private static void DrawThingIfMultipleSpecialSymbol(Point mapUpCorner, Point position, TCODConsole screen, char symbol, char multipleSymbol) { int screenPlacementX = mapUpCorner.X + position.X + 1; int screenPlacementY = mapUpCorner.Y + position.Y + 1; if (IsDrawableTile(screenPlacementX, screenPlacementY)) { char currentChar = (char)screen.getChar(screenPlacementX, screenPlacementY); // If we already have one of those, or the multipleSymbol, draw the multipleSymbole, else draw normal. if (currentChar == symbol || currentChar == multipleSymbol) screen.putChar(screenPlacementX, screenPlacementY, multipleSymbol, TCODBackgroundFlag.None); else screen.putChar(screenPlacementX, screenPlacementY, symbol, TCODBackgroundFlag.None); } }