        public void ShouldExecuteThreeStepsAndReturnStepOutputs()
            var stepDouble  = A.Fake <IReservationStep>();
            var stepDouble2 = A.Fake <IReservationStep>();
            var stepDouble3 = A.Fake <IReservationStep>();

            var stepOutputDouble  = new StepOutput(null);
            var stepOutputDouble2 = new StepOutput(new List <InputType> {
            var stepOutputDouble3 = new StepOutput(new List <InputType> {
                (InputType)(-1), (InputType)(-1)
            var expectedStepOutputs = new List <StepOutput> {
                stepOutputDouble, stepOutputDouble2, stepOutputDouble3

            A.CallTo(() => stepDouble.Execute(_stepsInputs)).Returns(stepOutputDouble);
            A.CallTo(() => stepDouble2.Execute(_stepsInputs)).Returns(stepOutputDouble2);
            A.CallTo(() => stepDouble3.Execute(_stepsInputs)).Returns(stepOutputDouble3);

            var stepOutputs = _subject.ExecuteSteps(
                new List <IReservationStep> {
                stepDouble, stepDouble2, stepDouble3
            }, _stepsInputs);

        public void ShouldCreateNewStepOutputWithProvidedIncorrectInputTypes()
            var incorrectInputTypes = new List <InputType> {

            var stepOutput = new StepOutput(incorrectInputTypes);

        public void ShouldReturnSuccessfulReservationResult()
            const int dummyHotelId     = 1;
            var       stepInputsDouble = new List <StepInput> {
                A.Fake <StepInput>()
            var stepOutputDouble = new StepOutput(new List <InputType>());

            A.CallTo(() => _stepExecutorDouble.ExecuteSteps(A <List <IReservationStep> > ._, A <List <StepInput> > ._)).Returns(new List <StepOutput> {

            var reservationResult = _subject.ReserveHotel(dummyHotelId, stepInputsDouble);

        public void ShouldReturnReservationResultWithIncorrectInputTypes()
            const int dummyHotelId     = 1;
            var       stepInputsDouble = new List <StepInput> {
                A.Fake <StepInput>()
            var incorrectInputTypesDouble = new List <InputType> {
            var stepOutputDouble = new StepOutput(incorrectInputTypesDouble);

            A.CallTo(() => _stepExecutorDouble.ExecuteSteps(A <List <IReservationStep> > ._, A <List <StepInput> > ._)).Returns(new List <StepOutput> {

            var reservationResult = _subject.ReserveHotel(dummyHotelId, stepInputsDouble);

            reservationResult.IncorrectInputTypes.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new ReadOnlyCollection <InputType>(incorrectInputTypesDouble));
 private static StepOutput<GPSINSOutput> ToFilterResult(StepOutput<Matrix> step)
     return new StepOutput<GPSINSOutput>
                    X = EstimateMatrixToFilterResult(step.X),
                    PriX = EstimateMatrixToFilterResult(step.PriX),
                    PostX = EstimateMatrixToFilterResult(step.PostX),
                    Z = ObservationMatrixToFilterResult(step.Z),
                    Time = step.Time,
        public StepOutput<GPSINSOutput> Filter(GPSINSObservation obs, GPSINSInput input)
            var inputFromPrev = new StepInput<Matrix>(_prevEstimate);
            StepOutput<Matrix> result = CalculateNext(inputFromPrev, obs, input);
            _prevEstimate = result;

            return ToFilterResult(result);
        public GPSINSFilter(TimeSpan startTime, Vector3 startPos, Vector3 startVelocity, Quaternion orientation,
                            SensorSpecifications sensorSpecifications)
            _startTime = startTime;
            _orientation = orientation;
            _sensorSpecifications = sensorSpecifications;

            X0 = Matrix.Create(new double[n,1]
                                       {startPos.X}, {startPos.Y}, {startPos.Z}, // Position
                                       {startVelocity.X}, {startVelocity.Y}, {startVelocity.Z}, // Velocity
                                       {_orientation.X}, {_orientation.Y}, {_orientation.Z}, {_orientation.W}, // Quaternion  

            // Make sure we don't reference the same object, but rather copy its values.
            // It is possible to set PostX0 to a different state than X0, so that the initial guess
            // of state is wrong. 
            PostX0 = X0.Clone();

            // We use a very low initial estimate for error covariance, meaning the filter will
            // initially trust the model more and the sensors/observations less and gradually adjust on the way.
            // Note setting this to zero matrix will cause the filter to infinitely distrust all observations,
            // so always use a close-to-zero value instead.
            // Setting it to a diagnoal matrix of high values will cause the filter to trust the observations more in the beginning,
            // since we say that we think the current PostX0 estimate is unreliable.
            PostP0 = 0.001*Matrix.Identity(n, n);

            // Determine standard deviation of estimated process and observation noise variance
            // Process noise (acceleromters, gyros, etc..)
            _stdDevW = new Vector(new double[n]
                                          0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

            // Observation noise (GPS inaccuarcy etc..)
            _stdDevV = new Vector(new double[m]
//                                          0.001000, 0.001000, 0.001000,
//                                          1000, 1000, 1000,

            I = Matrix.Identity(n, n);
            _zeroMM = Matrix.Zeros(m);

            _rand = new GaussianRandom();
            _prevEstimate = GetInitialEstimate(X0, PostX0, PostP0);
 public StepInput(StepOutput <T> prev)
     PostP = prev.PostP;
     PostX = prev.PostX;
     X     = prev.X;
 private static StepOutput<GPSFilter2DSample> ToFilterResult(StepOutput<Matrix> step)
     return new StepOutput<GPSFilter2DSample>
                    X = new GPSFilter2DSample {Position = EstimateMatrixToFilterResult(step.X).Position,},
                    PriX = new GPSFilter2DSample {Position = EstimateMatrixToFilterResult(step.PriX).Position,},
                    PostX = new GPSFilter2DSample {Position = EstimateMatrixToFilterResult(step.PostX).Position,},
                    Z = new GPSFilter2DSample {Position = EstimateMatrixToFilterResult(step.Z).Position,},
                    Time = step.Time,
        public GPSFilter2D(GPSObservation startState)
            X0 = Matrix.Create(new double[n,1]
                                       {startState.Position.X}, {startState.Position.Y}, {startState.Position.Z},
                                       // Position
                                       {0}, {0}, {0}, // Velocity
                                       {0}, {0}, {0}, // Acceleration

            PostX0 = X0.Clone();
            /* Matrix.Create(new double[n, 1]
                                       {startState.Position.X}, {startState.Position.Y}, {startState.Position.Z}, // Position
                                       {1}, {0}, {0}, // Velocity
                                       {0}, {1}, {0}, // Acceleration

            // Start by assuming no covariance between states, meaning position, velocity, acceleration and their three XYZ components
            // have no correlation and behave independently. This not entirely true.
            PostP0 = Matrix.Identity(n, n);

            // Refs: 
            // http://www.romdas.com/technical/gps/gps-acc.htm
            // http://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/GPS/FV-M8_Spec.pdf
            // http://onlinestatbook.com/java/normalshade.html 

            // Assuming GPS Sensor: FV-M8
            // Cold start: 41s
            // Hot start: 1s
            // Position precision: 3.3m CEP (horizontal circle, half the points within this radius centred on truth)
            // Position precision (DGPS): 2.6m CEP

            //            const float coVarQ = ;
            //            _r = covarianceR;

            // Determine standard deviation of estimated process and observation noise variance
            // Position process noise
            _stdDevW = Vector.Zeros(n); //(float)Math.Sqrt(_q);

            _rand = new GaussianRandom();

            // Circle Error Probable (50% of the values are within this radius)
            //            const float cep = 3.3f;

            // GPS position observation noise by standard deviation [meters]
            // Assume gaussian distribution, 2.45 x CEP is approx. 2dRMS (95%)
            // ref: http://www.gmat.unsw.edu.au/snap/gps/gps_survey/chap2/243.htm

            // Found empirically by http://onlinestatbook.com/java/normalshade.html
            // using area=0.5 and limits +- 3.3 meters
            _stdDevV = new Vector(new double[m]
//                                             0,
//                                             0,
//                                             0, 
//                                             0, 
//                                             0, 
//                                             0, 
//                                             0,
            //2, 2, 4.8926f);

            H = Matrix.Identity(m, n);
            I = Matrix.Identity(n, n);
            Q = new Matrix(n, n);
            R = Matrix.Identity(m, m);

            _prevEstimate = GetInitialEstimate(X0, PostX0, PostP0);
        public void Update(SimulationStepResults trueState, long elapsedMillis, long totalElapsedMillis,
                           JoystickOutput currentOutput)
#if XBOX
            // TODO Xbox equivalent or fix the GPSINSFilter dependency on Iridium Math.Net
            _isInitialized = true;
            // TODO If sensors are not ready we cannot produce an estimated state
            // However, currently the helicopter starts mid-air so we have no time to wait for it to initialize.. so this is cheating.
            // When the helicopter starts on the ground we can properly implement this process.
            if (!_isInitialized)
                if (!_sensors.Ready)

                _estimated.Position     = _initialState.Position;
                _estimated.Velocity     = _initialState.Velocity;
                _estimated.Acceleration = _initialState.Acceleration;
                _estimated.Orientation  = _initialState.Orientation;
                _prevGPSPos             = _sensors.GPS.Output.Position;

                _gpsins = new GPSINSFilter(
                    TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(totalElapsedMillis - elapsedMillis),

                _isInitialized = true;

            TimeSpan totalTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(totalElapsedMillis);

            // Setup observations
            var observations = new GPSINSObservation();
            observations.Time = totalTime;
            observations.RangeFinderHeightOverGround = _sensors.GroundRangeFinder.FlatGroundHeight; // TODO Update frequency? Noise?

            if (_sensors.GPS.IsUpdated)
                observations.GotGPSUpdate = true;
                observations.GPSPosition  = _sensors.GPS.Output.Position;
                observations.GPSHVelocity = _sensors.GPS.Output.Velocity;

            // Setup input to filter's internal model
            var input = new GPSINSInput
                AccelerationWorld = _sensors.IMU.AccelerationWorld,
                Orientation       = _sensors.IMU.AccumulatedOrientation,
//                                PitchDelta = _sensors.IMU.AngularDeltaBody.Radians.Pitch,
//                                RollDelta = _sensors.IMU.AngularDeltaBody.Radians.Roll,
//                                YawDelta = _sensors.IMU.AngularDeltaBody.Radians.Yaw,
//                                PitchRate = _sensors.IMU.Output.AngularRate.Radians.Pitch,
//                                RollRate = _sensors.IMU.Output.AngularRate.Radians.Roll,
//                                YawRate = _sensors.IMU.Output.AngularRate.Radians.Yaw,

            // Estimate
            StepOutput <GPSINSOutput> gpsinsEstimate = _gpsins.Filter(observations, input);

//            Vector3 deltaPosition = gpsinsEstimate.PostX.Position - _currentEstimate.Position;
//            if (deltaPosition.Length() > 40)
//                deltaPosition = deltaPosition;

//            var trueState = CheatingTrueState.Result;
            GPSINSOutput observed       = gpsinsEstimate.Z;
            GPSINSOutput estimated      = gpsinsEstimate.PostX;
            GPSINSOutput blindEstimated = gpsinsEstimate.X;

            _currentEstimate = new PhysicalHeliState(estimated.Orientation, estimated.Position, estimated.Velocity,

            _currentBlindEstimate = new PhysicalHeliState(blindEstimated.Orientation, blindEstimated.Position, blindEstimated.Velocity,

            _currentObservation = new PhysicalHeliState(observed.Orientation, observed.Position, observed.Velocity,