding); int count = 0; Rect rect =; Rect labelRect =; GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(padding, padding, 600, 600)); GUILayout.BeginScrollView(new Vector2(300, 0), GUILayout.Width(600), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true)); var nodeInfos = BGMSwitchHelper.config.topics; if (nodeInfos != null) { foreach (var nodeInfo in nodeInfos) { if (nodeInfo == null) { return; } rect = new Rect(x, y, size, size); string topicname = nodeInfo.topicname; if (GUI.Button(rect, topicname)) { System.Random random = new System.Random(); int rat = random.Next(nodeInfo.items.Count); Debug.Log("rat: " + rat); string id = nodeInfo.items[rat].id; AudioClip audioclip = Resources.Load <AudioClip>(id); if (audioclip == null) { Debug.LogError("audioclip is null. path: " + id); } else { TimelineAsset timelineAsset = BGMSwitchHelper.bgmPlayableDirector.playableAsset as TimelineAsset; List <TrackAsset> lstTrackAsset = timelineAsset.GetRootTracks().ToList <TrackAsset>(); for (int i = 0; i < lstTrackAsset.Count; i++) { TrackAsset trackAsset = timelineAsset.GetRootTrack(i); timelineAsset.DeleteTrack(trackAsset); } var track = timelineAsset.CreateTrack <AudioTrack>(null, "bgmTrack"); BGMSwitchHelper.bgmPlayableDirector.SetGenericBinding(track, BGMSwitchHelper.BMGMgrGo); var clip = track.CreateClip(audioclip); clip.displayName =; AudioPlayableAsset clipasset = clip.asset as AudioPlayableAsset; clipasset.loop = true; AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } Close(); } x += size + padding; count++; if ((count + 1) % maxCount == 0) { x = 0; y += size + padding; } } } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndArea(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // if (GUILayout.Button("Generate")) // { // // } GUILayout.EndVertical(); }
internal static TrackAsset Duplicate(this TrackAsset track, PlayableDirector director, TimelineAsset destinationTimeline = null) { if (track == null) { return(null); } // if the destination is us, clear to avoid bad parenting (case 919421) if (destinationTimeline == track.timelineAsset) { destinationTimeline = null; } var timelineParent = track.parent as TimelineAsset; var trackParent = track.parent as TrackAsset; if (timelineParent == null && trackParent == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Cannot duplicate track because it is not parented to known type"); return(null); } // Determine who the final parent is. If we are pasting into another track, it's always the timeline. // Otherwise it's the original parent PlayableAsset finalParent = destinationTimeline != null ? destinationTimeline : track.parent; // grab the list of tracks to generate a name from (923360) to get the list of names // no need to do this part recursively var finalTrackParent = finalParent as TrackAsset; var finalTimelineAsset = finalParent as TimelineAsset; var otherTracks = (finalTimelineAsset != null) ? finalTimelineAsset.trackObjects : finalTrackParent.subTracksObjects; // Important to create the new objects before pushing the original undo, or redo breaks the // sequence var newTrack = TimelineHelpers.Clone(finalParent, track, director, finalParent); = TimelineCreateUtilities.GenerateUniqueActorName(otherTracks,; RecursiveSubtrackClone(track, newTrack, director, finalParent); TimelineUndo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newTrack, "Duplicate"); TimelineCreateUtilities.SaveAssetIntoObject(newTrack, finalParent); TimelineUndo.PushUndo(finalParent, "Duplicate"); if (destinationTimeline != null) // other timeline { destinationTimeline.AddTrackInternal(newTrack); } else if (timelineParent != null) // this timeline, no parent { ReparentTracks(new List <TrackAsset> { newTrack }, timelineParent, timelineParent.GetRootTracks().Last(), false); } else // this timeline, with parent { trackParent.AddChild(newTrack); } // Call the custom editor. this check prevents the call when copying to the clipboard if (destinationTimeline == null || destinationTimeline == TimelineEditor.inspectedAsset) { var customEditor = CustomTimelineEditorCache.GetTrackEditor(newTrack); try { customEditor.OnCreate(newTrack, track); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } } return(newTrack); }
private TimelineGroupGUI CreateItem(TrackAsset a, ref Dictionary <TrackAsset, TimelineGroupGUI> tree, List <TrackAsset> selectedRows, TreeViewItem parentTreeViewItem) { TimelineGroupGUI result; if (a == null) { result = null; } else { if (tree == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("tree"); } if (selectedRows == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("selectedRows"); } if (tree.ContainsKey(a)) { result = tree[a]; } else { TimelineTrackBaseGUI timelineTrackBaseGUI = parentTreeViewItem as TimelineTrackBaseGUI; if (selectedRows.Contains(a.parent as TrackAsset)) { timelineTrackBaseGUI = this.CreateItem(a.parent as TrackAsset, ref tree, selectedRows, parentTreeViewItem); } int num = -1; if (timelineTrackBaseGUI != null) { num = timelineTrackBaseGUI.get_depth(); } num++; TimelineGroupGUI timelineGroupGUI; if (a.GetType() != TimelineHelpers.GroupTrackType.trackType) { timelineGroupGUI = new TimelineTrackGUI(this.m_TreeView, this.m_ParentGUI, a.GetInstanceID(), num, timelineTrackBaseGUI, a.get_name(), a); } else { timelineGroupGUI = new TimelineGroupGUI(this.m_TreeView, this.m_ParentGUI, a.GetInstanceID(), num, timelineTrackBaseGUI, a.get_name(), a, false); } this.allTrackGuis.Add(timelineGroupGUI); if (timelineTrackBaseGUI != null) { if (timelineTrackBaseGUI.get_children() == null) { timelineTrackBaseGUI.set_children(new List <TreeViewItem>()); } timelineTrackBaseGUI.get_children().Add(timelineGroupGUI); } else { this.m_RootItem = timelineGroupGUI; this.SetExpanded(this.m_RootItem, true); } tree[a] = timelineGroupGUI; AnimationTrack animationTrack = timelineGroupGUI.track as AnimationTrack; bool flag = animationTrack != null && animationTrack.ShouldShowInfiniteClipEditor(); if (flag) { if (timelineGroupGUI.get_children() == null) { timelineGroupGUI.set_children(new List <TreeViewItem>()); } } else { bool flag2 = false; for (int num2 = 0; num2 != timelineGroupGUI.track.clips.Length; num2++) { AnimationClip animationClip = timelineGroupGUI.track.clips[num2].curves; AnimationClip animationClip2 = timelineGroupGUI.track.clips[num2].animationClip; if (animationClip != null && animationClip.get_empty()) { animationClip = null; } if (animationClip2 != null && animationClip2.get_empty()) { animationClip2 = null; } if (animationClip2 != null && (animationClip2.get_hideFlags() & 8) != null) { animationClip2 = null; } if (!timelineGroupGUI.track.clips[num2].recordable) { animationClip2 = null; } flag2 = (animationClip != null || animationClip2 != null); if (flag2) { break; } } if (flag2) { if (timelineGroupGUI.get_children() == null) { timelineGroupGUI.set_children(new List <TreeViewItem>()); } } } if (a.subTracks != null) { for (int i = 0; i < a.subTracks.Count; i++) { this.CreateItem(a.subTracks[i], ref tree, selectedRows, timelineGroupGUI); } } result = timelineGroupGUI; } } return(result); }
internal static bool GetCollapsed(this TrackAsset track) { return(TimelineWindowViewPrefs.IsTrackCollapsed(track)); }
public static IEnumerable <IMarker> CloneMarkersToParent(IEnumerable <IMarker> markers, TrackAsset parent) { if (!markers.Any()) { return(Enumerable.Empty <IMarker>()); } var clonedMarkers = new List <IMarker>(); foreach (var marker in markers) { clonedMarkers.Add(CloneMarkerToParent(marker, parent)); } return(clonedMarkers); }
internal static bool GetShowMarkers(this TrackAsset track) { return(TimelineWindowViewPrefs.IsShowMarkers(track)); }
internal static void OnRecordingUnarmed(this TrackAsset track, PlayableDirector director) { TrackAssetRecordingExtensions.s_ActiveClips.Remove(track); }
internal static bool GetShowInlineCurves(this TrackAsset track) { return(TimelineWindowViewPrefs.GetShowInlineCurves(track)); }
private static bool ValidateClipDrag(TrackAsset target, TimelineClip clip) { TrackAsset parentTrack = clip.parentTrack; return(!target.locked && target.mediaType == parentTrack.mediaType); }
public static void ComputeBlendsFromOverlaps(this TrackAsset asset) { ComputeBlendsFromOverlaps(asset.clips); }
public virtual void SetTrackAsset(TrackAsset trackAsset, PlayableDirector playableDirector) { _trackAsset = trackAsset; _director = playableDirector; _currentBinding = null; }
public PlayableTrackManager(TimelineAsset _timeline, string trackName) { name = trackName; timeline = _timeline; currentTrack = timeline.CreateTrack <PlayableTrack>(null, name + trackNum.ToString()); }
public TimelineTrackGUI(TreeViewController tv, TimelineTreeViewGUI w, int id, int depth, TreeViewItem parent, string displayName, TrackAsset sequenceActor) : base(tv, w, id, depth, parent, displayName, sequenceActor, false) { AnimationTrack animationTrack = sequenceActor as AnimationTrack; if (animationTrack != null) { m_InfiniteTrackDrawer = new InfiniteTrackDrawer(new AnimationTrackKeyDataSource(animationTrack)); } else if (sequenceActor.HasAnyAnimatableParameters() && !sequenceActor.clips.Any()) { m_InfiniteTrackDrawer = new InfiniteTrackDrawer(new TrackPropertyCurvesDataSource(sequenceActor)); } UpdateInfiniteClipEditor(w.TimelineWindow); var bindings = track.outputs.ToArray(); m_TrackDrawData.m_HasBinding = bindings.Length > 0; if (m_TrackDrawData.m_HasBinding) { m_TrackDrawData.m_Binding = bindings[0]; } m_TrackDrawData.m_IsSubTrack = IsSubTrack(); m_TrackDrawData.m_AllowsRecording = DoesTrackAllowsRecording(sequenceActor); m_DefaultTrackIcon = TrackResourceCache.GetTrackIcon(track); m_TrackEditor = CustomTimelineEditorCache.GetTrackEditor(sequenceActor); try { m_TrackDrawOptions = m_TrackEditor.GetTrackOptions(track, null); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); m_TrackDrawOptions = CustomTimelineEditorCache.GetDefaultTrackEditor().GetTrackOptions(track, null); } m_TrackDrawOptions.errorText = null; // explicitly setting to null for an uninitialized state RebuildGUICacheIfNecessary(); }