/// <summary>
        /// Closes the configuration page of a communication DTM
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// <br>True: if action was successful</br>
        /// <br>False: if action successful or an error occurred</br>
        /// </returns>
        public bool Run()
            var clickOk = new SpecificFlows.ClickButtonOk();

            if (clickOk.Run())
                Log.Success(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Configuration tab was successfully closed");
            Log.Error(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Could not close configuration dialog because the button to close it is not visible");
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the configuration of the FF H1 Communication DTM
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="communication">
        /// The communication.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <br>True: if configuration was successful</br>
        /// <br>False: if configuration was unsuccessful or errors occurred</br>
        /// </returns>
        public bool Run(Communication communication)
            /* Class initialization
            var clickOk       = new SpecificFlows.ClickButtonOk();
            var clickCancel   = new SpecificFlows.ClickButtonCancel();
            var closeDialog   = new SpecificFlows.AcknowledgeMissingLinkDeviceDialog();
            var selectLinkDev = new SpecificFlows.SelectLinkDevice();
            var waitForReady  = new Functions.ApplicationArea.Validation.WaitUntilModuleIsReady();
            var checkDialog   = new SpecificFlows.CheckIfDialogIsShown();

            /* Preconditions:
             * Check if commUnit is nullOrEmpty
             * There are no valid CommunicationSettings that need to be checked
            string commUnit = communication.CommunicationHardwareName;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commUnit))
                Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Communication Unit value is null. Not possible to configure correctly");

            /* Execution:
             * 1) Check if dialog pops up. If so -> terminate
             * 2) Check if module is ready
             * 3) Set link device
             * 4) Click button OK
            if (!checkDialog.IsDialogShown())
                if (waitForReady.Run(30000))
                    // TODO: Find a solution to correctly select an interface when more than one is connected
                    if (selectLinkDev.Run(commUnit))
                        Log.Success(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Configuration done");

                    Log.Error(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "The link device could not be selected. Configuration will abort");

                Log.Error(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "The module was not ready in time. Configuration will abort");

            Log.Error(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "The communication manager is not started. Configuration will abort");
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the configuration of the PROFIdtmDPV1 Communication DTM
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="communication">
        /// The communication.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <br>True: if configuration was successful</br>
        /// <br>False: if configuration was unsuccessful or errors occurred</br>
        /// </returns>
        public bool Run(Communication communication)
            /* Class initialization */
            var setBoard                 = new SpecificFlows.SetBoardName();
            var setBaudRate              = new SpecificFlows.SetBaudRate();
            var setStartAddress          = new SpecificFlows.SetStartAddress();
            var setEndAddress            = new SpecificFlows.SetEndAddress();
            var setHighestStationAddress = new SpecificFlows.SetHighestStationAddress();
            var setStationAddress        = new SpecificFlows.SetStationAddress();

            var pressOk       = new SpecificFlows.ClickButtonOk();
            var pressDefaults = new SpecificFlows.ClickButtonDefaults();
            var pressCancel   = new SpecificFlows.ClickButtonCancel();
            var pressApply    = new SpecificFlows.ClickButtonApply();

            var waitForReady = new Functions.ApplicationArea.Validation.WaitUntilModuleIsReady();

            var parser = new Functions.ApplicationArea.Execution.SettingParser();

            string commUnit              = communication.CommunicationHardwareName;
            string baudRate              = string.Empty;
            string stationAddress        = string.Empty;
            string highestStationAddress = string.Empty;
            string startAddress          = string.Empty;
            string endAddress            = string.Empty;

            bool baudRateSet              = false;
            bool stationAddressSet        = false;
            bool highestStationAddressSet = false;
            bool startAddressSet          = false;
            bool endAddressSet            = false;
            bool defaultConfig            = false;

            /* Preconditions:
             * Check if commUnit is nullOrEmpty
             * Check for communication settings:
             * Baud Rate, Station Address, Highest Station Address, Start Address, End Address
             * If no comm settings are present -> click defaults, set board and finish

            if (communication.CommunicationSettings.Count <= 0)
                defaultConfig = true;
                foreach (CommunicationSetting cs in communication.CommunicationSettings)
                    if (parser.Parse(cs.SettingName) == "baud rate")
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cs.SettingValue))
                            baudRateSet = true;
                            baudRate    = cs.SettingValue;
                            Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "A configuration for \"Baud Rate\" exists but value is empty and will therefore be skipped");

                    if (parser.Parse(cs.SettingName) == "station address")
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cs.SettingValue))
                            stationAddressSet = true;
                            stationAddress    = cs.SettingValue;
                            Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "A configuration for \"Station Address\" exists but value is empty and will therefore be skipped");

                    if (parser.Parse(cs.SettingName) == "highest station address")
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cs.SettingValue))
                            highestStationAddressSet = true;
                            highestStationAddress    = cs.SettingValue;
                            Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "A configuration for \"Highest Station Address\" exists but value is empty and will therefore be skipped");

                    if (parser.Parse(cs.SettingName) == "start address")
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cs.SettingValue))
                            startAddressSet = true;
                            startAddress    = cs.SettingValue;
                            Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "A configuration for \"Start Address\" exists but value is empty and will therefore be skipped");

                    if (parser.Parse(cs.SettingName) == "end address")
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cs.SettingValue))
                            endAddressSet = true;
                            endAddress    = cs.SettingValue;
                            Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "A configuration for \"End Address\" exists but value is empty and will therefore be skipped");

            /* Execution:
             * 1) Check if module is ready
             * 2) check if default flag is set, if so -> default config (press defaults, set board, apply, ok)
             * 3) Set link device
             * 4) Click button OK

            if (waitForReady.Run(30000))
                if (setBoard.Run(commUnit))
                    if (defaultConfig)
                        // default config
                        Log.Success(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Default Configuration finished without errors");

                    bool result = true;

                    if (baudRateSet)
                        if (setBaudRate.Run(baudRate))
                            Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Baud rate " + baudRate + " correctly set");
                            Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Baud rate " + baudRate + " not correctly set");
                            result = false;

                    if (stationAddressSet)
                        if (setStationAddress.Run(stationAddress))
                            Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Station address " + baudRate + " correctly set");
                            Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Station address " + baudRate + " not correctly set");
                            result = false;

                    if (highestStationAddressSet)
                        if (setHighestStationAddress.Run(highestStationAddress))
                            Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Highest station address " + highestStationAddress + " correctly set");
                            Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Highest station address " + highestStationAddress + " not correctly set");
                            result = false;

                    if (startAddressSet)
                        if (setStartAddress.Run(startAddress))
                            Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Start address " + startAddress + " correctly set");
                            Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Start address " + startAddress + " not correctly set");
                            result = false;

                    if (endAddressSet)
                        if (setEndAddress.Run(endAddress))
                            Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "End address " + endAddress + " correctly set");
                            Log.Info(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "End address " + endAddress + " not correctly set");
                            result = false;

                    if (result)
                        Log.Success(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Configuration finished without errors");

                    Log.Error(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Configuration finished with errors");

                Log.Error(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "The board could not be set. Terminating the configuration");

            Log.Error(LogInfo.Namespace(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), "Module was not ready in time. Terminating the configuration");