// AnandaCoord = Warp.Location; set in app IEnumerator OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { if (other.tag == "Player") { // Stops the player's movement playerAnim.SetBool("bIsWalking", false); player.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(0, 0); player.bStopPlayerMovement = true; touches.UnpressedAllArrows(); // Fade out StartCoroutine(sFader.FadeToBlack()); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f)); cFollow.currentCoords = (CameraFollow.AnandaCoords)AnandaCoord; other.gameObject.transform.position = warpTarget.position; Camera.main.transform.position = warpTarget.position; // Fade in StartCoroutine(sFader.FadeToClear()); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f)); if (areaAni) { areaAni.CheckAreaToAnimate(); } player.bStopPlayerMovement = false; } }
public void ShowDialogue() { // Sound Effect SFXMan.sounds[2].PlayOneShot(SFXMan.sounds[2].clip); // Set the text //dText.text = dialogueLines[currentLine]; StartCoroutine(TypewriteText()); // Set current picture dPic.sprite = portPic; // Displays the dialogue box & strobing arrow bDialogueActive = true; dBox.transform.localScale = Vector3.one; StartCoroutine(ResetStrobes()); // Stops the player's movement playerMove.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(0, 0); if (playerAnim) { playerAnim.SetBool("bIsWalking", false); } touches.UnpressedAllArrows(); playerMove.bStopPlayerMovement = true; // Hide BrioBar & Pause Button (Opac) uMan.HideBrioAndButton(); }
public void CollisionBundle() // Note: order is important { // Reset Camera dimension / ratio incase screen size changed at all (e.g. WebGL Fullscreen) aspectUtil.Awake(); // "Stop" player animation if (playerAnim) { playerAnim.speed = 0.0001f; } // Unsync and stop camera tracking cameraFollow.currentCoords = 0; // Hide UI (if present) and prevent input if (cameraSlider) { cameraSlider.bTempControlActive = uMan.bControlsActive; } touches.transform.localScale = Vector3.zero; // 05/10/2019 DC TODO -- Change this to uMan.HideControls()? touches.UnpressedAllArrows(); // Prevent player movement bStopPlayerMovement = true; // Prevent player interactions (e.g. other tripwires) if (playerCollider) { playerCollider.enabled = false; } }