public void ReadTechnique( Controller controller,
                           Source source, XmlNode node, ColladaMeshInfo meshInfo )
     foreach( XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes )
         switch( childNode.Name )
         case "accessor":
                 // default the accessor id to the source id
                 string accessorId = source.SourceId;
                 if( childNode.Attributes[ "id" ] != null )
                     accessorId = childNode.Attributes[ "id" ].Value;
                 string arrayId = childNode.Attributes[ "source" ].Value;
                 // Get the part after the '#'
                 if( arrayId.StartsWith( "#" ) )
                     arrayId = arrayId.Substring( 1 );
                     log.InfoFormat( "Array Id {0} does not start with '#'", arrayId );
                 Debug.Assert( DataSources.ContainsKey( arrayId ) );
                 DataSource dataSource = DataSources[ arrayId ];
                 // TODO: Check stride and offset
                 Accessor accessor = new Accessor( dataSource, accessorId );
                 int stride = -1;
                 if( childNode.Attributes[ "stride" ] != null )
                     stride = int.Parse( childNode.Attributes[ "stride" ].Value );
                 accessor.Stride = stride;
                 ReadAccessor( accessor, childNode );
                 // Link this accessor in both as the source, and the id, which
                 // allows us to reference it by either name
                 Accessors[ accessorId ] = accessor;
                 Accessors[ source.SourceId ] = accessor;
                 source.AddAccessor( accessor );
         case "combiner":
             ReadCombiner( source.SourceId, childNode, meshInfo );
         case "joints":
                 SkinController skinController = controller as SkinController;
                 Debug.Assert( skinController != null );
                 ReadJoints( skinController, childNode, meshInfo );
             DebugMessage( childNode );