public PathologyReportContainer GetReport() { var RequestedDate = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 09, 19, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var CollectionDateTime = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 09, 20, 08, 20, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var SpecimenReceivedDateTime = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 09, 20, 09, 35, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var ReportReleaseDateTime = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 09, 22, 11, 15, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var ObservationDateTime = ReportReleaseDateTime.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); return(new PathologyReportContainer() { PathologyReport = new PathologyReport() { PerformingLaboratory = LaboratoryFactory.GetPITUSLaboratory(), Patient = PatientFactory.GetNormanMANNING(), Request = new Request() { RequestedDate = RequestedDate, OrderNumber = "00000005", RequestingFacility = new Organisation() { Name = "Sunrise Hospital Metabolic Clinic", Identifier = new Identifier() { Value = "75C38DF6-BE0B-4287-8D46-6395CACAAD7A", Type = IdentifierType.GUID } }, RequestingApplication = "Best Practice", RequestingProvider = ProviderFactory.GetTrishFamilyDr(MedicareProviderNumber: "2359622W"), ClinicalNotes = "? Hereditary haemochromatosis. Arthritis, increased iron stores", CallBackPhoneNumber = null, CopyToList = new List <Provider>() { ProviderFactory.GetGeneticsClinic(), ProviderFactory.GetBjornGeneticCounsellor() } }, PdfFileName = "Exemplar Report Haemochromatosis gene screening v1.5.pdf", ReportList = new List <Report>() { new Report() { ReportId = "1978881777", CollectionDateTime = CollectionDateTime, SpecimenReceivedDateTime = SpecimenReceivedDateTime, ReportReleaseDateTime = ReportReleaseDateTime, ReportType = new ReportType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "HFE", Description = "Haemochromatosis gene screening" }, Snomed = new Code() { Term = "401085002", Description = "Haemochromatosis gene screening test" } }, ReportStatus = ResultStatusType.Final, Department = DiagnosticService.Genetics, ReportingPathologist = ProviderFactory.GetKondoPathologist(), Panel = new Panel() { ResultList = new List <Result>() { new Result() { Type = new ResultType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "C28Y", Description = "C28Y mutation analysis" }, Lonic = null, }, DataType = "ST", Value = "Not Detected", Units = null, ReferenceRange = null, AbnormalFlag = "N", ObservationDateTime = ObservationDateTime, Status = ResultStatusType.Final, ChildResultList = null }, new Result() { Type = new ResultType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "H63D", Description = "H63D mutation analysis" }, Lonic = null, }, DataType = "ST", Value = "Homozygous", Units = null, ReferenceRange = null, AbnormalFlag = "N", ObservationDateTime = ObservationDateTime, Status = ResultStatusType.Final, ChildResultList = null }, new Result() { Type = new ResultType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "RES", Description = "Results" }, Lonic = null, }, DataType = "FT", Value = "Two copies of the p.His63Asp variant were detected in the patient. The p.Cys282Tyr variant was not detected.\\.br\\" + "The diagnosis of the most common form of HFE-related hereditary haemochromatosis is excluded.\\.br\\", Units = null, ReferenceRange = null, AbnormalFlag = "N", ObservationDateTime = ObservationDateTime, Status = ResultStatusType.Final, ChildResultList = null }, new Result() { Type = new ResultType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "INTER", Description = "Interpretation" }, Lonic = null, }, DataType = "FT", Value = "Hereditary haemochromatosis (HH) is a recessive genetic disorder of iron metabolism. Greater than 90% of HFE\\.br\\" + "related hereditary haemochromatosis is associated with homozygosity for p.(Cys282Tyr) (c.845G>A; aka p.C282Y).\\.br\\" + "Compound heterozygosity for p. (Cys282Tyr) and p. (His63Asp) (c.187C>G; aka p.H63D) may be a risk factor\\.br\\" + "predisposing to mild to moderate forms of iron overload when in association with other risk factors. Both mutations\\.br\\" + "are detected by real-time PCR amplification and fluorescent detection of alleles.", Units = null, ReferenceRange = null, AbnormalFlag = "N", ObservationDateTime = ObservationDateTime, Status = ResultStatusType.Final, ChildResultList = null } } } } } } }); }