public void Start()
     _testModal     = new TestModalWindow();
     _visual        = _waypoints.GetComponent <VisualConnections>();
     modalPanel     = ModalPanel.Instance();
     displayManager = DisplayManager.Instance();
    //Test function:  Pop up the Modal Window with Yes, No, and Cancel buttons.
    public void TestYNC(TestModalWindow instance)
        Sprite icon = null;

        ModalPanel.MessageBox(icon, "Test 11 Yes No Cancel", "Would you like a poke in the eye?\nHow about with a sharp stick?", instance.TestYesFunction, instance.TestNoFunction, instance.TestCancelFunction, instance.TestOkFunction, false, "YesNoCancel");
    public static TestModalWindow Instance()
        if (!testModalWindow)
            testModalWindow = FindObjectOfType(typeof(TestModalWindow)) as TestModalWindow;
            if (!testModalWindow)
                Debug.LogError("There needs to be one active DisplayManager script on a GameObject in your scene.");
