public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostScheduleStudent(string submit)
            if (StudentId == null || ClassSchedules == null)
                return(await OnGetAsync(null, null, null));
            foreach (var s in ClassSchedules)
                if (s.Selected)
                    if (!_db.StudentClassSchedule.Any(scs => scs.ClassScheduleId == s.ClassScheduleId && scs.StudentId == StudentId))
                        var newStudentClassSchedule = new StudentClassSchedule()
                            StudentId       = (int)StudentId,
                            ClassScheduleId = s.ClassScheduleId
                    if (!_db.StudentClass.Any(sc => sc.ClassId == s.ClassId && sc.StudentId == StudentId))
                        var newStudentClass = new StudentClass()
                            StudentId = (int)StudentId,
                            ClassId   = s.ClassId
                        await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
                    StudentClassSchedule studentClassSchedule = await _db.StudentClassSchedule.SingleOrDefaultAsync(scs => scs.ClassScheduleId == s.ClassScheduleId &&
                                                                                                                    scs.StudentId == StudentId);

                    if (studentClassSchedule != null)
            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

            if (submit == "prev")
                return(await OnGetAsync(TermId, StudentId, "prev"));
            if (submit == "next")
                return(await OnGetAsync(TermId, StudentId, "next"));
            return(await OnGetAsync(TermId, StudentId, null));
        public Dictionary <int, StudentClassSchedule> Get(List <int> iStudentID)
            Dictionary <int, StudentClassSchedule>          returnMe = new Dictionary <int, StudentClassSchedule>();
            Dictionary <int, List <StudentClassEnrolment> > _studentEnrolledClasses = _enrolmentRepo.GetForStudents(iStudentID);

            foreach (int id in iStudentID)
                StudentClassSchedule schedule = new StudentClassSchedule()
                    iStudentID         = id,
                    AllEnrolledClasses = _studentEnrolledClasses.ContainsKey(id) ? _studentEnrolledClasses[id] : new List <StudentClassEnrolment>()
                returnMe.Add(id, schedule);

        public static void Sync(ConfigFile configFile, LogDelegate Log)
            ConfigFileSyncPermissionsSection config = configFile.ExpectedAttendancePermissions;

            Log("========= EXPECTED ATTENDANCE ========= ");
            if (!config.AllowSync)
                Log("This sync module is disabled in config file - skipping");

            // Load all students that have enrolled classes
            //  - a DISTINCT() on the enrollment table should do nicely here

            // Load all of those student's schedules
            // - Load each class's schedule, then combine into the student's own schedule

            // Parse the school year from the config file, we'll need it later
            InternalSchoolYearRepository _schoolYearRepo = new InternalSchoolYearRepository(configFile.DatabaseConnectionString_Internal);
            SchoolYear schoolYear = _schoolYearRepo.Get(configFile.SchoolYearName);

            if (schoolYear == null)
                throw new InvalidSchoolYearException("School year from config file is invalid");

            SLStudentRepository _studentRepo = new SLStudentRepository(configFile.DatabaseConnectionString_SchoolLogic);
            SLTrackRepository   _trackRepo   = new SLTrackRepository(configFile.DatabaseConnectionString_SchoolLogic);

            List <Student> dailyAttendanceStudents  = _studentRepo.GetDailyAttendanceStudents();
            List <Student> periodAttendanceStudents = _studentRepo.GetPeriodAttendanceStudents();

            Log("Found " + dailyAttendanceStudents.Count() + " students in a daily track");
            Log("Found " + periodAttendanceStudents.Count() + " students in a period track");

            List <StudentExpectedAttendanceEntry> externalObjects = new List <StudentExpectedAttendanceEntry>();

            foreach (Student student in dailyAttendanceStudents)
                // Get this student's track
                Track track = _trackRepo.GetTrackFor(student.iStudentID);

                if (track != null)
                    // For each calendar day for the whole school year
                    foreach (CalendarDay day in CalendarDay.GetCalendarDaysBetween(schoolYear.Starts, schoolYear.Ends, true))
                        // If this calendar day is instructional, use the daily blocks per day for the track as the value
                        // If this calendar day is not instructional, set it to zero
                        // We might not want to actually store zeroes in the database
                        if (track.Schedule.IsInstructional(day))
                            externalObjects.Add(new StudentExpectedAttendanceEntry()
                                iStudentID    = student.iStudentID,
                                iSchoolYearID = schoolYear.ID,
                                Date          = day,
                                BlocksToday   = track.DailyBlocksPerDay

            // Get student schedules for period attendance students
            SLStudentScheduleRepository _scheduleRepository = new SLStudentScheduleRepository(configFile.DatabaseConnectionString_SchoolLogic);

            Log("Loading student schedules...");
            Dictionary <int, StudentClassSchedule> _allStudentSchedules = _scheduleRepository.Get(periodAttendanceStudents.Select(x => x.iStudentID).ToList());

            Log("Finished loading student schedules.");

            foreach (Student student in periodAttendanceStudents)
                // Get this student's track
                Track track = _trackRepo.GetTrackFor(student.iStudentID);
                if (!_allStudentSchedules.ContainsKey(student.iStudentID))
                StudentClassSchedule schedule = _allStudentSchedules[student.iStudentID];

                // Make a StudentSchedule object to handle some of this automatically
                // I want to create a new StudentSchedule object (or a dictionary of them)
                // that can be easily queried for a specific calendar day

                if (track != null)
                    // For each calendar day for the whole school year
                    foreach (CalendarDay day in CalendarDay.GetCalendarDaysBetween(schoolYear.Starts, schoolYear.Ends, true))
                        // If this calendar day is instructional, calculate the student's scheduled blocks
                        if (track.Schedule.IsInstructional(day))
                            // Calculate the student's schedule for today
                            int blocksToday = schedule.GetNumberOfScheduledBlocksOn(day);
                            if (blocksToday > 0)
                                externalObjects.Add(new StudentExpectedAttendanceEntry()
                                    iStudentID    = student.iStudentID,
                                    iSchoolYearID = schoolYear.ID,
                                    Date          = day,
                                    BlocksToday   = blocksToday

            Log("Found " + externalObjects.Count() + " external objects");

            InternalStudentExpectedAttendanceRepository internalRepository = new InternalStudentExpectedAttendanceRepository(configFile.DatabaseConnectionString_Internal);

            Log("Found " + internalRepository.RecordCount(schoolYear.ID) + " internal objects");

            /* ************************************************************ */
            // *
            // * This took over 6 hours to do, so we need to make a more efficient way of doing this.
            // * Perhaps the repository needs to store in a Dictionary<> mess instead of a single list
            // *
            /* ************************************************************ */
            // Compare for changes after here - all the above code was just loading stuff
            List <StudentExpectedAttendanceEntry> previouslyUnknown = new List <StudentExpectedAttendanceEntry>();
            List <StudentExpectedAttendanceEntry> needingUpdate     = new List <StudentExpectedAttendanceEntry>();
            List <StudentExpectedAttendanceEntry> noLongerExistsInExternalSystem = new List <StudentExpectedAttendanceEntry>();

            int     doneCount             = 0;
            int     totalExternalObjects  = externalObjects.Count();
            decimal donePercent           = 0;
            decimal doneThresholdPercent  = (decimal)0.1;
            decimal doneThresholdIncrease = (decimal)0.1;

            foreach (StudentExpectedAttendanceEntry externalObject in externalObjects)
                // Check to see if we know about this object already
                StudentExpectedAttendanceEntry internalObject = internalRepository.Get(externalObject.iStudentID, externalObject.iSchoolYearID, externalObject.Date.Year, externalObject.Date.Month, externalObject.Date.Day);
                if (internalObject == null)

                // Check to see if this object requires an update
                if (internalObject != null)
                    UpdateCheck check = internalObject.CheckIfUpdatesAreRequired(externalObject);
                    if ((check == UpdateCheck.UpdatesRequired) || (config.ForceUpdate))

                donePercent = (decimal)((decimal)doneCount / (decimal)totalExternalObjects);
                if (donePercent > doneThresholdPercent)
                    doneThresholdPercent = doneThresholdPercent + doneThresholdIncrease;
                    Log((int)(donePercent * 100) + "% finished inspecting objects");

                if (doneCount == totalExternalObjects)
                    Log("100% finished inspecting objects");

            Log("Found " + previouslyUnknown.Count() + " previously unknown");
            Log("Found " + needingUpdate.Count() + " with updates");

            // Commit these changes to the database
            if (previouslyUnknown.Count > 0)
                if (config.AllowAdds)
                    Log(" > Adding " + previouslyUnknown.Count() + " new objects");
                    Log(" > Not allowed to add, skipping " + previouslyUnknown.Count() + " adds");

            if (needingUpdate.Count > 0)
                if (config.AllowUpdates)
                    Log(" > Updating " + needingUpdate.Count() + " objects");
                    Log(" > Not allowed to do updates, skipping " + needingUpdate.Count() + " updates");

            Log("Finished syncing Expected Attendance");