        static void Main(string[] args)
            SolidEdgeFramework.Application   application        = null;
            SolidEdgeFramework.Documents     documents          = null;
            SolidEdgePart.SheetMetalDocument sheetMetalDocument = null;
            SolidEdgePart.RefPlanes          refplanes          = null;
            SolidEdgePart.RefPlane           refplane           = null;
            SolidEdgePart.Model model = null;
            SolidEdgePart.HoleDataCollection holeDataCollection = null;
            SolidEdgePart.ProfileSets        profileSets        = null;
            SolidEdgePart.ProfileSet         profileSet         = null;
            SolidEdgePart.Profiles           profiles           = null;
            SolidEdgePart.Profile            profile            = null;
            SolidEdgePart.Holes2d            holes2d            = null;
            SolidEdgePart.Hole2d             hole2d             = null;
            SolidEdgePart.Holes holes = null;
            SolidEdgePart.Hole  hole  = null;
            long profileStatus        = 0;
            List <SolidEdgePart.Profile> profileList = new List <SolidEdgePart.Profile>();

            SolidEdgePart.UserDefinedPatterns userDefinedPatterns = null;
            SolidEdgePart.UserDefinedPattern  userDefinedPattern  = null;
            SolidEdgeFramework.SelectSet      selectSet           = null;

                // Register with OLE to handle concurrency issues on the current thread.

                // Connect to or start Solid Edge.
                application = SolidEdgeCommunity.SolidEdgeUtils.Connect(true, true);

                // Get a reference to the Documents collection.
                documents = application.Documents;

                // Create a new sheetmetal document.
                sheetMetalDocument = documents.AddSheetMetalDocument();

                // Always a good idea to give SE a chance to breathe.

                // Call helper method to create the actual geometry.
                model = SheetMetalHelper.CreateBaseTabByCircle(sheetMetalDocument);

                // Get a reference to the RefPlanes collection.
                refplanes = sheetMetalDocument.RefPlanes;

                // Get a reference to front RefPlane.
                refplane = refplanes.GetFrontPlane();

                // Get a reference to the ProfileSets collection.
                profileSets = sheetMetalDocument.ProfileSets;

                // Add new ProfileSet.
                profileSet = profileSets.Add();

                // Get a reference to the Profiles collection.
                profiles = profileSet.Profiles;

                // Add new Profile.
                profile = profiles.Add(refplane);

                // Get a reference to the Holes2d collection.
                holes2d = profile.Holes2d;

                // This creates a cross pattern of holes.
                double[,] holeMatrix = new double[, ]
                    //{x, y}
                    { 0.00, 0.00 },
                    { -0.01, 0.00 },
                    { -0.02, 0.00 },
                    { -0.03, 0.00 },
                    { -0.04, 0.00 },
                    { 0.01, 0.00 },
                    { 0.02, 0.00 },
                    { 0.03, 0.00 },
                    { 0.04, 0.00 },
                    { 0.00, -0.01 },
                    { 0.00, -0.02 },
                    { 0.00, -0.03 },
                    { 0.00, -0.04 },
                    { 0.00, 0.01 },
                    { 0.00, 0.02 },
                    { 0.00, 0.03 },
                    { 0.00, 0.04 }

                // Draw the Base Profile.
                for (int i = 0; i <= holeMatrix.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                    // Add new Hole2d.
                    hole2d = holes2d.Add(
                        XCenter: holeMatrix[i, 0],
                        YCenter: holeMatrix[i, 1]);

                // Hide the profile.
                profile.Visible = false;

                // Close profile.
                profileStatus = profile.End(SolidEdgePart.ProfileValidationType.igProfileClosed);

                // Get a reference to the ProfileSet.
                profileSet = (SolidEdgePart.ProfileSet)profile.Parent;

                // Get a reference to the Profiles collection.
                profiles = profileSet.Profiles;

                // Add profiles to list for AddByProfiles().
                for (int i = 1; i <= profiles.Count; i++)

                // Get a reference to the HoleDataCollection collection.
                holeDataCollection = sheetMetalDocument.HoleDataCollection;

                // Add new HoleData.
                SolidEdgePart.HoleData holeData = holeDataCollection.Add(
                    HoleType: SolidEdgePart.FeaturePropertyConstants.igRegularHole,
                    HoleDiameter: 0.005,
                    BottomAngle: 90);

                // Get a reference to the Holes collection.
                holes = model.Holes;

                // Add hole.
                hole = holes.AddFinite(
                    Profile: profile,
                    ProfilePlaneSide: SolidEdgePart.FeaturePropertyConstants.igRight,
                    FiniteDepth: 0.005,
                    Data: holeData);

                // Get a reference to the UserDefinedPatterns collection.
                userDefinedPatterns = model.UserDefinedPatterns;

                // Create the user defined pattern.
                userDefinedPattern = userDefinedPatterns.AddByProfiles(
                    NumberOfProfiles: profileList.Count,
                    ProfilesArray: profileList.ToArray(),
                    SeedFeature: hole);

                // Get a reference to the ActiveSelectSet.
                selectSet = application.ActiveSelectSet;

                // Empty ActiveSelectSet.

                // Add new UserDefinedPattern to ActiveSelectSet.

                // Switch to ISO view.
            catch (System.Exception ex)
    public static void CreateHolesWithUserDefinedPattern(SolidEdgePart.PartDocument partDocument)
        SolidEdgePart.RefPlanes          refplanes          = null;
        SolidEdgePart.RefPlane           refplane           = null;
        SolidEdgePart.Models             models             = null;
        SolidEdgePart.Model              model              = null;
        SolidEdgePart.HoleDataCollection holeDataCollection = null;
        SolidEdgePart.ProfileSets        profileSets        = null;
        SolidEdgePart.ProfileSet         profileSet         = null;
        SolidEdgePart.Profiles           profiles           = null;
        SolidEdgePart.Profile            profile            = null;
        SolidEdgePart.Holes2d            holes2d            = null;
        SolidEdgePart.Hole2d             hole2d             = null;
        SolidEdgePart.Holes              holes              = null;
        SolidEdgePart.Hole hole = null;
        long profileStatus      = 0;
        List <SolidEdgePart.Profile> profileList = new List <SolidEdgePart.Profile>();

        SolidEdgePart.UserDefinedPatterns userDefinedPatterns = null;
        SolidEdgePart.UserDefinedPattern  userDefinedPattern  = null;

        // Get a reference to the RefPlanes collection.
        refplanes = partDocument.RefPlanes;

        // Get a reference to front RefPlane.
        refplane = refplanes.GetFrontPlane();

        List <double[]> linesArray = new List <double[]>();

        linesArray.Add(new double[] { 0, 0, 0.08, 0 });
        linesArray.Add(new double[] { 0.08, 0, 0.08, 0.06 });
        linesArray.Add(new double[] { 0.08, 0.06, 0.064, 0.06 });
        linesArray.Add(new double[] { 0.064, 0.06, 0.064, 0.02 });
        linesArray.Add(new double[] { 0.064, 0.02, 0.048, 0.02 });
        linesArray.Add(new double[] { 0.048, 0.02, 0.048, 0.06 });
        linesArray.Add(new double[] { 0.048, 0.06, 0.032, 0.06 });
        linesArray.Add(new double[] { 0.032, 0.06, 0.032, 0.02 });
        linesArray.Add(new double[] { 0.032, 0.02, 0.016, 0.02 });
        linesArray.Add(new double[] { 0.016, 0.02, 0.016, 0.06 });
        linesArray.Add(new double[] { 0.016, 0.06, 0, 0.06 });
        linesArray.Add(new double[] { 0, 0.06, 0, 0 });

        // Call helper method to create the actual geometry.
        CreateFiniteExtrudedProtrusion(partDocument, refplane, linesArray.ToArray(), SolidEdgePart.FeaturePropertyConstants.igRight, 0.005);

        // Get a reference to the Models collection.
        models = partDocument.Models;

        // Get a reference to Model.
        model = models.Item(1);

        // Get a reference to the ProfileSets collection.
        profileSets = partDocument.ProfileSets;

        // Add new ProfileSet.
        profileSet = profileSets.Add();

        // Get a reference to the Profiles collection.
        profiles = profileSet.Profiles;

        // Add new Profile.
        profile = profiles.Add(refplane);

        // Get a reference to the Holes2d collection.
        holes2d = profile.Holes2d;

        double[,] holeMatrix = new double[, ]
            //{x, y}
            { 0.01, 0.01 },
            { 0.02, 0.01 },
            { 0.03, 0.01 },
            { 0.04, 0.01 },
            { 0.05, 0.01 },
            { 0.06, 0.01 },
            { 0.07, 0.01 }

        // Draw the Base Profile.
        for (int i = 0; i <= holeMatrix.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
            // Add new Hole2d.
            hole2d = holes2d.Add(
                XCenter: holeMatrix[i, 0],
                YCenter: holeMatrix[i, 1]);

        // Hide the profile.
        profile.Visible = false;

        // Close profile.
        profileStatus = profile.End(SolidEdgePart.ProfileValidationType.igProfileClosed);

        // Get a reference to the ProfileSet.
        profileSet = (SolidEdgePart.ProfileSet)profile.Parent;

        // Get a reference to the Profiles collection.
        profiles = profileSet.Profiles;

        // Add profiles to list for AddByProfiles().
        for (int i = 1; i <= profiles.Count; i++)

        // Get a reference to the HoleDataCollection collection.
        holeDataCollection = partDocument.HoleDataCollection;

        // Add new HoleData.
        SolidEdgePart.HoleData holeData = holeDataCollection.Add(
            HoleType: SolidEdgePart.FeaturePropertyConstants.igRegularHole,
            HoleDiameter: 0.005,
            BottomAngle: 90);

        // Get a reference to the Holes collection.
        holes = model.Holes;

        // Add hole.
        hole = holes.AddFinite(
            Profile: profile,
            ProfilePlaneSide: SolidEdgePart.FeaturePropertyConstants.igRight,
            FiniteDepth: 0.005,
            Data: holeData);

        // Get a reference to the UserDefinedPatterns collection.
        userDefinedPatterns = model.UserDefinedPatterns;

        // Create the user defined pattern.
        userDefinedPattern = userDefinedPatterns.AddByProfiles(
            NumberOfProfiles: profileList.Count,
            ProfilesArray: profileList.ToArray(),
            SeedFeature: hole);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SolidEdgeFramework.Application   application        = null;
            SolidEdgePart.SheetMetalDocument sheetMetalDocument = null;
            SolidEdgePart.FamilyMembers      familyMembers      = null;
            SolidEdgePart.Round round = null;
            SolidEdgePart.UserDefinedPattern    userDefinedPattern = null;
            SolidEdgeFrameworkSupport.Dimension dimension          = null;

                // Register with OLE to handle concurrency issues on the current thread.

                // Connect to or start Solid Edge.
                application = SolidEdgeCommunity.SolidEdgeUtils.Connect(true, true);

                // Bring Solid Edge to the foreground.

                // Get a reference to the active part document.
                sheetMetalDocument = application.GetActiveDocument <SolidEdgePart.SheetMetalDocument>(false);

                if (sheetMetalDocument != null)
                    // Get a reference to the FamilyMembers collection.
                    familyMembers = sheetMetalDocument.FamilyMembers;

                    // Interate through the family members.
                    foreach (var familyMember in familyMembers.OfType <SolidEdgePart.FamilyMember>())

                        // Determine FamilyMember MovePrecedence.
                        switch (familyMember.MovePrecedence)
                        case SolidEdgePart.MovePrecedenceConstants.igModelMovePredecence:

                        case SolidEdgePart.MovePrecedenceConstants.igSelectSetMovePrecedence:

                        // Warning: Accessing certain LiveRule[...] properties may throw an exception.
                        //Console.WriteLine("igConcentricLiveRule - {0}", familyMember.LiveRule[SolidEdgePart.LiveRulesConstants.igConcentricLiveRule]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("igCoplanarAxesAboutXLiveRule - {0}", familyMember.LiveRule[SolidEdgePart.LiveRulesConstants.igCoplanarAxesAboutXLiveRule]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("igCoplanarAxesAboutYLiveRule - {0}", familyMember.LiveRule[SolidEdgePart.LiveRulesConstants.igCoplanarAxesAboutYLiveRule]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("igCoplanarAxesAboutZLiveRule - {0}", familyMember.LiveRule[SolidEdgePart.LiveRulesConstants.igCoplanarAxesAboutZLiveRule]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("igCoplanarAxesLiveRule - {0}", familyMember.LiveRule[SolidEdgePart.LiveRulesConstants.igCoplanarAxesLiveRule]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("igCoplanarLiveRule - {0}", familyMember.LiveRule[SolidEdgePart.LiveRulesConstants.igCoplanarLiveRule]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("igMaintainRadiusLiveRule - {0}", familyMember.LiveRule[SolidEdgePart.LiveRulesConstants.igMaintainRadiusLiveRule]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("igOrthoLockingLiveRule - {0}", familyMember.LiveRule[SolidEdgePart.LiveRulesConstants.igOrthoLockingLiveRule]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("igParallelLiveRule - {0}", familyMember.LiveRule[SolidEdgePart.LiveRulesConstants.igParallelLiveRule]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("igPerpendicularLiveRule - {0}", familyMember.LiveRule[SolidEdgePart.LiveRulesConstants.igPerpendicularLiveRule]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("igSymmetricLiveRule - {0}", familyMember.LiveRule[SolidEdgePart.LiveRulesConstants.igSymmetricLiveRule]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("igSymmetricXYLiveRule - {0}", familyMember.LiveRule[SolidEdgePart.LiveRulesConstants.igSymmetricXYLiveRule]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("igSymmetricYZLiveRule - {0}", familyMember.LiveRule[SolidEdgePart.LiveRulesConstants.igSymmetricYZLiveRule]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("igSymmetricZXLiveRule - {0}", familyMember.LiveRule[SolidEdgePart.LiveRulesConstants.igSymmetricZXLiveRule]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("igTangentEdgeLiveRule - {0}", familyMember.LiveRule[SolidEdgePart.LiveRulesConstants.igTangentEdgeLiveRule]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("igTangentTouchingLiveRule - {0}", familyMember.LiveRule[SolidEdgePart.LiveRulesConstants.igTangentTouchingLiveRule]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("igThicknessChainLiveRule - {0}", familyMember.LiveRule[SolidEdgePart.LiveRulesConstants.igThicknessChainLiveRule]);

                        // Interate through the suppressed features of the current family member.
                        for (int j = 1; j <= familyMember.SuppressedFeatureCount; j++)
                            object suppressedFeature = familyMember.SuppressedFeature[j];

                            // Use helper class to get the feature type.
                            var featureType = SolidEdgeCommunity.Runtime.InteropServices.ComObject.GetPropertyValue <SolidEdgePart.FeatureTypeConstants>(suppressedFeature, "Type", (SolidEdgePart.FeatureTypeConstants) 0);

                            switch (featureType)
                            case SolidEdgePart.FeatureTypeConstants.igRoundFeatureObject:
                                round = (SolidEdgePart.Round)suppressedFeature;

                            case SolidEdgePart.FeatureTypeConstants.igUserDefinedPatternFeatureObject:
                                userDefinedPattern = (SolidEdgePart.UserDefinedPattern)suppressedFeature;

                        // Interate through the variables of the current family member.
                        for (int j = 1; j <= familyMember.VariableCount; j++)
                            object variable = familyMember.Variable[j];

                            // Use helper class to get the object type.
                            var objectType = SolidEdgeCommunity.Runtime.InteropServices.ComObject.GetPropertyValue <SolidEdgeFramework.ObjectType>(variable, "Type", (SolidEdgeFramework.ObjectType) 0);

                            switch (objectType)
                            case SolidEdgeFramework.ObjectType.igDimension:
                                dimension = (SolidEdgeFrameworkSupport.Dimension)variable;
                    throw new System.Exception("No active document.");
            catch (System.Exception ex)
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SolidEdgeFramework.Application   application        = null;
            SolidEdgeFramework.Documents     documents          = null;
            SolidEdgePart.SheetMetalDocument sheetMetalDocument = null;
            SolidEdgePart.RefPlanes          refPlanes          = null;
            SolidEdgePart.RefPlane           refPlane           = null;
            SolidEdgeFramework.SelectSet     selectSet          = null;
            Array features = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(object), 0);

            SolidEdgePart.ExtrudedProtrusion extrudedProtrustion = null;
            SolidEdgePart.UserDefinedPattern userDefinedPattern  = null;
            SolidEdgePart.MirrorCopy         mirrorCopy          = null;

                // Register with OLE to handle concurrency issues on the current thread.

                // Connect to or start Solid Edge.
                application = SolidEdgeCommunity.SolidEdgeUtils.Connect(true, true);

                // Get a reference to the documents collection.
                documents = application.Documents;

                // Create a new sheet metal document.
                sheetMetalDocument = documents.AddSheetMetalDocument();

                // Always a good idea to give SE a chance to breathe.

                // Get a reference to the RefPlanes collection.
                refPlanes = sheetMetalDocument.RefPlanes;

                // Get a reference to the top RefPlane using extension method.
                refPlane = refPlanes.GetTopPlane();

                // Get path to Solid Edge training directory.  Typically, 'C:\Program Files\Solid Edge XXX\Training'.
                var trainingDirectory = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(SolidEdgeCommunity.SolidEdgeUtils.GetTrainingFolderPath());

                // Build path to source part document.
                //string LibName = System.IO.Path.Combine(trainingDirectory.FullName, "Foot1.psm");
                string LibName = System.IO.Path.Combine(trainingDirectory.FullName, "base.par");

                // This method will take all features from block.par and place them into the new part document.
                sheetMetalDocument.PlaceFeatureLibrary(LibName, refPlane, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, out features);

                // Optionally, iterate through all of the added features.
                foreach (var feature in features.OfType <object>())
                    // Use helper class to get the feature type.
                    var featureType = SolidEdgeCommunity.Runtime.InteropServices.ComObject.GetPropertyValue <SolidEdgePart.FeatureTypeConstants>(feature, "Type", (SolidEdgePart.FeatureTypeConstants) 0);

                    // Depending on the feature type, we can cast the weakly typed feature to a strongly typed feature.
                    switch (featureType)
                    case SolidEdgePart.FeatureTypeConstants.igExtrudedProtrusionFeatureObject:
                        extrudedProtrustion = (SolidEdgePart.ExtrudedProtrusion)feature;

                    case SolidEdgePart.FeatureTypeConstants.igUserDefinedPatternFeatureObject:
                        userDefinedPattern = (SolidEdgePart.UserDefinedPattern)feature;

                    case SolidEdgePart.FeatureTypeConstants.igMirrorCopyFeatureObject:
                        mirrorCopy = (SolidEdgePart.MirrorCopy)feature;

                // Get a reference to the ActiveSelectSet.
                selectSet = application.ActiveSelectSet;

                // Empty ActiveSelectSet.

                // Add all features to ActiveSelectSet.
                foreach (object feature in features)

                // Switch to ISO view.
            catch (System.Exception ex)
        static void CreateHolesWithUserDefinedPattern(SolidEdgePart.SheetMetalDocument sheetMetalDocument)
            SolidEdgePart.RefPlanes          refplanes          = null;
            SolidEdgePart.RefPlane           refplane           = null;
            SolidEdgePart.Models             models             = null;
            SolidEdgePart.Model              model              = null;
            SolidEdgePart.HoleDataCollection holeDataCollection = null;
            SolidEdgePart.ProfileSets        profileSets        = null;
            SolidEdgePart.ProfileSet         profileSet         = null;
            SolidEdgePart.Profiles           profiles           = null;
            SolidEdgePart.Profile            profile            = null;
            SolidEdgePart.Holes2d            holes2d            = null;
            SolidEdgePart.Hole2d             hole2d             = null;
            SolidEdgePart.Holes              holes              = null;
            SolidEdgePart.Hole hole = null;
            long profileStatus      = 0;
            List <SolidEdgePart.Profile> profileList = new List <SolidEdgePart.Profile>();

            SolidEdgePart.UserDefinedPatterns userDefinedPatterns = null;
            SolidEdgePart.UserDefinedPattern  userDefinedPattern  = null;

            // Get a reference to the RefPlanes collection.
            refplanes = sheetMetalDocument.RefPlanes;

            // Get a reference to Right (yz) plane.
            refplane = refplanes.Item(3);

            // Get a reference to the Models collection.
            models = sheetMetalDocument.Models;

            // Get a reference to Model.
            model = models.Item(1);

            // Get a reference to the ProfileSets collection.
            profileSets = sheetMetalDocument.ProfileSets;

            // Add new ProfileSet.
            profileSet = profileSets.Add();

            // Get a reference to the Profiles collection.
            profiles = profileSet.Profiles;

            // Add new Profile.
            profile = profiles.Add(refplane);

            // Get a reference to the Holes2d collection.
            holes2d = profile.Holes2d;

            // This creates a cross pattern of holes.
            double[,] holeMatrix = new double[, ]
                //{x, y}
                { 0.00, 0.00 },
                { -0.01, 0.00 },
                { -0.02, 0.00 },
                { -0.03, 0.00 },
                { -0.04, 0.00 },
                { 0.01, 0.00 },
                { 0.02, 0.00 },
                { 0.03, 0.00 },
                { 0.04, 0.00 },
                { 0.00, -0.01 },
                { 0.00, -0.02 },
                { 0.00, -0.03 },
                { 0.00, -0.04 },
                { 0.00, 0.01 },
                { 0.00, 0.02 },
                { 0.00, 0.03 },
                { 0.00, 0.04 }

            // Draw the Base Profile.
            for (int i = 0; i <= holeMatrix.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                // Add new Hole2d.
                hole2d = holes2d.Add(
                    XCenter: holeMatrix[i, 0],
                    YCenter: holeMatrix[i, 1]);

            // Hide the profile.
            profile.Visible = false;

            // Close profile.
            profileStatus = profile.End(SolidEdgePart.ProfileValidationType.igProfileClosed);

            // Get a reference to the ProfileSet.
            profileSet = (SolidEdgePart.ProfileSet)profile.Parent;

            // Get a reference to the Profiles collection.
            profiles = profileSet.Profiles;

            // Add profiles to list for AddByProfiles().
            for (int i = 1; i <= profiles.Count; i++)

            // Get a reference to the HoleDataCollection collection.
            holeDataCollection = sheetMetalDocument.HoleDataCollection;

            // Add new HoleData.
            SolidEdgePart.HoleData holeData = holeDataCollection.Add(
                HoleType: SolidEdgePart.FeaturePropertyConstants.igRegularHole,
                HoleDiameter: 0.005,
                BottomAngle: 90);

            // Get a reference to the Holes collection.
            holes = model.Holes;

            // Add hole.
            hole = holes.AddFinite(
                Profile: profile,
                ProfilePlaneSide: SolidEdgePart.FeaturePropertyConstants.igRight,
                FiniteDepth: 0.005,
                Data: holeData);

            // Get a reference to the UserDefinedPatterns collection.
            userDefinedPatterns = model.UserDefinedPatterns;

            // Create the user defined pattern.
            userDefinedPattern = userDefinedPatterns.AddByProfiles(
                NumberOfProfiles: profileList.Count,
                ProfilesArray: profileList.ToArray(),
                SeedFeature: hole);