public ActionResult GenerateMail(string mode, string topic_code, string dept = null, string[] dept_arry = null, string due_date = "", string pos = "") { try{ Topic = M_Mail.GetTopicByCode(topic_code); ViewBag.Mode = mode; ViewBag.Url = $"{Topic.Code}"; // ViewBag.Url = $"{Request.Url.Host}:{Request.Url.Port}/{Request.ApplicationPath}/Detail/Index/?id={Topic.Code}"; ViewBag.Topic = Topic; ViewBag.DueDate = due_date; if (ViewBag.Topic.FullStatus == "Waiting") { ViewBag.Topic.FullStatus = "Request"; } var email = RenderView("~/Views/Mail/index.cshtml", Topic); var address_list = new List <string>(); List <String> temp_email_list = new List <string>(); if (dept_arry != null) //Dept as array { foreach (var temp_dept in dept_arry) { temp_email_list = M_Mail.GetEmailByDeptAndPosition(temp_dept, pos); if (temp_email_list != null) { address_list.AddRange(temp_email_list); } } } else if (dept == "" || dept == null) //Default department that related { var related_list = M_Mail.GetRelatedByTopicCode(topic_code); related_list.ForEach(rl => { temp_email_list = M_Mail.GetEmailByDeptAndPosition(rl, pos); if (temp_email_list != null) { address_list.AddRange(temp_email_list); } }); } else //Single department { temp_email_list = M_Mail.GetEmailByDeptAndPosition(dept, pos); if (temp_email_list != null) { address_list.AddRange(temp_email_list); } } if (temp_email_list != null) { SendMail(email, address_list); } return(Json(new { status = true }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); // return View(Topic); }catch (Exception err) { return(Json(new { error = err }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult Index(string mode, string topic_code, string dept = null) { try{ ViewBag.Mode = mode; // if(Topic.Type == "ERR0R"){ Topic = M_Mail.GetTopicByCode(topic_code); // } // ViewBag.Url = $"{Topic.Code}"; ViewBag.Url = $"{Request.Url.Host}:{Request.Url.Port}/{Request.ApplicationPath}/Detail/Index/?id={Topic.Code}"; ViewBag.Topic = Topic; ViewBag.DueDate = DateTime.Now.DueDateOn(10); var email = RenderView("~/Views/Mail/index.cshtml", Topic); var related_list = M_Mail.GetRelatedByTopicCode(topic_code); Type type = related_list.GetType(); PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties(); var address_list = new List <string>(); foreach (var prop in props) { if ((int)prop.GetValue(related_list) == 1) { address_list.AddRange(M_Mail.GetEmailByDept(prop.Name)); } } SendMail(email, address_list); // return Json(new {status = true}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); return(View(Topic)); }catch (Exception err) { return(Json(new { error = err }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public string RenderView(string viewName, TopicAlt model = null) { ViewData.Model = model; using (var sw = new StringWriter()){ var viewResult = ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialView(ControllerContext, viewName); var viewContext = new ViewContext(ControllerContext, viewResult.View, ViewData, TempData, sw); viewResult.View.Render(viewContext, sw); viewResult.ViewEngine.ReleaseView(ControllerContext, viewResult.View); return(sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString()); } }
public ActionResult Index(string ID) { if ((string)(Session["User"]) == null || (string)(Session["Department"]) == null || (string)(Session["Department"]) == "Guest") { Session["RedirectID"] = (ID != null) ? ID : null; Session["RedirectMode"] = "Request"; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "LogIn")); } GenerateTopicList(Convert.ToString(Session["Department"]), Convert.ToString(Session["Position"])); Session["RedirectID"] = null; if (ID == null || M_Req.CheckTopicOwner((string)Session["User"], ID)) { Session["Topic"] = null; ViewBag.mode = "Insert"; if ((string)(Session["User"]) == null || (string)(Session["Department"]) == null) { Session["url"] = "Request"; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Login")); } List <GetID> last_iTopic = new List <GetID>(); List <GetID> last_eTopic = new List <GetID>(); last_iTopic = M_Req.GetInternalTopicId(); last_eTopic = M_Req.GetExternalTopicId(); if (last_iTopic.Count == 0) //Case Internal Topic not exist { ViewData["iTopic_id"] = "IN-" + date.Substring(2, 4) + "001"; //Then new ID = IN2006001 } else if (last_iTopic.Count > 0) //Case Internal Topic exist { int i_id = Int32.Parse(last_iTopic[0].Code.Substring(7, 3)) + 1; ViewData["iTopic_id"] = "IN-" + date.Substring(2, 4) + "" + i_id.ToString("000") + ""; //Then new ID = last Topic ID +1 } if (last_eTopic.Count == 0) //Case External Topic not exist { ViewData["eTopic_id"] = "EX-" + date.Substring(2, 4) + "001"; //Then new id = EX2006001 } else if (last_eTopic.Count > 0) //Case External Topic exist { int e_id = Int32.Parse(last_eTopic[0].Code.Substring(7, 3)) + 1; ViewData["eTopic_id"] = "EX-" + date.Substring(2, 4) + "" + e_id.ToString("000") + ""; //Then new ID = last Topic ID +1 } ViewData["FormChangeItem"] = M_Req.GetChangeItem(); //Get list of change items radio ViewData["FormProductType"] = M_Req.GetProductType(); //Get list of product type radio var DepartmentGroup = M_Req.GetDepartmentGroup(); //Get raw group of departments List <DepartmentList> departmentList = new List <DepartmentList>(); foreach (string GroupName in DepartmentGroup) { List <Department> department = new List <Department>(); department = M_Req.GetDepartmentByGroup(GroupName); departmentList.Add(new DepartmentList() { Name = GroupName.Replace(" ", "_"), Department = department }); //Convert raw group into department list for radio } ViewData["DepartmentList"] = departmentList; if (ID != null) // In case of edit mode { Session["isEditMode"] = true; TopicAlt temp_topic = M_Req.GetTopicByID(ID); if (temp_topic.Status != 3 && temp_topic.Status != 7) { return(View("~/Views/Shared/404/index.cshtml")); } else { temp_topic.RelatedListAlt = M_Req.GetRelatedByID(temp_topic.Related); temp_topic.Timing = temp_topic.Timing.StringToDigitDate2(); Session["Topic"] = ViewData["Topic"] = temp_topic; var topic_file_list = M_Req.GetFileByID(temp_topic.ID, "Topic", temp_topic.Code, temp_topic.Department); //Get file by topic id if (topic_file_list != null) { temp_topic.FileList = topic_file_list; ViewData["Topic"] = temp_topic; } } } return(View()); } else { return(View("~/Views/Shared/404/index.cshtml")); } }
public MailController() { M_Detail = new DetailModel(); M_Mail = new MailModel(); Topic = new TopicAlt(); }