public override void DataBind() { if (this._bound) { return; } _bound = true; if (this.Controls.Count == 0) { this.InnerHtml = StringUtils.AddSup(StringUtils.ReplaceNbSup(Title)); } this.Title = Title; this.HRef = FullURL; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Path)) { this.HRef = Path + "/" + this.HRef; } this.HRef = WebContext.Root + "/" + this.HRef + Anchor; if (this.URL.Contains("://")) { this.HRef = this.URL; this.Target = "_blank"; } else if (this.URL.Contains("mailto:")) { this.HRef = this.URL; } string pageFile = ControlUtils.GetBoundedDataField(this.NamingContainer, "PageFile").ToString(); if (!ForceURL && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pageFile)) { this.HRef = String.Format("{0}/{3}/Page_{1}/{2}", WebContext.Root, PageId, pageFile, lw.CTE.Folders.PagesFolder); } if (ShowOnlyInCMSMode) { this.Visible = false; } base.DataBind(); if (MyPage.Editable && ImEditable) { this.Attributes.Add("data-editable", "true"); this.Attributes.Add("data-id", PageId.ToString()); this.Attributes.Add("data-type", EditDataType); if (ShowOnlyInCMSMode) { this.Visible = true; } } this.Attributes["class"] = this.Attributes["class"] + " " + ControlUtils.GetBoundedDataField(this.NamingContainer, "URL"); this.Attributes.Add("title", string.Format(Format, Title)); }
/// <summary> /// //Messages (like warning or approval messages) /// </summary> /// <param name="msg">message</param> /// <param name="language">Language for the message</param> /// <returns>Content of the message</returns> public static string Message(string msg, Languages language) { string path = Path.Combine(WebContext.Server.MapPath(WebContext.StartDir), ConfigCte.MessagesFolder); /* * if (language != Languages.Default) * { * path = Path.Combine(path, EnumHelper.GetDescription(language)); * } * */ path = Path.Combine(path, msg + ".htm"); if (WebContext.Cache[msg + "-" + language.ToString()] != null) { return(WebContext.Cache[msg].ToString()); } string ret = ""; if (System.IO.File.Exists(path)) { StreamReader str = new StreamReader(path, Encoding.UTF8); ret = str.ReadToEnd(); ret = ret.Replace("{Root}", WebContext.Root); str.Close(); } ret = StringUtils.AddSup(ret); CacheDependency dep = new CacheDependency(path); int cacheTime = 1; string obj = Config.GetFromWebConfig("ContentCachTime"); if (obj != null) { cacheTime = Int32.Parse(obj); } WebContext.Cache.Add(msg, ret, dep, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan.FromDays(cacheTime), CacheItemPriority.Default, null); return(ret); }
internal void bind() { if (_bound) { return; } _dataObj = ControlUtils.GetBoundedDataField(NamingContainer, _property, LoadFromDraft); _bound = _dataObj != null; if (!_bound) { return; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Class)) { var obj = this as IAttributeAccessor; if (obj != null) { obj.SetAttribute("class", Class); } } string str = ""; if (_dataObj != DBNull.Value && _dataObj != null && _dataObj.ToString() != "") { str = string.Format(Format, _dataObj); } if (MaxCharacters > 0) { str = StringUtils.Trankate(StringUtils.StripOutHtmlTags(str), _maxCharacters, _closingSentence); } if (RenderAsHTML) { str = StringUtils.AddSup(str); str = StringUtils.ReplaceNbSup(str); str = StringUtils.ReplaceItalicSabis(str); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str) || Editable) { Visible = true; } else { Visible = false; } _iVisible = Visible; //str = WebContext.Server.HtmlEncode(str); if (_iVisible) { if (PutBR) { if (str != null) { Text = StringUtils.PutBR(str); } } else { Text = str; } } }
public override void DataBind() { if (_bound) { return; } _bound = true; DataRow memberRow = DataBinder.Eval(this.NamingContainer, "DataItem") as DataRow; if (memberRow == null) { DataRowView memberRowView = DataBinder.Eval(this.NamingContainer, "DataItem") as DataRowView; if (memberRowView != null) { memberRow = memberRowView.Row; } } if (memberRow == null) { return; } int privacy = (int)memberRow["Privacy"]; if (memberRow == null) { DataRowView drv = DataBinder.Eval(this.NamingContainer, "DataItem") as DataRowView; if (drv == null) { ErrorContext.Add("invalid-dataitem", "Invalid Container for: " + Property); this.Visible = false; return; } memberRow = drv.Row; } object obj = null; if (memberRow.Table.Columns.Contains(Property)) { obj = memberRow[Property]; } PrivacySettingsManager psMgr = new PrivacySettingsManager(); this.Visible = psMgr.CanAccess(memberRow, Property, this); if (!this.Visible) { return; } int MemberId = (int)memberRow["MemberId"]; switch (Property) { /*case "Network": * MemberNetworksManager nMgr = new MemberNetworksManager(); * IQueryable<MemberNetworksView> networks = nMgr.GetMemberNetworksView((int)memberRow["MemberId"]); * if (networks.Count() > 0) * { * obj = networks.First().Name; * } * break; */ case "Gender": if (memberRow["Gender"] != DBNull.Value && memberRow["Gender"] != null) { Gender gender = (Gender)Enum.Parse(typeof(Gender), memberRow["Gender"].ToString()); obj = gender.ToString(); } break; case "Email": break; case "StudentID": if (MemberId != WebContext.Profile.UserId) { this.Visible = false; } break; default: break; } if (obj != null && obj.ToString().Trim() != "") { obj = string.Format(Format, obj); this.Text = StringUtils.AddSup(obj.ToString()); } base.DataBind(); _iVisible = this.Visible && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Text); }
internal void bind() { if (_bound) { return; } PagesDataItem pagesDataItem = null; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SourceId)) { Control parent = this.Parent; while (parent != null) { pagesDataItem = parent as PagesDataItem; if (pagesDataItem != null) { break; } parent = parent.Parent; } } var page = Page as CustomPage; DataTable properties = null; if (pagesDataItem == null) { properties = page.PageContext[cte.PageProperties + "-" + SourceId] as DataTable; } else { properties = pagesDataItem.PageProperties; } if (properties != null) { try { int pageId = (int)ControlUtils.GetBoundedDataField(NamingContainer, "PageId", false); var dv = new DataView(properties, "PageId=" + pageId.ToString() + " and DataPropertyName='" + StringUtils.SQLEncode(Property) + "'", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); if (dv.Count > 0) { _dataObj = dv[0]["DataPropertyValue"]; } } catch { } } _bound = _dataObj != null; if (!_bound) { return; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Class)) { var obj = this as IAttributeAccessor; if (obj != null) { obj.SetAttribute("class", Class); } } string str = ""; if (_dataObj != DBNull.Value && _dataObj != null && _dataObj.ToString() != "") { str = string.Format(Format, _dataObj); } if (MaxCharacters > 0) { str = StringUtils.Trankate(StringUtils.StripOutHtmlTags(str), _maxCharacters, _closingSentence); } str = StringUtils.AddSup(str); str = StringUtils.ReplaceNbSup(str); str = StringUtils.ReplaceItalicSabis(str); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str) || Editable) { Visible = true; } else { Visible = false; } _iVisible = Visible; //str = WebContext.Server.HtmlEncode(str); if (_iVisible) { if (_putBr) { if (str != null) { Text = StringUtils.PutBR(str); } } else { Text = str; } } }