public PathologyReportContainer GetReport() { var RequestedDate = new DateTimeOffset(2019, 09, 23, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var CollectionDateTime = new DateTimeOffset(2019, 09, 25, 08, 20, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var SpecimenReceivedDateTime = new DateTimeOffset(2019, 09, 25, 11, 15, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var ReportReleaseDateTime = new DateTimeOffset(2019, 09, 26, 10, 00, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var ObservationDateTime = ReportReleaseDateTime.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); return(new PathologyReportContainer() { PathologyReport = new PathologyReport() { PerformingLaboratory = LaboratoryFactory.GetPITUSLaboratory(), Patient = PatientFactory.GetLarissaFERNIE(), Request = new Request() { RequestedDate = RequestedDate, OrderNumber = "00000010", RequestingFacility = new Organisation() { Name = "Sunrise Hospital Fertility Clinic", Identifier = new Identifier() { Value = "501970A0-1E1F-40D8-9656-61899527203F", Type = IdentifierType.GUID } }, RequestingApplication = "Best Practice", RequestingProvider = ProviderFactory.GetTrishFamilyDr(MedicareProviderNumber: "951577QT"), ClinicalNotes = "Primary infertility", CallBackPhoneNumber = null, CopyToList = new List <Provider>() { ProviderFactory.GetGeneticCounsellingClinicCoordinator(), ProviderFactory.GetSarsgaardGeneticCounsellor(), } }, PdfFileName = "Exemplar Report Chromosome studies v1.4.pdf", ReportList = new List <Report>() { new Report() { ReportId = "1978881874", CollectionDateTime = CollectionDateTime, SpecimenReceivedDateTime = SpecimenReceivedDateTime, ReportReleaseDateTime = ReportReleaseDateTime, ReportType = new ReportType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "CHROMOSTUD", Description = "Chromosome studies" }, Snomed = null //Snomed = new Code() { Term = "1308381000168103", Description = "Whole blood cytogenetic analysis" } }, ReportStatus = ResultStatusType.Final, Department = DiagnosticService.Hematology, ReportingPathologist = ProviderFactory.GetKondoPathologist(), Panel = new Panel() { ResultList = new List <Result>() { new Result() { Type = new ResultType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "KARYO", Description = "Cytogenetic karyotyping" }, Lonic = null }, DataType = "ST", Value = "46,X,del(X)(q11.2)", Units = null, ReferenceRange = null, AbnormalFlag = "N", ObservationDateTime = ObservationDateTime, Status = ResultStatusType.Final, ChildResultList = null }, new Result() { Type = new ResultType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "RES", Description = "Results" }, Lonic = null }, DataType = "FT", Value = "An abnormal female result showing a deletion of the long arm of the X-chromosome at band q11.2.\\.br\\" + "This aberration was observed in all cells analysed.\\.br\\" + "GTG banded analysis was performed on 5 cells analysed and 10 cells counted at a resolution of 550 bands.", Units = null, ReferenceRange = null, AbnormalFlag = "N", ObservationDateTime = ObservationDateTime, Status = ResultStatusType.Final, ChildResultList = null }, new Result() { Type = new ResultType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "INTERP", Description = "Interpretation" }, Lonic = null }, DataType = "FT", Value = "Deletions of the long arm of the X-chromosome are associated with a variable phenotype in females. Common\\.br\\" + "findings include short stature, gonadal dysgenesis and premature ovarian failure. It is likely that this aberration is the\\.br\\" + "cause of the primary infertility observed in this patient. Genetic counselling is recommended.", Units = null, ReferenceRange = null, AbnormalFlag = "N", ObservationDateTime = ObservationDateTime, Status = ResultStatusType.Final, ChildResultList = null } } } } } } }); }