private SendMailInfo ComposeMail(Comment c) { SharedBasePage requestPage = Page as SharedBasePage; MailMessage emailMessage = new MailMessage(); if (requestPage.SiteConfig.NotificationEMailAddress != null && requestPage.SiteConfig.NotificationEMailAddress.Length > 0) { emailMessage.To.Add(requestPage.SiteConfig.NotificationEMailAddress); } else { emailMessage.To.Add(requestPage.SiteConfig.Contact); } emailMessage.Sender = new MailAddress(requestPage.SiteConfig.Contact); emailMessage.Subject = String.Format("Weblog comment by '{0}' from '{1}' on '{2}'", c.Author, c.AuthorHomepage, c.TargetTitle); if (requestPage.SiteConfig.CommentsRequireApproval) { emailMessage.Body = String.Format("{0}\r\nComments page: {1}\r\n\r\nApprove comment: {2}\r\n\r\nDelete Comment: {3}", HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(c.Content), SiteUtilities.GetCommentViewUrl(c.TargetEntryId), SiteUtilities.GetCommentApproveUrl(c.TargetEntryId, c.EntryId), SiteUtilities.GetCommentDeleteUrl(c.TargetEntryId, c.EntryId)); } else { emailMessage.Body = String.Format("{0}\r\nComments page: {1}\r\n\r\nDelete Comment: {2}", HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(c.Content), SiteUtilities.GetCommentViewUrl(c.TargetEntryId), SiteUtilities.GetCommentDeleteUrl(c.TargetEntryId, c.EntryId)); if (c.SpamState == SpamState.Spam) { emailMessage.Body += "\r\nNot Spam: " + SiteUtilities.GetCommentApproveUrl(c.TargetEntryId, c.EntryId); } } if (requestPage.SiteConfig.EnableSpamBlockingService && (c.SpamState != SpamState.Spam)) { emailMessage.Body += "\r\n\r\nReport as SPAM: " + SiteUtilities.GetCommentReportUrl(requestPage.SiteConfig, c.TargetEntryId, c.EntryId) + "\r\n (Reporting SPAM will also delete the comment.)"; } emailMessage.Body += "\r\n\r\n" + ApplicationResourceTable.GetSpamStateDescription(c.SpamState); emailMessage.IsBodyHtml = false; emailMessage.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; if (c.AuthorEmail != null && c.AuthorEmail.Length > 0) { emailMessage.From = new MailAddress(c.AuthorEmail); } else { emailMessage.From = new MailAddress(requestPage.SiteConfig.Contact); } emailMessage.Headers.Add("Sender", requestPage.SiteConfig.Contact); // add the X-Originating-IP header string hostname = Dns.GetHostName(); IPHostEntry ipHostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(hostname); if (ipHostEntry.AddressList.Length > 0) { emailMessage.Headers.Add("X-Originating-IP", ipHostEntry.AddressList[0].ToString()); } SendMailInfo sendMailInfo = new SendMailInfo(emailMessage, requestPage.SiteConfig.SmtpServer, requestPage.SiteConfig.EnableSmtpAuthentication, requestPage.SiteConfig.UseSSLForSMTP, requestPage.SiteConfig.SmtpUserName, requestPage.SiteConfig.SmtpPassword, requestPage.SiteConfig.SmtpPort); return(sendMailInfo); }
public static string GetCommentViewUrl(SiteConfig siteConfig, string entryId, string commentId) { return(SiteUtilities.GetCommentViewUrl(siteConfig, entryId, commentId)); }
public void AddNewComment(string name, string email, string homepage, string comment, string entryId, bool openid) { SharedBasePage requestPage = Page as SharedBasePage; // if we allow tags, use the allowed tags, otherwise use an empty array ValidTagCollection allowedTags = (requestPage.SiteConfig.CommentsAllowHtml ? requestPage.SiteConfig.AllowedTags : new ValidTagCollection(null)); Entry entry = requestPage.DataService.GetEntry(entryId); if ((entry != null) && SiteUtilities.AreCommentsAllowed(entry, requestPage.SiteConfig)) { Comment c = new Comment(); c.Initialize(); c.OpenId = openid; c.Author = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(name); c.AuthorEmail = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(email); c.AuthorHomepage = FixUrl(homepage); c.AuthorIPAddress = Request.UserHostAddress; c.AuthorUserAgent = Request.UserAgent; c.Referer = Request.UrlReferrer != null?Request.UrlReferrer.ToString() : String.Empty; // clean the code from html tags c.TargetEntryId = entryId; c.TargetTitle = entry.Title; if (requestPage.SiteConfig.CommentsRequireApproval == true && (requestPage.SiteConfig.SmtpServer == null || requestPage.SiteConfig.SmtpServer.Length == 0)) { requestPage.LoggingService.AddEvent(new EventDataItem(EventCodes.Error, "ERROR: Comment Moderation is turned on, but you haven't configured an SMTP Server for sending mail!", "")); } // if comments require moderation, they are not public. // except when the commenter is a contributor if (SiteSecurity.IsValidContributor()) { c.IsPublic = true; } else { // bypass spam when the comment is authenticated by openid en openid doesn't require approval if (requestPage.SiteConfig.EnableSpamBlockingService && (requestPage.SiteConfig.BypassSpamOpenIdComment && openid) == false) { // make sure to send the unfiltered comment for analysis by external service c.Content = comment; bool externalServiceSucceeded = false; try { if (requestPage.SiteConfig.SpamBlockingService.IsSpam(c)) { potentialSpamSubmitted = true; if (!requestPage.SiteConfig.EnableSpamModeration) { // abort saving the comment requestPage.LoggingService.AddEvent(new EventDataItem(EventCodes.CommentBlocked, String.Format("Blocking suspected spam from {0} {1} [{2}].", c.Author, c.AuthorEmail, c.AuthorIPAddress), SiteUtilities.GetPermaLinkUrl(entryId))); clearCommentInput(); return; } c.SpamState = SpamState.Spam; c.IsPublic = false; } else { c.SpamState = SpamState.NotSpam; c.IsPublic = true; } externalServiceSucceeded = true; } catch (Exception ex) { requestPage.LoggingService.AddEvent(new EventDataItem(EventCodes.Error, String.Format("The external spam blocking service failed for comment {0}. Original exception: {1}", c.EntryId, ex), SiteUtilities.GetPermaLinkUrl(entryId))); } if (!externalServiceSucceeded) { // If the external service fails, we will hide the comment, but not delete it, // even if moderation is disabled. c.SpamState = SpamState.NotChecked; if (doesFeedbackHaveSpamPotential(c)) { potentialSpamSubmitted = true; c.IsPublic = false; } else { c.IsPublic = true; } } } else { c.IsPublic = true; } // If comment moderation enabled, hide all comments regardless of the what the external spam service says if (requestPage.SiteConfig.CommentsRequireApproval) { c.IsPublic = false; } } // FilterHtml html encodes anything we don't like string filteredText = SiteUtilities.FilterHtml(comment, allowedTags); c.Content = filteredText; if (requestPage.SiteConfig.SendCommentsByEmail && requestPage.SiteConfig.SmtpServer != null && requestPage.SiteConfig.SmtpServer.Length > 0) { SendMailInfo defaultMailInfo = ComposeMail(c); requestPage.DataService.AddComment(c, defaultMailInfo); requestPage.DataService.RunActions(ComposeMailForUsers(entry, c)); string commentShort = c.Content.Replace("\n", ""); if (commentShort.Length > 50) { commentShort = commentShort.Substring(0, 50) + "..."; } requestPage.LoggingService.AddEvent( new EventDataItem( EventCodes.CommentAdded, commentShort, SiteUtilities.GetCommentViewUrl(entryId))); } else { requestPage.DataService.AddComment(c); } clearCommentInput(); // break the caching requestPage.DataCache.Remove("BlogCoreData"); Session.Remove("pendingComment"); Session.Remove("pendingEntryId"); //Send the user to the comment they JUST posted. if (!potentialSpamSubmitted) { Response.Redirect(SiteUtilities.GetCommentViewUrl(c.TargetEntryId) + "#" + c.EntryId); } } }
public static string GetCommentViewUrl(string targetEntryId, string commentId) { return(SiteUtilities.GetCommentViewUrl(targetEntryId, commentId)); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { try { //Cache the sitemap for 12 hours... string CacheKey = "GoogleSiteMap"; DataCache cache = CacheFactory.GetCache(); urlset root = cache[CacheKey] as urlset; if (root == null) //we'll have to build it... { ILoggingDataService logService = LoggingDataServiceFactory.GetService(SiteConfig.GetLogPathFromCurrentContext()); IBlogDataService dataService = BlogDataServiceFactory.GetService(SiteConfig.GetContentPathFromCurrentContext(), logService); SiteConfig siteConfig = SiteConfig.GetSiteConfig(); root = new urlset(); root.url = new urlCollection(); //Default first... url basePage = new url(SiteUtilities.GetBaseUrl(siteConfig), DateTime.Now, changefreq.daily, 1.0M); root.url.Add(basePage); url defaultPage = new url(SiteUtilities.GetStartPageUrl(siteConfig), DateTime.Now, changefreq.daily, 1.0M); root.url.Add(defaultPage); //Archives next... url archivePage = new url(SiteUtilities.RelativeToRoot(siteConfig, "archives.aspx"), DateTime.Now, changefreq.daily, 1.0M); root.url.Add(archivePage); //All Pages EntryCollection entryCache = dataService.GetEntries(false); foreach (Entry e in entryCache) { if (e.IsPublic) { //Start with a RARE change freq...newer posts are more likely to change more often. // The older a post, the less likely it is to change... changefreq freq = changefreq.daily; //new stuff? if (e.CreatedLocalTime < DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-9)) { freq = changefreq.yearly; } else if (e.CreatedLocalTime < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30)) { freq = changefreq.monthly; } else if (e.CreatedLocalTime < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7)) { freq = changefreq.weekly; } if (e.CreatedLocalTime > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2)) { freq = changefreq.hourly; } //Add comments pages, since comments have indexable content... // Only add comments if we aren't showing comments on permalink pages already if (siteConfig.ShowCommentsWhenViewingEntry == false) { url commentPage = new url(SiteUtilities.GetCommentViewUrl(siteConfig, e.EntryId), e.CreatedLocalTime, freq, 0.7M); root.url.Add(commentPage); } //then add permalinks url permaPage = new url(SiteUtilities.GetPermaLinkUrl(siteConfig, (ITitledEntry)e), e.CreatedLocalTime, freq, 0.9M); root.url.Add(permaPage); } } //All Categories CategoryCacheEntryCollection catCache = dataService.GetCategories(); foreach (CategoryCacheEntry cce in catCache) { if (cce.IsPublic) { url catPage = new url(SiteUtilities.GetCategoryViewUrl(siteConfig, cce.Name), DateTime.Now, changefreq.weekly, 0.6M); root.url.Add(catPage); } } cache.Insert(CacheKey, root, DateTime.Now.AddHours(12)); } XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(typeof(urlset)); x.Serialize(context.Response.OutputStream, root); context.Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; } catch (Exception exc) { ErrorTrace.Trace(System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Error, exc); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { if (!SiteSecurity.IsValidContributor()) { context.Response.Redirect("~/FormatPage.aspx?path=SiteConfig/accessdenied.format.html"); } SiteConfig siteConfig = SiteConfig.GetSiteConfig(); string entryId; string commentId; string referralPermalink; string type; string redirectUrl = SiteUtilities.GetStartPageUrl(); bool reportAsSpam; entryId = context.Request.QueryString["entryId"]; commentId = context.Request.QueryString["commentId"]; referralPermalink = context.Request.QueryString["referralPermalink"]; type = context.Request.QueryString["type"]; reportAsSpam = context.Request.QueryString["report"] != null; // make sure the entry param is there if (entryId == null || entryId.Length == 0) { context.Response.Redirect(SiteUtilities.GetStartPageUrl(siteConfig)); return; } else { try { ILoggingDataService logService = LoggingDataServiceFactory.GetService(SiteConfig.GetLogPathFromCurrentContext()); IBlogDataService dataService = BlogDataServiceFactory.GetService(SiteConfig.GetContentPathFromCurrentContext(), logService); Entry entry = dataService.GetEntry(entryId); if (entry != null) { if (commentId != null && commentId.Length > 0) { if (reportAsSpam) { ISpamBlockingService spamBlockingService = siteConfig.SpamBlockingService; if (spamBlockingService != null) { Comment comment = dataService.GetCommentById(entryId, commentId); if ((comment != null) && (comment.SpamState != SpamState.Spam)) { try { spamBlockingService.ReportSpam(comment); } catch (Exception ex) { logService.AddEvent(new EventDataItem(EventCodes.Error, String.Format("Unable to report comment {0} as spam. Original exception: {1}", comment.EntryId, ex), SiteUtilities.GetPermaLinkUrl(entryId))); } } } } dataService.DeleteComment(entryId, commentId); logService.AddEvent( new EventDataItem( EventCodes.CommentDeleted, commentId, SiteUtilities.GetPermaLinkUrl(entryId))); redirectUrl = SiteUtilities.GetCommentViewUrl(entryId); } else if (referralPermalink != null && referralPermalink.Length > 0) { TrackingType trackingType = TrackingType.Referral; if (type != null && type.Length != 0) { trackingType = (TrackingType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TrackingType), type); } dataService.DeleteTracking(entryId, referralPermalink, trackingType); logService.AddEvent( new EventDataItem( EventCodes.ItemReferralDeleted, referralPermalink, SiteUtilities.GetPermaLinkUrl(entryId))); redirectUrl = SiteUtilities.GetPermaLinkUrl(entryId); } else // it must be an entry we are deleting { SiteUtilities.DeleteEntry(entryId, siteConfig, logService, dataService); redirectUrl = SiteUtilities.GetStartPageUrl(); } } } catch (Exception exc) { // absorb ErrorTrace.Trace(System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Error, exc); } } context.Response.Redirect(redirectUrl); }
private RssRoot GetCommentsRssCore(CommentCollection _com, string guid) { //Try to get out as soon as possible with as little CPU as possible if (inASMX) { DateTime lastModified = SiteUtilities.GetLatestModifedCommentDateTime(dataService, _com); if (SiteUtilities.GetStatusNotModified(lastModified)) { return(null); } } if (inASMX) { string referrer = Context.Request.UrlReferrer != null?Context.Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri:""; if (ReferralBlackList.IsBlockedReferrer(referrer) == false) { loggingService.AddReferral( new LogDataItem( Context.Request.RawUrl, referrer, Context.Request.UserAgent, Context.Request.UserHostName)); } } // TODO: Figure out why this code is copied and pasted from above rather than using a function (shame!) RssRoot documentRoot = new RssRoot(); RssChannel ch = new RssChannel(); if (guid != null && guid != String.Empty) { //Set the title for this RSS Comments feed ch.Title = siteConfig.Title + " - Comments on " + dataService.GetEntry(guid).Title; } else { ch.Title = siteConfig.Title + " - Comments"; } ch.Link = SiteUtilities.GetBaseUrl(siteConfig); ch.Copyright = siteConfig.Copyright; ch.ManagingEditor = siteConfig.Contact; ch.WebMaster = siteConfig.Contact; documentRoot.Channels.Add(ch); int i = 0; foreach (Comment c in _com) { List <XmlElement> anyElements = new List <XmlElement>(); if (i == siteConfig.RssEntryCount) { break; } i++; string tempTitle = ""; RssItem item = new RssItem(); if (c.TargetTitle != null && c.TargetTitle.Length > 0) { tempTitle = " on \"" + c.TargetTitle + "\""; } if (c.Author == null || c.Author == "") { item.Title = "Comment" + tempTitle; } else { item.Title = "Comment by " + c.Author + tempTitle; } //Per the RSS Comments Spec it makes more sense for guid and link to be the same. // // 11/11/05 - SDH - Now, I'm thinking not so much... item.Guid = new Rss20.Guid(); item.Guid.Text = c.EntryId; item.Guid.IsPermaLink = false; item.Link = SiteUtilities.GetCommentViewUrl(siteConfig, c.TargetEntryId, c.EntryId); item.PubDate = c.CreatedUtc.ToString("R"); item.Description = c.Content.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />"); if (c.AuthorHomepage == null || c.AuthorHomepage == "") { if (c.AuthorEmail == null || c.AuthorEmail == "") { if (!(c.Author == null || c.Author == "")) { item.Description = c.Content.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />") + "<br /><br />" + "Posted by: " + c.Author; } } else { string content = c.Content.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />"); if (!siteConfig.SupressEmailAddressDisplay) { item.Description = content + "<br /><br />" + "Posted by: " + "<a href=\"mailto:" + SiteUtilities.SpamBlocker(c.AuthorEmail) + "\">" + c.Author + "</a>"; } else { item.Description = content + "<br /><br />" + "Posted by: " + c.Author; } } } else { if (c.AuthorHomepage.IndexOf("http://") < 0) { c.AuthorHomepage = "http://" + c.AuthorHomepage; } item.Description += "<br /><br />" + "Posted by: " + "<a href=\"" + c.AuthorHomepage + "\">" + c.Author + "</a>"; } if (c.Author != null && c.Author.Length > 0) { // the rss spec requires an email address in the author tag // and it can not be obfuscated // according to the feedvalidator string email; if (!siteConfig.SupressEmailAddressDisplay) { email = (c.AuthorEmail != null && c.AuthorEmail.Length > 0 ? c.AuthorEmail : "*****@*****.**"); } else { email = "*****@*****.**"; } item.Author = String.Format("{0} ({1})", email, c.Author); } item.Comments = SiteUtilities.GetCommentViewUrl(siteConfig, c.TargetEntryId, c.EntryId); if (ch.LastBuildDate == null || ch.LastBuildDate.Length == 0) { ch.LastBuildDate = item.PubDate; } XmlDocument doc2 = new XmlDocument(); try { doc2.LoadXml(c.Content); anyElements.Add((XmlElement)doc2.SelectSingleNode("//*[local-name() = 'body'][namespace-uri()='']")); } catch { // absorb } item.anyElements = anyElements.ToArray(); ch.Items.Add(item); } return(documentRoot); }
private RssRoot GetRssCore(string category, int maxDayCount, int maxEntryCount) { if (RedirectToFeedBurnerIfNeeded(category) == true) { return(null); } EntryCollection entries = null; //We only build the entries if blogcore doesn't exist and we'll need them later... if (dataService.GetLastEntryUpdate() == DateTime.MinValue) { entries = BuildEntries(category, maxDayCount, maxEntryCount); } //Try to get out as soon as possible with as little CPU as possible if (inASMX) { DateTime lastModified = SiteUtilities.GetLatestModifedEntryDateTime(dataService, entries); if (SiteUtilities.GetStatusNotModified(lastModified)) { return(null); } } if (inASMX) { string referrer = Context.Request.UrlReferrer != null?Context.Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri:""; if (ReferralBlackList.IsBlockedReferrer(referrer)) { if (siteConfig.EnableReferralUrlBlackList404s) { return(null); } } else { loggingService.AddReferral( new LogDataItem( Context.Request.RawUrl, referrer, Context.Request.UserAgent, Context.Request.UserHostName)); } } //not-modified didn't work, do we have this in cache? string CacheKey = "Rss:" + category + ":" + maxDayCount.ToString() + ":" + maxEntryCount.ToString(); RssRoot documentRoot = cache[CacheKey] as RssRoot; if (documentRoot == null) //we'll have to build it... { //However, if we made it this far, the not-modified check didn't work, and we may not have entries... if (entries == null) { entries = BuildEntries(category, maxDayCount, maxEntryCount); } documentRoot = new RssRoot(); documentRoot.Namespaces.Add("dc", ""); documentRoot.Namespaces.Add("trackback", ""); documentRoot.Namespaces.Add("pingback", ""); if (siteConfig.EnableComments) { documentRoot.Namespaces.Add("wfw", ""); documentRoot.Namespaces.Add("slash", ""); } if (siteConfig.EnableGeoRss) { documentRoot.Namespaces.Add("georss", ""); } RssChannel ch = new RssChannel(); if (category == null) { ch.Title = siteConfig.Title; } else { ch.Title = siteConfig.Title + " - " + category; } if (siteConfig.Description == null || siteConfig.Description.Trim().Length == 0) { ch.Description = siteConfig.Subtitle; } else { ch.Description = siteConfig.Description; } ch.Link = SiteUtilities.GetBaseUrl(siteConfig); ch.Copyright = siteConfig.Copyright; if (siteConfig.RssLanguage != null && siteConfig.RssLanguage.Length > 0) { ch.Language = siteConfig.RssLanguage; } ch.ManagingEditor = siteConfig.Contact; ch.WebMaster = siteConfig.Contact; ch.Image = null; if (siteConfig.ChannelImageUrl != null && siteConfig.ChannelImageUrl.Trim().Length > 0) { ChannelImage channelImage = new ChannelImage(); channelImage.Title = ch.Title; channelImage.Link = ch.Link; if (siteConfig.ChannelImageUrl.StartsWith("http")) { channelImage.Url = siteConfig.ChannelImageUrl; } else { channelImage.Url = SiteUtilities.RelativeToRoot(siteConfig, siteConfig.ChannelImageUrl); } ch.Image = channelImage; } documentRoot.Channels.Add(ch); foreach (Entry entry in entries) { if (entry.IsPublic == false || entry.Syndicated == false) { continue; } XmlDocument doc2 = new XmlDocument(); List <XmlElement> anyElements = new List <XmlElement>(); RssItem item = new RssItem(); item.Title = entry.Title; item.Guid = new Rss20.Guid(); item.Guid.IsPermaLink = false; item.Guid.Text = SiteUtilities.GetPermaLinkUrl(siteConfig, entry.EntryId); item.Link = SiteUtilities.GetPermaLinkUrl(siteConfig, (ITitledEntry)entry); User user = SiteSecurity.GetUser(entry.Author); //Scott Hanselman: According to the RSS 2.0 spec and, // we can have EITHER an Author tag OR the preferred dc:creator tag, but NOT BOTH. // if (user != null && user.EmailAddress != null && user.EmailAddress.Length > 0) // { // if (user.DisplayName != null && user.DisplayName.Length > 0) // { // item.Author = String.Format("{0} ({1})", user.EmailAddress, user.DisplayName); // } // else // { // item.Author = user.EmailAddress; // } // } XmlElement trackbackPing = doc2.CreateElement("trackback", "ping", ""); trackbackPing.InnerText = SiteUtilities.GetTrackbackUrl(siteConfig, entry.EntryId); anyElements.Add(trackbackPing); XmlElement pingbackServer = doc2.CreateElement("pingback", "server", ""); pingbackServer.InnerText = new Uri(new Uri(SiteUtilities.GetBaseUrl(siteConfig)), "pingback.aspx").ToString(); anyElements.Add(pingbackServer); XmlElement pingbackTarget = doc2.CreateElement("pingback", "target", ""); pingbackTarget.InnerText = SiteUtilities.GetPermaLinkUrl(siteConfig, entry.EntryId); anyElements.Add(pingbackTarget); XmlElement dcCreator = doc2.CreateElement("dc", "creator", ""); if (user != null) { // HACK AG No author e-mail address in feed items. // if (user.DisplayName != null && user.DisplayName.Length > 0) // { // if(user.EmailAddress != null && user.EmailAddress.Length > 0) // { // dcCreator.InnerText = String.Format("{0} ({1})", user.EmailAddress, user.DisplayName); // } // else // { dcCreator.InnerText = user.DisplayName; // } // } // else // { // dcCreator.InnerText = user.EmailAddress; // } } anyElements.Add(dcCreator); // Add GeoRSS if it exists. if (siteConfig.EnableGeoRss) { Nullable <double> latitude = new Nullable <double>(); Nullable <double> longitude = new Nullable <double>(); if (entry.Latitude.HasValue) { latitude = entry.Latitude; } else { if (siteConfig.EnableDefaultLatLongForNonGeoCodedPosts) { latitude = siteConfig.DefaultLatitude; } } if (entry.Longitude.HasValue) { longitude = entry.Longitude; } else { if (siteConfig.EnableDefaultLatLongForNonGeoCodedPosts) { longitude = siteConfig.DefaultLongitude; } } if (latitude.HasValue && longitude.HasValue) { XmlElement geoLoc = doc2.CreateElement("georss", "point", ""); geoLoc.InnerText = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:R} {1:R}", latitude, longitude); anyElements.Add(geoLoc); } } if (siteConfig.EnableComments) { if (entry.AllowComments) { XmlElement commentApi = doc2.CreateElement("wfw", "comment", ""); commentApi.InnerText = SiteUtilities.GetCommentViewUrl(siteConfig, entry.EntryId); anyElements.Add(commentApi); } XmlElement commentRss = doc2.CreateElement("wfw", "commentRss", ""); commentRss.InnerText = SiteUtilities.GetEntryCommentsRssUrl(siteConfig, entry.EntryId); anyElements.Add(commentRss); //for RSS conformance per int commentsCount = dataService.GetPublicCommentsFor(entry.EntryId).Count; if (commentsCount > 0) { XmlElement slashComments = doc2.CreateElement("slash", "comments", ""); slashComments.InnerText = commentsCount.ToString(); anyElements.Add(slashComments); } item.Comments = SiteUtilities.GetCommentViewUrl(siteConfig, entry.EntryId); } item.Language = entry.Language; if (entry.Categories != null && entry.Categories.Length > 0) { if (item.Categories == null) { item.Categories = new RssCategoryCollection(); } string[] cats = entry.Categories.Split(';'); foreach (string c in cats) { RssCategory cat = new RssCategory(); string cleanCat = c.Replace('|', '/'); cat.Text = cleanCat; item.Categories.Add(cat); } } if (entry.Attachments.Count > 0) { // RSS currently supports only a single enclsoure so we return the first one item.Enclosure = new Enclosure(); item.Enclosure.Url = SiteUtilities.GetEnclosureLinkUrl(entry.EntryId, entry.Attachments[0]); item.Enclosure.Type = entry.Attachments[0].Type; item.Enclosure.Length = entry.Attachments[0].Length.ToString(); } item.PubDate = entry.CreatedUtc.ToString("R"); if (ch.LastBuildDate == null || ch.LastBuildDate.Length == 0) { ch.LastBuildDate = item.PubDate; } if (!siteConfig.AlwaysIncludeContentInRSS && entry.Description != null && entry.Description.Trim().Length > 0) { item.Description = PreprocessItemContent(entry.EntryId, entry.Description); } else { if (siteConfig.HtmlTidyContent == false) { item.Description = "<div>" + PreprocessItemContent(entry.EntryId, entry.Content) + "</div>"; } else { item.Description = ContentFormatter.FormatContentAsHTML(PreprocessItemContent(entry.EntryId, entry.Content)); try { string xhtml = ContentFormatter.FormatContentAsXHTML(PreprocessItemContent(entry.EntryId, entry.Content)); doc2.LoadXml(xhtml); anyElements.Add((XmlElement)doc2.SelectSingleNode("//*[local-name() = 'body'][namespace-uri()='']")); } catch //(Exception ex) { //Debug.Write(ex.ToString()); // absorb } } } item.anyElements = anyElements.ToArray(); ch.Items.Add(item); } cache.Insert(CacheKey, documentRoot, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5)); } return(documentRoot); }