public void SetColors(TCODConsole screen, bool selected, bool enabled) { if (enabled) { if (selected) { screen.setForegroundColor(ColorPresets.LightGray); screen.setBackgroundColor(ColorPresetsFromTCOD.BrightBlue); } else { screen.setForegroundColor(ColorPresets.Gray); screen.setBackgroundColor(ColorPresets.Black); } } else { if (selected) { screen.setForegroundColor(ColorPresets.Red); screen.setBackgroundColor(ColorPresetsFromTCOD.BrightYellow); } else { screen.setForegroundColor(ColorPresets.Red); screen.setBackgroundColor(ColorPresets.Black); } } }
private static void RenderPlayConsole(Game gameInstance, TCODConsole console, TCODColor fogOfWarColour, Rectangle bounds) { console.clear(); console.setForegroundColor(ColorPresets.White); console.printFrame(0, 0, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, true); for (int y = 0; y < gameInstance.Terrain.Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < gameInstance.Terrain.Width; x++) { if (gameInstance.Player.VisibilityMap[x, y].WasSeen) { TCODColor lightColour = new TCODColor(gameInstance.LightMap[x, y].Colour.R, gameInstance.LightMap[x, y].Colour.G, gameInstance.LightMap[x, y].Colour.B); if (lightColour.getValue() < fogOfWarColour.getValue()) { lightColour = fogOfWarColour; } console.setForegroundColor(gameInstance.Player.VisibilityMap[x, y].IsVisible ? lightColour : fogOfWarColour); console.putChar(x + 1, y + 1, gameInstance.Terrain[x, y].Symbol); } } } console.setForegroundColor( new TCODColor(gameInstance.LightMap[gameInstance.Player.Location.Coordinate].Colour.R, gameInstance.LightMap[gameInstance.Player.Location.Coordinate].Colour.G, gameInstance.LightMap[gameInstance.Player.Location.Coordinate].Colour.B)); console.putChar(gameInstance.Player.Location.Coordinate.X + 1, gameInstance.Player.Location.Coordinate.Y + 1, '@'); foreach (IActor actor in gameInstance.Actors.Where(x => x != gameInstance.Player)) { if (gameInstance.Player.VisibilityMap[actor.Location.Coordinate].IsVisible) { TCODColor lightColour = new TCODColor(gameInstance.LightMap[actor.Location.Coordinate].Colour.R, gameInstance.LightMap[actor.Location.Coordinate].Colour.G, gameInstance.LightMap[actor.Location.Coordinate].Colour.B); if (lightColour.getValue() < fogOfWarColour.getValue()) { lightColour = fogOfWarColour; } console.setForegroundColor(lightColour); console.putChar(actor.Location.Coordinate.X + 1, actor.Location.Coordinate.Y + 1, actor.Race.Symbol); } } }
public void Render(TCODConsole con) { int maxchars = con.getWidth() - 4; int y = 2; con.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.darkerAzure); con.printFrame(0, 0, con.getWidth(), con.getHeight()); con.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.white); foreach (String line in wrapLine(Text, maxchars)) { con.print(2, y, line); y++; } }
public MapPainter() { m_offscreenConsole = new TCODConsole(OffscreenWidth, OffscreenHeight); m_offscreenConsole.setForegroundColor(UIHelper.ForegroundColor); m_honorFOV = true; LoadMonsterSymbols(); }
public void Draw() { int lightLenght = (int)((1 - _player.Light.Used) * 80); _root.setBackgroundColor(; _root.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.white); Map.Draw(_mapConsole); _messages.Draw(); TCODConsole.blit(_mapConsole, 0, 0, 80, 50, _root, 0, 1); TCODConsole.blit(_messages.Console, 0, 0, 80, 10, _root, 0, 51); _root.hline(0, 0, 80, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set); _root.setBackgroundColor(TCODColor.amber); _root.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.amber); _root.hline(0, 0, lightLenght, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set); TCODConsole.flush(); }
private static void RenderCompetitorConsole(Game gameInstance, TCODConsole console, Rectangle bounds) { console.clear(); console.setForegroundColor(ColorPresets.White); console.printFrame(0, 0, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, true, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, "Competitors"); List <IActor> competitors = gameInstance.AllActors.Where(x => x != gameInstance.Player).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < competitors.Count; i++) { console.setForegroundColor(competitors[i].IsAlive ? ColorPresets.White : ColorPresets.Red); console.printEx(1, (i * 2) + 1, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment, string.Format("{0} is {1} with {2} kills", competitors[i], competitors[i].IsAlive ? "Alive" : "Dead", competitors[i].Kills.Count)); } }
private static void RenderAllConsoles(Game game, TCODConsole rootConsole, TCODConsole playConsole, TCODColor fogOfWarColour, TCODConsole playerConsole, TCODConsole competitorConsole, TCODConsole eventsConsole, Rectangle playBounds, Rectangle playerBounds, Rectangle competitorBounds, Rectangle eventBounds) { rootConsole.clear(); rootConsole.setForegroundColor(ColorPresets.White); rootConsole.setBackgroundColor(ColorPresets.Black); RenderPlayConsole(game, playConsole, fogOfWarColour, playBounds); RenderPlayerConsole(game.Player, playerConsole, playerBounds); //RenderThreatConsole(game.Player, game.Actors, threatConsole, threatBounds); RenderCompetitorConsole(game, competitorConsole, competitorBounds); RenderEventsConsole(game, eventsConsole, eventBounds); TCODConsole.blit(playConsole, 0, 0, playBounds.Width, playBounds.Height, rootConsole, playBounds.X, playBounds.Y); TCODConsole.blit(playerConsole, 0, 0, playerBounds.Width, playerBounds.Height, rootConsole, playerBounds.X, playerBounds.Y); TCODConsole.blit(competitorConsole, 0, 0, competitorBounds.Width, competitorBounds.Height, rootConsole, competitorBounds.X, competitorBounds.Y); TCODConsole.blit(eventsConsole, 0, 0, eventBounds.Width, eventBounds.Height, rootConsole, eventBounds.X, eventBounds.Y); //playConsole.Blit(0, 0, playBounds.Width, playBounds.Height, rootConsole, playBounds.X, playBounds.Y); //playerConsole.Blit(0, 0, playerBounds.Width, playerBounds.Height, rootConsole, playerBounds.X, // playerBounds.Y); //competitorConsole.Blit(0, 0, competitorBounds.Width, competitorBounds.Height, rootConsole, // competitorBounds.X, competitorBounds.Y); //eventsConsole.Blit(0, 0, eventBounds.Width, eventBounds.Height, rootConsole, eventBounds.X, eventBounds.Y); }
public void ResetColors(TCODConsole screen) { if (m_stuffSaved) { screen.setForegroundColor(m_savedForeground); screen.setBackgroundColor(m_savedBackground); m_stuffSaved = false; } }
public void Draw(TCODConsole cons) { cons.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.white); for (int i = 0; i < MAP_WIDTH; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < MAP_HEIGHT; j++) { cons.putChar(i, j, this[i, j] ? '#' : '.'); } } _stair.Draw(cons); cons.putChar(StartPosX, StartPosY, '<'); foreach (Item item in _items) { item.Draw(cons); } foreach (Monster mons in _monsters) { mons.Draw(cons); } Player.Draw(cons); for (int i = 0; i < MAP_WIDTH; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < MAP_HEIGHT; j++) { /*int intens; * Light light = LightAt(i, j); * * if (light == null) * intens = 0; * else * { * intens = light.IntensityAt(i, j); * color = color.Multiply(light.Color); * } * float value = (float)intens / 20 + (Game.ShowWall ? 0.05f : 0f); * color.setValue(System.Math.Min(value, 1f));//*/ TCODColor color = cons.getCharForeground(i, j); TCODColor newCol = ColorAt(i, j); if (newCol.NotEqual( { _known[i, j] = true; } color = color.Multiply(newCol); cons.setCharForeground(i, j, color); } } }
private static void RenderEventsConsole(Game gameInstance, TCODConsole console, Rectangle bounds) { console.clear(); console.setForegroundColor(ColorPresets.White); console.printFrame(0, 0, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, true, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, "Events"); int j = gameInstance.GameEvents.Count - 1; int i = 1; if (!gameInstance.IsActive) { console.setForegroundColor(gameInstance.AllMonstersAreDead() ? ColorPresets.Gold : ColorPresets.Red); console.printEx( 1, i, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment, gameInstance.AllMonstersAreDead() ? "You are the last man standing!" : "You have been eliminated"); i++; } for (; i < bounds.Height; i++) { console.setForegroundColor(ColorPresets.White); if ((j < 0) || (j >= gameInstance.GameEvents.Count)) { break; } while ((j >= 0) && !(gameInstance.GameEvents[j].Command is AttackCommand || gameInstance.GameEvents[j].Command is OpenDoorCommand)) { j--; } if ((j < 0) || (j >= gameInstance.GameEvents.Count)) { break; } console.printEx(1, i, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment, gameInstance.GameEvents[j].Result.Message); j--; } }
private static void RenderPlayerConsole(IActor player, TCODConsole console, Rectangle bounds) { console.clear(); console.setForegroundColor(ColorPresets.White); console.printFrame(0, 0, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, true, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, "Player"); console.printEx(1, 2, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment, string.Format("Health : {0}", player.Health)); console.printEx(1, 4, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment, string.Format("Damage : {0}", player.Damage)); console.printEx(1, 6, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment, string.Format("Kills : {0}", player.Kills.Count)); }
private static void RenderThreatConsole(IActor player, IList <IActor> monsters, TCODConsole console, Rectangle bounds) { console.clear(); console.setForegroundColor(ColorPresets.White); console.printFrame(0, 0, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, true, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, "Threats"); List <IActor> threats = player.Intellect.IdentifyThreats(monsters).ToList(); for (int i = 1; i < threats.Count; i++) { console.printEx(1, (i * 2) + 1, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment, string.Format("{0} : {1}", threats[i].Race.Symbol, threats[i])); } }
// Display the main menu text public void PrintMainMenu() { DisplayText(Menu[0], 22, 25, TCODColor.white,, 0); DisplayText(Menu[1], 22, 26, TCODColor.white,, 1); DisplayText(Menu[2], 22, 27, TCODColor.white,, 2); rootConsole.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.celadon); //rootConsole.printFrame(22, 24, 38, 5, false); topOfMenu = topOfMenu + 6; DisplayText("[UP]/[DOWN] to choose an option, [SCQ, ENTER] to select", -1, 30, TCODColor.grey,, -1); }
public void Render(TCODConsole con, bool linewrap = true) { int maxlines = con.getHeight()-2; //Corrected for border int maxchars = con.getWidth()-2; List<String> lines = new List<string>(); List<MessageColor> colors = new List<MessageColor>(); string temp; if (log.Count == 0) return; int i = log.Count-maxlines-1; if (log.Count <= maxlines) i = 0; while (i < log.Count) { if (log[i].MessageText.Length > maxchars && linewrap) { //Oh god the horror that is this function // //Further down, lines are printed from latest to newest (added to "lines") //so in order to display multiline messages correctly, the last of the multiple //lines must be added to lines first and the first last. This is done via //a temporary array which is filled from highest to lowest and then added to lines. int templines =(int)Math.Ceiling((double)log[i].MessageText.Length / (double)maxchars); string[] temparr = new string[templines]; int k = templines-1; temp = log[i].MessageText; while (temp.Length > maxchars) { temparr[k] = temp.Substring(0, maxchars); colors.Add(log[i].GetMessageColor()); temp = temp.Remove(0, maxchars); k--; } temparr[k] = temp; foreach (String s in temparr) { lines.Add(s); } colors.Add(log[i].GetMessageColor()); } else { lines.Add(log[i].MessageText); colors.Add(log[i].GetMessageColor()); } i++; } int endcount = lines.Count - maxlines; if (lines.Count < maxlines) endcount = 0; int y = 0; for (int j = lines.Count-1; j >= endcount; j--) { con.setForegroundColor(colors[j].ForeColor); con.setBackgroundFlag(TCODBackgroundFlag.None); if (colors[j].BackColor != null) { con.setBackgroundColor(colors[j].BackColor); con.setBackgroundFlag(TCODBackgroundFlag.Screen); } con.print(1, 1 + y, lines[j]); y++; } }
public void Draw(TCODConsole cons) { cons.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.white); for (int i = 0; i < MAP_WIDTH; i++) for (int j = 0; j < MAP_HEIGHT; j++) { cons.putChar(i, j, this[i, j] ? '#' : '.'); } _stair.Draw(cons); cons.putChar(StartPosX, StartPosY, '<'); foreach (Item item in _items) { item.Draw(cons); } foreach (Monster mons in _monsters) { mons.Draw(cons); } Player.Draw(cons); for (int i = 0; i < MAP_WIDTH; i++) for (int j = 0; j < MAP_HEIGHT; j++) { /*int intens; Light light = LightAt(i, j); if (light == null) intens = 0; else { intens = light.IntensityAt(i, j); color = color.Multiply(light.Color); } float value = (float)intens / 20 + (Game.ShowWall ? 0.05f : 0f); color.setValue(System.Math.Min(value, 1f));//*/ TCODColor color = cons.getCharForeground(i, j); TCODColor newCol = ColorAt(i, j); if (newCol.NotEqual( _known[i, j] = true; color = color.Multiply(newCol); cons.setCharForeground(i, j, color); } }
public void SetForegroundColour(TCODColor colour) { _console.setForegroundColor(colour); }
public void RenderInventory(TCODConsole con, int con_x, int con_y, int width, int height) { con.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.darkAzure); con.setBackgroundColor(TCODColor.darkestBlue); con.setBackgroundFlag(TCODBackgroundFlag.Set); con.printFrame(con_x + 1, con_y + 1, width - 2, height - 2); con.setBackgroundFlag(TCODBackgroundFlag.Default); con.vline(width / 2, con_y + 2 + 5, height - 4 - 5); con.hline(con_x + 2, con_y + 1 + 5, width - 4); con.print(con_x + 2, con_y + 2, "GRZ64 INTEGRATED BACKPACK INTERFACE V1.14 REV 1984"); con.print(con_x + 2, con_y + 3, "UNREGISTERED TRIAL VERSION"); con.print(con_x + 2, con_y + 5, "LOADING INVENTORY DATA..."); if (player.Inventory.Count > 0) { int cap = (height - 5) - (con_y + 7); int count = player.Inventory.Count; if (menu_selection >= count) menu_selection = (menu_selection - count); if (menu_selection < 0) menu_selection = count - 1; int top = menu_selection > cap ? (menu_selection - cap) : 0; int bottom = top + count > cap ? cap : top + count; int it = 0; List<Item> item_list = player.Inventory.GetItemList(); Item sel_item = item_list[menu_selection]; //Item list for (int i = top; i < bottom; i++) { con.setBackgroundFlag(TCODBackgroundFlag.Default); if (i == menu_selection) { //con.setBackgroundFlag(TCODBackgroundFlag.Set); //con.setBackgroundColor(; con.setForegroundColor(; } if (i == menu_selection + 1) { con.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.darkAzure); } if (item_list[i].GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(EquippableItem))) { EquippableItem ei = (EquippableItem)item_list[i]; if (ei.IsEquipped()) { con.setBackgroundFlag(TCODBackgroundFlag.Set); con.setBackgroundColor(TCODColor.lightAzure); } } con.print(con_x + 3, con_y + 7 + it, item_list[i].Name); it++; } con.setBackgroundFlag(TCODBackgroundFlag.Default); con.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.darkAzure); int left_offset = width / 2 + 1; int top_offset = con_y + 7; //Item stats con.print(left_offset, top_offset + 0, "NAME : " + sel_item.Name); con.print(left_offset, top_offset + 1, "WEIGHT : " + sel_item.Weight); // type specifics if (sel_item.GetType() == typeof(Firearm)) { Firearm f = (Firearm)sel_item; con.print(left_offset, top_offset + 3, "TYPE : Firearm"); con.print(left_offset, top_offset + 5, "CLASS : " + f.type.ToString()); String fm_str = ""; foreach (FireMode fm in f.modes) { fm_str += fm.ToString() + " "; } con.print(left_offset, top_offset + 6, "FIREMODES : " + fm_str); con.print(left_offset, top_offset + 8, "CALIBER : " + f.caliber.ToString()); con.print(left_offset, top_offset + 9, "MAG. CAPACITY: " + f.MagazineCapacity); } //Item description List<String> lines = wrap(sel_item.Description, width / 2 - 2); top_offset = con_y + (int)(height * 0.45d); for (int j = 0; j < lines.Count; j++) { con.print(left_offset, top_offset + j, lines[j]); } con.hline(left_offset, top_offset - 1, width / 2 - 2); //Item actions con.hline(width / 2 + 1, height - 4 - 5, width / 2 - 2); //con.print(width / 2 + 2, height - 4 - 4, "R/M/T - Equip Rngd/Mlee/Thrwn"); //con.print(width / 2 + 2, height - 4 - 3, " E/L - Equip Armor/Lightsrc"); con.print(width / 2 + 2, height - 4 - 4, " E - Equip"); con.print(width / 2 + 2, height - 4 - 3, " U - Unequip"); con.print(width / 2 + 2, height - 4 - 2, " D - Drop Item"); con.print(width / 2 + 2, height - 4 - 1, " Q - Quit"); con.print(width / 2 + 2, height - 4 + 0, " +,- - Select"); con.print(width / 2 + 2, height - 4 + 1, " C - Consume"); con.print(width / 2 + 2, height - 4 + 2, " U - Use"); } }
public void RenderDebugInfo(TCODConsole con) { con.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.white); con.print(2, 0, "Turn: " + turn + " | Gameturn: " + gameTurn); con.print(2, 1, "Z_LEVEL: " + player.Z); string mem_use = "Memory Usage: " + System.Environment.WorkingSet / 1048576 + " MB"; con.print(WINDOW_WIDTH - (mem_use.Length + 1), 1, mem_use); if (map.initialized) con.setForegroundColor(; else con.setForegroundColor(; con.print(WINDOW_WIDTH - 1, 0, "+"); }
public int WriteString(TCODConsole console, int x, int y, string msg, TCODColor col) { console.setForegroundColor(col); return console.printRect(x, y, console.getWidth()-2, 0, msg); }
public void PickupItem() { List<int> items = GetEntitiesSharingTileWithThis(); if(items.Count == 0) { DarkRL.WriteMessage("There's nothing to pick up.."); return; } else if (items.Count == 1) base.PickupItem((Item)level.GetEntity(items[0])); else //there's multiple items here { TCODConsole pickup = new TCODConsole(30, items.Count+1); pickup.setBackgroundColor(; pickup.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.white); char sym = 'a'; int y = 0; //now display them all foreach (Item i in items.Select(t => level.GetEntity(t))) { pickup.print(0, y, sym.ToString() + ")" + i.ToString()); ++y; ++sym; } DarkRL.WriteMessage("What do you want to pick up?"); DarkRL.AddOverlayConsole(pickup, 0, 0, pickup.getWidth(), pickup.getHeight(), TCODConsole.root, Window.StatusPanelWidth, Window.MessagePanelHeight); Key input = InputSystem.WaitForAndReturnInput(); char index = (char)(input.Character - 'a'); if (index >= items.Count|| index < 0) { DarkRL.WriteMessage("Couldn't find anything.."); return; } //so pick it up base.PickupItem((Item)level.GetEntity(items[index])); DarkRL.WriteMessage("You pick up the " + level.GetEntity(items[index]).Name); return; } DarkRL.WriteMessage("You pick up the " + level.GetEntity(items[0]).Name); }
private void DrawSkillPopup(TCODConsole console, List<ISkill> selectedSkillList, int skillPointsLeft, SkillSquare cursorSkillSquare, ISkill cursorOverSkill, Point cursorPosition) { Point drawUpperLeft = ConvertGridToDrawCoord(cursorSkillSquare.UpperRight + new Point(1, 1), cursorPosition); int numberOfDependencies = cursorSkillSquare.DependentSkills.Count(); int dialogHeight = ExplainPopupHeight; if (numberOfDependencies > 0) { int linesOfDependencies = numberOfDependencies; foreach (string dependentSkillName in cursorSkillSquare.DependentSkills) linesOfDependencies += console.getHeightRect(drawUpperLeft.X + 2 + 3, 0, 20, 2, dependentSkillName); dialogHeight += 2 + linesOfDependencies; drawUpperLeft += new Point(0, 2 + linesOfDependencies); } string title = cursorOverSkill.Name; if (title.Length > 22) title = title.Substring(0, 22); console.printFrame(drawUpperLeft.X, drawUpperLeft.Y - dialogHeight, ExplainPopupWidth, dialogHeight, true, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, title); int textX = drawUpperLeft.X + 2; int textY = drawUpperLeft.Y - dialogHeight + 2; // If we can't afford it and it isn't already selected, show the cost in red if (!selectedSkillList.Contains(cursorOverSkill) && cursorOverSkill.Cost > skillPointsLeft) { m_dialogHelper.SaveColors(console); console.setForegroundColor(; console.print(textX, textY, string.Format("Skill Point Cost: {0}", cursorOverSkill.Cost)); m_dialogHelper.ResetColors(console); } else { console.print(textX, textY, string.Format("Skill Point Cost: {0}", cursorOverSkill.Cost)); } textY++; if (numberOfDependencies > 0) { textY++; console.print(textX, textY, "Dependencies:"); textY++; m_dialogHelper.SaveColors(console); foreach (string dependentSkillName in cursorSkillSquare.DependentSkills) { if (SkillTreeModelHelpers.IsSkillSelected(selectedSkillList, dependentSkillName)) m_dialogHelper.SetColors(console, false, true); else m_dialogHelper.SetColors(console, false, false); console.printRect(textX + 3, textY, 20, 2, dependentSkillName); textY++; } m_dialogHelper.ResetColors(console); } textY++; console.printRectEx(textX, textY, ExplainPopupWidth - 4, ExplainPopupHeight - 6, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment, cursorOverSkill.Description); }
public new void Render(TCODConsole con) { int maxchars = con.getWidth() - 4; int y = 2; int cap_lines = 0; con.setBackgroundColor(; con.setBackgroundFlag(TCODBackgroundFlag.Set); con.clear(); con.setBackgroundFlag(TCODBackgroundFlag.Default); con.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.darkerAzure); con.printFrame(0, 0, con.getWidth(), con.getHeight()); con.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.white); List<string> lines = new List<string>(); lines.AddRange(wrapLine(Text, maxchars)); cap_lines = lines.Count; foreach (KeyValuePair<char, string> kv in responses) { lines.Add(kv.Key + ") " + kv.Value); } for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++) { con.setBackgroundFlag(TCODBackgroundFlag.Set); if (i - cap_lines == selectedIndex) con.setBackgroundColor(TCODColor.sepia); else con.setBackgroundColor(; con.print(2, y+i, lines[i]); con.setBackgroundFlag(TCODBackgroundFlag.Default); } }
public int Run(string[] args) { fillSampleList(); int curSample = 0; // index of the current sample bool first = true; // first time we render a sample TCODKey key = new TCODKey(); string font = "celtic_garamond_10x10_gs_tc.png"; int numberCharsHorz = 32; int numberCharsVert = 8; int fullscreenWidth = 0; int fullscreenHeight = 0; bool fullscreen = false; bool credits = false; TCODFontFlags flags = TCODFontFlags.Grayscale | TCODFontFlags.LayoutTCOD; TCODFontFlags newFlags = 0; for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i] == "-font" && ArgsRemaining(args, i, 1)) { i++; font = args[i]; } else if (args[i] == "-font-char-numberRows" && ArgsRemaining(args, i, 2)) { i++; numberCharsHorz = System.Convert.ToInt32(args[i]); i++; numberCharsVert = System.Convert.ToInt32(args[i]); } else if (args[i] == "-fullscreen-resolution" && ArgsRemaining(args, i, 2)) { i++; fullscreenWidth = System.Convert.ToInt32(args[i]); i++; fullscreenHeight = System.Convert.ToInt32(args[i]); } else if (args[i] == "-fullscreen") { fullscreen = true; } else if (args[i] == "-font-in-row") { flags = 0; newFlags |= TCODFontFlags.LayoutAsciiInRow; } else if (args[i] == "-font-greyscale") { flags = 0; newFlags |= TCODFontFlags.Grayscale; } else if (args[i] == "-font-tcod") { flags = 0; newFlags |= TCODFontFlags.LayoutTCOD; } else if (args[i] == "-help") { System.Console.Out.WriteLine("options : \n"); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("-font <filename> : use a custom font\n"); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("-font-char-size <char_width> <char_height> : size of the custom font's characters\n"); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("-font-in-row : the font layout is in row instead of columns\n"); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("-font-tcod : the font uses TCOD layout instead of ASCII\n"); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("-font-greyscale : antialiased font using greyscale bitmap\n"); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("-fullscreen : start in fullscreen\n"); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("-fullscreen-resolution <screen_width> <screen_height> : force fullscreen resolution\n"); return 0; } } if (flags == 0) flags = newFlags; if (fullscreenWidth > 0) TCODSystem.forceFullscreenResolution(fullscreenWidth, fullscreenHeight); TCODConsole.setCustomFont(font, (int)flags, numberCharsHorz, numberCharsVert); TCODConsole.initRoot(80, 50, "tcodlib C# sample", fullscreen, TCODRendererType.SDL); rootConsole = TCODConsole.root; sampleConsole = new TCODConsole(SAMPLE_SCREEN_WIDTH, SAMPLE_SCREEN_HEIGHT); setupStaticData(); rootConsole.setBackgroundFlag(TCODBackgroundFlag.Set); rootConsole.setAlignment(TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment); do { rootConsole.clear(); if (!credits) credits = TCODConsole.renderCredits(60, 42, false); for (int i = 0; i < sampleList.Length; i++) { if (i == curSample) { // set colors for currently selected sample rootConsole.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.white); rootConsole.setBackgroundColor(; } else { // set colors for other samples rootConsole.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.grey); rootConsole.setBackgroundColor(; } rootConsole.print(2, 45 - sampleList.Length + i, sampleList[i].name); } rootConsole.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.grey); rootConsole.setBackgroundColor(; rootConsole.printEx(79, 46, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.RightAlignment, "last frame : " + ((int)(TCODSystem.getLastFrameLength() * 1000)).ToString() + " ms ( " + TCODSystem.getFps() + "fps)"); rootConsole.printEx(79, 47, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.RightAlignment, "elapsed : " + TCODSystem.getElapsedMilli() + "ms " + (TCODSystem.getElapsedSeconds().ToString("0.00")) + "s"); rootConsole.putChar(2, 47, (char)TCODSpecialCharacter.ArrowNorth); rootConsole.putChar(3, 47, (char)TCODSpecialCharacter.ArrowSouth); rootConsole.print(4, 47, " : select a sample"); rootConsole.print(2, 48, "ALT-ENTER : switch to " + (TCODConsole.isFullscreen() ? "windowed mode " : "fullscreen mode")); sampleList[curSample].render(first, key); first = false; TCODConsole.blit(sampleConsole, 0, 0, SAMPLE_SCREEN_WIDTH, SAMPLE_SCREEN_HEIGHT, rootConsole, SAMPLE_SCREEN_X, SAMPLE_SCREEN_Y); TCODConsole.flush(); key = TCODConsole.checkForKeypress((int)TCODKeyStatus.KeyPressed); if (key.KeyCode == TCODKeyCode.Down) { // down arrow : next sample curSample = (curSample + 1) % sampleList.Length; first = true; } else if (key.KeyCode == TCODKeyCode.Up) { // up arrow : previous sample curSample--; if (curSample < 0) curSample = sampleList.Length - 1; first = true; } else if (key.KeyCode == TCODKeyCode.Enter && (key.LeftAlt || key.RightAlt)) { // ALT-ENTER : switch fullscreen TCODConsole.setFullscreen(!TCODConsole.isFullscreen()); } else if (key.KeyCode == TCODKeyCode.F1) { System.Console.Out.WriteLine("key.pressed" + " " + key.LeftAlt + " " + key.LeftControl + " " + key.RightAlt + " " + key.RightControl + " " + key.Shift); } } while (!TCODConsole.isWindowClosed()); return 0; }
public override void DrawNewFrame(TCODConsole screen) { screen.printFrame(StartingX, 0, InfoWidth, InfoHeight, true); screen.printEx(SectionCenter, 1, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, m_name); // The 7 and 18 here are psydo-magical, since they place the text overlap just so it fits and doesn't go over for sane values screen.printEx(StartingX + 7, 2, TCODBackgroundFlag.None, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, m_healthString); screen.printEx(StartingX + 18, 2, TCODBackgroundFlag.None, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, m_staminaString); for (int j = 0; j < BarLength; ++j) screen.setCharBackground(StartingX + 2 + j, 2, PlayerHealthBarColorAtPosition(j)); screen.printEx(StartingX + 13, 3, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, m_manaString); for (int j = 0; j < BarLength; ++j) screen.setCharBackground(StartingX + 2 + j, 3, PlayerManaBarColor(j)); int nextAvailablePosition = 6; string skillPointString = "Skill Points: " + m_skillPoints; screen.print(StartingX + 2, nextAvailablePosition, skillPointString); nextAvailablePosition += 2; int linesTaken = screen.printRect(StartingX + 2, nextAvailablePosition, UIHelper.ScreenWidth - StartingX - 3, 5, m_weaponString); nextAvailablePosition += linesTaken + 1; m_colorHelper.SaveColors(screen); if (m_statusEffects.Count() > 0) { screen.print(StartingX + 2, nextAvailablePosition, "Status Effects:"); int currentX = StartingX + 2 + 1 + 15; foreach (IStatusEffect s in m_statusEffects) { if (currentX + s.Name.Length >= UIHelper.ScreenWidth) { currentX = StartingX + 2; nextAvailablePosition++; } screen.setForegroundColor(s.IsPositiveEffect ? ColorCache.Instance["DarkGreen"] : ColorCache.Instance["DarkRed"] ); screen.print(currentX, nextAvailablePosition, s.Name); currentX += s.Name.Length + 1; } nextAvailablePosition += 2; } m_colorHelper.ResetColors(screen); m_colorHelper.SaveColors(screen); if (m_monstersNearby.Count > 0) { screen.print(StartingX + 2, nextAvailablePosition, m_nearbyEnemyString); // Show at most 8 monsters int numberOfMonstersToShow = m_monstersNearby.Count > 8 ? 8 : m_monstersNearby.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfMonstersToShow; ++i) { ICharacter currentMonster = m_monstersNearby[i]; if (MapCursorEnabled) { if (currentMonster.Position == CursorSpot) screen.setForegroundColor(ColorCache.Instance["DarkYellow"]); else screen.setForegroundColor(UIHelper.ForegroundColor); } screen.printEx(StartingX + 12, nextAvailablePosition + 1 + i, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, currentMonster.Name); for (int j = 0; j < HealthBarLength(currentMonster, true); ++j) screen.setCharBackground(StartingX + 2 + j, nextAvailablePosition + 1 + i, EnemyHealthBarColor(currentMonster)); } nextAvailablePosition += 2; } m_colorHelper.ResetColors(screen); if (Preferences.Instance.DebuggingMode) { screen.print(54, 39, "Turn Count - " + m_turnCount.ToString()); screen.print(54, 40, "Danger - " + m_inDanger.ToString()); string level = (m_currentLevel + 1).ToString(); screen.print(54, 41, "Level - " + level); string position = m_position.ToString(); screen.print(54, 42, position); string fps = TCODSystem.getFps().ToString(); screen.print(54, 43, fps); } }
public override bool use(Actor actor, Actor owner, Engine engine) { if (!used) { string message = ""; TCODConsole con = new TCODConsole(Globals.INV_WIDTH, Globals.INV_HEIGHT); con.setForegroundColor(new TCODColor(200, 200, 150)); con.printFrame(0, 0, Globals.INV_WIDTH, Globals.INV_HEIGHT, true, TCODBackgroundFlag.Default, "Story"); if (triggernum == '(') { message = Globals.story[engine.gameState.curLevel, 9]; } else if (triggernum == ')') { message = Globals.story[engine.gameState.curLevel, 10]; } else { message = Globals.story[engine.gameState.curLevel, (int)Char.GetNumericValue(triggernum) - 1]; } if (message.Length > 41) { string sub1 = message.Substring(0, 41); string sub2 = message.Substring(41, message.Length - 41); if (sub2.Length > 41) { string sub3 = sub2.Substring(0, 41); sub2 = sub2.Substring(41, sub2.Length - 41); con.print(3, 3, sub1); con.print(3, 4, sub3); con.print(3, 5, sub2); } else { con.print(3, 3, sub1); con.print(3, 4, sub2); } } else { con.print(3, 3, message); } con.print(13, 15, "Press Enter to Continue"); TCODConsole.blit(con, 0, 0, Globals.INV_WIDTH, Globals.INV_HEIGHT, TCODConsole.root, Globals.WIDTH / 2 - Globals.INV_WIDTH / 2, Globals.HEIGHT / 2 - Globals.INV_HEIGHT / 2); TCODConsole.flush(); while(true) { TCODKey key = TCODConsole.checkForKeypress(); if(key.KeyCode == TCODKeyCode.Enter){ break; } } used = true; return used; } return false; }
private void DrawItemInRightPane(TCODConsole screen) { int x = SelectedItemOffsetX + ((SelectedItemWidth * 2) / 6) + 2; int y = SelectedItemOffsetY + 4; int w = ((SelectedItemWidth * 2) / 3) - 4; int h = SelectedItemHeight - 6; string itemDescription = m_selectedItem.ItemDescription + "\n\n" + m_selectedItem.FlavorDescription; y += screen.printRect(x, y, w, h, itemDescription); y += 2; IConsumable asConsumable = m_selectedItem as IConsumable; if (asConsumable != null && asConsumable.MaxCharges > 1) { screen.print(x, y, string.Format("Charges: {0} of {1}", asConsumable.Charges, asConsumable.MaxCharges)); y++; } IArmor asArmor = m_selectedItem as IArmor; if (asArmor != null) { screen.print(x, y, "Stamina Bonus: " + asArmor.StaminaBonus); y += 2; screen.print(x, y, "Evade: " + asArmor.Evade); y += 2; IList<EquipArmorReasons> armorReasons = m_player.CanNotEquipArmorReasons(asArmor); if (armorReasons.Contains(EquipArmorReasons.Weight)) { m_dialogColorHelper.SaveColors(screen); screen.setForegroundColor(; screen.print(x, y, "Weight: " + asArmor.Weight); y += 2; m_dialogColorHelper.ResetColors(screen); } else { screen.print(x, y, "Weight: " + asArmor.Weight); y += 2; } if (armorReasons.Contains(EquipArmorReasons.RobesPreventBoots) || armorReasons.Contains(EquipArmorReasons.BootsPreventRobes)) { m_dialogColorHelper.SaveColors(screen); screen.setForegroundColor(; string outputString = armorReasons.Contains(EquipArmorReasons.RobesPreventBoots) ? "Robes prevent boots from being worn." : "Boots prevent robes from being worn."; screen.print(x, y, outputString); y += 2; m_dialogColorHelper.ResetColors(screen); } } IWeapon asWeapon = m_selectedItem as IWeapon; if (asWeapon != null) { m_dialogColorHelper.SaveColors(screen); if (!m_player.CanEquipWeapon(asWeapon)) screen.setForegroundColor(; screen.print(x, y, "Type : " + asWeapon.Type); m_dialogColorHelper.ResetColors(screen); y += 2; screen.print(x, y, "Damage: " + asWeapon.Damage); y += 2; screen.print(x, y, "Speed: " + asWeapon.CTCostToAttack); } }
public bool Render(TCODConsole con, int con_x, int con_y, int width, int height) { //This method is fairly convoluted because of all the intricacies of rendering ALL THE THINGS properly. //It could really use a makeover, but I'm not in the "OMGWTFBBQ MAJOR REWRITE UP IN THIS BIATCH" phase // and I'm afraid of breaking things. #region "Viewport setup" //In hnjah, the "viewport" is set up. The viewport is what the camera is in 3D games. //It determines what needs to be rendered (everything not in the viewport on any of the three //axes is "culled", i.e. not rendered). //The viewport is ALWAYS centered on the player. int top; //Y int left; //X int right; int bottom; top = Player.Y - (height / 2); bottom = top + height; left = Player.X - (width / 2); right = left + width; if (top >= bottom || left >= right) return false; if (top < 0) { bottom -= top; //Bottom - Top (which is negative): ex.: new Bottom (10-(-5) = 15) top = 0; } if (bottom > wm.GLOBAL_HEIGHT) { top -= (bottom - wm.GLOBAL_HEIGHT); //ex.: bottom = 15, Globalheight = 10, Top = 5; => Top = 5 - (15-10) = 0 bottom = wm.GLOBAL_HEIGHT; } if (left < 0) { right -= left; left = 0; } if (right > wm.GLOBAL_WIDTH) { left -= (right - wm.GLOBAL_WIDTH); right = wm.GLOBAL_WIDTH; } #endregion #region "Map rendering" int abs_x, abs_y, abs_z; int rel_x, rel_y; int cell_rel_x, cell_rel_y; Tile t; TCODColor tinted_fore, tinted_back; bool floor = false; Random rand = new Random(); int curr_z = Player.Z; abs_z = Player.Z - 1; String displ_string = " "; //Debug vars: Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); int debug_prints = 0; sw.Start(); //AND THEY'RE OFF! //Buffer all tiles in the viewport into a two dimensional ushort array ushort[,] tilearr = new ushort[right - left + 1, bottom - top + 1]; for (abs_x = left; abs_x < right; abs_x++) { for (abs_y = top; abs_y < bottom; abs_y++) { tilearr[abs_x - left, abs_y - top] = getTileIDFromCells(abs_x, abs_y, abs_z); } } //Update tint UpdateTintMap(width, height); //Calculate the player's FOV tcod_map.computeFov(Player.X - cells[0, 0, 0].X, Player.Y - cells[0, 0, 0].Y, right - left, true, TCODFOVTypes.RestrictiveFov); float color_intensity = 1.0f; int light_level = 0; //Now go through all the tiles... for (abs_x = left; abs_x < right; abs_x++) { for (abs_y = top; abs_y < bottom; abs_y++) { //...determine their relative coordinates (relative to the upper left // corner of the viewport *and the tile byte array*, that is) rel_x = abs_x - left; rel_y = abs_y - top; cell_rel_x = abs_x - cells[0, 0, 0].X; cell_rel_y = abs_y - cells[0, 0, 0].Y; //The light level determines the "color intensity", that is the gradient between the // actual color and, with intensity=1.0 meaning all color and 0.0 meaning // all black. //Since the light level is additive, it is clamped to MAX_LIGHT_LEVEL light_level = wm.GetCellFromCoordinates(abs_x, abs_y, Player.Z).GetLightLevel(abs_x, abs_y, Player.Z); //light_level = rand.Next((int)(light_level - (LIGHT_LEVEL_VARIANCE_LOWER * light_level)), // (int)(light_level + (LIGHT_LEVEL_VARIANCE_UPPER * light_level))); light_level = light_level > MAX_LIGHT_LEVEL ? MAX_LIGHT_LEVEL : light_level; light_level = light_level < MIN_LIGHT_LEVEL ? MIN_LIGHT_LEVEL : light_level; color_intensity = (float)light_level / MAX_LIGHT_LEVEL; //Check if the tile is in viewport and not in darkness if (!tcod_map.isInFov(cell_rel_x, cell_rel_y) || wm.GetCellFromCoordinates(abs_x, abs_y, Player.Z).GetLightLevel(abs_x, abs_y, Player.Z) < LIGHT_LEVEL_CUTOFF_LOWER) { //if it is: If the tile was seen (is discovered) before, have a little bit of it be rendered if (wm.GetCellFromCoordinates(abs_x, abs_y, Player.Z).IsDiscovered(abs_x, abs_y, Player.Z)) color_intensity = (float)MIN_LIGHT_LEVEL / (float)MAX_LIGHT_LEVEL; else //or not color_intensity = 0.0f; } else if (wm.GetCellFromCoordinates(abs_x, abs_y, Player.Z).GetLightLevel(abs_x, abs_y, Player.Z) > 0) wm.GetCellFromCoordinates(abs_x, abs_y, Player.Z).DiscoverTile(abs_x, abs_y, Player.Z); //also if visible, discover! //If current Tile is Air, skip ahead, because no hot rendering action is needed if (tilearr[rel_x, rel_y] == 0) //Air Tile continue; //Retrieve the actual tile data //If tile is transparent, display the tile BELOW (floor) if (tcod_map.isTransparent(cell_rel_x, cell_rel_y)) { t = wm.GetTileFromID(tilearr[rel_x, rel_y]); floor = true; } else //the wall! { t = getTileFromCells(abs_x, abs_y, Player.Z); floor = false; } //Safeguard if (t.ForeColor == null) continue; //Prepare for render... tinted_fore = t.ForeColor;//TCODColor.Interpolate(Util.DecodeRGB(light_tint[rel_x, rel_y]), t.ForeColor, 0.5f); con.setBackgroundFlag(TCODBackgroundFlag.Default); con.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.Interpolate(, tinted_fore, color_intensity)); displ_string = t.DisplayString; if (t.BackColor != null) { // tinted_back = floor ? TCODColor.Interpolate(Util.DecodeRGB(light_tint[rel_x, rel_y]), t.BackColor, 0.5f) : t.BackColor; con.setBackgroundColor(TCODColor.Interpolate(, tinted_back, color_intensity)); con.setBackgroundFlag(TCODBackgroundFlag.Set); } //DO IT! debug_prints++; con.print(con_x + (abs_x - left), con_y + (abs_y - top), displ_string); } } sw.Stop(); #endregion //Report the time it took to render one frame! (but only if in Debug mode!) if (DEBUG_OUTPUT) { _out.SendMessage("Drew frame, printed " + debug_prints + " tiles, took " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms."); _out.SendMessage("Light Level at Player Pos: " + cells[1, 1, 1].GetLightLevel(Player.X, Player.Y, Player.Z)); } #region "Object rendering" //RenderAll the player con.setBackgroundFlag(TCODBackgroundFlag.Default); con.setForegroundColor(Player.ForeColor); con.print(con_x + (Player.X - left), con_y + (Player.Y - top), Player.DisplayString); //RenderAll the creatures foreach (Creature c in CreatureList.GetValues()) { if (c.Z >= curr_z - Map.VIEW_DISTANCE_CREATURES_DOWN_Z && c.Z <= curr_z + Map.VIEW_DISTANCE_CREATURES_UP_Z) { con.setForegroundColor(c.ForeColor); con.print(con_x + (c.X - left), con_y + (c.Y - top), c.DisplayString); } } //RenderAll the items foreach (Item i in ItemList.GetValues()) { if (!i.IsVisible) continue; if (i.Z >= curr_z - Map.VIEW_DISTANCE_CREATURES_DOWN_Z && i.Z <= curr_z + Map.VIEW_DISTANCE_CREATURES_UP_Z) { con.setForegroundColor(i.ForeColor); con.print(con_x + (i.X - left), con_y + (i.Y - top), i.DisplayString); } } #endregion //DONE! return true; }
public Actor inventory(Actor player) { TCODConsole con = new TCODConsole(Globals.INV_WIDTH, Globals.INV_HEIGHT); con.setForegroundColor(new TCODColor(200,180,150)); con.printFrame(0, 0, Globals.INV_WIDTH, Globals.INV_HEIGHT, true, TCODBackgroundFlag.Default, "Backpack"); int y = 1; char shortcut = 'a'; int itemIndex = 0; foreach(Actor item in player.contain.inventory) { con.print(2, y, String.Format("({0}) {1}", shortcut,; y++; shortcut++; } TCODConsole.blit(con, 0, 0, Globals.INV_WIDTH, Globals.INV_HEIGHT, TCODConsole.root, Globals.WIDTH / 2 - Globals.INV_WIDTH / 2, Globals.HEIGHT / 2 - Globals.INV_HEIGHT / 2); TCODConsole.flush(); TCODKey key = TCODConsole.waitForKeypress(false); if (key.Character >= 97 && key.Character <= 122) { itemIndex = key.Character - 'a'; if (itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < player.contain.inventory.Count()) { return player.contain.inventory[itemIndex]; } } return null; }