public void TestCanMoveRightNotOK01() { Tetromino block = new Tetromino(TetrisGame.NB_COLUMNS - 1, 6, TetrominoType.Square); TetrisGame game = new TetrisGame(); Assert.IsFalse(block.CanMoveRight(game)); }
public void TestCanMoveRightOK02() { Tetromino block = new Tetromino(7, TetrisGame.NB_ROWS / 2, TetrominoType.Square); TetrisGame game = new TetrisGame(); Assert.IsTrue(block.CanMoveRight(game)); }
public GameWorld(TetrisGame game) { = game; random = new Random(); gameState = GameState.Init; font = TetrisGame.ContentManager.Load <SpriteFont>("SpelFont"); menuFont = TetrisGame.ContentManager.Load <SpriteFont>("MenuFont"); background = TetrisGame.ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("TETRIS"); controls = TetrisGame.ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Controls"); endScreen = TetrisGame.ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("Gameover"); emptyCell = TetrisGame.ContentManager.Load <Texture2D>("block"); normalTheme = TetrisGame.ContentManager.Load <Song>("Normaltheme"); hardTheme = TetrisGame.ContentManager.Load <Song>("Hardtheme"); nock = TetrisGame.ContentManager.Load <SoundEffect>("nock"); rowDel = TetrisGame.ContentManager.Load <SoundEffect>("rowDel"); lvlUp = TetrisGame.ContentManager.Load <SoundEffect>("lvlUp"); gameOver = TetrisGame.ContentManager.Load <SoundEffect>("youLose"); MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true; grid = new TetrisGrid(); nrBlocks = 7; nextBlock = Random.Next(nrBlocks); ResetBlock(); dropSpeed = 1000; previousTime = 0; timePressed = 0; }
public void TestCanMoveLeftNotOK01() { Tetromino block = new Tetromino(1, TetrisGame.NB_ROWS - 2, TetrominoType.Square); TetrisGame game = new TetrisGame(); Assert.IsTrue(block.CanMoveLeft(game)); }
public void Render(IStateOwner pOwner, Graphics pRenderTarget, MenuStateMultiOption Source, MenuStateMenuItemGDIPlusDrawData Element) { Font useFont = MenuStateTextMenuItemGDIRenderer.GetScaledFont(pOwner, Source.FontFace, Source.FontSize); var OptionManager = Source.OptionManagerBase; var Bounds = Element.Bounds; String sLeftCover = "< "; String sRightCover = ">"; var PrevItem = OptionManager.GetTextBase(OptionManager.PeekPreviousBase()); var NextItem = OptionManager.GetTextBase(OptionManager.PeekNextBase()); sLeftCover = PrevItem + sLeftCover; sRightCover = sRightCover + NextItem; var MeasureLeft = pRenderTarget.MeasureString(sLeftCover, useFont); var MeasureRight = pRenderTarget.MeasureString(sRightCover, useFont); PointF LeftPos = new PointF(Bounds.Left - MeasureLeft.Width, Bounds.Top + (Bounds.Height / 2) - MeasureLeft.Height / 2); PointF RightPos = new PointF(Bounds.Right, Bounds.Top + (Bounds.Height / 2) - MeasureRight.Height / 2); if (Source.Activated) { TetrisGame.DrawText(pRenderTarget, useFont, sLeftCover, new SolidBrush(Source.ForeColor), new SolidBrush(Source.ShadowColor), LeftPos.X, LeftPos.Y); TetrisGame.DrawText(pRenderTarget, useFont, sRightCover, new SolidBrush(Source.ForeColor), new SolidBrush(Source.ShadowColor), RightPos.X, RightPos.Y); } base.Render(pOwner, pRenderTarget, Source, Element); }
private void Awake() { scoringSystem = GetComponent <TetrisScore> (); garbageGenerator = GetComponent <GarbageGenerator>(); board = GetComponent <TetrisBoard>(); game = GetComponent <TetrisGame>(); }
public void Start() { Time.fixedDeltaTime = 1.0f / Constants.FRAME_RATE; game = new TetrisGame(); game.Setup(Data); }
public void Render(IStateOwner pOwner, Graphics pRenderTarget, PauseGameState Source, BaseDrawParameters Element) { if (!Source.DrawDataInitialized) { InitDrawData(pOwner, Source, Element); Source.DrawDataInitialized = true; } Graphics g = pRenderTarget; var Bounds = Element.Bounds; var FallImages = Source.FallImages; //Render the paused state. Font usePauseFont = TetrisGame.GetRetroFont(24, pOwner.ScaleFactor); String sPauseText = "Pause"; SizeF Measured = g.MeasureString(sPauseText, usePauseFont); g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Gray, Bounds); foreach (var iterate in FallImages) { iterate.Draw(g); } g.ResetTransform(); PointF DrawPos = new PointF(Bounds.Width / 2 - Measured.Width / 2, Bounds.Height / 2 - Measured.Height / 2); TetrisGame.DrawText(g, usePauseFont, sPauseText, Brushes.White, Brushes.Black, DrawPos.X, DrawPos.Y); //retrieve the renderer for the MenuState object. base.Render(pOwner, pRenderTarget, Source, Element); }
public void RedrawStatusbarTetrominoBitmaps(IStateOwner Owner, GameplayGameState State, RectangleF Bounds) { lock (LockTetImageRedraw) { State.SetTetrominoImages(TetrisGame.GetTetrominoBitmaps(Bounds, State.PlayField.Theme, State.GameHandler, State.PlayField, (float)Owner.ScaleFactor)); } }
uint AppearanceTimeDifference = 500; //aiming for 50ms here public PrimaryBlockAppearanceState(GameplayGameState startupState) { SortedList <Guid, Blocks.LineSeriesPrimaryBlock> appearanceshuffler = new SortedList <Guid, Blocks.LineSeriesPrimaryBlock>(); StandardState = startupState; //set all Primary Blocks to invisible and force a redraw. var field = StandardState.PlayField.Contents; for (int x = 0; x < StandardState.PlayField.ColCount; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < StandardState.PlayField.RowCount; y++) { var block = field[y][x]; if (block is Blocks.LineSeriesPrimaryBlock lsmb) { lsmb.Visible = false; appearanceshuffler.Add(Guid.NewGuid(), lsmb); } } } AppearanceBlocks = new Queue <Blocks.LineSeriesPrimaryBlock>(appearanceshuffler.Values); StandardState.PlayField.HasChanged = true; //since we made them all invisible I'd say that counts as a change! LastAppearanceTick = TetrisGame.GetTickCount(); }
private void Awake() { tetrisGame = GetComponent <TetrisGame>(); tetrisBoard = GetComponent <TetrisBoard>(); playerScript = GetComponent <Player>(); ChangeState(new FillState(Cooldown)); }
public void OnDrawing(TetrisGame game, TetrisGame.DrawEventArgs e) { // Repaint all ( May be ineffient --> Only repaint the region of block? ) Square[,] image = game.Image; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < game.Height; i++) { for (j = 0; j < game.Width; j++) { try { rect[i, j].Dispatcher.Invoke( new Action( delegate { rect[i, j].Fill = new SolidColorBrush(colors[image[i, j] == null ? 0 : (image[i, j].Color < colors.Length ? image[i, j].Color : colors.Length - 1)]); //Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}, {1}: {2}", i, j, image[i, j] == null ? 0 : image[i, j].Color)); } )); } catch { } } } }
private static readonly IDictionary <string, AchievementState> States = new Dictionary <string, AchievementState>(); // 全体成就状态 public static void Bind(TetrisGame game, string name = "") // 静态方法,绑定游戏 { if (name == "") { return; } if (!States.ContainsKey(name)) // 如果没有现在的用户,设定为新用户 { States[name] = new AchievementState(); } game.AchievementState = States[name]; game.GameEndEvent += new TetrisGame.GameEndCallback( // 更新最高分 delegate(object sender, TetrisGame.GameEndEventArgs e) { if (e.Score > game.AchievementState.HighScore) { game.AchievementState.HighScore = e.Score; } } ); game.UpdateEndEvent += new TetrisGame.UpdateEndCallback( // 更新总消除行数 delegate(TetrisGame sender, TetrisGame.UpdateEndEventArgs e) { game.AchievementState.TotalClearBar += game.TickClearedBars; AchievementSystem.UpdateHighest(); }); new SeqClearBind().Bind(game); // 绑定子系统 new HardSurviveBind().Bind(game); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Dimension gridSize = new Dimension(11, 17); int fallingSpeed = 700; controls = new Dictionary <char, Command>() { ['w'] = Command.ROTATE, ['a'] = Command.MOVE_LEFT, ['s'] = Command.MOVE_DOWN, ['d'] = Command.MOVE_RIGHT, [' '] = Command.DROP }; ConsoleGameFrame gameFrame = new ConsoleGameFrame(gridSize); game = new TetrisGame(gridSize, fallingSpeed); game.OnTetrominoStateChanged += gameFrame.DisplayTetromino; game.OnBoardStateChanged += gameFrame.DisplayBoard; game.OnGameOver += () => { gameFrame.DisplayGameOver(); IsRunning = false; }; game.Start(); new Thread(ReadKey).Start(); }
public void TestCanMoveDownNotOK04() { Tetromino block = new Tetromino(4, 237483878, TetrominoType.Square); TetrisGame game = new TetrisGame(); Assert.IsFalse(block.CanMoveDown(game)); }
public void TestCanMoveDownNotOK03() { Tetromino block = new Tetromino(1, TetrisGame.NB_ROWS - 2, TetrominoType.Square); TetrisGame game = new TetrisGame(); Assert.IsFalse(block.CanMoveDown(game)); }
void Start() { game = new TetrisGame(); timeUntilFall = fallDelay; TetrominoController.cube = cube; CreateNewPiece(); }
public void TestCanMoveDownOK01( ) { Tetromino block = new Tetromino(7, 0, TetrominoType.Square); TetrisGame game = new TetrisGame(); Assert.IsTrue(block.CanMoveDown(game)); }
public override void Render(IStateOwner pOwner, Graphics pRenderTarget, UnpauseDelayGameState Source, BaseDrawParameters Element) { Graphics g = pRenderTarget; var Bounds = Element.Bounds; RenderingProvider.Static.DrawElement(pOwner, pRenderTarget, Source._ReturnState, Element); //Draw Faded out overlay to darken things up. DrawFadeOverlay(g, Bounds); //draw a centered Countdown if (Source.LastSecond != Source.timeremaining.Seconds) { //emit a sound. TetrisGame.Soundman.PlaySound(pOwner.AudioThemeMan.GameOverShade.Key, pOwner.Settings.std.EffectVolume); Source.LastSecond = Source.timeremaining.Seconds; Source.lastMillis = 1000; } double SecondsLeft = Math.Round(Source.timeremaining.TotalSeconds, 1); String sSecondsLeft = Source.timeremaining.ToString("%s"); double Millis = (double)Source.timeremaining.Milliseconds / 1000d; //millis in percent. We will use this to animate the unpause time left. Millis = Math.Min(Millis, Source.lastMillis); float useSize = (float)(64f * (1 - (Millis))); var SecondsFont = TetrisGame.GetRetroFont(useSize, pOwner.ScaleFactor); var MeasureText = g.MeasureString(sSecondsLeft, SecondsFont); PointF DrawPosition = new PointF(Bounds.Width / 2 - MeasureText.Width / 2, Bounds.Height / 2 - MeasureText.Height / 2); g.DrawString(sSecondsLeft, SecondsFont, Brushes.White, DrawPosition); Source.lastMillis = Millis; }
public void BoardDrawing() { var game = new TetrisGame(new Vec2i(10, 20), new PlayerScoreFile("helo.txt")); var board = new TetrisBoard(new Vec2i(6, 12)); board.Draw(new Tetromino(TetrisCell.L, new int[, ] { { 0, 0, 1 }, { 1, 1, 1 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, }), new Vec2i(2, 5)); board.Draw(new Tetromino(TetrisCell.T, new int[, ] { { 0, 1, 0 }, { 1, 1, 1 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, }), new Vec2i(1, 4)); // I'm sorry var expected_board = new TetrisCell[12][] { new TetrisCell[6] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, new TetrisCell[6] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, new TetrisCell[6] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, new TetrisCell[6] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, new TetrisCell[6] { 0, 0, TetrisCell.T, 0, 0, 0 }, new TetrisCell[6] { 0, TetrisCell.T, TetrisCell.T, TetrisCell.T, TetrisCell.L, 0 }, new TetrisCell[6] { 0, 0, TetrisCell.L, TetrisCell.L, TetrisCell.L, 0 }, new TetrisCell[6] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, new TetrisCell[6] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, new TetrisCell[6] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, new TetrisCell[6] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, new TetrisCell[6] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, }; Assert.Equal(expected_board, board.Cells); }
public void TestCanMoveDownNotOK02( ) { Tetromino block = new Tetromino(1, TetrisGame.NB_ROWS - 3, TetrominoType.Square); TetrisGame game = new TetrisGame( ); game.FreezeContent(TetrisGame.NB_ROWS - 1, 1); Assert.IsFalse(block.CanMoveDown(game)); }
public void TestCanMoveRightNotOK02() { Tetromino block = new Tetromino(9, 7, TetrominoType.Square); TetrisGame game = new TetrisGame(); game.FreezeContent(7, 10); Assert.IsFalse(block.CanMoveRight(game)); }
/// <summary> /// Draw the score on the screen /// </summary> /// <param name="score">the score of the player</param> private void DrawScore(int score) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.SetCursorPosition(columns + 3, 6); Console.Write($"Score: {score}"); Console.SetCursorPosition(columns + 3, 7); Console.Write($"Level: {TetrisGame.GetLevelFromScore(score)}"); }
/// <summary> /// ctor /// </summary> /// <param name="keyPressEventHandler"></param> /// <param name="startingAwaiter"></param> /// <param name="tetrisGame"></param> public Startup(KeyPressEventHandler keyPressEventHandler, StartingAwaiter startingAwaiter, TetrisGame tetrisGame) { _keyPressEventHandler = keyPressEventHandler; _startingAwaiter = startingAwaiter; _tetrisGame = tetrisGame; }
public static void Bind(TetrisGame game) { var ss = new ScoreSystem(); game.ScoreSystem = ss; game.UpdateEndEvent += ss.OnUpdateEnd; //game.ClearBarEvent += ss.OnUpdateEnd; }
public void TestCanMoveLeftNotOK02() { Tetromino block = new Tetromino(10, 5, TetrominoType.Square); TetrisGame game = new TetrisGame(); game.FreezeContent(5, 8); Assert.IsFalse(block.CanMoveLeft(game)); }
private void ProcessSpeedUp(TetrisGame game, TetrisGame.UpdateBeginEventArgs e) // 按得分加速 { if (game.ScoreSystem.Score >= _nextSpeedUp) { game.GameSpeed++; _nextSpeedUp += 20; } }
IEnumerator ContinousMove(bool isLeft) { while (true) { TetrisGame.GetInstance().MoveTetromino(isLeft ? MoveDirection.Left : MoveDirection.Right); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(continousMoveTime)); } }
public override void Render(IStateOwner pOwner, Graphics pRenderTarget, ViewScoreDetailsState Source, BaseDrawParameters Element) { var g = pRenderTarget; var Bounds = Element.Bounds; RenderingProvider.Static.DrawElement(pOwner, pRenderTarget, Source.BG, new GDIBackgroundDrawData(Bounds)); Font HeaderFont = TetrisGame.GetRetroFont(24, pOwner.ScaleFactor); Font PlacementFont = TetrisGame.GetRetroFont(10, pOwner.ScaleFactor); Font DetailFont = TetrisGame.GetRetroFont(8, pOwner.ScaleFactor); //One thing we draw in every case is the "--SCORE DETAILS--" header text. this is positioned at 5% from the top, centered in the middle of our bounds. float Millipercent = (float)DateTime.Now.Ticks / 5000f; //(float)DateTime.Now.Millisecond / 1000; var MeasuredHeader = g.MeasureString(Source._DetailHeader, HeaderFont); int RotateAmount = (int)(Millipercent * 240); Color UseColor1 = HSLColor.RotateHue(Color.Red, RotateAmount); Color UseColor2 = HSLColor.RotateHue(Color.LightPink, RotateAmount); PointF ScorePosition = new PointF((Bounds.Width / 2) - (MeasuredHeader.Width / 2), Bounds.Height * 0.05f); using (LinearGradientBrush lgb = new LinearGradientBrush(new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)MeasuredHeader.Width, (int)MeasuredHeader.Height), UseColor1, UseColor2, LinearGradientMode.Vertical)) { using (GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath()) { gp.AddString(Source._DetailHeader, HeaderFont, new Point((int)ScorePosition.X, (int)ScorePosition.Y), StringFormat.GenericDefault); g.FillPath(lgb, gp); g.DrawPath(Pens.White, gp); } } //we also show Xth Place - <NAME> centered below the header using the placementfont. String sPlacement = TetrisGame.FancyNumber(Source._Position) + " - " + Source.ShowEntry.Name + " - " + Source.ShowEntry.Score.ToString(); var measureit = g.MeasureString(sPlacement, PlacementFont); PointF DrawPlacement = new PointF(Bounds.Width / 2 - measureit.Width / 2, (float)(ScorePosition.Y + MeasuredHeader.Height * 1.1f)); g.DrawString(sPlacement, PlacementFont, Brushes.Black, DrawPlacement.X + 3, DrawPlacement.Y + 3); g.DrawString(sPlacement, PlacementFont, Brushes.White, DrawPlacement.X, DrawPlacement.Y); g.DrawLine(Separator, (float)(Bounds.Width * 0.05f), (float)(DrawPlacement.Y + measureit.Height + 5), (float)(Bounds.Width * 0.95), (float)(DrawPlacement.Y + measureit.Height + 5)); switch (Source.CurrentView) { case ViewScoreDetailsState.ViewScoreDetailsType.Details_Tetrominoes: DrawTetronimoDetails(Source, g, Bounds); break; case ViewScoreDetailsState.ViewScoreDetailsType.Details_LevelTimes: DrawLevelTimesDetails(Source, g, Bounds); break; } }
public void StartGame() { score = 0; Time.timeScale = 1.0f; InputController.EnableInput(); UIManager.GetInstance().HideGameOverPanel(); UIManager.GetInstance().UpdateScoreText(score); TetrisGame.GetInstance().StartNewGame(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="gameArea"></param> public override void JoinGame(TetrisGame gameArea) { base.JoinGame(gameArea); // Define initial }
void Awake() { Instance = this; _board = new GameObject[BOARD_WIDTH, BOARD_HEIGHT]; _gridHeirarchy = new GameObject[BOARD_WIDTH, BOARD_HEIGHT]; _started = false; CreateGridHeirarchyObjects(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Use this for initialization void Start() { mHighScoreBoard = GetComponentInParent<HighScoreComponent>(); mMainMenu = GameObject.Find("MainMenu"); mLeftBorder = GameObject.Find("LeftBorder"); mRightBorder = GameObject.Find("RightBorder"); mBottomBorder = GameObject.Find("BottomBorder"); mGameStatusPanel = GameObject.Find("GameStatusPanel"); mPausePanel = GameObject.Find("PausePanel"); mGameEndPanel = GameObject.Find("GameEndPanel"); mHighScorePanel = GameObject.Find("HighScorePanel"); mTetrisGame = new TetrisGame(); mTetrisGame.Start(); ReturnToMainMenu(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { TetrisGame game = new TetrisGame(); game.Run(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="gameArea"></param> public virtual void JoinGame(TetrisGame gameArea) { this.GameArea = gameArea; #region Validations if (this.GameArea == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("gameArea"); } if (this.TemplateRotationOrigin == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("RotationCenterLocation"); } if (this.FilledBlocks == null || this.FilledBlocks.Count() == 0) { throw new Exception("The piece is not present on the game area"); } #endregion #region Determine initial rotation origin block based on template // Based on the piece's template and on the template's rotation origin, // determine which of the currently filled blocks is the origin of rotation var minXFilledBlock = this.FilledBlocks.Select(b => b.X).Min(); var minYFilledBlock = this.FilledBlocks.Select(b => b.Y).Min(); var minXTemplateOrigin = this.Template.Select(l => l.X).Min(); var minYTemplateOrigin = this.Template.Select(l => l.Y).Min(); var rotationBlockX = this.TemplateRotationOrigin.X + (minXFilledBlock - minXTemplateOrigin); var rotationBlockY = this.TemplateRotationOrigin.Y + (minYFilledBlock - minYTemplateOrigin); this.CurrentRotationOriginBlock = this.FilledBlocks.FirstOrDefault(b => b.X == rotationBlockX && b.Y == rotationBlockY); #endregion }