    // Implemented form the interface, get the direction that the smell
    // is increasing the most as a unit vector in 2D space.
    public Vector2 directionOfSmell(Vector2 location, Smell[, ] smells, SmellType type)
        // Loop over all the cells adjacent to the smell follower and determine
        // the direction that the smell is strongest
        Vector2 smellDirection = new Vector2(0, 0);

        for (int xOffset = -1; xOffset < 2; xOffset++)
            for (int yOffset = -1; yOffset < 2; yOffset++)
                int curX = (int)location.x + xOffset;
                int curY = (int)location.y + yOffset;
                if (curX >= 0 && curX < smells.GetLength(0) && curY >= 0 && curY < smells.GetLength(0))
                    double  curSmellVal  = smells[curX, curY].getSmell(type);
                    Vector2 curSmellCell = new Vector2(curX, curY);
                    Vector2 curDirection = curSmellCell - location;
                    smellDirection = smellDirection + (curDirection * (float)curSmellVal);

    // Helper / debugging method to display the value for the given type of smell
    // at each cell on the board. Shouldn't be used in actual game
    private void displaySmells(SmellType type)
        // Render on the canvas the smell values
        for (int x = 0; x < GameManager.SIZE; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < GameManager.SIZE; y++)
                GameObject newGO = new GameObject("Some Text");
                Text newText = newGO.AddComponent <Text>();
                newText.text = (smellArray[x, y].getSmell(type)).ToString();
                newGO.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.02f, 0.02f, 1);
                Font ArialFont = (Font)Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf");
                newText.font     = ArialFont;
                newText.material = ArialFont.material;
                newText.color    = new Color(0, 0, 0);

                RectTransform textTransform = newText.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                textTransform.sizeDelta    = new Vector2(36, 25);
                textTransform.anchorMin    = new Vector2(0, 0);
                textTransform.anchorMax    = new Vector2(0, 0);
                textTransform.pivot        = new Vector2(0, 0);
                newText.transform.position = new Vector3(x * GameManager.CELL_SIZE - 0.05f,
                                                         y * GameManager.CELL_SIZE - 0.05f, 0);
        private string strSmellType(SmellType st)
            switch (st)
            case SmellType.一般刺鼻:

            case SmellType.刺鼻:

            case SmellType.刺鼻:
    // ACTION METHOD: Returns the main steering vector to accomplish this action,
    // allong with setting this.action to null and updating insistances when the
    // action is finished
    public Vector2 seekTile(BoardManager.TileType tileType, SmellType smellType)
        Vector2 goalSteering = new Vector2(-1, -1);

        // If we've seen the tile and stored its location, just arrive at the tile
        // (If we don't have a target to arrive at the vector is (-1, -1))
        if (this.target.x >= 0 && this.target.y >= 0)
            goalSteering = arriveAt(new Vector2(this.target.x * CELL_SIZE, this.target.y * CELL_SIZE));

            // If we have arrived at the target, the agent should execute the action
            BoardManager.TileType currentCellType =
                GameManager.instance.getBoardArray()[(int)currentCell.x, (int)currentCell.y];
            if (this.target.x == this.currentCell.x && this.target.y == this.currentCell.y ||
                currentCellType == BoardManager.TileType.Water)
                this.goal   = null;
                this.target = new Vector2(-1, -1);
            // If we haven't seen tile yet, check if we see one
            // Check if within 3 blocks of the tile (represents the agent seeing the tile and going)
            Vector2 closeTile = getCloseTile(tileType, 3, currentCell, GameManager.instance.getBoardArray());
            if (closeTile.x >= 0 && closeTile.y >= 0)
                this.target  = closeTile;
                goalSteering = arriveAt(new Vector2(closeTile.x * CELL_SIZE, closeTile.y * CELL_SIZE));
                // If we still can't see a bush, just follow the smell
                goalSteering = directionOfSmell(currentCell,
                                                GameManager.instance.getSmellArray(), smellType) * MAX_ACCEL;

    // ACTION METHOD: Returns the main steering vector to accomplish this action,
    // allong with setting this.action to null and updating insistances when the
    // action is finished
    public Vector2 seekFood(BoardManager.Food foodType, SmellType smellType)
        Vector2 goalSteering = new Vector2(-1, -1);

        // If we've seen the food and stored its location, just arrive at the location
        // (If we don't have a target to arrive at the vector is (-1, -1))
        if (this.target.x >= 0 && this.target.y >= 0)
            goalSteering = arriveAt(new Vector2(this.target.x * CELL_SIZE, this.target.y * CELL_SIZE));

            // If we have arrived at the location, apply the current goal to the insistances
            if (this.target.x == this.currentCell.x && this.target.y == this.currentCell.y)
                this.goal   = null;
                this.target = new Vector2(-1, -1);
            // If we haven't seen any food yet, check if we see one
            // Check if within 3 blocks of food type (represents the agent seeing the food)
            Vector2 closeBush = getCloseFood(foodType, 3, currentCell, GameManager.instance.getFoodArray());
            if (closeBush.x >= 0 && closeBush.y >= 0)
                this.target  = closeBush;
                goalSteering = arriveAt(new Vector2(closeBush.x * CELL_SIZE, closeBush.y * CELL_SIZE));
                // If we still can't see a bush, just follow the smell
                goalSteering = this.directionOfSmell(currentCell,
                                                     GameManager.instance.getSmellArray(), smellType) * MAX_ACCEL;

 public SmellInfo(SmellType type, int strength)
     Type     = type;
     Strength = strength;
 public SmellInfo()
     Type     = SmellType.FromHome;
     Strength = -1;
文件: Rule.cs 项目: Ana00000/platform
 public Rule(string DOI, Criteria criteria, SmellType smellType)
     _DOI       = DOI;
     _criteria  = criteria;
     _smellType = smellType;
        /// <summary>
        /// Find coordinates of the most far smell from self, that is also the most strong
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="field">Field for seraching</param>
        /// <param name="radius">Radius</param>
        /// <param name="type">Type of smell to search</param>
        /// <returns>Coordinates of desirable smell</returns>
        protected (Vector2i position, bool found) FindFarSmell(Field <Cell> field, int radius, SmellType type)
            float dist = -1;
            var   pos  = new Vector2i(0, 0);
            int   str  = -1;

            Predicate <SmellInfo> pred;

            pred = (SmellInfo s) => s.Type == type;

            for (int i = -radius; i < radius; i++)
                for (int j = -radius; j < radius; j++)
                    var smell   = field[i, j].Smells.Find(pred);
                    var curDist = Math.Abs(Position.X - i) + Math.Abs(Position.Y - j);
                    if (smell != null && (dist < curDist || smell.Strength > str))
                        pos.X = i;
                        pos.Y = j;
                        dist  = curDist;
                        str   = smell.Strength;

            return(pos, dist >= 0);
 public double getSmell(SmellType type)
 // Set the given type of smell to 0
 public void setSmellToZero(SmellType type)
     this.smells[type] = 0;
        // adds the given value to the smell of the given type
        public void addToSmell(SmellType type, double toAdd)
            double curVal = getSmell(type);

            this.smells[type] = curVal + toAdd;
 public Issue(SmellType issueType, string codeSnippetId)
     IssueType     = issueType;
     CodeSnippetId = codeSnippetId;
  * BEHAVIOR METHODS: The methods from the Behavior Interfeces that this agent
  * implements.
 public Vector2 directionOfSmell(Vector2 location, Smell[, ] smells, SmellType type)
     return(smellFollower.directionOfSmell(location, smells, type));
    // Propogate the smell from a single object radiating the smell of the given
    // type throughout the whole map. Allows for the given smell not to be able
    // to pass through tile-types from the given "impassable" list
    public void propagateSmellFromRoot(Vector2 root, SmellType type, List <TileType> impassable)
        Queue <PropagatingSmell> openList   = new Queue <PropagatingSmell>();
        HashSet <Vector2>        closedList = new HashSet <Vector2>();

        openList.Enqueue(new PropagatingSmell(1, root));

        while (openList.Count > 0)
            PropagatingSmell current = openList.Dequeue();

            // If we've already reached this cell, move on
            if (closedList.Contains(current.location))

            // Set the smell in this cell, add it to closed list
            int   curX       = (int)current.location.x;
            int   curY       = (int)current.location.y;
            float smellValue = 1.0f / (current.cellsAway * current.cellsAway);
            //Debug.Log("Setting at : " + curX + ", " + curY);
            smellArray[curX, curY].addToSmell(type, smellValue);
            closedList.Add(new Vector2(curX, curY));

            // Add the neighbors of this cell if they aren't in the impassable list
            // Up Neieghbor
            if (curY < GameManager.SIZE - 1)
                TileType neighborType = boardArray[curX, curY + 1];
                if (!impassable.Contains(neighborType))
                    openList.Enqueue(new PropagatingSmell(current.cellsAway + 1,
                                                          new Vector2(curX, curY + 1)));
            // Right Neighbor
            if (curX < GameManager.SIZE - 1)
                TileType neighborType = boardArray[curX + 1, curY];
                if (!impassable.Contains(neighborType))
                    openList.Enqueue(new PropagatingSmell(current.cellsAway + 1,
                                                          new Vector2(curX + 1, curY)));
            // Down Neighbor
            if (curY > 0)
                TileType neighborType = boardArray[curX, curY - 1];
                if (!impassable.Contains(neighborType))
                    openList.Enqueue(new PropagatingSmell(current.cellsAway + 1,
                                                          new Vector2(curX, curY - 1)));
            // Left Neighbor
            if (curX > 0)
                TileType neighborType = boardArray[curX - 1, curY];
                if (!impassable.Contains(neighborType))
                    openList.Enqueue(new PropagatingSmell(current.cellsAway + 1,
                                                          new Vector2(curX - 1, curY)));