public static void FindHelper(TileMap tileMap, TileData sourceTile, int movement, FindTilesWithinRangeDTO dto) { if (!dto.TileToMaxMovement.ContainsKey(sourceTile)) { dto.TileToMaxMovement[sourceTile] = movement; } else { int maxMove = dto.TileToMaxMovement[sourceTile]; if (movement > maxMove) { dto.TileToMaxMovement[sourceTile] = movement; } else { return; } } //if (visited.Contains(sourceTile)) { // return; //} //visited.Add(sourceTile); movement = movement - sourceTile.MovementCost; if (movement <= 0) { return; } if (IsTraversable(tileMap.BottomNeighbor(sourceTile), dto)) { FindHelper(tileMap, tileMap.BottomNeighbor(sourceTile), movement, dto); } if (IsTraversable(tileMap.TopNeighbor(sourceTile), dto)) { FindHelper(tileMap, tileMap.TopNeighbor(sourceTile), movement, dto); } if (IsTraversable(tileMap.LeftNeighbor(sourceTile), dto)) { FindHelper(tileMap, tileMap.LeftNeighbor(sourceTile), movement, dto); } if (IsTraversable(tileMap.RightNeighbor(sourceTile), dto)) { FindHelper(tileMap, tileMap.RightNeighbor(sourceTile), movement, dto); } }
public void TileToDiscover(string newTileName, int mapPosX, int mapPosY, Transform tileHolder, TileData.Types tileType, int spriteWidth = 0, int spriteHeight = 0) { // this is called by Resource grid with the proper tile obj if (resourceGrid == null) resourceGrid = ResourceGrid.Grid; tileToSpawn = objPool.GetObjectForType (newTileName, false,; if (tileToSpawn != null) { tileToSpawn.transform.position = transform.position; tileToSpawn.transform.parent = tileHolder; // IF TILE IS NOT EMPTY, IT'S A BUILDING, // so it will have a Building Click Handler that needs its pos X and pos Y if (tileType != TileData.Types.empty && tileType != TileData.Types.rock) { Building_Handler bClickHandler = tileToSpawn.GetComponent<Building_Handler> (); if (bClickHandler) { bClickHandler.mapPosX = mapPosX; bClickHandler.mapPosY = mapPosY; //bClickHandler.resourceGrid = resourceGrid; //bClickHandler.objPool = objPool; } } if (tileType == { resourceGrid.transporterGObj = tileToSpawn; //// IF IT'S THE TERRAFORMER it will need the master state manager //Terraformer_Handler terra = tileToSpawn.GetComponent<Terraformer_Handler>(); // if (terra) // terra.master_State = master_state; } // ADD this tile to the Grid's spawnedTiles array if (spriteWidth > 0 && spriteHeight > 0) { for (int w = -(spriteWidth - 1); w < spriteWidth; w++) { for (int h = 0; h < spriteHeight; h++) { if (resourceGrid.spawnedTiles[mapPosX + w, mapPosY + h] == null) { resourceGrid.spawnedTiles[mapPosX + w, mapPosY + h] = tileToSpawn; } } } } else { resourceGrid.spawnedTiles [mapPosX, mapPosY] = tileToSpawn; } } }
public object Read(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader) { if (reader.TokenType != Newtonsoft.Json.JsonToken.StartObject) throw new Exception(); int w = ReadIntProperty(reader, "Width"); int h = ReadIntProperty(reader, "Height"); int d = ReadIntProperty(reader, "Depth"); var grid = new TileData[d, h, w]; reader.Read(); if (reader.TokenType != Newtonsoft.Json.JsonToken.PropertyName || (string)reader.Value != "TileData") throw new Exception(); ReadAndValidate(reader, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonToken.StartArray); var queue = new BlockingCollection<Tuple<int, byte[]>>(); var readerTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { for (int i = 0; i < d; ++i) { reader.Read(); int z = (int)(long)reader.Value; byte[] buf = reader.ReadAsBytes(); queue.Add(new Tuple<int, byte[]>(z, buf)); } queue.CompleteAdding(); }); Parallel.For(0, d, i => { var tuple = queue.Take(); int z = tuple.Item1; byte[] arr = tuple.Item2; using (var memStream = new MemoryStream(arr)) { using (var decompressStream = new DeflateStream(memStream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) using (var streamReader = new BinaryReader(decompressStream)) { for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) grid[z, y, x].Raw = streamReader.ReadUInt64(); } } }); readerTask.Wait(); ReadAndValidate(reader, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonToken.EndArray); ReadAndValidate(reader, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonToken.EndObject); return grid; }
/// <summary> /// Determines what type of building player wants to build /// by using the tile's type. /// </summary> /// <param name="_tileType"></param> public void GetBuildingFromType(TileData.Types _tileType) { // TODO: Subtract the nanobot cost of this blueprint //Building_UIHandler building_handler = Building_UIHandler.BuildingHandler; Build_MainController build_controller = Build_MainController.Instance; switch (_tileType) { case TileData.Types.rock: Blueprint extractor = GetAvailableBlueprint(TileData.Types.extractor); Build(extractor); break; case TileData.Types.mineral: Blueprint generator = GetAvailableBlueprint(TileData.Types.generator); Build(generator); break; case TileData.Types.empty: Debug.Log("NANO B: Building on empty!"); Build(selectedBluePrint); break; case TileData.Types.water: Blueprint waterPump = GetAvailableBlueprint(TileData.Types.desalt_s); Build(waterPump); break; default: Debug.Log("Cant build on that type of tile!"); break; } // Debug.Log("Nanobots left: " + nanoBots); }
public void Save(MainViewModel viewModel) { GestSpaceData space = new GestSpaceData(); foreach(var tileVm in viewModel.Tiles.Where(t => !t.IsUnused)) { var tile = new TileData(); space.Tiles.Add(tile); if(!tileVm.TakeSuggestedName) { tile.ForcedName = tileVm.Description; } tile.X = (int)tileVm.Position.X; tile.Y = (int)tileVm.Position.Y; if(tileVm.SelectedPresenterTemplate != null) tile.PresenterTemplate = tileVm.SelectedPresenterTemplate.Description; if(tileVm.SelectedGestureTemplate != null) tile.GestureTemplate = tileVm.SelectedGestureTemplate.Name; tile.Program = tileVm.FastContext; foreach(var evtVm in tileVm.Events) { var evt = new EventData(); tile.Events.Add(evt); evt.Name = evtVm.Name; if(evtVm.Command != null) evt.Command = evtVm.Command.Script; } } if(viewModel.CurrentTile != null) { space.LastX = (int)viewModel.CurrentTile.Position.X; space.LastY = (int)viewModel.CurrentTile.Position.Y; } Save(space); }
public void BreakThisBuilding(TileData.Types _type, GameObject building) { // get me the cost of this building by finding its blueprint Blueprint bp = GetAvailableBlueprint(_type); Building_Handler b_Handler = building.GetComponent<Building_Handler>(); if (bp != null) b_Handler.BreakBuilding(bp.nanoBotCost); }
public bool CheckForBlueprint(TileData.Types bpType) { if (blueprintsMap.ContainsKey(bpType)) { return true; } else return false; }
public void SetColumnAndRow(int column, int row) { if (this.TileData == null) { this.TileData = new TileData(); this.TileData.Tile = this; } this.TileData.Column = column; this.TileData.Row = row; }
public void GetExtractorStats(string id, Transform objTransform, ExtractionBuilding extractor, TileData.Types resourceType) { if (extractorsMap.ContainsKey(id)) { // Debug.Log("BP Database: Found stats for " + id); extractor.Init(resourceType, extractorsMap[id].extractorStats.extractRate, extractorsMap[id].extractorStats.extractPower, extractorsMap[id].extractorStats.extractAmmount, extractorsMap[id].extractorStats.personalStorageCapacity, objTransform); } }
// Survival Mission: public Mission(string name, MissionType mType, Blueprint requiredBP, TileData.Types reqResource, int reqAmnt, string desc = "Unknown Signal") { missionName = name; missionType = mType; requiredBlueprint = requiredBP; description = desc; objectiveResource = reqResource; objectiveAmnt = reqAmnt; }
public void AddConnectedTile(TileData t) { if (ConnectedTiles == null) { ConnectedTiles = new List<TileData>(); ConnectedTiles.Add(t); } else if (!ConnectedTiles.Contains (t)) { ConnectedTiles.Add(t); } }
public void UnsetDefenderForTile(TileData t) { DefenderData defenderData; defenderLookup.TryGetValue (t, out defenderData); if (defenderData != null) { Destroy (defenderData.CurrentDefender.gameObject); defenderData.CurrentDefender = null; } }
public void UnsetPrisonerForTile(TileData t) { PrisonerData prisonerData; prisonerLookup.TryGetValue(t, out prisonerData); if (prisonerData != null) { Destroy(prisonerData.CurrentPrisoner.gameObject); prisonerData.CurrentPrisoner = null; } }
// For a Required Blueprint (like Terraformer, Generator, etc) public Blueprint(string Name, TileData.Types _type, BuildingType tType) { buildingName = Name; memoryCost = 0; nanoBotCost = 0; tileType = _type; description = " "; buildingType = tType; }
void OnTerrainOrInteriorChanged(IntVector3 p, TileData oldData, TileData newData) { if (oldData.HasTree != newData.HasTree) { if (newData.HasTree) AddTree(); else RemoveTree(); } }
GameObject GetNewTile(TileData tileData, float width, float height) { var tile = GameObject.Instantiate(tilePrefab); var tileLayoutElement = tile.GetComponent<LayoutElement>(); tileLayoutElement.preferredWidth = width; tileLayoutElement.preferredHeight = height; tile.GetComponent<MapTileView>().SetObject(tileData.objectOnTile); return tile; }
/** * */ public override bool GetTileData(Vector3Int location, ITileMap tileMap, ref TileData tileData) { base.GetTileData(location, tileMap, ref tileData); int mask = GetMask(location, tileMap, ref tileData); int index = GetIndex(mask); tileData.sprite = GetTileSprite(index); tileData.gameobject = GetTileGameObject(index); return true; }
public void AddBluePrint(TileData.Types bpType, Blueprint bp) { blueprintsMap.Add(bpType, bp); if (bpType != TileData.Types.terraformer) { cur_memory -= bp.memoryCost; } if (!bpTypes.Contains(bpType)) bpTypes.Add(bpType); }
private void SetupTags(TileData wall, Point textTagTilePosition) { foreach (var textTag in wall.TextTags.Where(x => !x.Processed && x.GetParentPosition(textTagTilePosition) == CurrentTile.GridPosition)) { textTag.Processed = true; var tag = new TextTag(builder.GetWallPosition(textTag.TilePosition, CurrentTile), textTag.IsVisible, textTag.TilePosition == TilePosition.East_TopRight || textTag.TilePosition == TilePosition.West_BottomRight, textTag.Text.Replace("|", Environment.NewLine)) { AcceptMessages = textTag.HasTargetingActuator }; CurrentTile.SubItems.Add(tag); } }
public static bool IsTraversable(TileData tileData, FindTilesWithinRangeDTO dto) { if (tileData == null) { return false; } if (tileData.OccupiedTeam == dto.MoveThroughMask) { return false; } if (dto.MoveThroughMask == TeamId.MOVE_THROUGH_NONE && tileData.OccupiedTeam != -1) { return false; } return true; }
void InitAlgorithm (MapData mapData) { source = mapData.PlayerTile; finish = mapData.FinishTile; foreach(var row in mapData) { foreach(var tile in row) { distancesToCheck.Add(tile, tile == mapData.PlayerTile ? 0 : int.MaxValue); predecessors.Add(tile, null); } } }
public static List<TileData> Find(TileMap tileMap, TileData sourceTile, int movement, int jumpHeight, int moveThroughMask) { FindTilesWithinRangeDTO dto = new FindTilesWithinRangeDTO(); dto.JumpHeight = jumpHeight; dto.MoveThroughMask = moveThroughMask; movement = movement + 1; List<TileData> visited = new List<TileData>(); FindHelper(tileMap, sourceTile, movement, dto); foreach(TileData t in dto.TileToMaxMovement.Keys) { visited.Add(t); } return visited; }
// Constructor for Raw Resources Trade Order: public TradeOrder(TradeClient client, string name, int comp, TileData.Types rawResource, int ammnt, int days) { tradeClient = client; orderName = name; compensation = comp; tradeResource = new TradeResource(rawResource); tradeQuota = ammnt; timeLimit = days; tradeOrderStatus = TradeOrderStatus.Pending; }
public void SetFlagForTile(TileData t) { FlagData flagData; flagLookup.TryGetValue(t, out flagData); if (flagData == null) { flagData = new FlagData(); flagData.Marker = Utils.GetFirstChildWithTag("MarkerFlag", t.TileObject); flagLookup.Add(t, flagData); } if (flagData.Marker) { flagData.CurrentFlag = setFlagObject(t, flagData); flagData.CurrentType = t.Owner; } }
void FullMeshUpdate(TileData tileData) { filter.mesh.Clear(); filter.mesh.SetVertices(tileData.vertices); filter.mesh.SetUVs(0,tileData.uv); filter.mesh.SetTriangles(tileData.triangles, 0); filter.mesh.RecalculateNormals(); coll.sharedMesh = null; Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.vertices = tileData.colVertices.ToArray(); mesh.triangles = tileData.colTriangles.ToArray(); mesh.RecalculateNormals(); coll.sharedMesh = mesh; }
public void LoadSprites() { //Load the sprites from the resources folder foreach(var t in tileSets){ Sprite[] sprites = Resources.LoadAll<Sprite>(t.Name); for (int i = 0; i < sprites.Length; i++) { if(i >= t.tileData.Count){ TileData td = new TileData(){sprite = sprites[i]}; t.tileData.Add(td); }else{ t.tileData[i].sprite = sprites[i]; } } } }
public void SetDefenderForTile(TileData t) { DefenderData defenderData; defenderLookup.TryGetValue(t, out defenderData); if (defenderData == null) { defenderData = new DefenderData(); defenderData.Marker = Utils.GetFirstChildWithTag("MarkerDefending", t.TileObject); defenderLookup.Add(t, defenderData); } if (defenderData.Marker) { defenderData.CurrentDefender = setDefenderObject(t, defenderData); defenderData.CurrentType = t.Owner; } }
public void SetPrisonerForTile(TileData t) { PrisonerData prisonerData; prisonerLookup.TryGetValue(t, out prisonerData); if (prisonerData == null ) { prisonerData = new PrisonerData(); prisonerData.Marker = Utils.GetFirstChildWithTag("MarkerJail", t.TileObject); prisonerLookup.Add(t, prisonerData); } if (prisonerData.Marker) { prisonerData.CurrentPrisoner = setPrisonerObject(t, prisonerData); prisonerData.CurrentType = t.Owner; } }
public static List<TileData> Find(TileMap tileMap, TileData sourceTile, TileData destinationTile, int moveThroughMask) { List<TileData> shortestPath = new List<TileData>(); List<TileData> unvisited = new List<TileData>(tileMap.TileDataList); FindShorestPathDTO dto = new FindShorestPathDTO(); dto.Destination = destinationTile; dto.MoveThroughMask = moveThroughMask; if (moveThroughMask != TeamId.MOVE_THROUGH_ALL) { unvisited = TileUtility.FilterOutOccupiedTiles(unvisited, moveThroughMask); // TODO support enemyteam unvisited.Add(sourceTile); } dto.TileToDistance.Add(sourceTile, 0); TileData currentTile = null; int count = 0; while (unvisited.Count > 0 && count < 100) { count++; currentTile = TileWithMinDistance(dto.TileToDistance, unvisited); unvisited.Remove(currentTile); CalculateDistanceAndUpdatePath(currentTile, tileMap.TopNeighbor(currentTile), dto); CalculateDistanceAndUpdatePath(currentTile, tileMap.BottomNeighbor(currentTile), dto); CalculateDistanceAndUpdatePath(currentTile, tileMap.LeftNeighbor(currentTile), dto); CalculateDistanceAndUpdatePath(currentTile, tileMap.RightNeighbor(currentTile), dto); } Debug.Log("starting return path - " + count); TileData returnTile = destinationTile; shortestPath.Add(returnTile); count = 0; while (returnTile != sourceTile && count < 100) { count++; Debug.Log("finding last hop for " + returnTile.ToString()); try { returnTile = dto.TileToOptimalPrevious[returnTile]; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError(ex); Debug.LogError("oh shit error couldn't find " + returnTile.ToString()); } Debug.Log("found " + returnTile); shortestPath.Add(returnTile); } Debug.Log("finish return path - TILEDATA"); shortestPath.Reverse(); return shortestPath; }
//public void InitShipInventory(int _food, int _water, int _ore) //{ // oreText.text = _ore.ToString(); // foodText.text = _food.ToString(); // waterText.text = _water.ToString(); // // Reset the temporary inventory //} //public void DisplayShipInventoryText(TileData.Types statThatChanges, int ammnt) //{ // // This method will only be called when a stat is changing. This will update the text. // switch (statThatChanges) // { // case TileData.Types.rock: // oreText.text = ammnt.ToString(); // break; // case // foodText.text = ammnt.ToString(); // break; // case TileData.Types.water: // waterText.text = ammnt.ToString(); // break; // default: // // do nothing // break; // } //} public void DisplayTransporterStorage(TileData.Types statThatChanges, int ammnt) { // This method will only be called when a stat is changing. This will update the text. switch (statThatChanges) { case TileData.Types.rock: tempOreTxt.text = ammnt.ToString(); break; case tempFoodTxt.text = ammnt.ToString(); break; case TileData.Types.water: tempWaterTxt.text = ammnt.ToString(); break; default: // do nothing break; } }
static void HandleTree(VertexList <SceneryVertex> sceneryVertexList, TileData td, ref IntVector3 pos) { SymbolID symbol; Color color; switch (td.ID) { case TileID.Tree: switch (td.MaterialID) { case MaterialID.Fir: symbol = SymbolID.ConiferousTree; break; case MaterialID.Pine: symbol = SymbolID.ConiferousTree2; break; case MaterialID.Birch: symbol = SymbolID.DeciduousTree; break; case MaterialID.Oak: symbol = SymbolID.DeciduousTree2; break; default: throw new Exception(); } break; case TileID.Sapling: switch (td.MaterialID) { case MaterialID.Fir: symbol = SymbolID.ConiferousSapling; break; case MaterialID.Pine: symbol = SymbolID.ConiferousSapling2; break; case MaterialID.Birch: symbol = SymbolID.DeciduousSapling; break; case MaterialID.Oak: symbol = SymbolID.DeciduousSapling2; break; default: throw new Exception(); } break; case TileID.DeadTree: symbol = SymbolID.DeadTree; break; default: throw new Exception(); } color = Color.ForestGreen; sceneryVertexList.Add(new SceneryVertex(pos.ToVector3(), Color.LightGreen, (uint)symbol)); }
// Set sprite and/or gameobject for rendering, this method is useful as context can be used to determine the desired sprite/gameobject public override void GetTileData(Vector3Int position, ITilemap tilemap, ref TileData tileData) { tileData.gameObject = Resources.Load <GameObject>("Prefabs/Buildings/Solarpower"); }
public TileData GenerateTile(float centerVertexZ, float maxDistanceZ) { // calculate tile depth and width based on the mesh vertices Vector3[] meshVertices = this.meshFilter.mesh.vertices; int tileDepth = (int)Mathf.Sqrt(meshVertices.Length); // sqr of 121 = 11 int tileWidth = tileDepth; size_checker = (int)Mathf.Sqrt(meshVertices.Length); // print(size_checker); // calculate the offsets based on the tile position float offsetX = -this.gameObject.transform.position.x; float offsetZ = -this.gameObject.transform.position.z; // generate a heightMap using Perlin Noise ********** float[,] heightMap = this.noiseMapGeneration.GeneratePerlinNoiseMap(tileDepth, tileWidth, this.levelScale, offsetX, offsetZ, this.heightWaves); // calculate vertex offset based on the Tile position and the distance between vertices Vector3 tileDimensions = this.meshFilter.mesh.bounds.size; float distanceBetweenVertices = tileDimensions.z / (float)tileDepth; float vertexOffsetZ = this.gameObject.transform.position.z / distanceBetweenVertices; // generate a heatMap using uniform noise ******** float[,] uniformHeatMap = this.noiseMapGeneration.GenerateUniformNoiseMap(tileDepth, tileWidth, centerVertexZ, maxDistanceZ, vertexOffsetZ); // generate a heatMap using Perlin Noise******** float[,] randomHeatMap = this.noiseMapGeneration.GeneratePerlinNoiseMap(tileDepth, tileWidth, this.levelScale, offsetX, offsetZ, this.heatWaves); float[,] heatMap = new float[tileDepth, tileWidth]; for (int zIndex = 0; zIndex < tileDepth; zIndex++) { for (int xIndex = 0; xIndex < tileWidth; xIndex++) { // mix both heat maps together by multiplying their values **** randomize heat reigons heatMap[zIndex, xIndex] = uniformHeatMap[zIndex, xIndex] * randomHeatMap[zIndex, xIndex]; // makes higher regions colder, by adding the height value to the heat map heatMap[zIndex, xIndex] += this.heatCurve.Evaluate(heightMap[zIndex, xIndex]) * heightMap[zIndex, xIndex]; // adding height values , to make colder in heier reigons } } // generate a moistureMap using Perlin Noise *** float[,] moistureMap = this.noiseMapGeneration.GeneratePerlinNoiseMap(tileDepth, tileWidth, this.levelScale, offsetX, offsetZ, this.moistureWaves); for (int zIndex = 0; zIndex < tileDepth; zIndex++) { for (int xIndex = 0; xIndex < tileWidth; xIndex++) { // makes higher regions dryer, by reducing the height value from the heat map moistureMap[zIndex, xIndex] -= this.moistureCurve.Evaluate(heightMap[zIndex, xIndex]) * heightMap[zIndex, xIndex]; } } // build a Texture2D from the height map ******** use build texture TerrainType[,] chosenHeightTerrainTypes = new TerrainType[tileDepth, tileWidth]; Texture2D heightTexture = BuildTexture(heightMap, this.heightTerrainTypes, chosenHeightTerrainTypes); // build a Texture2D from the heat map TerrainType[,] chosenHeatTerrainTypes = new TerrainType[tileDepth, tileWidth]; Texture2D heatTexture = BuildTexture(heatMap, this.heatTerrainTypes, chosenHeatTerrainTypes); // build a Texture2D from the moisture map TerrainType[,] chosenMoistureTerrainTypes = new TerrainType[tileDepth, tileWidth]; Texture2D moistureTexture = BuildTexture(moistureMap, this.moistureTerrainTypes, chosenMoistureTerrainTypes); // build a biomes Texture2D from the three other noise variables*************************height,heat and moisture heat values are used Biome[,] chosenBiomes = new Biome[tileDepth, tileWidth]; Texture2D biomeTexture = BuildBiomeTexture(chosenHeightTerrainTypes, chosenHeatTerrainTypes, chosenMoistureTerrainTypes, chosenBiomes); switch (this.visualizationMode) { case VisualizationMode.Height: // assign material texture to be the heightTexture this.tileRenderer.material.mainTexture = heightTexture; break; case VisualizationMode.Heat: // assign material texture to be the heatTexture this.tileRenderer.material.mainTexture = heatTexture; break; case VisualizationMode.Moisture: // assign material texture to be the moistureTexture this.tileRenderer.material.mainTexture = moistureTexture; break; case VisualizationMode.Biome: // assign material texture to be the moistureTexture this.tileRenderer.material.mainTexture = biomeTexture; break; } // update the tile mesh vertices according to the height map********************update vertices UpdateMeshVertices(heightMap); TileData tileData = new TileData(heightMap, heatMap, moistureMap, chosenHeightTerrainTypes, chosenHeatTerrainTypes, chosenMoistureTerrainTypes, chosenBiomes, this.meshFilter.mesh, (Texture2D)this.tileRenderer.material.mainTexture); return(tileData); }
public override void GetTileData(Vector3Int position, ITilemap tilemap, ref TileData tileData) { tileData.sprite = ReferenceTile.PreviewSprite; }
private static void CheckIfUnderEntity(out int maxItemZ, out bool drawTerrain, out bool underSurface) { maxItemZ = 255; drawTerrain = true; underSurface = false; Tile tile = World.Map.GetTile(World.Map.Center.X, World.Map.Center.Y); if (tile != null && tile.IsZUnderObjectOrGround(World.Player.Position.Z, out GameObject underObject, out GameObject underGround)) { drawTerrain = underGround == null; if (underObject != null) { if (underObject is IDynamicItem item) { if (TileData.IsRoof((long)item.ItemData.Flags)) { maxItemZ = World.Player.Position.Z - World.Player.Position.Z % 20 + 20; } else if (TileData.IsSurface((long)item.ItemData.Flags) || TileData.IsWall((long)item.ItemData.Flags) && !TileData.IsDoor((long)item.ItemData.Flags)) { maxItemZ = item.Position.Z; } else { int z = World.Player.Position.Z + (item.ItemData.Height > 20 ? item.ItemData.Height : 20); maxItemZ = z; } } if (underObject is IDynamicItem sta && TileData.IsRoof((long)sta.ItemData.Flags)) { bool isRoofSouthEast = true; if ((tile = World.Map.GetTile(World.Map.Center.X + 1, World.Map.Center.Y)) != null) { tile.IsZUnderObjectOrGround(World.Player.Position.Z, out underObject, out underGround); isRoofSouthEast = underObject != null; } if (!isRoofSouthEast) { maxItemZ = 255; } } underSurface = maxItemZ != 255; } } }
public override void ClearApplied(TileData data, Terrain terrain) { // Might need to do something in here... }
public void UnsetTilePrisoner(TileData t) { _DefendingUnitManager.UnsetPrisonerForTile(t); }
public static async Task InspectObjectAsync() { (TargetType targetType, TargetFlags _, int serial, int x, int y, int z, int itemID) = await GetTargetInfoAsync(Strings.Target_object___); if (targetType == TargetType.Object && serial != 0) { Entity entity = UOMath.IsMobile(serial) ? (Entity)Engine.Mobiles.GetMobile(serial) : Engine.Items.GetItem(serial); if (entity == null) { return; } Thread t = new Thread(() => { ObjectInspectorWindow window = new ObjectInspectorWindow { DataContext = new ObjectInspectorViewModel(entity) }; window.ShowDialog(); }) { IsBackground = true }; t.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); t.Start(); } else { if (itemID == 0) { if (x == 65535 && y == 65535) { return; } LandTile landTile = MapInfo.GetLandTile((int)Engine.Player.Map, x, y); Thread t = new Thread(() => { ObjectInspectorWindow window = new ObjectInspectorWindow { DataContext = new ObjectInspectorViewModel(landTile) }; window.ShowDialog(); }) { IsBackground = true }; t.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); t.Start(); } else { StaticTile[] statics = Statics.GetStatics((int)Engine.Player.Map, x, y); if (statics == null) { return; } StaticTile selectedStatic = statics.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ID == itemID); if (selectedStatic.ID == 0) { selectedStatic = TileData.GetStaticTile(itemID); selectedStatic.X = x; selectedStatic.Y = y; selectedStatic.Z = z; } Thread t = new Thread(() => { ObjectInspectorWindow window = new ObjectInspectorWindow { DataContext = new ObjectInspectorViewModel(selectedStatic) }; window.ShowDialog(); }) { IsBackground = true }; t.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); t.Start(); } } }
public override void GetTileData(Vector3Int location, ITilemap tileMap, ref TileData tileData) { UpdateTile(location, tileMap, ref tileData); }
public override void GetTileData(Vector3Int position, ITilemap tilemap, ref TileData tileData) { tileData.sprite = m_movingSideWalk.GetComponent <MovingSidewalk>().Sprite; tileData.flags = TileFlags.LockAll; }
public override void Generate(TileData data, StopToken stop) { }
public void RegenerateMesh(TileData data) { Mesh mesh = GetGenerator().GenerateMesh(data); MeshFilter.mesh = mesh; }
public void SetTileAt(int x, int y, TileData data) { var idx = Change(x, y); tiles[idx] = data; }
public override void GetTileData(Vector3Int position, ITilemap tilemap, ref TileData tileData) { int ix_tile =[position.x + ResourceManager.yui.x, position.y + ResourceManager.yui.y]; tileData.sprite = sprites[ix_tile]; }
public void UnsetTileDefence(TileData t) { _DefendingUnitManager.UnsetDefenderForTile(t); }
public IslandTile(GameObject worldObject, HexPoint point, TileData data) : base(worldObject, point, data) { tileType = TileType.Island; }
public static FinalizeAction finalizeAction = Finalize; //class identified for FinalizeData public static void Finalize(TileData data, StopToken stop) { if (stop != null && stop.stop) { return; } int upscale = 1; int margins = data.area.Margins; int matrixRes = (data.heights.rect.size.x - margins * 2 - 1) * upscale + margins * 2 * upscale + 1; if (stop != null && stop.stop) { return; } Matrix matrix = data.heights; //clamping heights to 0-1 (otherwise culing issues can occur) matrix.Clamp01(); //2Darray resolution (this should still match our 69x69 size input as well) int arrRes = matrix.rect.size.x - margins * upscale * 2; //splits number (used for SetHeightsDelayLOD and Texture) int splitSize = SplitSizeRef = data.globals.heightSplit; int numSplits = arrRes / splitSize; if (arrRes % splitSize != 0) { numSplits++; } IApplyData applyData; // we do some comparisons on this float[,] heights2Dfull = new float[arrRes, arrRes]; // we do some our data operation on this bool[,] bool2Dfull = new bool[arrRes - 1, arrRes - 1]; // We need to honour multiple outputs // sigh. the horror story negative logic. // Why did unity make FALSE = hole is TRUE. //And, yes, I know why, but still. bool firstPass = true; foreach ((HoleOutMark1 output, MatrixWorld product, MatrixWorld biomeMask) in data.Outputs <HoleOutMark1, MatrixWorld, MatrixWorld>(typeof(HoleOutMark1), inSubs: true)) { Matrix othermatrix = product; // This is our holes then // product. Coord heightsOffset = othermatrix.rect.offset + margins * upscale; Matrix matrixbool = othermatrix; matrix.ExportHeights(heights2Dfull, matrix.rect.offset + margins * upscale); Coord heightsSize = new Coord(heights2Dfull.GetLength(1), heights2Dfull.GetLength(0)); //x and z swapped CoordRect heightsRect = new CoordRect(heightsOffset, heightsSize); CoordRect intersection = CoordRect.Intersected(matrixbool.rect, heightsRect); Coord min = intersection.Min; Coord max = intersection.Max; for (int x = min.x; x < max.x - 1; x++) { for (int z = min.z; z < max.z - 1; z++) { int matrixPos = (z - matrixbool.rect.offset.z) * matrixbool.rect.size.x + x - matrixbool.rect.offset.x; int heightsPosX = x - heightsRect.offset.x; int heightsPosZ = z - heightsRect.offset.z; float val = matrixbool.arr[matrixPos]; bool result = true; // TERRAIN // The samples are represented as bool values: true for surface and false for hole bool test1 = bool2Dfull[heightsPosZ, heightsPosX]; bool test2 = val < float.Epsilon; // It is already true if (test1 || firstPass) // just slap in the value { result = test2; } else // Last time it was false or we didn't set it. and FALSE means ADD A HOLE { result = test1 && test2; } bool2Dfull[heightsPosZ, heightsPosX] = result; } } firstPass = false; } applyData = new ApplySetData() { heights2D = heights2Dfull, height = data.globals.height, bools2D = bool2Dfull }; //pushing to apply if (stop != null && stop.stop) { return; } Graph.OnOutputFinalized?.Invoke(typeof(HoleOutMark1), data, applyData, stop); data.MarkApply(applyData); #if MM_DEBUG Log.Add("HOLEOut Finalized"); #endif }
public override void GetTileData(Vector3Int position, ITilemap tilemap, ref TileData tileData) { var spriteArray = RandomTiles.ToArray(); tileData.sprite = spriteArray[Random.Range(0, spriteArray.Length)]; }
private void AddTileToRenderList(IReadOnlyList <GameObject> objList, int worldX, int worldY, bool useObjectHandles, int maxZ) { for (int i = 0; i < objList.Count; i++) { GameObject obj = objList[i]; if (obj.CurrentRenderIndex == _renderIndex || obj.IsDisposed) { continue; } if (_updateDrawPosition && obj.CurrentRenderIndex != _renderIndex || obj.IsPositionChanged) { obj.UpdateRealScreenPosition(_offset); } obj.UseInRender = 0xFF; int drawX = (int)obj.RealScreenPosition.X; int drawY = (int)obj.RealScreenPosition.Y; if (drawX < _minPixel.X || drawX > _maxPixel.X) { break; } int z = obj.Position.Z; int maxObjectZ = obj.PriorityZ; switch (obj) { case Mobile _: maxObjectZ += 16; break; case IDynamicItem dyn: maxObjectZ += dyn.ItemData.Height; break; } if (maxObjectZ > maxZ) { break; } obj.CurrentRenderIndex = _renderIndex; if (!(obj is Tile) && (z >= _maxZ || obj is IDynamicItem dyn2 && (TileData.IsInternal((long)dyn2.ItemData.Flags) || _maxZ != 255 && TileData.IsRoof((long)dyn2.ItemData.Flags)))) { continue; } int testMinZ = drawY + z * 4; int testMaxZ = drawY; if (obj is Tile t && t.IsStretched) { testMinZ -= t.MinZ * 4; }
public void WontLootDisabledInGuardzone() { const string localPath = @"C:\Users\johns\Desktop\KvG Client 2.0"; if (!Directory.Exists(localPath)) { Debug.WriteLine("Not running test, requires Cliloc.enu"); return; } TileData.Initialize(localPath); Engine.Player = new PlayerMobile(0x01) { X = 652, Y = 869 }; Item backpack = new Item(0x40000001, 0x01) { Container = new ItemCollection(0x40000001) }; Engine.Player.SetLayer(Layer.Backpack, backpack.Serial); Engine.Items.Add(backpack); Item corpse = new Item(0x40000000) { ID = 0x2006 }; Engine.Items.Add(corpse); IncomingPacketHandlers.Initialize(); AutolootViewModel vm = new AutolootViewModel { Enabled = true, DisableInGuardzone = true }; AutolootEntry lootEntry = new AutolootEntry { Rehue = false, Autoloot = true, Constraints = new ObservableCollection <AutolootConstraintEntry>(), ID = 0x108a }; AutolootConstraintEntry autolootConstraint = new AutolootConstraintEntry { Property = vm.Constraints.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "Hue"), Operator = AutolootOperator.Equal, Value = 0 }; lootEntry.Constraints.Add(autolootConstraint); vm.Items.Add(lootEntry); Engine.PacketWaitEntries = new PacketWaitEntries(); void OnPacketSentEvent(byte[] data, int length) { if (data[0] == 0xD6 || data[0] == 0x06) { return; } Assert.Fail(); } Engine.InternalPacketSentEvent += OnPacketSentEvent; Engine.PacketWaitEntries.WaitEntryAddedEvent += entry => { byte[] containerContentsPacket = { 0x3C, 0x00, 0x19, 0x00, 0x01, 0x43, 0x13, 0xFC, 0x5E, 0x10, 0x8A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x13, 0x00, 0x82, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; PacketHandler handler = IncomingPacketHandlers.GetHandler(0x3C); handler.OnReceive(new PacketReader(containerContentsPacket, containerContentsPacket.Length, false)); entry.Packet = containerContentsPacket; entry.Lock.Set(); }; vm.OnCorpseEvent(corpse.Serial); Engine.Items.Clear(); Engine.PacketWaitEntries = null; Engine.InternalPacketSentEvent -= OnPacketSentEvent; Engine.Player = null; }
public override void GetTileData(Vector3Int position, ITilemap tilemap, ref TileData tileData) { var iden = Matrix4x4.identity; tileData.sprite = possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.def]; tileData.gameObject = null; tileData.flags = TileFlags.LockTransform; tileData.transform = iden; tileData.colliderType = Tile.ColliderType.Sprite; Vector3Int up = position + new Vector3Int(0, 1, 0); Vector3Int down = position + new Vector3Int(0, -1, 0); Vector3Int left = position + new Vector3Int(-1, 0, 0); Vector3Int right = position + new Vector3Int(1, 0, 0); Vector3Int topLeft = position + new Vector3Int(-1, 1, 0); Vector3Int topRight = position + new Vector3Int(1, 1, 0); Vector3Int bottomLeft = position + new Vector3Int(-1, -1, 0); Vector3Int bottomRight = position + new Vector3Int(1, -1, 0); Sprite upSprite = tilemap.GetSprite(up); Sprite downSprite = tilemap.GetSprite(down); Sprite leftSprite = tilemap.GetSprite(left); Sprite rightSprite = tilemap.GetSprite(right); Sprite bottomLeftSprite = tilemap.GetSprite(bottomLeft); Sprite bottomRightSprite = tilemap.GetSprite(bottomRight); Sprite topLeftSprite = tilemap.GetSprite(topLeft); Sprite topRightSprite = tilemap.GetSprite(topRight); if (!rightSprite && !upSprite && leftSprite && downSprite) { tileData.sprite = possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.tRight]; } else if (rightSprite && downSprite && !upSprite && !leftSprite) { tileData.sprite = possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.tLeft]; } else if (rightSprite && upSprite && !downSprite && !leftSprite)//right == possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.bottom] || right == possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.def]) && (up == possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.left] || up == possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.def])) { tileData.sprite = possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.bLeft]; } else if (leftSprite && upSprite && !downSprite && !rightSprite)//(left == possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.bottom] || left == possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.def]) && (up == possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.right] || up == possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.def])) { tileData.sprite = possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.bRight]; } else if (!leftSprite && !rightSprite) { if ( (upSprite == possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.right]) || (downSprite == possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.right]) || (upSprite == possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.tRight] && topLeftSprite) || (downSprite == possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.bRight] && bottomLeftSprite) ) { tileData.sprite = possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.right]; } else if (upSprite || downSprite) { tileData.sprite = possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.left]; } } else { if ( (leftSprite == possibleSprites[(int)]) || (rightSprite == possibleSprites[(int)]) || (leftSprite == possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.tLeft] && bottomLeftSprite) || (rightSprite == possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.tRight] && bottomRightSprite) ) { tileData.sprite = possibleSprites[(int)]; } else if (leftSprite || rightSprite) { tileData.sprite = possibleSprites[(int)tileSpritePositions.bottom]; } } //base.GetTileData(position, tilemap, ref tileData); }
public static TerrainData GenerateCoasts(TerrainData data, TerrainSettings settings) { // first get rid of islands/peninsulas data = RemoveIsolatedOceanTiles(data, settings); data = RemoveIslandsAndPeninsulas(data, settings); for (int x = 0; x < data.xSize; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < data.zSize; z++) { List <TileData> edgeAdjacentOcean = data.GetEdgeAdjacentTilesOfType(x, z, TileType.OceanFloor); if (!data.IsOceanTile(x, z) && edgeAdjacentOcean.Count > 0) { if (edgeAdjacentOcean.Count == 1) // coastal straight { Vector3 direction = edgeAdjacentOcean[0].Position - data.GetTileAtCoordinates(x, z).Position; direction = direction.normalized; Vector3 position = new Vector3(x * settings.tileSize, 0, z * settings.tileSize); TileData tile = data.GetTileAtCoordinates(x, z); tile.ReplaceTile(TileType.CoastStraight, position,; if (direction == -Vector3.forward) { tile.Rotate(0, 180, 0); tile.AddPosition(new Vector3(settings.tileSize, 0, settings.tileSize)); } else if (direction == Vector3.right) { tile.Rotate(0, 90, 0); tile.AddPosition(new Vector3(0, 0, settings.tileSize)); } else if (direction == -Vector3.right) { tile.Rotate(0, 270, 0); tile.AddPosition(new Vector3(settings.tileSize, 0, 0)); } } else if (edgeAdjacentOcean.Count == 2) { Vector3 directionOne = edgeAdjacentOcean[0].Position - data.GetTileAtCoordinates(x, z).Position; directionOne = directionOne.normalized; Vector3 directionTwo = edgeAdjacentOcean[1].Position - data.GetTileAtCoordinates(x, z).Position; directionTwo = directionTwo.normalized; if (Vector3.Angle(directionOne, directionTwo) <= 90) // coastal outer corner { Vector3 position = new Vector3(x * settings.tileSize, 0, z * settings.tileSize); TileData tile = data.GetTileAtCoordinates(x, z); tile.ReplaceTile(TileType.CoastOuterCorner, position,; if (directionOne == Vector3.forward && directionTwo == -Vector3.right || directionTwo == Vector3.forward && directionOne == -Vector3.right) { tile.Rotate(0, -90, 0); tile.AddPosition(new Vector3(settings.tileSize, 0, 0)); } else if (directionOne == Vector3.right && directionTwo == -Vector3.forward || directionTwo == Vector3.right && directionOne == -Vector3.forward) { tile.Rotate(0, 90, 0); tile.AddPosition(new Vector3(0, 0, settings.tileSize)); } else if (directionOne == -Vector3.forward && directionTwo == -Vector3.right || directionTwo == -Vector3.forward && directionOne == -Vector3.right) { tile.Rotate(0, 180, 0); tile.AddPosition(new Vector3(settings.tileSize, 0, settings.tileSize)); } } } } List <TileData> cornerAdjacentOcean = data.GetCornerAdjacentTilesOfType(x, z, TileType.OceanFloor); if (cornerAdjacentOcean.Count == 1 && edgeAdjacentOcean.Count == 0) // coastal inner corner { Vector3 direction = cornerAdjacentOcean[0].Position - data.GetTileAtCoordinates(x, z).Position; direction = direction.normalized; Vector3 position = new Vector3(x * settings.tileSize, 0, z * settings.tileSize); TileData tile = data.GetTileAtCoordinates(x, z); tile.ReplaceTile(TileType.CoastInnerCorner, position,; float angle = Vector3.SignedAngle(direction, Vector3.forward, Vector3.up); if (angle > 90 && angle <= 180) { tile.Rotate(0, -90, 0); tile.AddPosition(new Vector3(settings.tileSize, 0, 0)); } else if (angle < -90 && angle >= -180) { tile.Rotate(0, 180, 0); tile.AddPosition(new Vector3(settings.tileSize, 0, settings.tileSize)); } else if (angle < 0 && angle >= -90) { tile.Rotate(0, 90, 0); tile.AddPosition(new Vector3(0, 0, settings.tileSize)); } } } } // do a final check for islands and peninsulas data = RemoveIslandsAndPeninsulas(data, settings); return(data); }
/// <summary> /// 타일을 사용 가능한 상태로 세팅합니다. /// </summary> public void Initialize(TileData tileData) { coordinate = new Vector2Int(tileData.posX, tileData.posY); transform.position = new Vector3(tileData.posX, 0, tileData.posY) * TilePositionSetting.Instance.tileInterval; }
private IEnumerator generateGrid(Level data) { activeGoals = new List <Tile>(); var rectTransform = transform as RectTransform; if (data != null) { SetupData = data; } var width = SetupData.Width; var height = SetupData.Height; //container.sizeDelta = new Vector2(rectTransform.rect.width, rectTransform.rect.width * ((float) height / width)); //orphanTileContainer.sizeDelta = container.sizeDelta; float cellSize = ((RectTransform)cellPrefab.transform).rect.width; float wouldBeCellSize = rectTransform.rect.width / width; float scaleFactor = wouldBeCellSize / cellSize; transform.localScale = new Vector3(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor); container.localScale = new Vector3(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor); orphanTileContainer.localScale = new Vector3(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor); float startX = ((-rectTransform.rect.width / 2) / scaleFactor) + (cellSize / 2); float startY = ((-rectTransform.rect.height / 2) / scaleFactor) + (cellSize / 2); // Fill grid with new cells. cells = new TileGridCell[width, height]; var predefinedTiles = new TileData[width, height]; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { cells[i, j] = Instantiate(cellPrefab, container).GetComponent <TileGridCell>(); cells[i, j].Grid = this; ((RectTransform)cells[i, j].transform).sizeDelta = new Vector2(cellSize, cellSize); ((RectTransform)cells[i, j].transform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(startX + (cellSize * i), startY + (cellSize * j)); predefinedTiles[i, j] = null; } } // Populate defined cells. foreach (var cellData in SetupData.GetCells()) { if (cellData.x < width && cellData.y < height) { cells[cellData.x, cellData.y].Data = new TileGridCellData() { x = cellData.x, y = cellData.y }; predefinedTiles[cellData.x, cellData.y] = cellData.tileData; } } // Fill the undefined cells with random tiles for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { var cell = cells[i, j]; if (cell.Data == null || predefinedTiles[i, j] == null) { cell.Data = new TileGridCellData() { x = i, y = j }; predefinedTiles[i, j] = setupData.GetRandomTileData(); } } } // Actually build the tiles for all this data! for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { var cell = cells[i, j]; cell.GenerateTile(predefinedTiles[i, j]); } } //swapper.SetSideSize(cellSize); swapper.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor); swapper.HideSides(); transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); yield break; }
public override bool GetTileData(Vector3Int location, ITileMap tileMap, ref TileData tileData) { UpdateTile(location, tileMap, ref tileData); return(true); }
void DigTile(Vector3Int position) { mUsingStamina = true; if (mStamina <= 0) { return; // TODO: communicate somehow } TileData tileData = tileManager.GetTileData(position); if (tileData != null) { mIsTryingToDig = true; float digSkill = SaveData.Get().digSkill; if (tileData.requiredDigSkill >= 0 && tileData.requiredDigSkill <= digSkill) { mIsDigging = true; float digSpeed = (digSkill - tileData.requiredDigSkill) * 0.1f + 1.2f + (digSkill / 10f); float progress; if (mDigProgress.TryGetValue(position, out progress)) { mDigSoundTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (mDigSoundTimer <= 0f) { PlayDigSound(); mDigSoundTimer = 0.4f; } progress += Time.deltaTime * digSpeed; if (progress < 1f) { mDigProgress[position] = progress; } else { tileManager.DestroyTile(position); mDigProgress.Remove(position); --mStamina; } } else { mDigProgress[position] = 0f; } } else { if (tileData.requiredDigSkill >= 0) { // mark that we should receive an email advertising the item that digs through this if (SaveData.Get().activeShopItem == -1) { SaveData.Get().activeShopItem = 0; } } mDigSoundTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (mDigSoundTimer <= 0f) { PlayClankSound(); mDigSoundTimer = 0.4f; } } } }
public static TileData CreateTestTileData() { TileData tileData = Resources.Load <TileData>(ENV.DEFAULT_TILE_RESOURCE_PATH); return(tileData); }
public void SetTileOwner(TileData t, PlayerType p) { t.Owner = p; _FlagManager.SetFlagForTile(t); }
internal ChangedTile(uint coords, TileData tile) { this.Coords = new TileCoords(coords); this.Tile = tile; }
public TileData(TileData tileData) { type = tileData.type; amount = tileData.amount; endurance = tileData.endurance; }