IEnumerator CreateTile(Mesh mesh, Vector3 center, Color color) { yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(0.01f)); GameObject go2 = new GameObject(); MeshFilter mf2 = go2.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); MeshRenderer mr2 = go2.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); mr2.sharedMaterial = new Material(this.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial);// new Material(Shader.Find("Diffuse")); mr2.sharedMaterial.color = color; // mr2.material = material; go2.transform.parent = this.transform; //go2.transform.localPosition =; go2.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; go2.transform.localScale =; go2.transform.localPosition = center; mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); mf2.sharedMesh = mesh; SphereMapCell cell = go2.AddComponent <SphereMapCell>(); cell.PositionSpherical = FromCartesian(center); }
IEnumerator CreateTile(int polygonId, Mesh mesh, Vector3 center, Vector3 orientation, Color color, float height, SphereMap map) { yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(0.0f)); GameObject meshGo = new GameObject(); MeshFilter mf2 = meshGo.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); MeshRenderer mr2 = meshGo.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); mr2.sharedMaterial = new Material(this.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial);// new Material(Shader.Find("Diffuse")); mr2.sharedMaterial.color = color; // mr2.material = material; GameObject cellGo = new GameObject(); cellGo.transform.parent = this.transform; cellGo.transform.localScale =; //cellGo.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; cellGo.transform.LookAt(center + orientation); cellGo.transform.Rotate(90, 0, 0); meshGo.transform.parent = cellGo.transform; //go2.transform.localPosition =; //meshGo.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; meshGo.transform.localScale =; meshGo.transform.localPosition =; meshGo.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; /* * MeshCollider collider = meshGo.AddComponent<MeshCollider>(); * collider.sharedMesh = mesh; * collider.convex = true; * collider.inflateMesh = true; */ cellGo.transform.localPosition = center; mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); mf2.sharedMesh = mesh; bool walkable = height > 0.1f; SphereMapCell cell = cellGo.AddComponent <SphereMapCell>(); cell.PositionSpherical = FromCartesian(center); = "[" + (int)(cell.PositionSpherical.x * Mathf.Rad2Deg + 360) % 360 + "," + (int)(cell.PositionSpherical.y * Mathf.Rad2Deg + 360) % 360 + "]"; cell.index = polygonId; cell.sphere = map; map.cells[polygonId] = cell; cell.walkable = walkable; NavMeshSurface navSurface = cellGo.AddComponent <NavMeshSurface>(); navSurface.collectObjects = CollectObjects.Children; navSurface.defaultArea = walkable ? 0 : 1; navSurface.AddData(); navSurface.BuildNavMesh(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { cells = new SphereMapCell[this.transform.childCount]; for (int c = 0; c < this.transform.childCount; ++c) { SphereMapCell cell = this.transform.GetChild(c).gameObject.GetComponent <SphereMapCell>(); cells[cell.index] = cell; } }
void Flip(Mesh mesh) { Vector3[] vertices = mesh.vertices; Vector3[] normals = mesh.normals; int[] triangles = mesh.triangles; List <Vector3> centers = new List <Vector3>(); List <Vector3> newNormals = new List <Vector3>(); List <int>[] polygons = new List <int> [vertices.Length]; int inv = 0; for (int t = 0; t < triangles.Length; t += 3) { Vector3 center = (vertices[triangles[t]] + vertices[triangles[t + 1]] + vertices[triangles[t + 2]]) / 3; centers.Add(center); Vector3 normal = (normals[triangles[t]] + normals[triangles[t + 1]] + normals[triangles[t + 2]]).normalized; newNormals.Add(normal); for (int d = 0; d < 3; ++d) { if (polygons[triangles[t + d]] == null) { polygons[triangles[t + d]] = new List <int>(); } polygons[triangles[t + d]].Add(inv); } ++inv; } for (int pol = 0; pol < polygons.Length; ++pol) { // SORT THE POLYGON CONTOUR List <int> shape = new List <int>(); List <int> unusedPoints = new List <int>(polygons[pol]); shape.Add(unusedPoints[0]); unusedPoints.RemoveAt(0); { int p = 0; while (unusedPoints.Count > 0) { int min = 0; float d = (centers[shape[p]] - centers[unusedPoints[0]]).sqrMagnitude; for (int p2 = 1; p2 < unusedPoints.Count; ++p2) { float d2 = (centers[shape[p]] - centers[unusedPoints[p2]]).sqrMagnitude; if (d2 < d) { d = d2; min = p2; } } shape.Add(unusedPoints[min]); unusedPoints.RemoveAt(min); ++p; } polygons[pol] = shape; } //Make it clockwise { Vector3 center =; foreach (int p in polygons[pol]) { center += centers[p]; } center /= polygons[pol].Count; Vector3 a = center; Vector3 b = centers[polygons[pol][0]]; Vector3 c = centers[polygons[pol][1]]; Vector3 side1 = b - a; Vector3 side2 = c - a; Vector3 perp = Vector3.Cross(side1, side2); if ((a + perp).sqrMagnitude <= (a).sqrMagnitude) { polygons[pol].Reverse(); } } } // Compute neighbours List <int>[] sharedVertices = new List <int> [centers.Count]; for (int pol = 0; pol < polygons.Length; ++pol) { foreach (int v in polygons[pol]) { if (v >= sharedVertices.Length) { Debug.LogWarning("problem in size: " + v + " >= " + sharedVertices.Length); } if (sharedVertices[v] == null) { sharedVertices[v] = new List <int>(); } sharedVertices[v].Add(pol); } } List <int>[] neighbours = new List <int> [polygons.Length]; List <Vector3>[] neighboursJoints = new List <Vector3> [polygons.Length]; for (int v = 0; v < sharedVertices.Length; ++v) { for (int pol = 0; pol < sharedVertices[v].Count; ++pol) { if (neighbours[sharedVertices[v][pol]] == null) { neighbours[sharedVertices[v][pol]] = new List <int>(); neighboursJoints[sharedVertices[v][pol]] = new List <Vector3>(); } for (int pol2 = 0; pol2 < sharedVertices[v].Count; ++pol2) { if (pol == pol2) { continue; } neighbours[sharedVertices[v][pol]].Add(sharedVertices[v][pol2]); neighboursJoints[sharedVertices[v][pol]].Add(centers[v]); } } } #region basemesh /* * //THIS IS THE SPHERE WITHOUT DISPLACEMENT * { * List<int> newTriangles = new List<int>(); * foreach (List<int> pol in polygons) * { * Vector3 center =; * Vector3 normal =; * foreach (int p in pol) * { * center += centers[p]; * normal += newNormals[p]; * } * center /= pol.Count; * centers.Add(center); * * normal.Normalize(); * newNormals.Add(normal); * * int centerIdx = centers.Count - 1; * { * * for (int idxp = 0; idxp < pol.Count - 1; ++idxp) * { * newTriangles.Add(centerIdx); * newTriangles.Add(pol[idxp]); * newTriangles.Add(pol[idxp + 1]); * } * newTriangles.Add(centerIdx); * newTriangles.Add(pol[pol.Count - 1]); * newTriangles.Add(pol[0]); * * * } * } * mesh.vertices = centers.ToArray(); * mesh.normals = newNormals.ToArray(); * mesh.triangles = newTriangles.ToArray(); * mesh.RecalculateNormals(); * } */ #endregion #region Tiles float[] offset = new float[polygons.Length]; SphereMapCell[] cells = new SphereMapCell[polygons.Length]; SphereMap map = GetComponent <SphereMap>(); map.cells = cells; { Clear(); for (int pol = 0; pol < polygons.Length; ++pol) { List <int> polygon = polygons[pol]; Mesh mesh2 = new Mesh(); Vector3[] vertices2 = new Vector3[polygon.Count + 1]; Vector3[] normals2 = new Vector3[polygon.Count + 1]; Vector3 center =; Vector3 normal =; int idx = 0; foreach (int p in polygon) { center += centers[p]; normal += newNormals[p]; vertices2[idx] = centers[p]; normals2[idx] = newNormals[p]; ++idx; } center /= polygon.Count; int centerIdx = vertices2.Length - 1; vertices2[centerIdx] = center; normal.Normalize(); normals2[centerIdx] = normal; List <int> triangles2 = new List <int>(); { for (int idxp = 0; idxp < polygon.Count - 1; ++idxp) { triangles2.Add(centerIdx); triangles2.Add(idxp); triangles2.Add(idxp + 1); } triangles2.Add(centerIdx); triangles2.Add(polygon.Count - 1); triangles2.Add(0); } for (int v = 0; v < vertices2.Length; ++v) { vertices2[v] -= center; } offset[pol] = Mathf.Max(0, (Perlin.Fbm(center * noiseScale + offsetPerlin, bumpiness))) * steepness; /*for (int v = 0; v < vertices2.Length; ++v) * { * * vertices2[v] += normal* 0.0001f; * * }*/ center += normal * (offset[pol] + 0.01f); Color color = colors.Evaluate(offset[pol] / steepness); mesh2.vertices = vertices2; mesh2.normals = normals2; mesh2.triangles = triangles2.ToArray(); StartCoroutine(CreateTile(pol, mesh2, center, normal, color, offset[pol], map)); //CreateTile(pol, mesh2, center, normal, color); } StartCoroutine(CreateJumpLinks(map, neighbours, neighboursJoints)); } #endregion #region TilesWithBase if (CreateTiles) { Material material = this.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material;// new Material(Shader.Find("Diffuse")); for (int c = transform.childCount - 1; c >= 0; --c) { Destroy(transform.GetChild(c).gameObject); } for (int pol = 0; pol < polygons.Length; ++pol) { List <int> polygon = polygons[pol]; GameObject go2 = new GameObject(); MeshFilter mf2 = go2.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); MeshRenderer mr2 = go2.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); mr2.material = material; Mesh mesh2 = new Mesh(); Vector3[] vertices2 = new Vector3[2 * polygon.Count + 1]; Vector3[] normals2 = new Vector3[2 * polygon.Count + 1]; Vector3 center =; Vector3 normal =; go2.transform.parent = this.transform; go2.transform.localPosition =; go2.transform.localScale =; int idx = 0; foreach (int p in polygon) { center += centers[p]; normal += newNormals[p]; vertices2[idx] = centers[p]; normals2[idx] = newNormals[p]; vertices2[idx + polygon.Count] = centers[p]; normals2[idx + polygon.Count] = newNormals[p]; ++idx; } center /= polygon.Count; int centerIdx = vertices2.Length - 1; vertices2[centerIdx] = center; normal.Normalize(); normals2[centerIdx] = normal; List <int> triangles2 = new List <int>(); { for (int idxp = 0; idxp < polygon.Count - 1; ++idxp) { triangles2.Add(centerIdx); triangles2.Add(idxp); triangles2.Add(idxp + 1); } triangles2.Add(centerIdx); triangles2.Add(polygon.Count - 1); triangles2.Add(0); { for (int idxp = 0; idxp < polygon.Count - 1; idxp++) { triangles2.Add(idxp); triangles2.Add(idxp + polygon.Count); triangles2.Add(idxp + 1); triangles2.Add(idxp + polygon.Count); triangles2.Add(idxp + polygon.Count + 1); triangles2.Add(idxp + 1); } triangles2.Add(polygon.Count - 1); triangles2.Add(polygon.Count + polygon.Count - 1); triangles2.Add(0); triangles2.Add(polygon.Count + polygon.Count - 1); triangles2.Add(polygon.Count); triangles2.Add(0); } } go2.transform.localPosition = center; // go2.transform.LookAt(normal); for (int v = 0; v < vertices2.Length; ++v) { vertices2[v] -= center; } float height = offset[pol]; for (int v = 0; v < polygon.Count; ++v) { vertices2[v] += normal * height; } vertices2[centerIdx] += normal * height; mr2.material.color = Color.Lerp(Random.ColorHSV(0.3f, 0.35f, 0.5f, 1, 0.8f, 0.9f), Random.ColorHSV(0.1f, 0.15f, 0.5f, 1, 0.8f, 0.9f), height * 5); mesh2.vertices = vertices2; mesh2.normals = normals2; mesh2.triangles = triangles2.ToArray(); mf2.sharedMesh = mesh2; mf2.mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mf2.mesh.RecalculateBounds(); } } #endregion #region DisplacedMesh else { List <Vector3> vertices3 = new List <Vector3>(); List <Vector3> normals3 = new List <Vector3>(); List <int> triangles3 = new List <int>(); for (int pol = 0; pol < polygons.Length; ++pol) { List <int> polygon = polygons[pol]; Vector3[] vertices2 = new Vector3[2 * polygon.Count + 1]; Vector3[] normals2 = new Vector3[2 * polygon.Count + 1]; Vector3 center =; Vector3 normal =; int idx = 0; foreach (int p in polygon) { center += centers[p]; normal += newNormals[p]; vertices2[idx] = centers[p]; normals2[idx] = newNormals[p]; vertices2[idx + polygon.Count] = centers[p]; normals2[idx + polygon.Count] = newNormals[p]; ++idx; } center /= polygon.Count; int centerIdx = vertices2.Length - 1; vertices2[centerIdx] = center; normal.Normalize(); normals2[centerIdx] = normal; List <int> triangles2 = new List <int>(); { for (int idxp = 0; idxp < polygon.Count - 1; ++idxp) { triangles2.Add(centerIdx); triangles2.Add(idxp); triangles2.Add(idxp + 1); } triangles2.Add(centerIdx); triangles2.Add(polygon.Count - 1); triangles2.Add(0); { for (int idxp = 0; idxp < polygon.Count - 1; idxp++) { triangles2.Add(idxp); triangles2.Add(idxp + polygon.Count); triangles2.Add(idxp + 1); triangles2.Add(idxp + polygon.Count); triangles2.Add(idxp + polygon.Count + 1); triangles2.Add(idxp + 1); } triangles2.Add(polygon.Count - 1); triangles2.Add(polygon.Count + polygon.Count - 1); triangles2.Add(0); triangles2.Add(polygon.Count + polygon.Count - 1); triangles2.Add(polygon.Count); triangles2.Add(0); } } float height = offset[pol]; for (int v = 0; v < polygon.Count; ++v) { vertices2[v] += normal * height; } vertices2[centerIdx] += normal * height; int prevCount = vertices3.Count; foreach (Vector3 v in vertices2) { vertices3.Add(v); } foreach (Vector3 n in normals2) { normals3.Add(n); } foreach (int t in triangles2) { triangles3.Add(t + prevCount); } } mesh.vertices = vertices3.ToArray(); mesh.normals = normals3.ToArray(); mesh.triangles = triangles3.ToArray(); mesh.RecalculateNormals(); } #endregion }