protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SharedBasePage requestPage = this.Page as SharedBasePage; siteConfig = SiteConfig.GetSiteConfig(); resmgr = ApplicationResourceTable.Get(); imageUpload.Accept = "image/jpeg,image/gif,image/png"; editControl.Width = Unit.Percentage(99d); editControl.Height = Unit.Pixel(400); editControl.Text = "<p></p>"; // TODO: OmarS need to get rid of this isDHTMLEdit = true; editControl.SetLanguage(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name); editControl.SetTextDirection(requestPage.ReadingDirection); if (!requestPage.SiteConfig.EnableCrossposts) { gridCrossposts.Visible = false; labelCrosspost.Visible = false; } if (!SiteSecurity.IsValidContributor()) { Response.Redirect("~/FormatPage.aspx?path=SiteConfig/accessdenied.format.html"); } CrosspostInfoCollection crosspostSiteInfo = new CrosspostInfoCollection(); if (!IsPostBack) { foreach (CrosspostSite site in requestPage.SiteConfig.CrosspostSites) { CrosspostInfo ci = new CrosspostInfo(site); ci.TrackingUrlBase = SiteUtilities.GetCrosspostTrackingUrlBase(requestPage.SiteConfig); crosspostSiteInfo.Add(ci); } // set up categories foreach (CategoryCacheEntry category in requestPage.DataService.GetCategories()) { this.categoryList.Items.Add(category.Name); } // get the cultures CultureInfo[] cultures = CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures); // setup temp store for listitem items, for sorting List <ListItem> cultureList = new List <ListItem>(cultures.Length); foreach (CultureInfo ci in cultures) { string langName = (ci.NativeName != ci.EnglishName) ? ci.NativeName + " / " + ci.EnglishName : ci.NativeName; if (langName.Length > 55) { langName = langName.Substring(0, 55) + "..."; } cultureList.Add(new ListItem(langName, ci.Name)); } // setup the sort culture string rssCulture = requestPage.SiteConfig.RssLanguage; CultureInfo sortCulture; try { sortCulture = (rssCulture != null && rssCulture.Length > 0 ? new CultureInfo(rssCulture) : CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } catch (ArgumentException) { // default to the culture of the server sortCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; } // sort the list cultureList.Sort(delegate(ListItem x, ListItem y) { // actual comparison return(String.Compare(x.Text, y.Text, true, sortCulture)); }); // add to the languages listbox ListItem[] cultureListItems = cultureList.ToArray(); listLanguages.Items.AddRange(cultureListItems); listLanguages.SelectedValue = ""; if (requestPage != null && requestPage.WeblogEntryId != "") { Session["newtelligence.DasBlog.Web.EditEntryBox.OriginalReferrer"] = Request.UrlReferrer; Entry entry = requestPage.DataService.GetEntryForEdit(requestPage.WeblogEntryId); if (entry != null) { CurrentEntry = entry; entryTitle.Text = entry.Title; entryAbstract.Text = entry.Description; textDate.SelectedDate = entry.CreatedLocalTime; if (isDHTMLEdit) { editControl.Text = entry.Content; } foreach (string s in entry.GetSplitCategories()) { categoryList.Items.FindByText(s).Selected = true; } this.checkBoxAllowComments.Checked = entry.AllowComments; this.checkBoxPublish.Checked = entry.IsPublic; this.checkBoxSyndicated.Checked = entry.Syndicated; // GeoRSS. this.txtLat.Text = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", entry.Latitude); this.txtLong.Text = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", entry.Longitude); if (entry.Attachments.Count > 0) { foreach (Attachment enclosure in entry.Attachments) { enclosure.Url = SiteUtilities.GetEnclosureLinkUrl(requestPage.SiteConfig, entry.EntryId, enclosure); } this.enclosureUpload.Visible = false; this.buttonRemove.Visible = true; this.labelEnclosureName.Visible = true; this.labelEnclosureName.Text = entry.Attachments[0].Name; } listLanguages.SelectedValue = entry.Language == null ? "" : entry.Language; // merge the crosspost config with the crosspost data foreach (CrosspostInfo cpi in crosspostSiteInfo) { foreach (Crosspost cp in entry.Crossposts) { if (cp.ProfileName == cpi.Site.ProfileName) { cpi.IsAlreadyPosted = true; cpi.TargetEntryId = cp.TargetEntryId; cpi.Categories = cp.Categories; break; } } } // if the entry is not public yet but opened for editing, then we can setup autosave. // (If the entry was already published publically and then autosave was used, the // entry's status would change to non-public and then no longer be accessible!) if (requestPage.SiteConfig.EnableAutoSave && !entry.IsPublic) { SetupAutoSave(); } if (requestPage.SiteConfig.EnableGoogleMaps) { AddGoogleMapsApi(); } } } else // This is a brand new entry, so setup the AutoSave script if it's enabled. { if (requestPage.SiteConfig.EnableAutoSave) { SetupAutoSave(); } if (requestPage.SiteConfig.EnableGoogleMaps) { AddGoogleMapsApi(); } txtLat.Text = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", siteConfig.DefaultLatitude); txtLong.Text = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", siteConfig.DefaultLongitude); } gridCrossposts.DataSource = crosspostSiteInfo; DataBind(); } }
public static string GetEnclosureLinkUrl(SiteConfig siteConfig, string id, Attachment attachment) { return(SiteUtilities.GetEnclosureLinkUrl(siteConfig, id, attachment)); }
private RssRoot GetRssCore(string category, int maxDayCount, int maxEntryCount) { if (RedirectToFeedBurnerIfNeeded(category) == true) { return(null); } EntryCollection entries = null; //We only build the entries if blogcore doesn't exist and we'll need them later... if (dataService.GetLastEntryUpdate() == DateTime.MinValue) { entries = BuildEntries(category, maxDayCount, maxEntryCount); } //Try to get out as soon as possible with as little CPU as possible if (inASMX) { DateTime lastModified = SiteUtilities.GetLatestModifedEntryDateTime(dataService, entries); if (SiteUtilities.GetStatusNotModified(lastModified)) { return(null); } } if (inASMX) { string referrer = Context.Request.UrlReferrer != null?Context.Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri:""; if (ReferralBlackList.IsBlockedReferrer(referrer)) { if (siteConfig.EnableReferralUrlBlackList404s) { return(null); } } else { loggingService.AddReferral( new LogDataItem( Context.Request.RawUrl, referrer, Context.Request.UserAgent, Context.Request.UserHostName)); } } //not-modified didn't work, do we have this in cache? string CacheKey = "Rss:" + category + ":" + maxDayCount.ToString() + ":" + maxEntryCount.ToString(); RssRoot documentRoot = cache[CacheKey] as RssRoot; if (documentRoot == null) //we'll have to build it... { //However, if we made it this far, the not-modified check didn't work, and we may not have entries... if (entries == null) { entries = BuildEntries(category, maxDayCount, maxEntryCount); } documentRoot = new RssRoot(); documentRoot.Namespaces.Add("dc", ""); documentRoot.Namespaces.Add("trackback", ""); documentRoot.Namespaces.Add("pingback", ""); if (siteConfig.EnableComments) { documentRoot.Namespaces.Add("wfw", ""); documentRoot.Namespaces.Add("slash", ""); } if (siteConfig.EnableGeoRss) { documentRoot.Namespaces.Add("georss", ""); } RssChannel ch = new RssChannel(); if (category == null) { ch.Title = siteConfig.Title; } else { ch.Title = siteConfig.Title + " - " + category; } if (siteConfig.Description == null || siteConfig.Description.Trim().Length == 0) { ch.Description = siteConfig.Subtitle; } else { ch.Description = siteConfig.Description; } ch.Link = SiteUtilities.GetBaseUrl(siteConfig); ch.Copyright = siteConfig.Copyright; if (siteConfig.RssLanguage != null && siteConfig.RssLanguage.Length > 0) { ch.Language = siteConfig.RssLanguage; } ch.ManagingEditor = siteConfig.Contact; ch.WebMaster = siteConfig.Contact; ch.Image = null; if (siteConfig.ChannelImageUrl != null && siteConfig.ChannelImageUrl.Trim().Length > 0) { ChannelImage channelImage = new ChannelImage(); channelImage.Title = ch.Title; channelImage.Link = ch.Link; if (siteConfig.ChannelImageUrl.StartsWith("http")) { channelImage.Url = siteConfig.ChannelImageUrl; } else { channelImage.Url = SiteUtilities.RelativeToRoot(siteConfig, siteConfig.ChannelImageUrl); } ch.Image = channelImage; } documentRoot.Channels.Add(ch); foreach (Entry entry in entries) { if (entry.IsPublic == false || entry.Syndicated == false) { continue; } XmlDocument doc2 = new XmlDocument(); List <XmlElement> anyElements = new List <XmlElement>(); RssItem item = new RssItem(); item.Title = entry.Title; item.Guid = new Rss20.Guid(); item.Guid.IsPermaLink = false; item.Guid.Text = SiteUtilities.GetPermaLinkUrl(siteConfig, entry.EntryId); item.Link = SiteUtilities.GetPermaLinkUrl(siteConfig, (ITitledEntry)entry); User user = SiteSecurity.GetUser(entry.Author); //Scott Hanselman: According to the RSS 2.0 spec and, // we can have EITHER an Author tag OR the preferred dc:creator tag, but NOT BOTH. // if (user != null && user.EmailAddress != null && user.EmailAddress.Length > 0) // { // if (user.DisplayName != null && user.DisplayName.Length > 0) // { // item.Author = String.Format("{0} ({1})", user.EmailAddress, user.DisplayName); // } // else // { // item.Author = user.EmailAddress; // } // } XmlElement trackbackPing = doc2.CreateElement("trackback", "ping", ""); trackbackPing.InnerText = SiteUtilities.GetTrackbackUrl(siteConfig, entry.EntryId); anyElements.Add(trackbackPing); XmlElement pingbackServer = doc2.CreateElement("pingback", "server", ""); pingbackServer.InnerText = new Uri(new Uri(SiteUtilities.GetBaseUrl(siteConfig)), "pingback.aspx").ToString(); anyElements.Add(pingbackServer); XmlElement pingbackTarget = doc2.CreateElement("pingback", "target", ""); pingbackTarget.InnerText = SiteUtilities.GetPermaLinkUrl(siteConfig, entry.EntryId); anyElements.Add(pingbackTarget); XmlElement dcCreator = doc2.CreateElement("dc", "creator", ""); if (user != null) { // HACK AG No author e-mail address in feed items. // if (user.DisplayName != null && user.DisplayName.Length > 0) // { // if(user.EmailAddress != null && user.EmailAddress.Length > 0) // { // dcCreator.InnerText = String.Format("{0} ({1})", user.EmailAddress, user.DisplayName); // } // else // { dcCreator.InnerText = user.DisplayName; // } // } // else // { // dcCreator.InnerText = user.EmailAddress; // } } anyElements.Add(dcCreator); // Add GeoRSS if it exists. if (siteConfig.EnableGeoRss) { Nullable <double> latitude = new Nullable <double>(); Nullable <double> longitude = new Nullable <double>(); if (entry.Latitude.HasValue) { latitude = entry.Latitude; } else { if (siteConfig.EnableDefaultLatLongForNonGeoCodedPosts) { latitude = siteConfig.DefaultLatitude; } } if (entry.Longitude.HasValue) { longitude = entry.Longitude; } else { if (siteConfig.EnableDefaultLatLongForNonGeoCodedPosts) { longitude = siteConfig.DefaultLongitude; } } if (latitude.HasValue && longitude.HasValue) { XmlElement geoLoc = doc2.CreateElement("georss", "point", ""); geoLoc.InnerText = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:R} {1:R}", latitude, longitude); anyElements.Add(geoLoc); } } if (siteConfig.EnableComments) { if (entry.AllowComments) { XmlElement commentApi = doc2.CreateElement("wfw", "comment", ""); commentApi.InnerText = SiteUtilities.GetCommentViewUrl(siteConfig, entry.EntryId); anyElements.Add(commentApi); } XmlElement commentRss = doc2.CreateElement("wfw", "commentRss", ""); commentRss.InnerText = SiteUtilities.GetEntryCommentsRssUrl(siteConfig, entry.EntryId); anyElements.Add(commentRss); //for RSS conformance per int commentsCount = dataService.GetPublicCommentsFor(entry.EntryId).Count; if (commentsCount > 0) { XmlElement slashComments = doc2.CreateElement("slash", "comments", ""); slashComments.InnerText = commentsCount.ToString(); anyElements.Add(slashComments); } item.Comments = SiteUtilities.GetCommentViewUrl(siteConfig, entry.EntryId); } item.Language = entry.Language; if (entry.Categories != null && entry.Categories.Length > 0) { if (item.Categories == null) { item.Categories = new RssCategoryCollection(); } string[] cats = entry.Categories.Split(';'); foreach (string c in cats) { RssCategory cat = new RssCategory(); string cleanCat = c.Replace('|', '/'); cat.Text = cleanCat; item.Categories.Add(cat); } } if (entry.Attachments.Count > 0) { // RSS currently supports only a single enclsoure so we return the first one item.Enclosure = new Enclosure(); item.Enclosure.Url = SiteUtilities.GetEnclosureLinkUrl(entry.EntryId, entry.Attachments[0]); item.Enclosure.Type = entry.Attachments[0].Type; item.Enclosure.Length = entry.Attachments[0].Length.ToString(); } item.PubDate = entry.CreatedUtc.ToString("R"); if (ch.LastBuildDate == null || ch.LastBuildDate.Length == 0) { ch.LastBuildDate = item.PubDate; } if (!siteConfig.AlwaysIncludeContentInRSS && entry.Description != null && entry.Description.Trim().Length > 0) { item.Description = PreprocessItemContent(entry.EntryId, entry.Description); } else { if (siteConfig.HtmlTidyContent == false) { item.Description = "<div>" + PreprocessItemContent(entry.EntryId, entry.Content) + "</div>"; } else { item.Description = ContentFormatter.FormatContentAsHTML(PreprocessItemContent(entry.EntryId, entry.Content)); try { string xhtml = ContentFormatter.FormatContentAsXHTML(PreprocessItemContent(entry.EntryId, entry.Content)); doc2.LoadXml(xhtml); anyElements.Add((XmlElement)doc2.SelectSingleNode("//*[local-name() = 'body'][namespace-uri()='']")); } catch //(Exception ex) { //Debug.Write(ex.ToString()); // absorb } } } item.anyElements = anyElements.ToArray(); ch.Items.Add(item); } cache.Insert(CacheKey, documentRoot, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5)); } return(documentRoot); }