/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TriggeringTeslaEventArgs"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="player"><inheritdoc cref="Player"/></param> /// <param name="teslaGate"><inheritdoc cref="Tesla"/></param> public TriggeringTeslaEventArgs(Player player, TeslaGate teslaGate) { Player = player; Tesla = teslaGate; IsInHurtingRange = Tesla.PlayerInHurtRange(player); IsTriggerable = Tesla.PlayerInTriggerRange(player); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="InteractingTeslaEventArgs"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="player"><inheritdoc cref="Player"/></param> /// <param name="tesla"><inheritdoc cref="Tesla"/></param> /// <param name="auxiliaryPowerCost"><inheritdoc cref="AuxiliaryPowerCost"/></param> public InteractingTeslaEventArgs(Player player, TeslaGate tesla, float auxiliaryPowerCost) { Player = player; Tesla = tesla; AuxiliaryPowerCost = auxiliaryPowerCost; IsAllowed = auxiliaryPowerCost <= player.Energy; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="InteractingTeslaEventArgs"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="player"><inheritdoc cref="Player"/></param> /// <param name="tesla"><inheritdoc cref="Tesla"/></param> /// <param name="auxiliaryPowerCost"><inheritdoc cref="AuxiliaryPowerCost"/></param> /// <param name="isAllowed"><inheritdoc cref="IsAllowed"/></param> public InteractingTeslaEventArgs(Player player, TeslaGate tesla, float auxiliaryPowerCost, bool isAllowed = true) { Player = player; Tesla = tesla; AuxiliaryPowerCost = auxiliaryPowerCost; IsAllowed = isAllowed; }
public static void Postfix(TeslaGate __instance, bool hurtRange, ref List <PlayerStats> __result) { try { __result = new List <PlayerStats>(); foreach (var player in Player.GetAllPlayers()) { var triggerable = true; if (!(Vector3.Distance(__instance.transform.position, player.Position) < __instance.sizeOfTrigger) || player.Role == RoleType.Spectator) { continue; } Events.InvokeTeslaTrigger(player, hurtRange, ref triggerable); if (triggerable) { __result.Add(player.GetComponent <PlayerStats>()); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"TriggerTeslaEvent error: {e}"); } }
private static void Postfix(TeslaGate __instance, bool hurtRange, ref List <PlayerStats> __result) { try { __result = new List <PlayerStats>(); var Tesla = Map.Get.Teslas.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GameObject == __instance.gameObject); foreach (var player in SynapseController.Server.Players) { if (Vector3.Distance(Tesla.Position, player.Position) > Tesla.SizeOfTrigger || player.IsDead) { continue; } if (player.Invisible) { continue; } SynapseController.Server.Events.Map.InvokeTriggerTeslaEv(player, Tesla, hurtRange, out var trigger); if (trigger) { __result.Add(player.PlayerStats); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Get.Error($"Synapse-Event: TriggerTesla failed!!\n{e}\nStackTrace:\n{e.StackTrace}"); } }
public static void Postfix(TeslaGate __instance, bool hurtRange, ref List <PlayerStats> __result) { if (EventPlugin.TriggerTeslaPatchDisable) { return; } try { __result = new List <PlayerStats>(); foreach (GameObject player in PlayerManager.players) { bool triggerable = true; if (Vector3.Distance(__instance.transform.position, player.transform.position) < __instance.sizeOfTrigger && player.GetComponent <CharacterClassManager>().CurClass != RoleType.Spectator) { Events.InvokeTriggerTesla(player, hurtRange, ref triggerable); if (triggerable) { __result.Add(player.GetComponent <PlayerStats>()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"Tesla trigger event error: {e}"); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="InteractingTeslaEventArgs"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="player"><inheritdoc cref="Player"/></param> /// <param name="teslaGate"><inheritdoc cref="Tesla"/></param> /// <param name="auxiliaryPowerCost"><inheritdoc cref="AuxiliaryPowerCost"/></param> public InteractingTeslaEventArgs(Player player, global::TeslaGate teslaGate, float auxiliaryPowerCost) { Player = player; Tesla = TeslaGate.Get(teslaGate); AuxiliaryPowerCost = auxiliaryPowerCost; IsAllowed = auxiliaryPowerCost <= player.Role.As <Scp079Role>().Energy; }
private static bool OnRange(TeslaGate __instance, out bool __result, ReferenceHub player) { __result = false; try { var synapseplayer = player.GetPlayer(); if (synapseplayer.Invisible) { return(false); } __result = __instance.InRange(synapseplayer.Position); if (__result) { Server.Get.Events.Map.InvokeTriggerTeslaEv(synapseplayer, __instance.GetTesla(), ref __result); } return(false); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Get.Error($"Synapse-Event: TriggerTesla failed!!\n{e}"); return(true); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TriggeringTeslaEventArgs"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="player"><inheritdoc cref="Player"/></param> /// <param name="tesla"><inheritdoc cref="Tesla"/></param> /// <param name="isInHurtingRange"><inheritdoc cref="IsInHurtingRange"/></param> /// <param name="isTriggerable"><inheritdoc cref="IsTriggerable"/></param> /// <param name="isInIdleRange"><inheritdoc cref="IsInIdleRange"/></param> public TriggeringTeslaEventArgs(Player player, TeslaGate tesla, bool isInHurtingRange, bool isTriggerable, bool isInIdleRange = true) { Player = player; Tesla = tesla; IsInHurtingRange = isInHurtingRange; IsTriggerable = isTriggerable; IsInIdleRange = isInIdleRange; }
public static Tesla GetTesla(this TeslaGate teslaGate) => Map.Get.Teslas.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GameObject == teslaGate.gameObject);
private static bool Scp079Interact(Scp079PlayerScript __instance, Command079 command, string args, GameObject target) { args ??= ""; try { if (!__instance._interactRateLimit.CanExecute(true)) { return(false); } if (!__instance.iAm079) { return(false); } string[] array = args.Split(':'); GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Command received from a client: " + command, MessageImportance.LessImportant, false); __instance.RefreshCurrentRoom(); if (!__instance.CheckInteractableLegitness(__instance.CurrentRoom, target, true)) { return(false); } DoorVariant doorVariant = null; // F you, compiler bool gotDoorVariant = target?.TryGetComponent(out doorVariant) ?? false; List <string> list = GameCore.ConfigFile.ServerConfig.GetStringList("scp079_door_blacklist") ?? new List <string>(); switch (command) { case Command079.Door: { if (AlphaWarheadController.Host.inProgress) { return(false); } if (target == null) { GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "The door command requires a target.", MessageImportance.LessImportant, false); return(false); } if (!gotDoorVariant) { return(false); } if (doorVariant.TryGetComponent(out DoorNametagExtension doorNametagExtension) && list.Count > 0 && list.Contains(doorNametagExtension.GetName)) { GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Door access denied by the server.", MessageImportance.LeastImportant, false); return(false); } string text = doorVariant.RequiredPermissions.RequiredPermissions.ToString(); float manaFromLabel = __instance.GetManaFromLabel("Door Interaction " + (text.Contains(",") ? text.Split(',')[0] : text), __instance.abilities); var action = doorVariant.TargetState ? Scp079EventMisc.DoorAction.Closing : Scp079EventMisc.DoorAction.Opening; var intendedResult = manaFromLabel <= __instance.Mana ? Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Allow : Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.NoEnergy; SynapseController.Server.Events.Scp.Scp079.Invoke079DoorInteract( __instance.gameObject.GetPlayer(), action, intendedResult, manaFromLabel, doorVariant.GetDoor(), out var actualResult ); switch (actualResult) { case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Allow: { bool targetState = doorVariant.TargetState; doorVariant.ServerInteract(ReferenceHub.GetHub(__instance.gameObject), 0); if (targetState != doorVariant.TargetState) { __instance.Mana -= manaFromLabel; __instance.AddInteractionToHistory(target, true); GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Door state changed.", MessageImportance.LeastImportant, false); return(false); } GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Door state failed to change.", MessageImportance.LeastImportant, false); return(false); } case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Disallow: { GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Door access denied by the server.", MessageImportance.LeastImportant, false); return(false); } case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.NoEnergy: { GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Not enough mana.", MessageImportance.LeastImportant, false); // might wanna change __instance.Mana to 0, // the client may do another check when being told that the player has not enough mana, // resulting in realizing they do indeed have enough mana __instance.RpcNotEnoughMana(manaFromLabel, __instance.Mana); return(false); } } return(false); } case Command079.Doorlock: { if (AlphaWarheadController.Host.inProgress) { return(false); } if (target == null) { GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "The door lock command requires a target.", MessageImportance.LessImportant, false); return(false); } if (doorVariant == null) { return(false); } ; if (doorVariant.TryGetComponent(out DoorNametagExtension doorNametagExtension2) && list.Count > 0 && list.Contains(doorNametagExtension2.GetName)) { GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Door access denied by the server.", MessageImportance.LeastImportant, false); return(false); } float manaFromLabel = __instance.GetManaFromLabel("Door Lock Minimum", __instance.abilities); var action = ((DoorLockReason)doorVariant.ActiveLocks).HasFlag(DoorLockReason.Regular079) ? Scp079EventMisc.DoorAction.Unlocking : Scp079EventMisc.DoorAction.Locking; Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult intendedResult; if (action == Scp079EventMisc.DoorAction.Unlocking) { intendedResult = __instance.lockedDoors.Contains(doorVariant.netId) ? Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Allow : Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Disallow; } else { intendedResult = manaFromLabel <= __instance.Mana ? Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Allow : Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.NoEnergy; } SynapseController.Server.Events.Scp.Scp079.Invoke079DoorInteract( __instance.gameObject.GetPlayer(), action, intendedResult, manaFromLabel, doorVariant.GetDoor(), out var actualResult ); switch (actualResult) { case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Allow when action == Scp079EventMisc.DoorAction.Unlocking: { if (!__instance.lockedDoors.Contains(doorVariant.netId)) { return(false); } __instance.lockedDoors.Remove(doorVariant.netId); doorVariant.ServerChangeLock(DoorLockReason.Regular079, false); return(false); } case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Allow when action == Scp079EventMisc.DoorAction.Locking: { if (!__instance.lockedDoors.Contains(doorVariant.netId)) { __instance.lockedDoors.Add(doorVariant.netId); } doorVariant.ServerChangeLock(DoorLockReason.Regular079, true); __instance.AddInteractionToHistory(doorVariant.gameObject, true); __instance.Mana -= __instance.GetManaFromLabel("Door Lock Start", __instance.abilities); return(false); } case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Disallow: { return(false); } case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.NoEnergy: { // might wanna change __instance.Mana to 0, // the client may do another check when being told that the player has not enough mana, // resulting in realizing they do indeed have enough mana __instance.RpcNotEnoughMana(manaFromLabel, __instance.Mana); return(false); } } return(false); } case Command079.Speaker: { string speakerQualifiedName = __instance.CurrentRoom.transform.parent.name + "/" + __instance.CurrentRoom.name + "/Scp079Speaker"; GameObject speaker = GameObject.Find(speakerQualifiedName); float manaFromLabel = __instance.GetManaFromLabel("Speaker Start", __instance.abilities); Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult intendedResult; if (speaker == null) { intendedResult = Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Disallow; } else if (manaFromLabel * 1.5f <= __instance.Mana) { intendedResult = Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Allow; } else { intendedResult = Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.NoEnergy; } SynapseController.Server.Events.Scp.Scp079.Invoke079SpeakerInteract( __instance.gameObject.GetPlayer(), manaFromLabel, intendedResult, out var actualResult ); switch (actualResult) { case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Allow: { __instance.Mana -= manaFromLabel; __instance.Speaker = speakerQualifiedName; __instance.AddInteractionToHistory(speaker, true); return(false); } case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Disallow: { return(false); } case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.NoEnergy: { // might wanna change __instance.Mana to 0, // the client may do another check when being told that the player has not enough mana, // resulting in realizing they do indeed have enough mana __instance.RpcNotEnoughMana(manaFromLabel, __instance.Mana); return(false); } } return(false); } case Command079.StopSpeaker: __instance.Speaker = string.Empty; return(false); case Command079.ElevatorTeleport: { Synapse.Api.Logger.Get.Debug("Teleport"); float manaFromLabel = __instance.GetManaFromLabel("Elevator Teleport", __instance.abilities); if (manaFromLabel > __instance.Mana) { __instance.RpcNotEnoughMana(manaFromLabel, __instance.Mana); return(false); } Camera079 camera = null; foreach (Scp079Interactable scp079Interactable in __instance.nearbyInteractables) { if (scp079Interactable.type == Scp079Interactable.InteractableType.ElevatorTeleport) { camera = scp079Interactable.optionalObject.GetComponent <Camera079>(); } } if (camera != null) { __instance.RpcSwitchCamera(camera.cameraId, false); __instance.Mana -= manaFromLabel; __instance.AddInteractionToHistory(target, true); return(false); } if (ConsoleDebugMode.CheckImportance("SCP079", MessageImportance.LeastImportant, out Color32 color)) { Scp079Interactable scp079Interactable2 = null; Dictionary <Scp079Interactable.InteractableType, byte> dictionary = new Dictionary <Scp079Interactable.InteractableType, byte>(); foreach (Scp079Interactable scp079Interactable3 in __instance.nearbyInteractables) { if (dictionary.ContainsKey(scp079Interactable3.type)) { Dictionary <Scp079Interactable.InteractableType, byte> dictionary2 = dictionary; Scp079Interactable.InteractableType type = scp079Interactable3.type; byte b = dictionary2[type]; dictionary2[type] = (byte)(b + 1); } else { dictionary[scp079Interactable3.type] = 1; } if (scp079Interactable3.type == Scp079Interactable.InteractableType.ElevatorTeleport) { scp079Interactable2 = scp079Interactable3; } } string text2; if (scp079Interactable2 == null) { text2 = "None of the " + __instance.nearbyInteractables.Count + " were an ElevatorTeleport, found: "; using (Dictionary <Scp079Interactable.InteractableType, byte> .Enumerator enumerator2 = dictionary.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { KeyValuePair <Scp079Interactable.InteractableType, byte> keyValuePair = enumerator2.Current; text2 = string.Concat(new object[] { text2, keyValuePair.Value, "x", keyValuePair.Key.ToString().Substring(keyValuePair.Key.ToString().Length - 4), " " }); } goto IL_755; } } if (scp079Interactable2.optionalObject == null) { text2 = "Optional object is missing."; } else if (scp079Interactable2.optionalObject.GetComponent <Camera079>() == null) { string str = ""; Transform transform = scp079Interactable2.optionalObject.transform; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { str = transform.name + str; if (!(transform.parent != null)) { break; } transform = transform.parent; } text2 = "Camera is missing at " + str; } else { text2 = "Unknown error"; } IL_755: GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Could not find the second elevator: " + text2, MessageImportance.LeastImportant, false); return(false); } return(false); } case Command079.ElevatorUse: { float manaFromLabel = __instance.GetManaFromLabel("Elevator Use", __instance.abilities); string elevatorName = string.Empty; if (array.Length > 0) { elevatorName = array[0]; } Elevator synElevator = Map.Get.Elevators.Find(_ => _.Name == elevatorName); Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult intendedResult; if (manaFromLabel <= __instance.Mana) { intendedResult = Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.NoEnergy; } else if (synElevator == null || (AlphaWarheadController.Host.timeToDetonation == 0f || !synElevator.Operative || synElevator.Locked)) { intendedResult = Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Disallow; } else { intendedResult = Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Allow; } intendedResult = manaFromLabel <= __instance.Mana ? Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Allow : Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.NoEnergy; SynapseController.Server.Events.Scp.Scp079.Invoke079ElevatorUse( __instance.gameObject.GetPlayer(), manaFromLabel, synElevator, intendedResult, out var actualResult ); switch (actualResult) { case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Allow: { if (synElevator.Use()) { __instance.Mana -= manaFromLabel; bool flag3 = false; foreach (Lift.Elevator elevator in synElevator.Lift.elevators) { __instance.AddInteractionToHistory(elevator.door.GetComponentInParent <Scp079Interactable>().gameObject, !flag3); flag3 = true; } } return(false); } case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Disallow: { return(false); } case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.NoEnergy: { // might wanna change __instance.Mana to 0, // the client may do another check when being told that the player has not enough mana, // resulting in realizing they do indeed have enough mana __instance.RpcNotEnoughMana(manaFromLabel, __instance.Mana); return(false); } } return(false); } case Command079.Tesla: { float manaFromLabel = __instance.GetManaFromLabel("Tesla Gate Burst", __instance.abilities); if (__instance.CurrentRoom != null) { TeslaGate vanillaTesla = __instance.CurrentRoom.GetComponentInChildren <TeslaGate>(); Tesla synapseTesla = vanillaTesla != null?Server.Get.Map.Teslas.Find(_ => _.Gate == vanillaTesla) : null; var intendedResult = manaFromLabel <= __instance.Mana ? Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Allow : Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.NoEnergy; SynapseController.Server.Events.Scp.Scp079.Invoke079TeslaInteract( __instance.gameObject.GetPlayer(), manaFromLabel, synapseTesla?.Room, synapseTesla, intendedResult, out var actualResult ); switch (actualResult) { case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Allow: { if (vanillaTesla != null) { vanillaTesla.RpcInstantBurst(); } __instance.AddInteractionToHistory(vanillaTesla.gameObject, true); __instance.Mana -= manaFromLabel; return(false); } case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Disallow: { return(false); } case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.NoEnergy: { // might wanna change __instance.Mana to 0, // the client may do another check when being told that the player has not enough mana, // resulting in realizing they do indeed have enough mana __instance.RpcNotEnoughMana(manaFromLabel, __instance.Mana); return(false); } } return(false); } throw new Exception("Unable to find Tesla Gate in a null room"); } case Command079.Lockdown: { if (AlphaWarheadController.Host.inProgress) { GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Lockdown cannot commence, Warhead in progress.", MessageImportance.LessImportant, false); return(false); } float manaFromLabel = __instance.GetManaFromLabel("Room Lockdown", __instance.abilities); GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Attempting lockdown...", MessageImportance.LeastImportant, false); if (__instance.CurrentRoom != null) { HashSet <Scp079Interactable> roomInteractablesHashSet = Scp079Interactable.InteractablesByRoomId[__instance.CurrentRoom.UniqueId]; HashSet <DoorVariant> doorHashSet = new HashSet <DoorVariant>(); GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Loaded all interactables", MessageImportance.LeastImportant, false); GameObject lockdownInteractable = null; foreach (Scp079Interactable interactable in roomInteractablesHashSet) { if (interactable != null) { if (interactable.type != Scp079Interactable.InteractableType.Door) { if (interactable.type == Scp079Interactable.InteractableType.Lockdown) { lockdownInteractable = interactable.gameObject; } } else if (interactable.TryGetComponent(out DoorVariant doorVariant2) && (object)doorVariant2 is IDamageableDoor damageableDoor && damageableDoor.IsDestroyed) { GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Lockdown can't initiate, one of the doors were destroyed.", MessageImportance.LessImportant, false); return(false); } } } if (__instance.CurrentLDCooldown > 0f) { GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Lockdown still on cooldown.", MessageImportance.LessImportant, false); return(false); } GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Looking for doors to lock...", MessageImportance.LeastImportant, false); foreach (Scp079Interactable scp079Interactable5 in roomInteractablesHashSet) { if (!(scp079Interactable5 == null) && scp079Interactable5.TryGetComponent(out DoorVariant doorVariant3)) { bool doorLocked = doorVariant3.ActiveLocks == (ushort)DoorLockReason.None; if (!doorLocked) { DoorLockMode mode = DoorLockUtils.GetMode((DoorLockReason)doorVariant3.ActiveLocks); doorLocked = (mode.HasFlagFast(DoorLockMode.CanClose) || mode.HasFlagFast(DoorLockMode.ScpOverride)); } if (doorLocked) { if (doorVariant3.TargetState) { doorVariant3.NetworkTargetState = false; } doorVariant3.ServerChangeLock(DoorLockReason.Lockdown079, true); doorVariant3.UnlockLater(__instance.LockdownDuration, DoorLockReason.Lockdown079); doorHashSet.Add(doorVariant3); } } } var intendedResult = manaFromLabel <= __instance.Mana ? Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Allow : Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.NoEnergy; bool lightsOut = true; SynapseController.Server.Events.Scp.Scp079.Invoke079RoomLockdown( __instance.gameObject.GetPlayer(), manaFromLabel, Server.Get.Map.Rooms.Find(_ => _.GameObject == __instance.CurrentRoom), // FIX ref lightsOut, intendedResult, out var actualResult ); switch (actualResult) { case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Allow: { foreach (FlickerableLightController flickerableLightController in __instance.CurrentRoom.GetComponentsInChildren <FlickerableLightController>()) { if (flickerableLightController != null) { flickerableLightController.ServerFlickerLights(8f); } } __instance.CurrentLDCooldown = __instance.LockdownCooldown + __instance.LockdownDuration; __instance.TargetSetLockdownCooldown(__instance.connectionToClient, __instance.CurrentLDCooldown); GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Lockdown initiated.", MessageImportance.LessImportant, false); __instance.AddInteractionToHistory(lockdownInteractable, true); __instance.Mana -= __instance.GetManaFromLabel("Room Lockdown", __instance.abilities); return(false); } case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.Disallow: { return(false); } case Scp079EventMisc.InteractionResult.NoEnergy: { // might wanna change __instance.Mana to 0, // the client may do another check when being told that the player has not enough mana, // resulting in realizing they do indeed have enough mana __instance.RpcNotEnoughMana(manaFromLabel, __instance.Mana); GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Lockdown cannot commence, not enough mana.", MessageImportance.LessImportant, false); return(false); } } } else { GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Room couldn't be specified.", MessageImportance.Normal, false); } return(false); } default: return(false); } } catch (Exception e) { Synapse.Api.Logger.Get.Error($"Synapse-Event: Scp079BulkPatch failed!!\n{e}"); return(false); } }
private static bool Prefix(TeslaGateController __instance) { try { if (!Round.IsStarted) { return(false); } if (TeslaGate.TeslasValue.Count == 0) { return(true); } foreach (BaseTeslaGate baseTeslaGate in __instance.TeslaGates) { if (!baseTeslaGate.isActiveAndEnabled || baseTeslaGate.InProgress) { continue; } if (baseTeslaGate.NetworkInactiveTime > 0f) { baseTeslaGate.NetworkInactiveTime = Mathf.Max(0f, baseTeslaGate.InactiveTime - Time.fixedDeltaTime); continue; } TeslaGate teslaGate = TeslaGate.Get(baseTeslaGate); bool inIdleRange = false; bool isTriggerable = false; foreach (Player player in Player.List) { try { if (player is null || !teslaGate.CanBeIdle(player)) { continue; } TriggeringTeslaEventArgs ev = new(player, teslaGate); Handlers.Player.OnTriggeringTesla(ev); if (ev.IsTriggerable && !isTriggerable) { isTriggerable = ev.IsTriggerable; } if (ev.IsInIdleRange && !inIdleRange) { inIdleRange = ev.IsInIdleRange; } } #pragma warning disable CS0168 catch (Exception e) #pragma warning restore CS0168 { #if DEBUG Log.Error($"{nameof(TriggeringTesla)}.Prefix: {e}"); #endif } } if (isTriggerable) { teslaGate.Trigger(); } if (inIdleRange != teslaGate.IsIdling) { teslaGate.IsIdling = inIdleRange; } } return(false); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"Exiled.Events.Patches.Events.Player.TriggeringTesla: {e}\n{e.StackTrace}"); return(true); } }
public static bool Prefix(TeslaGate __instance, bool hurtRange) { return(EventPlugin.TriggerTeslaPatchDisable); }
/// <inheritdoc/> protected override void OnExploding(ExplodingGrenadeEventArgs ev) { ev.IsAllowed = false; Room room = Exiled.API.Features.Map.FindParentRoom(ev.Grenade.gameObject); TeslaGate gate = null; Log.Debug($"{ev.Grenade.transform.position} - {room.Position} - {Room.List.Count()}", CustomItems.Instance.Config.IsDebugEnabled); LockedRooms079.Add(room); room.TurnOffLights(Duration); if (DisableTeslaGates) { foreach (TeslaGate teslaGate in TeslaGate.List) { if (Exiled.API.Features.Map.FindParentRoom(teslaGate.GameObject) == room) { disabledTeslaGates.Add(teslaGate); gate = teslaGate; break; } } } Log.Debug($"{room.Doors.Count()} - {room.Type}", CustomItems.Instance.Config.IsDebugEnabled); foreach (Door door in room.Doors) { if (door == null || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(door.Nametag) && BlacklistedDoorNames.Contains(door.Nametag)) || (door.DoorLockType > 0 && !OpenLockedDoors) || (door.RequiredPermissions.RequiredPermissions != KeycardPermissions.None && !OpenKeycardDoors)) { continue; } Log.Debug("Opening a door!", CustomItems.Instance.Config.IsDebugEnabled); door.IsOpen = true; door.ChangeLock(DoorLockType.NoPower); if (!lockedDoors.Contains(door)) { lockedDoors.Add(door); } Timing.CallDelayed(Duration, () => { door.Unlock(); lockedDoors.Remove(door); }); } foreach (Player player in Player.List) { if (player.Role.As <Scp079Role>() is Scp079Role scp079) { if (scp079.Camera != null && scp079.Camera.Room == room) { scp079.SetCamera(198); } } if (player.CurrentRoom != room) { continue; } foreach (Item item in player.Items) { switch (item) { case Radio radio: radio.Disable(); break; case Flashlight flashlight: flashlight.Active = false; break; case Firearm firearm: { foreach (FirearmAttachment attachment in firearm.Attachments) { if (attachment.Name == AttachmentNameTranslation.Flashlight) { attachment.IsEnabled = false; } } break; } } } } Timing.CallDelayed(Duration, () => { try { LockedRooms079.Remove(room); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Debug($"REMOVING LOCKED ROOM: {e}"); } if (gate != null) { try { disabledTeslaGates.Remove(gate); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Debug($"REMOVING DISABLED TESLA: {e}"); } } }); }
public Player079TeslaGateEvent(Player player, TeslaGate teslaGate, bool allow, float apDrain) : base(player) { TeslaGate = teslaGate; Allow = allow; APDrain = apDrain; }
/// <summary> /// Prefix of <see cref="Scp079PlayerScript.CallCmdInteract(string, GameObject)"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="__instance">The <see cref="Scp079PlayerScript"/> instance.</param> /// <param name="command">The command to be executed.</param> /// <param name="target">The target game object.</param> /// <returns>Returns a value indicating whether the original method has to be executed or not.</returns> private static bool Prefix(Scp079PlayerScript __instance, string command, GameObject target) { try { if (!__instance._interactRateLimit.CanExecute()) { return(false); } if (!__instance.iAm079) { return(false); } Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Command received from a client: " + command, MessageImportance.LessImportant); if (!command.Contains(":")) { return(false); } string[] array = command.Split(':'); __instance.RefreshCurrentRoom(); if (!__instance.CheckInteractableLegitness(__instance.currentRoom, __instance.currentZone, target, true)) { return(false); } List <string> list = ListPool <string> .Shared.Rent(); ConfigFile.ServerConfig.GetStringCollection("scp079_door_blacklist", list); bool result = true; switch (array[0]) { case "TESLA": { GameObject gameObject3 = GameObject.Find(__instance.currentZone + "/" + __instance.currentRoom + "/Gate"); if (gameObject3 == null) { result = false; break; } Player player = Player.Get(__instance.gameObject); TeslaGate teslaGate = gameObject3.GetComponent <TeslaGate>(); float apDrain = __instance.GetManaFromLabel("Tesla Gate Burst", __instance.abilities); bool isAllowed = apDrain <= __instance.curMana; InteractingTeslaEventArgs ev = new InteractingTeslaEventArgs(player, teslaGate, isAllowed); Handlers.Scp079.OnInteractingTesla(ev); if (!ev.IsAllowed) { if (apDrain > __instance.curMana) { __instance.RpcNotEnoughMana(apDrain, __instance.curMana); result = false; break; } } else { teslaGate.RpcInstantBurst(); __instance.AddInteractionToHistory(gameObject3, array[0], addMana: true); __instance.Mana -= apDrain; result = false; break; } result = false; break; } case "DOOR": { if (AlphaWarheadController.Host.inProgress) { result = false; break; } if (target == null) { Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "The door command requires a target.", MessageImportance.LessImportant); result = false; break; } if (!target.TryGetComponent <DoorVariant>(out var component)) { result = false; break; } if (component.TryGetComponent <DoorNametagExtension>(out var component5) && list != null && list.Count > 0 && list != null && list.Contains(component5.GetName)) { GameCore.Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Door access denied by the server.", MessageImportance.LeastImportant); result = false; break; } Player player = Player.Get(__instance.gameObject); var permissions = component.RequiredPermissions.RequiredPermissions.ToString(); float apDrain = __instance.GetManaFromLabel("Door Interaction " + (permissions.Contains(",") ? permissions.Split(',')[0] : permissions), __instance.abilities); bool isAllowed = apDrain <= __instance.curMana; InteractingDoorEventArgs ev = new InteractingDoorEventArgs(player, component, isAllowed); Handlers.Scp079.OnInteractingDoor(ev); if (!ev.IsAllowed) { if (apDrain > __instance.curMana) { Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Not enough mana.", MessageImportance.LeastImportant); __instance.RpcNotEnoughMana(apDrain, __instance.curMana); result = false; break; } } else { bool targetState = component.TargetState; component.ServerInteract(ReferenceHub.GetHub(__instance.gameObject), 0); if (targetState != component.TargetState) { __instance.Mana -= apDrain; __instance.AddInteractionToHistory(target, array[0], addMana: true); Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Door state changed.", MessageImportance.LeastImportant); result = false; break; } else { Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Door state failed to change.", MessageImportance.LeastImportant); } } result = false; break; } case "SPEAKER": { GameObject scp079SpeakerObject = GameObject.Find(__instance.currentZone + "/" + __instance.currentRoom + "/Scp079Speaker"); if (scp079SpeakerObject == null) { result = false; break; } Player player = Player.Get(__instance.gameObject); Room room = Map.FindParentRoom(__instance.currentCamera.gameObject); float apDrain = __instance.GetManaFromLabel("Speaker Start", __instance.abilities); bool isAllowed = apDrain * 1.5f <= __instance.curMana; StartingSpeakerEventArgs ev = new StartingSpeakerEventArgs(player, room, apDrain, isAllowed); Handlers.Scp079.OnStartingSpeaker(ev); if (!ev.IsAllowed) { if (ev.APDrain * 1.5f > __instance.curMana) { __instance.RpcNotEnoughMana(ev.APDrain, __instance.curMana); result = false; break; } } else if (scp079SpeakerObject != null) { __instance.Mana -= ev.APDrain; __instance.Speaker = __instance.currentZone + "/" + __instance.currentRoom + "/Scp079Speaker"; __instance.AddInteractionToHistory(scp079SpeakerObject, array[0], addMana: true); result = false; break; } result = false; break; } case "STOPSPEAKER": { void ResetSpeaker() => __instance.Speaker = string.Empty; // Somehow it can be empty if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(__instance.Speaker)) { ResetSpeaker(); result = false; break; } string[] array7 = __instance.Speaker.Substring(0, __instance.Speaker.Length - 14).Split('/'); StoppingSpeakerEventArgs ev = new StoppingSpeakerEventArgs( Player.Get(__instance.gameObject), Map.FindParentRoom(__instance.currentCamera.gameObject)); Handlers.Scp079.OnStoppingSpeaker(ev); if (ev.IsAllowed) { ResetSpeaker(); result = false; break; } result = false; break; } case "ELEVATORTELEPORT": float manaFromLabel = __instance.GetManaFromLabel("Elevator Teleport", __instance.abilities); global::Camera079 camera = null; foreach (global::Scp079Interactable scp079Interactable in __instance.nearbyInteractables) { if (scp079Interactable.type == global::Scp079Interactable.InteractableType.ElevatorTeleport) { camera = scp079Interactable.optionalObject.GetComponent <global::Camera079>(); } } if (camera != null) { ElevatorTeleportEventArgs ev = new ElevatorTeleportEventArgs(Player.Get(__instance.gameObject), camera, manaFromLabel, manaFromLabel <= __instance.curMana); Handlers.Scp079.OnElevatorTeleport(ev); if (ev.IsAllowed) { __instance.RpcSwitchCamera(ev.Camera.cameraId, false); __instance.Mana -= ev.APCost; __instance.AddInteractionToHistory(target, array[0], true); } else { if (ev.APCost > __instance.curMana) { __instance.RpcNotEnoughMana(manaFromLabel, __instance.curMana); } } } result = false; break; default: result = true; break; } ListPool <string> .Shared.Return(list); return(result); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"{typeof(Interacting).FullName}.{nameof(Prefix)}:\n{e}"); return(true); } }
/// <summary> /// Prefix of <see cref="Scp079PlayerScript.CallCmdInteract(string, GameObject)"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="__instance">The <see cref="Scp079PlayerScript"/> instance.</param> /// <param name="command">The command to be executed.</param> /// <param name="target">The target game object.</param> /// <returns>Returns a value indicating whether the original method has to be executed or not.</returns> private static bool Prefix(Scp079PlayerScript __instance, string command, GameObject target) { try { if (!__instance._interactRateLimit.CanExecute()) { return(false); } if (!__instance.iAm079) { return(false); } Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Command received from a client: " + command, MessageImportance.LessImportant); if (!command.Contains(":")) { return(false); } string[] array = command.Split(':'); __instance.RefreshCurrentRoom(); if (!__instance.CheckInteractableLegitness(__instance.currentRoom, __instance.currentZone, target, true)) { return(false); } List <string> list = ListPool <string> .Shared.Rent(); ConfigFile.ServerConfig.GetStringCollection("scp079_door_blacklist", list); bool result = true; switch (array[0]) { case "TESLA": { GameObject gameObject3 = GameObject.Find(__instance.currentZone + "/" + __instance.currentRoom + "/Gate"); if (gameObject3 == null) { result = false; break; } Player player = Player.Get(__instance.gameObject); TeslaGate teslaGate = gameObject3.GetComponent <TeslaGate>(); float apDrain = __instance.GetManaFromLabel("Tesla Gate Burst", __instance.abilities); bool isAllowed = apDrain <= __instance.curMana; InteractingTeslaEventArgs ev = new InteractingTeslaEventArgs(player, teslaGate, isAllowed); Handlers.Scp079.OnInteractingTesla(ev); if (!ev.IsAllowed) { if (apDrain > __instance.curMana) { __instance.RpcNotEnoughMana(apDrain, __instance.curMana); result = false; break; } } else { teslaGate.RpcInstantBurst(); __instance.AddInteractionToHistory(gameObject3, array[0], addMana: true); __instance.Mana -= apDrain; result = true; break; } result = false; break; } case "DOOR": { if (AlphaWarheadController.Host.inProgress) { result = false; break; } if (target == null) { Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "The door command requires a target.", MessageImportance.LessImportant); result = false; break; } Door door = target.GetComponent <Door>(); if (door == null) { result = false; break; } if (list != null && list.Count > 0 && list != null && list.Contains(door.DoorName)) { Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Door access denied by the server.", MessageImportance.LeastImportant); result = false; break; } Player player = Player.Get(__instance.gameObject); float apDrain = __instance.GetManaFromLabel("Door Interaction " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(door.permissionLevel) ? "DEFAULT" : door.permissionLevel), __instance.abilities); bool isAllowed = apDrain <= __instance.curMana; InteractingDoorEventArgs ev = new InteractingDoorEventArgs(player, door, isAllowed); Handlers.Scp079.OnInteractingDoor(ev); if (!ev.IsAllowed) { if (apDrain > __instance.curMana) { Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Not enough mana.", MessageImportance.LeastImportant); __instance.RpcNotEnoughMana(apDrain, __instance.curMana); result = false; break; } } else if (door != null && door.ChangeState079()) { __instance.Mana -= apDrain; __instance.AddInteractionToHistory(target, array[0], addMana: true); Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Door state changed.", MessageImportance.LeastImportant); result = true; break; } else { Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Door state failed to change.", MessageImportance.LeastImportant); } result = false; break; } case "SPEAKER": { GameObject scp079SpeakerObject = GameObject.Find(__instance.currentZone + "/" + __instance.currentRoom + "/Scp079Speaker"); if (scp079SpeakerObject == null) { result = false; break; } Transform roomTransform = scp079SpeakerObject.transform.parent; Player player = Player.Get(__instance.gameObject); Room room = new Room(roomTransform.name, roomTransform.transform, roomTransform.position); float apDrain = __instance.GetManaFromLabel("Speaker Start", __instance.abilities); bool isAllowed = apDrain * 1.5f <= __instance.curMana; StartingSpeakerEventArgs ev = new StartingSpeakerEventArgs(player, room, apDrain, isAllowed); Handlers.Scp079.OnStartingSpeaker(ev); if (!ev.IsAllowed) { if (ev.APDrain * 1.5f > __instance.curMana) { __instance.RpcNotEnoughMana(ev.APDrain, __instance.curMana); result = false; break; } } else if (scp079SpeakerObject != null) { __instance.Mana -= ev.APDrain; __instance.Speaker = __instance.currentZone + "/" + __instance.currentRoom + "/Scp079Speaker"; __instance.AddInteractionToHistory(scp079SpeakerObject, array[0], addMana: true); result = true; break; } result = false; break; } case "STOPSPEAKER": { string[] array7 = __instance.Speaker.Substring(0, __instance.Speaker.Length - 14).Split('/'); GameObject roomObject = GameObject.Find(array7[0] + "/" + array7[1]); StoppingSpeakerEventArgs ev = new StoppingSpeakerEventArgs( Player.Get(__instance.gameObject), new Room(roomObject.name, roomObject.transform, roomObject.transform.position)); Handlers.Scp079.OnStoppingSpeaker(ev); if (ev.IsAllowed) { __instance.Speaker = string.Empty; result = true; break; } result = false; break; } default: result = true; break; } ListPool <string> .Shared.Return(list); return(result); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"Exiled.Events.Patches.Events.Scp079.Interacting: {e}\n{e.StackTrace}"); return(true); } }
internal Tesla(TeslaGate gate) => Gate = gate;
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="InteractingTeslaEventArgs"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="player"><inheritdoc cref="Player"/></param> /// <param name="tesla"><inheritdoc cref="Tesla"/></param> /// <param name="isAllowed"><inheritdoc cref="IsAllowed"/></param> public InteractingTeslaEventArgs(Player player, TeslaGate tesla, bool isAllowed = true) { Player = player; Tesla = tesla; IsAllowed = isAllowed; }
internal Tesla(TeslaGate gate) { Gate = gate; Room = Server.Get.Map.Rooms.OrderBy(room => Vector3.Distance(room.Position, gate.localPosition)).First(); }
public PlayerTriggerTeslaEvent(Player player, TeslaGate teslaGate, bool triggerable) : base(player) { this.TeslaGate = teslaGate; this.Triggerable = triggerable; }
private void OnExplodingGrenade(ExplodingGrenadeEventArgs ev) { if (!Check(ev.Grenade)) { return; } ev.IsAllowed = false; Room room = Exiled.API.Features.Map.FindParentRoom(ev.Grenade); TeslaGate gate = null; Log.Debug($"{ev.Grenade.transform.position} - {room.Position} - {Exiled.API.Features.Map.Rooms.Count}", CustomItems.Instance.Config.IsDebugEnabled); LockedRooms079.Add(room); room.TurnOffLights(Duration); if (DisableTeslaGates) { foreach (TeslaGate teslaGate in Exiled.API.Features.Map.TeslaGates) { if (Exiled.API.Features.Map.FindParentRoom(teslaGate.gameObject) == room) { disabledTeslaGates.Add(teslaGate); gate = teslaGate; break; } } } Log.Debug($"{room.Doors.Count()} - {room.Type}", CustomItems.Instance.Config.IsDebugEnabled); foreach (DoorVariant door in room.Doors) { if (door == null || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(door.GetNametag()) && BlacklistedDoorNames.Contains(door.GetNametag())) || (door.NetworkActiveLocks > 0 && !OpenLockedDoors) || (door.RequiredPermissions.RequiredPermissions != KeycardPermissions.None && !OpenKeycardDoors)) { continue; } Log.Debug("Opening a door!", CustomItems.Instance.Config.IsDebugEnabled); door.NetworkTargetState = true; door.ServerChangeLock(DoorLockReason.NoPower, true); if (lockedDoors.Contains(door)) { lockedDoors.Add(door); } Timing.CallDelayed(Duration, () => { door.ServerChangeLock(DoorLockReason.NoPower, false); lockedDoors.Remove(door); }); } foreach (Player player in Player.List) { if (player.Role == RoleType.Scp079) { if (player.Camera != null && player.Camera.Room() == room) { player.SetCamera(198); } } if (player.CurrentRoom != room) { continue; } foreach (Inventory.SyncItemInfo item in player.ReferenceHub.inventory.items) { if (item.id == ItemType.Radio) { player.ReferenceHub.inventory.items.ModifyDuration(player.ReferenceHub.GetComponent <Radio>().myRadio, 0f); } else if (player.ReferenceHub.weaponManager.syncFlash) { player.ReferenceHub.weaponManager.syncFlash = false; } } } Timing.CallDelayed(Duration, () => { LockedRooms079.Remove(room); if (gate != null) { disabledTeslaGates.Remove(gate); } }); }