文件: Map.cs 项目: Uportorst/OpenNos
        public void LoadZone()
            using (Stream stream = new MemoryStream(Data))
                int    numBytesToRead = 1;
                int    numBytesRead   = 0;
                byte[] bytes          = new byte[numBytesToRead];

                byte[] xlength = new byte[2];
                byte[] ylength = new byte[2];
                stream.Read(bytes, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead);
                xlength[0] = bytes[0];
                stream.Read(bytes, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead);
                xlength[1] = bytes[0];
                stream.Read(bytes, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead);
                ylength[0] = bytes[0];
                stream.Read(bytes, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead);
                ylength[1] = bytes[0];
                YLength    = BitConverter.ToInt16(ylength, 0);
                XLength    = BitConverter.ToInt16(xlength, 0);

                Grid = new StaticGrid(XLength, YLength);
                for (int i = 0; i < YLength; ++i)
                    for (int t = 0; t < XLength; ++t)
                        stream.Read(bytes, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead);
                        Grid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(t, i), bytes[0]);
文件: Map.cs 项目: Peterlamb/OpenNos
        public void LoadZone()
            Stream stream = new MemoryStream(Data);

            byte[] bytes          = new byte[stream.Length];
            int    numBytesToRead = 1;
            int    numBytesRead   = 0;

            byte[] xlength = new byte[2];
            byte[] ylength = new byte[2];
            stream.Read(bytes, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead);
            xlength[0] = bytes[0];
            stream.Read(bytes, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead);
            xlength[1] = bytes[0];
            stream.Read(bytes, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead);
            ylength[0] = bytes[0];
            stream.Read(bytes, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead);
            ylength[1] = bytes[0];
            YLength    = BitConverter.ToInt16(ylength, 0);
            XLength    = BitConverter.ToInt16(xlength, 0);

            _grid = new StaticGrid(XLength, YLength);
            for (int i = 0; i < YLength; ++i)
                for (int t = 0; t < XLength; ++t)
                    stream.Read(bytes, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead);
                    _grid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(t, i), Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(bytes[0]) == 0 ? true : false));

            // initialize JPS _tempgrid = ConvertToGrid(_grid);
            JumpPointParameters = new JumpPointParam(_grid, new GridPos(0, 0), new GridPos(0, 0), false, true, true, HeuristicMode.MANHATTAN);
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        m_hidden = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);  //invisible
        m_basic  = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.03f); //visible

        m_start = new Color(Color.green.r, Color.green.g, Color.green.b, 1.0f);
        m_end   = new Color(Color.red.r, Color.red.g, Color.red.b, 1.0f);
        m_open  = new Color(Color.blue.r, Color.blue.g, Color.blue.b, 0.3f);
        m_close = new Color(Color.cyan.r, Color.cyan.g, Color.cyan.b, 0.3f);

        m_unwalkable = new Color(Color.black.r, Color.black.g, Color.black.b, 1.0f);

        //// UI ////
        //loading & mapping
        m_cube = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Cube") as GameObject;
        GameObject.Find("Canvas/btnClear").GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(OnbtnClearClicked);
        GameObject.Find("Canvas/btnSearch").GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(OnbtnSearchClicked);
        GameObject.Find("Canvas/btnLoadMap").GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(OnbtnLoadMapClicked);
        GameObject.Find("Canvas/btnLoadStartEnd").GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(OnbtnLoadStartEndClicked);
        m_ddDiagonalMode = GameObject.Find("Canvas/DropdownMode").GetComponent <Dropdown>();
        m_tRecursive     = GameObject.Find("Canvas/ToggleRecursive").GetComponent <Toggle>();
        m_tOpenedCell    = GameObject.Find("Canvas/ToggleOpenedCell").GetComponent <Toggle>();
        m_tTotalMap      = GameObject.Find("Canvas/ToggleTotalMap").GetComponent <Toggle>();

        m_tOpenedCell.onValueChanged.AddListener((value) => { OntOpenedCellValue(value); });
        m_tTotalMap.onValueChanged.AddListener((value) => { OntTotalMapValue(value); });

        ////cube setup////
        m_cubeMap = new Dictionary <int, GameObject>();
        int width = 10, length = 10, height = 10;

        buildCubes(width, length, height);

        //2 testbeds
        //m_testbedList.Add(new Testbed()); //default
        //m_testbedList.Add(new Testbed(new GridPos(1, 2, 3), new GridPos(9, 8, 7))); //custom

        ////path grid setup////
        //convert all matrix walkable
        bool[][][] movableMatrix = new bool [width][][];
        for (int widthTrav = 0; widthTrav < width; widthTrav++)
            movableMatrix[widthTrav] = new bool[length][];
            for (int lengthTrav = 0; lengthTrav < length; lengthTrav++)
                movableMatrix[widthTrav][lengthTrav] = new bool[height];
                for (int heightTrav = 0; heightTrav < height; heightTrav++)
                    movableMatrix[widthTrav][lengthTrav][heightTrav] = true;
        BaseGrid searchGrid      = new StaticGrid(width, length, height, movableMatrix);

        m_jumpParam = new JumpPointParam(searchGrid, new GridPos(), new GridPos(), EndNodeUnWalkableTreatment.ALLOW, DiagonalMovement.Always);
        public IEnumerable <Vector2D> Find(Vector2D origin, Vector2D destination)
            BaseGrid searchGrid = new StaticGrid(map.Width, map.Height, matrix);
            var      jp         = new JumpPointParam(searchGrid, new GridPos(origin.X, origin.Y), new GridPos(destination.X, destination.Y), EndNodeUnWalkableTreatment.Allow);

            return(JumpPointFinder.FindPath(jp).Select(x => new Vector2D(x.X, x.Y)));
 public BaseGrid PNGtoGrid(Bitmap input)
     BaseGrid output = new StaticGrid(
     for (int x = 0; x < input.Width; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < input.Height; y++)
             Color c = input.GetPixel(
             if (c.GetBrightness() < threshold)
     if (debug) Console.WriteLine("converted PNG to grid");
     return output;
        public static List <GridPos> GetPath(Point2D start, Point2D end)
            for (int i = 0; i < MovableMatrix.Length; i++)
                var row = MovableMatrix[i];
                for (int index = 0; index < row.Length; index++)
                    MovableMatrix[i][index] = true;

            List <CircularUnit> circularUnits = new List <CircularUnit>(Tick.World.Minions);

            circularUnits.AddRange(Tick.World.Wizards.Where(x => !x.IsMe));
            circularUnits = circularUnits.Where(x => Tick.Self.GetDistanceTo(x) < Tick.Self.VisionRange).ToList();
            foreach (var nearestMinion in circularUnits)
                var p1 = (int)nearestMinion.X / gridStep;
                var p2 = (int)nearestMinion.Y / gridStep;
                FillMovableCircle(p1, p2, (int)(nearestMinion.Radius + Tick.Self.Radius * 1.2) / gridStep, gridSize, MovableMatrix, false);

            var startGridPos = GetGridPosByPoint2d(start, gridStep);
            var endGridPos   = GetGridPosByPoint2d(end, gridStep);

            MovableMatrix[startGridPos.x][startGridPos.y] = true;
            FillMovableCircle(endGridPos.x, endGridPos.y, (int)(Tick.Self.Radius * 2) / gridStep, gridSize, MovableMatrix, true);

            BaseGrid searchGrid = new StaticGrid(gridSize, gridSize, MovableMatrix);

            JumpPointParam jpParam = new JumpPointParam(searchGrid, startGridPos, endGridPos);
            var            result  = JumpPointFinder.FindPath(jpParam);

            //result = JumpPointFinder.GetFullPath(result);

            //var clmnIdx = 0;
            //foreach (var row in MovableMatrix)
            //    var rowIdx = 0;
            //    foreach (var b in row)
            //    {
            //        if (!b)
            //        {
            //            VisualClientHelper.Rect(new Point2D(clmnIdx * gridStep, rowIdx * gridStep),
            //                new Point2D((clmnIdx + 1) * gridStep, (rowIdx + 1) * gridStep), new VisualClientColor(0, 0, 1));
            //        }

            //        rowIdx++;
            //    }

            //    clmnIdx++;

            DrawPath(result, gridStep);

        public void FindPath_Trivial()
            var grid = new StaticGrid(3, 3);
            var param = new JumpPointParam(grid, new GridPos(0, 0), new GridPos(2, 2));
            var path  = JumpPointFinder.FindPath(param);

            Assert.Contains(new GridPos(0, 0), path);
            Assert.Contains(new GridPos(2, 2), path);
        private void Load(string fileName)
            if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                Logger.Error("path file do not exit. {0}", fileName);

            FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            int        nSeek      = 0;

            byte[] byteLen = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int))];
            fileStream.Seek(nSeek, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            fileStream.Read(byteLen, 0, byteLen.Length);
            Height = System.BitConverter.ToInt32(byteLen, 0);
            nSeek += byteLen.Length;

            byte[] byteWid = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int))];
            fileStream.Seek(nSeek, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            fileStream.Read(byteWid, 0, byteWid.Length);
            Width  = System.BitConverter.ToInt32(byteWid, 0);
            nSeek += byteWid.Length;

            int nReadLen = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ObstacleItem));

            byte[] read = new byte[nReadLen];

            mSearchGrid = new StaticGrid(Width * 2 + 1, Height * 2 + 1);

            byte[][] mat = new byte[Width * 2 + 1][];

            for (int i = 0; i < Width * 2 + 1; i++)
                mat[i] = new byte[Height * 2 + 1];

            for (int i = 0; i < (Height * 2 + 1) * (Width * 2 + 1); ++i)
                fileStream.Seek(nSeek, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                fileStream.Read(read, 0, nReadLen);
                nSeek += nReadLen;
                ObstacleItem info = Byte2Struct(read);

                mat[(int)(info.Fx * 2)][(int)(info.Fy * 2)] = (byte)info.Value;


            mParam = new JumpPointParam(mSearchGrid, new GridPos(0, 0), new GridPos(0, 0), true, true, false,
        public BaseGrid ConvertToGrid(short[,] _grid)
            BaseGrid grid = new StaticGrid(XLength, YLength);

            for (int y = 0; y < YLength; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < XLength; ++x)
                    grid.SetWalkableAt(x, y, !IsBlockedZone(x, y));
        public BaseGrid ConvertToGrid(short[,] _grid)
            BaseGrid grid = new StaticGrid(XLength, YLength);

            for (int i = 0; i < YLength; ++i)
                for (int t = 0; t < XLength; ++t)
                    grid.SetWalkableAt(t, i, (_grid[t, i] == 0 ? true : false));
 public StaticGrid(StaticGrid b)
     : base(b) {
     bool[][] tMatrix = new bool[b.width][];
     for (int widthTrav = 0; widthTrav < b.width; widthTrav++) {
         tMatrix[widthTrav] = new bool[b.height];
         for (int heightTrav = 0; heightTrav < b.height; heightTrav++) {
             if (b.IsWalkableAt(widthTrav, heightTrav))
                 tMatrix[widthTrav][heightTrav] = true;
                 tMatrix[widthTrav][heightTrav] = false;
     this.m_nodes = buildNodes(b.width, b.height, tMatrix);
        public StaticGrid(StaticGrid b)
            : base(b)
            var matrix = new bool[b.Width][];

            for (var x = 0; x < b.Width; x++)
                matrix[x] = new bool[b.Height];
                for (var y = 0; y < b.Height; y++)
                    matrix[x][y] = b.IsWalkableAt(x, y);

            Nodes = BuildNodes(b.Width, b.Height, matrix);
        public static List <GridPos> GetPath(Point2D start, Point2D end)
            BaseGrid searchGrid = new StaticGrid(gridSize, gridSize, MovableMatrix);

            var startGridPos = GetGridPosByPoint2d(start, gridStep);
            var endGridPos   = GetGridPosByPoint2d(end, gridStep);

            JumpPointParam jpParam = new JumpPointParam(searchGrid, startGridPos, endGridPos);
            var            result  = JumpPointFinder.FindPath(jpParam);

            result = JumpPointFinder.GetFullPath(result);

            DrawPath(result, gridStep);

        public override BaseGrid Clone() {
            int tWidth = width;
            int tHeight = height;
            Node[][] tNodes = this.m_nodes;

            StaticGrid tNewGrid = new StaticGrid(tWidth, tHeight, null);

            Node[][] tNewNodes = new Node[tWidth][];
            for (int widthTrav = 0; widthTrav < tWidth; widthTrav++) {
                tNewNodes[widthTrav] = new Node[tHeight];
                for (int heightTrav = 0; heightTrav < tHeight; heightTrav++) {
                    tNewNodes[widthTrav][heightTrav] = new Node(widthTrav, heightTrav, tNodes[widthTrav][heightTrav].walkable);
            tNewGrid.m_nodes = tNewNodes;

            return tNewGrid;
文件: AI.cs 项目: Andrioden/Robocodo
        private JumpPointParam GetJumpPointParam()
            if (_cachedJpParam == null)
                BaseGrid searchGrid = new StaticGrid(WorldController.instance.Width, WorldController.instance.Height);

                for (int x = 0; x < WorldController.instance.Width; x++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < WorldController.instance.Height; z++)
                        searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(x, z, true);

                _cachedJpParam = new JumpPointParam(searchGrid); // Cant configure it to not allow diagonally moving, has to be enforced by us

        public override BaseGrid Clone()
            var width    = Width;
            var height   = Height;
            var nodes    = Nodes;
            var newGrid  = new StaticGrid(width, height);
            var newNodes = new Node[width][];

            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                newNodes[x] = new Node[height];
                for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    newNodes[x][y] = new Node(x, y, nodes[x][y].Walkable);

            newGrid.Nodes = newNodes;
    public void LoadMap(string jsonData)
        var data = SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(jsonData);

        width  = System.Convert.ToInt32(data[0]["width"].AsFloat);
        height = Convert.ToInt32(data[0]["height"].AsFloat);

        var cenArray = data[0]["center"].AsObject;
        var cx       = cenArray["x"].AsFloat;
        var cy       = cenArray["y"].AsFloat;
        var cz       = cenArray["z"].AsFloat;

        center   = new Vector3(cx, cy, cz);
        nodeSize = data[0]["nodeSize"].AsFloat;

        var mapData = data[0]["mapdata"].AsArray;

        grids = new StaticGrid(width, height);
        var i = 0;

        foreach (SimpleJSON.JSONNode d in mapData)
            var v = d.AsInt;
            if (v == 0)
                var r = i / width;
                var c = i % width;
                grids.SetWalkableAt(c, r, true);

        var mh = data[0]["mapHeight"].AsArray;

        mapHeight = new List <float>(width * height);
        foreach (JSONNode d in mh)
    private void LoadMapJsonDict(JSONClass jclass)
        width  = System.Convert.ToInt32(jclass["width"].AsFloat);
        height = Convert.ToInt32(jclass["height"].AsFloat);

        var cenArray = jclass["center"].AsObject;
        var cx       = cenArray["x"].AsFloat;
        var cy       = cenArray["y"].AsFloat;
        var cz       = cenArray["z"].AsFloat;

        center   = new Vector3(cx, cy, cz);
        nodeSize = jclass["nodeSize"].AsFloat;

        var mapData = jclass["mapdata"].AsArray;

        grids = new StaticGrid(width, height);
        var i = 0;

        foreach (SimpleJSON.JSONNode d in mapData)
            var v = d.AsInt;
            if (v == 0)
                var r = i / width;
                var c = i % width;
                grids.SetWalkableAt(c, r, true);

        var mh = jclass["mapHeight"].AsArray;

        mapHeight = new List <float>(width * height);
        foreach (JSONNode d in mh)
        public void Initialize()
            var matrix = new bool[_map.Width, _map.Height];

            var collisionBounds = _gameObjectManager.GameObjects.Where(x => x.CollisionEnabled).Select(z => z.CollisionBounds).ToList();

            for (int y = 0; y < _map.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < _map.Width; x++)
                    var tileCoordinate = new TileCoordinate(x, y);

                    if (_map.Tiles.TryGetValue(tileCoordinate, out var tile))
                        if (!tile.Traversable)
                            matrix[x, y] = false;
                            NotIncludedTiles.Add(new TileCoordinate(x, y));

                    var pos       = tileCoordinate.ToActualVector2().ToPoint();
                    var rectangle = new Rectangle(pos.X, pos.Y, 32, 32);
                    if (collisionBounds.Any(rect => rect.Intersects(rectangle)))
                        matrix[x, y] = false;
                        NotIncludedTiles.Add(new TileCoordinate(x, y));

                    matrix[x, y] = true;

            _staticGrid = new StaticGrid(_map.Width, _map.Height, matrix.ToJaggedArray());
 public static bool Contains(this StaticGrid grid, Point point)
     return(point.X < grid.width && point.Y < grid.height && point.X >= 0 && point.Y >= 0);
 public void InitializeNavigationGrid()
     bool[][] walkabilityMatrix = CreateWalkabilityMatrix();
     _navigationGrid = new StaticGrid(_gridInfoProvider.XSize, _gridInfoProvider.YSize, walkabilityMatrix);
        public static double CalculateFitness(Chromosome chromosome)
            double fitness = 0;

            var board = chromosome2Board(chromosome);

            if (board[0, 0] != 2)
            if (board[boardSize / 2 - 1, boardSize / 2 - 1] != 0)

            BaseGrid searchGrid = new StaticGrid(boardSize, boardSize);

            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(0, 0, true);

            for (var i = 0; i < boardSize; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < boardSize; j++)
                    if (board[i, j] != 1)
                        searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(i, j, true);

            GridPos        startPos = new GridPos(0, 0);
            GridPos        endPos;
            JumpPointParam jpParam;
            var            resultPathLists = new List <List <GridPos> >();

            for (var i = 0; i < boardSize; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < boardSize; j++)
                    if (board[i, j] != 1)
                        endPos  = new GridPos(i, j);
                        jpParam = new JumpPointParam(searchGrid, startPos, endPos);

            var counter = 0;

            foreach (var list in resultPathLists)
                if (list.Count > 0)

            fitness = ((double)counter) / ((double)resultPathLists.Count);

            if (!fieldProportions(board) && (fitness > 0.9)) // && (fitness > 0.75))
                fitness = fitness / 2;                       // fitness/2;// fitness *3/4;
        public BaseGrid ShowFloor1()
            BaseGrid searchGrid = new StaticGrid(20, 40);

            //          //LEFT BOTTOM
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(7, 31), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 31), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 32), true);

            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(7, 32), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(7, 33), true);
            //          //searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(8, 33), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(8, 34), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(9, 34), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(10, 34), true);

            //          //RIGHT BOTTOM
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(11, 33), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(11, 34), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(12, 33), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(12, 34), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(13, 34), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(14, 34), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(15, 34), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(16, 34), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(13, 33), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(14, 33), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(15, 33), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(14, 32), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(15, 32), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(15, 31), true);

            //          //RIGHT WALKWAY
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(16, 30), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(16, 29), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(16, 28), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(16, 27), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(16, 26), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(16, 25), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(14, 25), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(15, 25), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(16, 24), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(15, 24), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(14, 24), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(16, 23), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(16, 22), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(16, 21), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(16, 20), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(16, 19), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(16, 18), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(15, 18), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(14, 18), true);

            //          //LEFT WALKWAY
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 30), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 29), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 28), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 27), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 26), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 25), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(7, 25), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(8, 25), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 24), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(7, 24), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(8, 24), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 23), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 22), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 21), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 20), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 19), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 18), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 17), true);
            //          searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(7, 17), true);
            //          //searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(7, 18), true);
            //          //searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(7, 19), true);
            ////	searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(7, 20), true);
            //         searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(8, 18), true);
            //         //searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(8, 19), true);
            ////searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(8, 20), true);

            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(11, 35), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(11, 34), true);

            //searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(10, 33), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(10, 35), true);

            //searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(9, 33), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(9, 35), true);

            //searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(8, 33), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(8, 35), true);

            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(7, 35), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(7, 33), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(7, 34), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(7, 32), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(7, 31), true);

            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 33), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 32), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 31), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 30), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 29), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 28), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 27), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 26), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 25), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 24), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 23), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 22), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 21), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 20), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 19), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(7, 19), true);
            searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(new GridPos(6, 19), true);

            //jpParam.Reset(startPos, endPos);
            //List<GridPos> resultPathList = JumpPointFinder.FindPath(jpParam);

            //Convert convert = new Convert();

            //List<GridPos> realList = convert.Points(resultPathList);

            //for (int i = 0; i < realList.Count - 1; i++)
            //    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("path.LineTo(" + realList[i].x + ", " + realList[i].y + ");");


        public virtual void ReplanGlobal(Platform platform)
            // create searchGrid data structure for the EpPathFinding
            BaseGrid searchGrid = new StaticGrid(platform.Map.Rows, platform.Map.Columns);
            List <Tuple <double, GridPos> > searchPoses = new List <Tuple <double, GridPos> > (); // possible search poses

            for (int i = 0; i < platform.Map.Rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < platform.Map.Columns; j++)
                    if (platform.Map.MapMatrix[i, j] < platform.OccupiedThreshold)
                        searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(i, j, true);

                    if ((platform.Map.MapMatrix[i, j] >= platform.FreeThreshold) && (platform.Map.MapMatrix[i, j] <= platform.OccupiedThreshold))
                        RegionLimits limits = platform.Map.CalculateLimits(i, j, 1);
                        List <Pose>  posesl = limits.GetPosesWithinLimits();
                        foreach (Pose p in posesl)
                            if (platform.Map.MapMatrix[p.X, p.Y] < platform.FreeThreshold)
                                double d = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(p.X - platform.Pose.X, 2) + Math.Pow(p.Y - platform.Pose.Y, 2));
                                searchPoses.Add(new Tuple <double, GridPos>(d, new GridPos(i, j)));

            // set unaccessable for those places where are platforms and their enviroment within 1 step radius
            foreach (Platform plt in platform.ObservedPlatforms)
                if (plt.Equals(platform))
                RegionLimits limits = platform.Map.CalculateLimits(plt.Pose.X, plt.Pose.Y, 1);
                List <Pose>  posesl = limits.GetPosesWithinLimits();
                foreach (Pose p in posesl)
                    searchGrid.SetWalkableAt(p.X, p.Y, false);

            // bound the search to avoid large computation
            // select the first closest 50 candidates based on L2 distance
            int maxNumOfSearchPoses = 50;

            searchPoses.Sort((t1, t2) => t1.Item1.CompareTo(t2.Item1));
            if (searchPoses.Count > maxNumOfSearchPoses)
                searchPoses.RemoveRange(maxNumOfSearchPoses, searchPoses.Count - maxNumOfSearchPoses);

            // init search
            GridPos        startPos = new GridPos(platform.Pose.X, platform.Pose.Y);
            GridPos        endPos   = new GridPos(20, 10);
            JumpPointParam jpParam  = new JumpPointParam(searchGrid, startPos, endPos, false, true, true);

            // find the best path
            double         bestPathScore = Double.PositiveInfinity;
            List <GridPos> bestPath      = null;

            foreach (Tuple <double, GridPos> p in searchPoses)
                //jpParam.Reset(startPos, p);
                jpParam.Reset(new GridPos(platform.Pose.X, platform.Pose.Y), p.Item2);
                List <GridPos> resultPathList = JumpPointFinder.FindPath(jpParam);

                if (resultPathList.Count > 2)
                    double score = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i < resultPathList.Count; i++)
                        score += Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(resultPathList[i].x - resultPathList[i - 1].x, 2) + Math.Pow(resultPathList[i].y - resultPathList[i - 1].y, 2));

                    if (score < bestPathScore)
                        bestPathScore  = score;
                        bestPath       = resultPathList;
                        bestFronterier = new Pose(resultPathList.Last().x, resultPathList.Last().y);

            // convert the best path to command sequence
            if ((bestPath != null) && (bestPath.Count > 2))
                List <Pose> bestPathConv = new List <Pose>();

                for (int i = 1; i < bestPath.Count; i++)
                    Pose prevPose = bestPathConv.Last();
                    Pose goalPose = new Pose(bestPath[i].x, bestPath[i].y);

                    int dxl = Math.Sign(goalPose.X - prevPose.X);
                    int dyl = Math.Sign(goalPose.Y - prevPose.Y);

                    while (!prevPose.Equals(goalPose)) // it's a bit dangerous here
                        Pose newPose = new Pose(prevPose.X + dxl, prevPose.Y + dyl);
                        prevPose = newPose;

                for (int i = bestPathConv.Count - 2; i > 0; i--)
                    int    dx     = bestPathConv[i + 1].X - bestPathConv[i].X;
                    int    dy     = bestPathConv[i + 1].Y - bestPathConv[i].Y;
                    double dalpha = Math.Atan2(dy, dx);

                    Pose newPose = new Pose(bestPathConv[i].X, bestPathConv[i].Y, dalpha);