public static void Main() { Window screen = new Window("Deadliner", 800, 600); Course course = new Course(screen); course.Load(); screen.Clear(Color.Gray); if (!course.HasExecuted) { course.GetInfoFromUser(); } foreach (Unit unit in course._units) { if (!unit.HasExecuted) { unit.GetInfoFromUser(); } } Dashboard dashboard = new Dashboard(screen); foreach (Unit unit in course._units) { foreach (Assignment assignment in unit._assignments) { dashboard.Add(unit, assignment); } } dashboard.Sort(); dashboard.Show(); screen.Refresh(60); course.Save(); SplashKit.Delay(2000); }
public void isHit(Window gameWindow) { _obstacleBitmap = new Bitmap("explosion", "explosion.png"); gameWindow.DrawBitmap(_obstacleBitmap, X, Y); gameWindow.Refresh(); SplashKit.Delay(100); }
// This is called when Space key is pressesd. public static void TestOnSpace(object sender, OnPathChangedEventArgs onPathChangedEventArgs) { PathFindingGUI pathFindingGUI = (PathFindingGUI)sender; if (onPathChangedEventArgs.pathFinding != null) { for (int i = 1; i < onPathChangedEventArgs.pathFinding.GetVisitedPath().Count; i++) { PathNode searchNode = onPathChangedEventArgs.pathFinding.GetVisitedPath()[i]; SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.LightBlue, searchNode.X * pathFindingGUI.CellSize + 2, searchNode.Y * pathFindingGUI.CellSize + 2, pathFindingGUI.CellSize - 2, pathFindingGUI.CellSize - 2); if (i % 5 == 0) { pathFindingGUI.window.Refresh(60); } } // If there is no path found, return. if (pathFindingGUI.pathNodes == null) { return; } for (int i = 1; i < pathFindingGUI.pathNodes.Count - 1; i++) { // Color Green, x is axis of pathNodes[i] in grid * cellSize, y is thr ordinate location of pathNodes[i] in grid * cellSize, with and height = cellSize Util.FillSquare(Color.Yellow, pathFindingGUI.pathNodes[i].X, pathFindingGUI.pathNodes[i].Y, pathFindingGUI.CellSize); pathFindingGUI.window.Refresh(60); } SplashKit.Delay(5000); } }
public static void Main() { Window makeSceneWindow; makeSceneWindow = new Window("Make a Scene", 800, 700); Bitmap surya = new Bitmap("surya", "surya.png"); SoundEffect hello = new SoundEffect("hello", "hello.wav"); Bitmap satya = new Bitmap("satya", "satya.png"); makeSceneWindow.Clear(Color.Green); makeSceneWindow.DrawBitmap(surya, 100, 200); makeSceneWindow.Refresh(60); hello.Play(); SplashKit.Delay(5000); makeSceneWindow.Clear(Color.Green); makeSceneWindow.DrawBitmap(satya, 200, 500); makeSceneWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(6000); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Window houseWindow; Window carWindow; // House window Section houseWindow = new Window("Shapes by ...", 800, 600); houseWindow.Clear(Color.White); houseWindow.FillEllipse(Color.BrightGreen, 0, 400, 800, 400); houseWindow.FillRectangle(Color.Gray, 300, 300, 200, 200); houseWindow.FillTriangle(Color.Red, 250, 300, 400, 150, 550, 300); houseWindow.Refresh(); // Car Window Section carWindow = new Window("Car Window", 800, 600); carWindow.Clear(Color.LightBlue); carWindow.FillRectangle(Color.Red, 150, 300, 500, 200); carWindow.FillTriangle(Color.Black, 250, 300, 350, 300, 350, 200); carWindow.FillRectangle(Color.Black, 350, 200, 150, 100); carWindow.FillTriangle(Color.Black, 500, 300, 500, 200, 550, 300); carWindow.FillCircle(Color.Black, 250, 500, 60); carWindow.FillCircle(Color.Black, 550, 500, 60); carWindow.Refresh(); SplashKit.Delay(10000); }
public static void GameOver(Window w) { w.Clear(Color.White); Bitmap gameover = new Bitmap("Game Over", "game-over.png"); w.DrawBitmap(gameover, (w.Width - gameover.Width) / 2, (w.Height - gameover.Height) / 2); w.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(6000); }
public static void Main() { new Window("Snake-Remake", 800, 600); double x = 0.0, y = 0.0; double speed = 5.0; Map snakeMap = new Map(); Snake mySnake = new Snake(); snakeMap.Add(mySnake); Food food = new Food(); snakeMap.Add(food); do { SplashKit.ProcessEvents(); SplashKit.ClearScreen(Color.Black); mySnake.Update(x, y); snakeMap.Draw(x, y); if (SplashKit.KeyTyped(KeyCode.UpKey)) { x = 0; y = -1 * speed; } if (SplashKit.KeyTyped(KeyCode.DownKey)) { x = 0; y = speed; } if (SplashKit.KeyTyped(KeyCode.RightKey)) { x = speed; y = 0; } if (SplashKit.KeyTyped(KeyCode.LeftKey)) { x = -1 * speed; y = 0; } if (snakeMap.HasCollided(mySnake, food)) { snakeMap.Collide(mySnake, food, x * 150, y * 150); food = new Food(); snakeMap.Add(food); } SplashKit.Delay(10); SplashKit.RefreshScreen(); } while (!snakeMap.Lose(mySnake) || !SplashKit.WindowCloseRequested("Shape Drawer")); }
public static void Main() { // Variables // Window Variables Window page1; // Sound Effect Variables SoundEffect Alert; SoundEffect Door; SoundEffect Footsteps; SoundEffect Sigh; // Bitmap Variables Bitmap frameOne; Bitmap frameTwo; Bitmap frameThree; Bitmap frameFour; // Variable Assignment frameOne = new Bitmap("Frame 1", "1st.png"); frameTwo = new Bitmap("Frame 2", "2nd.png"); frameThree = new Bitmap("Frame 3", "3rd.png"); frameFour = new Bitmap("Frame 4", "4th.png"); Alert = new SoundEffect("Alert", "iphone_text_message.wav"); Door = new SoundEffect("Door", "door squeak.wav"); Footsteps = new SoundEffect("Footsteps", "running.wav"); Sigh = new SoundEffect("Sigh", "sigh.wav"); // Page Drawing, Sound Effect Playing page1 = new Window("Page 1", 800, 800); page1.Clear(Color.Black); page1.DrawBitmap(frameOne, 80, 80); page1.Refresh(); Alert.Play(); SplashKit.Delay(5000); page1.Clear(Color.Black); page1.DrawBitmap(frameTwo, 80, 80); page1.Refresh(); Footsteps.Play(); SplashKit.Delay(5000); page1.Clear(Color.Black); page1.DrawBitmap(frameThree, 80, 80); page1.Refresh(); Door.Play(); SplashKit.Delay(5000); page1.Clear(Color.Black); page1.DrawBitmap(frameFour, 80, 80); page1.Refresh(); Sigh.Play(); SplashKit.Delay(5000); }
public static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("hello world"); Window w = new Window("My First Program", 200, 100); w.DrawText("Hello World", Color.Black, 10, 45); w.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(5000); }
// public void WinEffect(Window win) // { // if (IsplayerWin) // { // // WinSound.Play(); // SplashKit.DrawText($"Congradulations! You Win!", Color.OrangeRed, "cool.ttf", 30, 50, 300); // SplashKit.DrawText($"Your score is {Player.Score}", Color.OrangeRed, "cool.ttf", 30, 50, 260); // win.Refresh(60); // } // } public void GameOverEffect() { if (Quit) { SplashKit.FillRectangle(Color.LightYellow, 0, 200, 600, 700); SplashKit.DrawText($"Game Over", Color.OrangeRed, "cool.ttf", 30, 50, 400); SplashKit.DrawText($"Your score is {Player.Score}", Color.OrangeRed, "cool.ttf", 30, 50, 260); GameWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(8000); } }
//procedure to update the list of robots by removing the unwanted robots private void CheckCollisions() { List <Robot> removeRobots = new List <Robot>(); //creating another list to store unwanted robots foreach (Robot robot in _Robots) { //adding robots that collided with the player or are off the screen to second list if (_Player.CollidedWith(robot) || robot.IsOffscreen(_GameWindow)) { removeRobots.Add(robot); } if (_Player.CollidedWith(robot)) { if (robot is Cat1 || robot is Cat2 || robot is Cat3) { _GameWindow.DrawText("Avoid Collision", Color.Red, "StencilStd.otf", 100, 400, 300); _GameWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(150); } else { _GameWindow.DrawText("Tasty", Color.Red, "StencilStd.otf", 100, 400, 300); _GameWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(150); } if (robot is Cat1 || robot is Cat2 || robot is Cat3) { if (_LivesRemaining.Count > 1) { _LivesRemaining.RemoveAt(0); } else if (_LivesRemaining.Count == 1) { _LivesRemaining.RemoveAt(0); _GameWindow.Clear(Color.Black); _GameWindow.DrawText("Game Over !!!", Color.Red, "StencilStd.otf", 500, _GameWindow.Width / 2, _GameWindow.Height / 2); _GameWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(4000); _GameWindow.Close(); } } else { bonus += 5; } } } foreach (Robot robot in removeRobots) { _Robots.Remove(robot); //removing robots that are present in second list from 1st list } }
public static void Main() { Window ShapesWindow = new Window("window", 800, 600); Bitmap BmPlayer = new Bitmap("Helicopter", "HCS1.png"); Bitmap BmPlayer2 = new Bitmap("Helicopter2", "HCS2.png"); BmPlayer.SetCellDetails(132, 36, 5, 1, 5); BmPlayer2.SetCellDetails(132, 36, 5, 1, 5); AnimationScript FlyScript = SplashKit.LoadAnimationScript("Animation", "Animation.txt"); Animation Test = FlyScript.CreateAnimation("Fly"); DrawingOptions opt; opt = SplashKit.OptionWithAnimation(Test); Helicopter helicopter = new Helicopter(BmPlayer, BmPlayer2, ShapesWindow, opt); HelicopterGame HC = new HelicopterGame(ShapesWindow, helicopter); Test.Assign("Fly"); HC.StartingScreen(); Console.WriteLine("Enter current player name"); HC.PlayerName = Console.ReadLine(); while (HC.MenuOn) { SplashKit.ProcessEvents(); if (SplashKit.MouseClicked(MouseButton.LeftButton)) { HC.MenuOn = false; } HC.StartingScreen(); ShapesWindow.Refresh(60); } while (HC.Quit) { SplashKit.UpdateAnimation(Test); HC.Update(); } ShapesWindow.Close(); helicopter.Draw(); ShapesWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(4000); }
public void CheckHealth() { if (_player.Health == 0) { uint _score; _gameWindow.DrawText("YOU ARE DEAD", Color.Red, "Bold", 10000000, 400, 300); _score = SplashKit.CurrentTicks(); _gameWindow.DrawText(string.Format("Score: {0}", _score), Color.Black, "Bold", 5000, 400, 200); _gameWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(3000); _gameWindow.Close(); } }
public static void Draw() { Window gameWindow; gameWindow = new Window("Game Window", 500, 500); Player Character = new Player(gameWindow); gameWindow.Clear(Color.White); gameWindow.Refresh(60); gameWindow.DrawBitmap(Character.PlayerBitmap, Character.Xcoord, Character.Ycoord); gameWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(10000); }
public void CheckCollisions() { foreach (Robot a in _robots) { if (_player.CollidedWith(a) || (a.OffScreen == true)) { _checkCollisions.Add(a); System.Console.WriteLine("Collided"); } if (_player.CollidedWith(a)) { // _gameWindow.DrawText("Ouch!", Color.Red, "StencilStd.otf", 100, 400, 300); _gameWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(150); //following if and else if is to stop the list from being negative and causing an error //stops life from going below 1 if (_livesRemaining.Count > 1) { _livesRemaining.RemoveAt(0); } //when it is one after the first if remove only one more life etc.. else if (_livesRemaining.Count == 1) { _livesRemaining.RemoveAt(0); _gameWindow.Clear(Color.Black); _gameWindow.DrawText("GAME OVER", Color.Red, "StencilStd.otf", 97, 100, _gameWindow.Height / 2); _gameWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(4000); _gameWindow.Close(); //_gameWindow = null; } // for (int i = 0; i < _livesRemaining.Count; i++) // { // _livesRemaining.RemoveRange(1, 1); // } } } foreach (Robot a in _checkCollisions) { _robots.Remove(a); } }
public static void Main() { Window gameWindow = new Window("Surf Game", 1250, 650); SurfGame _game = new SurfGame(gameWindow); while (!gameWindow.CloseRequested && _game.Quit == false) { SplashKit.ProcessEvents(); _game.HandleInput(); _game.Update(); _game.Draw(); } _game.FinalScore(); SplashKit.Delay(5000); gameWindow.Close(); gameWindow = null; }
private void Draw() { posY = pos; Timer t = new Timer("BG Timer"); t.Start(); SplashKit.Delay(100); _gameWindow.Clear(Color.Black); if (t.Ticks / 1000 < 1) { pos += 2; if (pos == 10) { pos = -740; //_gameWindow.DrawBitmap(bg2, posX,posY); } } _gameWindow.DrawBitmap(bg, posX, posY); //_gameWindow.DrawBitmap(bg, 0,0); _player.Draw(); foreach (var item in _enemyList) { item.Draw(); } if (_player.score % 5 == 0) { //_bossList.Add(new Boss { X = 0 + 350, Y = 50 }); _bossList.ElementAt(0).Draw(); } // if(_player.score == 10) // { // _bossList.Add(new Boss { X = 0 + 250, Y = 50 }); // } //_bossList.ElementAt(0).Draw(); //_enemy.Draw(); _gameWindow.Refresh(60); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Window window; window = new Window("ScreenCross", 500, 500); ScreenCross screenCross = new ScreenCross(window); Timer myTimer = new Timer("My Timer"); myTimer.Start(); uint score = 10000; while (!window.CloseRequested && screenCross.Quit == false && score >= 1) { score = 10000 - myTimer.Ticks / 1000; if (!screenCross.Win() && !screenCross.Lose()) { SplashKit.ProcessEvents(); screenCross.HandleInput(); screenCross.Update(); screenCross.Draw(); window.DrawText($"Scores: {score}", Color.Gray, 380, 20); window.Refresh(1000); } else if (screenCross.Lose()) { myTimer.Pause(); window.Clear(Color.White); window.DrawText($"Mission failed, your has lost all your lives", Color.Gray, 100, 380); window.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(1000); } else { myTimer.Pause(); window.Clear(Color.White); window.DrawText($"Mission completed, your scores is: {score}", Color.Gray, 100, 380); window.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(1000); } } }
public void DisplayInfoCheckReady() { // loop while the use hasn't quit or pressed ready while (Input.quit != true && _ready != true) { // clear the window _mainWindow.Clear(Color.White); // check for a quit Input.CheckQuit(); // draw everything needed _welcomeScreen.Draw(); // new button press object buildToggleButton(); // check for mouse hover over the ready button, if a mouse over event happens change the btn color to dark green _checkReady.button.OnHoverChangeColor(); _checkReady.button.OnHover += (btn) => _checkReady.button.btnColor = Color.RGBColor(20, 68, 30); // refresh window _mainWindow.Refresh(5); // checks if the user has pressed the ready button, which starts the game if (_checkReady.isPressed()) { // exit while loop _ready = true; // clear window _mainWindow.Clear(Color.White); // remove elements to be drawn _welcomeScreen.removeElements(); // refresh _mainWindow.Refresh(5); // delay before jumping in to the main game. SplashKit.Delay(500); } } }
// called to check where the user is within the limit of guesses private void checkAttempts() { //displays if the user if on their last guess if (_numOfGuesses == 11) { _theGameWindow.Clear(Color.Black); SplashKit.DrawText("LAST GUESS!", Color.Red, "TravelingTypewriter.otf", 60, 330, 200); _theGameWindow.Refresh(20); SplashKit.Delay(1000); } //user hits a blank screen with the game over text if they have run out of guesses, also gets stuck there until they press quit. if (_numOfGuesses == 12) { while (Input.quit != true) { _theGameWindow.Clear(Color.Black); SplashKit.DrawText("GAME OVER!", Color.Red, "TravelingTypewriter.otf", 60, 330, 200); _theGameWindow.Refresh(20); Input.CheckQuit(); } } }
public void Run() { _gameWindow = new Window("BlastOff", 600, 600); Draw(); SplashKit.Delay(2500); _player.Move(100, -70); Draw(); SplashKit.Delay(2500); _player.Rotate(60); Draw(); SplashKit.Delay(2500); _player.Move(100, 0); Draw(); SplashKit.Delay(2500); _gameWindow.Close(); _gameWindow = null; SplashKit.Delay(2500); }
public static void Main() { Window w = new Window("Player window", 800, 600); RobotDodge robotDodge = new RobotDodge(w); Timer timer = new Timer("My Timer"); timer.Start(); while (!w.CloseRequested && !robotDodge.Quit && robotDodge.Lives != 0) { robotDodge.HandleInput(); robotDodge.Update(timer); robotDodge.Draw(); SplashKit.Delay(100); } if (robotDodge.Lives == 0) { GameOver(w); } w.Close(); w = null; }
public static void Main() { //Window object and background bitmap creation Window fightWindow = new Window("Ryu Animation3", 640, 480); Bitmap background = new Bitmap("Fight Arena", "BG.png"); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(background, 0, 0); //Animation Bitmap object creation Bitmap Ryu1 = new Bitmap("Ryu1", "R1.png"); Bitmap Ryu2 = new Bitmap("Ryu2", "R2.png"); Bitmap Ryu3 = new Bitmap("Ryu3", "R3.png"); Bitmap Ryu4 = new Bitmap("Ryu4", "R4.png"); Bitmap Ryu5 = new Bitmap("Ryu5", "R5.png"); Bitmap Ryu6 = new Bitmap("Ryu6", "R6.png"); Bitmap Ryu7 = new Bitmap("Ryu7", "R7.png"); //Soundeffect object creation SoundEffect shoryuken = new SoundEffect("Shoryuken", "shoryuken.mp3"); shoryuken.Play(); SplashKit.Delay(300); //Action Sequence fightWindow.DrawBitmap(background, 0, 0); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(Ryu1, 150, 150); fightWindow.Refresh(); SplashKit.Delay(200); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(background, 0, 0); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(Ryu2, 150, 150); fightWindow.Refresh(); SplashKit.Delay(200); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(background, 0, 0); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(Ryu3, 150, 150); fightWindow.Refresh(); SplashKit.Delay(200); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(background, 0, 0); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(Ryu4, 150, 150); fightWindow.Refresh(); SplashKit.Delay(200); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(background, 0, 0); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(Ryu4, 150, 75); fightWindow.Refresh(); SplashKit.Delay(200); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(background, 0, 0); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(Ryu4, 150, 50); fightWindow.Refresh(); SplashKit.Delay(200); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(background, 0, 0); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(Ryu5, 150, 75); fightWindow.Refresh(); SplashKit.Delay(200); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(background, 0, 0); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(Ryu5, 150, 100); fightWindow.Refresh(); SplashKit.Delay(200); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(background, 0, 0); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(Ryu6, 150, 150); fightWindow.Refresh(); SplashKit.Delay(200); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(background, 0, 0); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(Ryu7, 150, 150); fightWindow.Refresh(); SplashKit.Delay(200); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(background, 0, 0); fightWindow.DrawBitmap(Ryu1, 150, 150); fightWindow.Refresh(); SplashKit.Delay(10000); }
public void codeToBreak() { //create a target that is 4 digits long //the distinct method is used to remove any duplicated random numbers while (target.Distinct().Count() != SIZE) { for (int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++) { //at the current index set a random number between 0 - 5 (next is used to make sure the number is a postive number and less then 6) target[x] = _rnd.Next(6); } } //start the timer gameTime.Start(); //stores a hint of the target answer hint = String.Join("", target); //main game logic loop (loops as long as quit isn't true or the user hasn't guessed correctly) while (true && Input.quit != true) { SplashKit.ProcessEvents(); //check if the user has quit Input.CheckQuit(); //creates a new user guess object, set as the new input guess UserGuess takeAPunt = new UserGuess(_gameWindow, _pastGuesses, countCorrect, positionCorrect, attempts); _inputGuess = takeAPunt.theUsersGuess; //!! change this to get a user input from the user //if the user has asked to quit then quit the game loop if (Input.quit) { System.Console.WriteLine("quitting"); break; } //add one to attempts attempts++; //convert the user guess to an int array userNumber = _inputGuess.Select(v => v - '0').ToArray(); //reset the correctness vaildation countCorrect = 0; positionCorrect = 0; //check the users correctness //for each index in the users number for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { //if the target contains any of the same numbers as the current index of users number, add to count correct if (target.Contains(userNumber[i])) { countCorrect++; } //if the current index of target is the same as the current index of the users number then add to position correct if (target[i] == userNumber[i]) { positionCorrect++; } } //display if the user guesses the correct code and then quit. if (positionCorrect == SIZE) { _gameWindow.Clear(Color.White); SplashKit.DrawText($"All Correct!!!, Attempts Taken: {attempts}, Time Taken: {Convert.ToString(totalGameTime.Ticks / 1000)}", Color.Green, "TravelingTypewriter.otf", 30, 130, 200); _gameWindow.Refresh(20); SplashKit.Delay(3000); break; } //tell the user the correctness for their guess System.Console.WriteLine(countCorrect + " correct, "); System.Console.WriteLine(positionCorrect + " in the right place. Try again"); //add the users guess to the list of past guesses //used to draw in the past guesses //this is where to add in the correctness code if it is to be drawn along side each guess _pastGuesses.Add(userNumber); //delay before letting the user guess again SplashKit.Delay(1000); } }
public static void Main() { Window firstWindow; firstWindow = new Window("Goku Animation", 400, 400); Bitmap sprite1 = new Bitmap("sprite1", "resources/sprite1.png"); Bitmap sprite2 = new Bitmap("sprite2", "resources/sprite2.png"); Bitmap sprite3 = new Bitmap("sprite3", "resources/sprite3.png"); Bitmap sprite4 = new Bitmap("sprite4", "resources/sprite4.png"); Bitmap sprite5 = new Bitmap("sprite5", "resources/sprite5.png"); Bitmap sprite6 = new Bitmap("sprite6", "resources/sprite6.png"); Bitmap sprite7 = new Bitmap("sprite7", "resources/sprite7.png"); Bitmap sprite8 = new Bitmap("sprite8", "resources/sprite14.png"); Bitmap sprite9 = new Bitmap("sprite9", "resources/sprite15.png"); Bitmap sprite10 = new Bitmap("sprite10", "resources/sprite16.png"); Bitmap sprite11 = new Bitmap("sprite11", "resources/sprite17.png"); Bitmap sprite12 = new Bitmap("sprite12", "resources/sprite18.png"); Bitmap sprite13 = new Bitmap("sprite13", "resources/sprite19.png"); Bitmap sprite14 = new Bitmap("sprite14", "resources/sprite20.png"); Bitmap sprite15 = new Bitmap("sprite15", "resources/sprite21.png"); Bitmap sprite16 = new Bitmap("sprite16", "resources/sprite12.png"); Bitmap sprite17 = new Bitmap("sprite17", "resources/sprite11.png"); Bitmap sprite18 = new Bitmap("sprite18", "resources/sprite9.png"); Bitmap sprite19 = new Bitmap("sprite19", "resources/sprite22.png"); Bitmap sprite20 = new Bitmap("sprite20", "resources/sprite23.png"); SoundEffect aura = new SoundEffect("aura", "resources/aura.wav"); SoundEffect lightning = new SoundEffect("lightning", "resources/soundeffect1.wav"); SoundEffect lightning2 = new SoundEffect("lightning2", "resources/soundeffect2.wav"); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite1, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(2000); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite2, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(5000); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite3, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(500); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite4, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(500); aura.Play(); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite5, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(500); lightning.Play(); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite6, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(500); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite7, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(5000); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite8, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(500); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite9, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(500); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite10, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(1000); aura.Play(); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite11, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(1000); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite12, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(1000); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite13, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(1000); lightning2.Play(); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite14, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(6000); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite15, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(500); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite16, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(500); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite17, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(500); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite18, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(500); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite19, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(500); firstWindow.Clear(Color.White); firstWindow.DrawBitmap(sprite20, 150, 150); firstWindow.Refresh(60); SplashKit.Delay(5000); }
public static void DisplayList() { Bitmap one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, BG, one_behind; BG = new Bitmap("PastRollsBG", "PastRollsBG.png"); SplashKit.DrawBitmap("PastRollsBG", RouletteDependencies.BoardXOffset, RouletteDependencies.BoardYOffset - 70); two = new Bitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[8].ToString(), $"{RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[8]}.png"); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[8].ToString(), RouletteDependencies.BoardXOffset + 154, RouletteDependencies.BoardYOffset - 60); three = new Bitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[7].ToString(), $"{RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[7]}.png"); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[7].ToString(), RouletteDependencies.BoardXOffset + 203, RouletteDependencies.BoardYOffset - 60); four = new Bitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[6].ToString(), $"{RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[6]}.png"); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[6].ToString(), RouletteDependencies.BoardXOffset + 252, RouletteDependencies.BoardYOffset - 60); five = new Bitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[5].ToString(), $"{RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[5]}.png"); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[5].ToString(), RouletteDependencies.BoardXOffset + 301, RouletteDependencies.BoardYOffset - 60); six = new Bitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[4].ToString(), $"{RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[4]}.png"); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[4].ToString(), RouletteDependencies.BoardXOffset + 350, RouletteDependencies.BoardYOffset - 60); seven = new Bitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[3].ToString(), $"{RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[3]}.png"); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[3].ToString(), RouletteDependencies.BoardXOffset + 399, RouletteDependencies.BoardYOffset - 60); eight = new Bitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[2].ToString(), $"{RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[2]}.png"); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[2].ToString(), RouletteDependencies.BoardXOffset + 448, RouletteDependencies.BoardYOffset - 60); nine = new Bitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[1].ToString(), $"{RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[1]}.png"); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[1].ToString(), RouletteDependencies.BoardXOffset + 497, RouletteDependencies.BoardYOffset - 60); ten = new Bitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[0].ToString(), $"{RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[0]}.png"); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[0].ToString(), RouletteDependencies.BoardXOffset + 546, RouletteDependencies.BoardYOffset - 60); SplashKit.DrawText("Past Rolls:", Color.White, "BN.ttf", 35, RouletteDependencies.BoardXOffset + 282, RouletteDependencies.BoardYOffset - 111); if (isRolled) { SplashKit.PlaySoundEffect(new SoundEffect("RouletteRoll", "RouletteRoll.mp3")); for (int x = 0; x < 20; x++) { Random rnd = new Random(); int num = rnd.Next(0, 36); one_behind = new Bitmap("BehindRoller", "BehindRoller.png"); SplashKit.DrawBitmap("BehindRoller", 137, 62); one = new Bitmap(num.ToString(), $"{num}.png"); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(num.ToString(), RouletteDependencies.BoardXOffset + 105, RouletteDependencies.BoardYOffset - 60); _window.Refresh(); SplashKit.Delay(100 + (20 * Convert.ToUInt32(x))); Console.WriteLine(100 + (20 * Convert.ToUInt32(x))); } } one_behind = new Bitmap("BehindRoller", "BehindRoller.png"); SplashKit.DrawBitmap("BehindRoller", 137, 62); one = new Bitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[9].ToString(), $"{RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[9]}.png"); SplashKit.DrawBitmap(RouletteDependencies.PastRolls[9].ToString(), RouletteDependencies.BoardXOffset + 105, RouletteDependencies.BoardYOffset - 60); isRolled = false; }