protected override void FillTab() { // get the inventory comp CompInventory comp = SelPawn.TryGetComp <CompInventory>(); // set up rects Rect listRect = new Rect( _margin, _topPadding, size.x - 2 * _margin, size.y - _topPadding - _margin); if (comp != null) { PlayerKnowledgeDatabase.KnowledgeDemonstrated(CE_ConceptDefOf.CE_InventoryWeightBulk, KnowledgeAmount.FrameDisplayed); // adjust rects if comp found listRect.height -= (_margin / 2 + _barHeight) * 2; Rect weightRect = new Rect(_margin, listRect.yMax + _margin / 2, listRect.width, _barHeight); Rect bulkRect = new Rect(_margin, weightRect.yMax + _margin / 2, listRect.width, _barHeight); Utility_Loadouts.DrawBar(bulkRect, comp.currentBulk, comp.capacityBulk, "CE_Bulk".Translate(), SelPawn.GetBulkTip()); Utility_Loadouts.DrawBar(weightRect, comp.currentWeight, comp.capacityWeight, "CE_Weight".Translate(), SelPawn.GetWeightTip()); } // start drawing list (rip from ITab_Pawn_Gear) GUI.BeginGroup(listRect); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; GUI.color = Color.white; Rect outRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, listRect.width, listRect.height); Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, listRect.width - 16f, _scrollViewHeight); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref _scrollPosition, viewRect); float num = 0f; TryDrawComfyTemperatureRange(ref num, viewRect.width); if (SelPawnForGear.apparel != null) { bool flag = false; TryDrawAverageArmor(ref num, viewRect.width, StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Blunt, "ArmorBlunt".Translate(), ref flag); TryDrawAverageArmor(ref num, viewRect.width, StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Sharp, "ArmorSharp".Translate(), ref flag); TryDrawAverageArmor(ref num, viewRect.width, StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Heat, "ArmorHeat".Translate(), ref flag); TryDrawAverageArmor(ref num, viewRect.width, StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Electric, "ArmorElectric".Translate(), ref flag); } if ( != null) { Widgets.ListSeparator(ref num, viewRect.width, "Equipment".Translate()); foreach (ThingWithComps current in { DrawThingRow(ref num, viewRect.width, current); } } if (SelPawnForGear.apparel != null) { Widgets.ListSeparator(ref num, viewRect.width, "Apparel".Translate()); foreach (Apparel current2 in from ap in SelPawnForGear.apparel.WornApparel orderby ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups[0].listOrder descending select ap) { DrawThingRow(ref num, viewRect.width, current2); } } if (SelPawnForGear.inventory != null) { // get the loadout so we can make a decision to show a button. bool showMakeLoadout = false; Loadout curLoadout = SelPawnForGear.GetLoadout(); if (SelPawnForGear.IsColonist && (curLoadout == null || curLoadout.Slots.NullOrEmpty()) && (SelPawnForGear.inventory.innerContainer.Any() || != null)) { showMakeLoadout = true; } if (showMakeLoadout) { num += 3; // Make a little room for the button. } float buttonY = num; // Could be accomplished with seperator being after the button... Widgets.ListSeparator(ref num, viewRect.width, "Inventory".Translate()); // only offer this button if the pawn has no loadout or has the default loadout and there are things/equipment... if (showMakeLoadout) { Rect loadoutButtonRect = new Rect(viewRect.width / 2, buttonY, viewRect.width / 2, 26f); // button is half the available width... if (Widgets.ButtonText(loadoutButtonRect, "Make Loadout")) { Loadout loadout = SelPawnForGear.GenerateLoadoutFromPawn(); LoadoutManager.AddLoadout(loadout); SelPawnForGear.SetLoadout(loadout); // UNDONE ideally we'd open the assign (MainTabWindow_OutfitsAndLoadouts) tab as if the user clicked on it here. // (ProfoundDarkness) But I have no idea how to do that just yet. The attempts I made seem to put the RimWorld UI into a bit of a bad state. // ie opening the tab like the dialog below. // Need to understand how RimWorld switches tabs and see if something similar can be done here // (or just remove the unfinished marker). // Opening this window is the same way as if from the assign tab so should be correct. Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_ManageLoadouts(SelPawnForGear.GetLoadout())); } } workingInvList.Clear(); workingInvList.AddRange(SelPawnForGear.inventory.innerContainer); for (int i = 0; i < workingInvList.Count; i++) { DrawThingRow(ref num, viewRect.width, workingInvList[i].GetInnerIfMinified(), true); } } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { _scrollViewHeight = num + 30f; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.color = Color.white; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; }
protected override void FillTab() { // get the inventory comp CompInventory comp = SelPawn.TryGetComp <CompInventory>(); // set up rects Rect listRect = new Rect( _margin, _topPadding, size.x - 2 * _margin, size.y - _topPadding - _margin); if (comp != null) { PlayerKnowledgeDatabase.KnowledgeDemonstrated(CE_ConceptDefOf.CE_InventoryWeightBulk, KnowledgeAmount.FrameDisplayed); // adjust rects if comp found listRect.height -= (_margin / 2 + _barHeight) * 2; Rect weightRect = new Rect(_margin, listRect.yMax + _margin / 2, listRect.width, _barHeight); Rect bulkRect = new Rect(_margin, weightRect.yMax + _margin / 2, listRect.width, _barHeight); // draw bars Utility_Loadouts.DrawBar(bulkRect, comp.currentBulk, comp.capacityBulk, "CE_Bulk".Translate(), SelPawn.GetBulkTip()); Utility_Loadouts.DrawBar(weightRect, comp.currentWeight, comp.capacityWeight, "CE_Weight".Translate(), SelPawn.GetWeightTip()); // draw text overlays on bars Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; string currentBulk = CE_StatDefOf.CarryBulk.ValueToString(comp.currentBulk, CE_StatDefOf.CarryBulk.toStringNumberSense); string capacityBulk = CE_StatDefOf.CarryBulk.ValueToString(comp.capacityBulk, CE_StatDefOf.CarryBulk.toStringNumberSense); Widgets.Label(bulkRect, currentBulk + "/" + capacityBulk); string currentWeight = comp.currentWeight.ToString("0.#"); string capacityWeight = CE_StatDefOf.CarryWeight.ValueToString(comp.capacityWeight, CE_StatDefOf.CarryWeight.toStringNumberSense); Widgets.Label(weightRect, currentWeight + "/" + capacityWeight); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } // start drawing list (rip from ITab_Pawn_Gear) GUI.BeginGroup(listRect); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; GUI.color = Color.white; Rect outRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, listRect.width, listRect.height); Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, listRect.width - 16f, _scrollViewHeight); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref _scrollPosition, viewRect); float num = 0f; TryDrawComfyTemperatureRange(ref num, viewRect.width); if (ShouldShowOverallArmor(SelPawnForGear)) { Widgets.ListSeparator(ref num, viewRect.width, "OverallArmor".Translate()); TryDrawOverallArmor(ref num, viewRect.width, StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Blunt, "ArmorBlunt".Translate(), " " + "CE_MPa".Translate()); TryDrawOverallArmor(ref num, viewRect.width, StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Sharp, "ArmorSharp".Translate(), "CE_mmRHA".Translate()); TryDrawOverallArmor(ref num, viewRect.width, StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Heat, "ArmorHeat".Translate(), "%"); } if (ShouldShowEquipment(SelPawnForGear)) { Widgets.ListSeparator(ref num, viewRect.width, "Equipment".Translate()); foreach (ThingWithComps current in { DrawThingRow(ref num, viewRect.width, current); } } if (ShouldShowApparel(SelPawnForGear)) { Widgets.ListSeparator(ref num, viewRect.width, "Apparel".Translate()); foreach (Apparel current2 in from ap in SelPawnForGear.apparel.WornApparel orderby ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups[0].listOrder descending select ap) { DrawThingRow(ref num, viewRect.width, current2); } } if (ShouldShowInventory(SelPawnForGear)) { // get the loadout so we can make a decision to show a button. bool showMakeLoadout = false; Loadout curLoadout = SelPawnForGear.GetLoadout(); if (SelPawnForGear.IsColonist && (curLoadout == null || curLoadout.Slots.NullOrEmpty()) && (SelPawnForGear.inventory.innerContainer.Any() || != null)) { showMakeLoadout = true; } if (showMakeLoadout) { num += 3; // Make a little room for the button. } float buttonY = num; // Could be accomplished with seperator being after the button... Widgets.ListSeparator(ref num, viewRect.width, "Inventory".Translate()); // only offer this button if the pawn has no loadout or has the default loadout and there are things/equipment... if (showMakeLoadout) { Rect loadoutButtonRect = new Rect(viewRect.width / 2, buttonY, viewRect.width / 2, 26f); // button is half the available width... if (Widgets.ButtonText(loadoutButtonRect, "CE_MakeLoadout".Translate())) { Loadout loadout = SelPawnForGear.GenerateLoadoutFromPawn(); LoadoutManager.AddLoadout(loadout); SelPawnForGear.SetLoadout(loadout); // Opening this window is the same way as if from the assign tab so should be correct. Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_ManageLoadouts(SelPawnForGear.GetLoadout())); } } workingInvList.Clear(); workingInvList.AddRange(SelPawnForGear.inventory.innerContainer); for (int i = 0; i < workingInvList.Count; i++) { DrawThingRow(ref num, viewRect.width, workingInvList[i].GetInnerIfMinified(), true); } } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { _scrollViewHeight = num + 30f; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.color = Color.white; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; }
// xShift: how much to right to adjust the two bars private void TryDrawCEloadout(float xShift, float y, float width) { CompInventory comp = SelPawn.TryGetComp <CompInventory>(); if (comp == null) { return; } PlayerKnowledgeDatabase.KnowledgeDemonstrated(CE_ConceptDefOf.CE_InventoryWeightBulk, KnowledgeAmount.FrameDisplayed); // adjust rects if comp found Rect weightRect = new Rect(_margin + xShift, y + _margin / 2, width, _barHeight); Rect bulkRect = new Rect(_margin + xShift, weightRect.yMax + _margin / 2, width, _barHeight); // draw bars Utility_Loadouts.DrawBar(bulkRect, comp.currentBulk, comp.capacityBulk, "CE_Bulk".Translate(), SelPawn.GetBulkTip()); Utility_Loadouts.DrawBar(weightRect, comp.currentWeight, comp.capacityWeight, "CE_Weight".Translate(), SelPawn.GetWeightTip()); // draw text overlays on bars Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; string currentBulk = CE_StatDefOf.CarryBulk.ValueToString(comp.currentBulk, CE_StatDefOf.CarryBulk.toStringNumberSense); string capacityBulk = CE_StatDefOf.CarryBulk.ValueToString(comp.capacityBulk, CE_StatDefOf.CarryBulk.toStringNumberSense); Widgets.Label(bulkRect, currentBulk + "/" + capacityBulk); string currentWeight = comp.currentWeight.ToString("0.#"); string capacityWeight = CE_StatDefOf.CarryWeight.ValueToString(comp.capacityWeight, CE_StatDefOf.CarryWeight.toStringNumberSense); Widgets.Label(weightRect, currentWeight + "/" + capacityWeight); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; }
protected override void FillTab() { // get the inventory comp CompInventory comp = SelPawn.TryGetComp <CompInventory>(); // set up rects Rect listRect = new Rect( _margin, _topPadding, size.x - 2 * _margin, size.y - _topPadding - _margin); if (comp != null) { // adjust rects if comp found listRect.height -= (_margin + _barHeight) * 2; Rect weightRect = new Rect(_margin, listRect.yMax + _margin, listRect.width, _barHeight); Rect bulkRect = new Rect(_margin, weightRect.yMax + _margin, listRect.width, _barHeight); Utility_Loadouts.DrawBar(bulkRect, comp.currentBulk, comp.capacityBulk, "CR.Bulk".Translate(), SelPawn.GetBulkTip()); Utility_Loadouts.DrawBar(weightRect, comp.currentWeight, comp.capacityWeight, "CR.Weight".Translate(), SelPawn.GetWeightTip()); } // start drawing list (rip from ITab_Pawn_Gear) GUI.BeginGroup(listRect); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; GUI.color = Color.white; Rect outRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, listRect.width, listRect.height); Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, listRect.width - 16f, this._scrollViewHeight); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref this._scrollPosition, viewRect); float curY = 0f; if ( != null) { Widgets.ListSeparator(ref curY, viewRect.width, "Equipment".Translate()); foreach (ThingWithComps current in { this.DrawThingRow(ref curY, viewRect.width, current); } } if (this.SelPawnForGear.apparel != null) { Widgets.ListSeparator(ref curY, viewRect.width, "Apparel".Translate()); foreach (Apparel current2 in from ap in this.SelPawnForGear.apparel.WornApparel orderby ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups[0].listOrder descending select ap) { this.DrawThingRow(ref curY, viewRect.width, current2); } } if (this.SelPawnForGear.inventory != null) { Widgets.ListSeparator(ref curY, viewRect.width, "Inventory".Translate()); foreach (Thing current3 in this.SelPawnForGear.inventory.container) { this.DrawThingRow(ref curY, viewRect.width, current3); } } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { this._scrollViewHeight = curY + 30f; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.color = Color.white; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; }
protected override void FillTab() { // get the inventory comp CompInventory comp = SelPawn.TryGetComp <CompInventory>(); // set up rects Rect listRect = new Rect( _margin, _topPadding, size.x - 2 * _margin, size.y - _topPadding - _margin); if (comp != null) { // adjust rects if comp found listRect.height -= (_margin / 2 + _barHeight) * 2; Rect weightRect = new Rect(_margin, listRect.yMax + _margin / 2, listRect.width, _barHeight); Rect bulkRect = new Rect(_margin, weightRect.yMax + _margin / 2, listRect.width, _barHeight); Utility_Loadouts.DrawBar(bulkRect, comp.currentBulk, comp.capacityBulk, "CR.Bulk".Translate(), SelPawn.GetBulkTip()); Utility_Loadouts.DrawBar(weightRect, comp.currentWeight, comp.capacityWeight, "CR.Weight".Translate(), SelPawn.GetWeightTip()); } // start drawing list (rip from ITab_Pawn_Gear) GUI.BeginGroup(listRect); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; GUI.color = Color.white; Rect outRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, listRect.width, listRect.height); Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, listRect.width - 16f, _scrollViewHeight); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref _scrollPosition, viewRect); float num = 0f; TryDrawComfyTemperatureRange(ref num, viewRect.width); if (SelPawnForGear.apparel != null) { bool flag = false; TryDrawAverageArmor(ref num, viewRect.width, StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Blunt, "ArmorBlunt".Translate(), ref flag); TryDrawAverageArmor(ref num, viewRect.width, StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Sharp, "ArmorSharp".Translate(), ref flag); TryDrawAverageArmor(ref num, viewRect.width, StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Heat, "ArmorHeat".Translate(), ref flag); TryDrawAverageArmor(ref num, viewRect.width, StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Electric, "ArmorElectric".Translate(), ref flag); } if ( != null) { Widgets.ListSeparator(ref num, viewRect.width, "Equipment".Translate()); foreach (ThingWithComps current in { DrawThingRow(ref num, viewRect.width, current); } } if (SelPawnForGear.apparel != null) { Widgets.ListSeparator(ref num, viewRect.width, "Apparel".Translate()); foreach (Apparel current2 in from ap in SelPawnForGear.apparel.WornApparel orderby ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups[0].listOrder descending select ap) { DrawThingRow(ref num, viewRect.width, current2); } } if (SelPawnForGear.inventory != null) { Widgets.ListSeparator(ref num, viewRect.width, "Inventory".Translate()); workingInvList.Clear(); workingInvList.AddRange(SelPawnForGear.inventory.innerContainer); for (int i = 0; i < workingInvList.Count; i++) { DrawThingRow(ref num, viewRect.width, workingInvList[i].GetInnerIfMinified()); } } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { _scrollViewHeight = num + 30f; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.color = Color.white; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; // GUI.BeginGroup(listRect); // Text.Font = GameFont.Small; // GUI.color = Color.white; // Rect outRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, listRect.width, listRect.height); // Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, listRect.width - 16f, this._scrollViewHeight); // Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref this._scrollPosition, viewRect); // float curY = 0f; // if ( != null) // { // Widgets.ListSeparator(ref curY, viewRect.width, "Equipment".Translate()); // foreach (ThingWithComps current in // { // this.DrawThingRow(ref curY, viewRect.width, current); // } // } // if (this.SelPawnForGear.apparel != null) // { // Widgets.ListSeparator(ref curY, viewRect.width, "Apparel".Translate()); // foreach (Apparel current2 in from ap in this.SelPawnForGear.apparel.WornApparel // orderby ap.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups[0].listOrder descending // select ap) // { // this.DrawThingRow(ref curY, viewRect.width, current2); // } // } // if (this.SelPawnForGear.inventory != null) // { // Widgets.ListSeparator(ref curY, viewRect.width, "Inventory".Translate()); // foreach (Thing current3 in this.SelPawnForGear.inventory.container) // { // this.DrawThingRow(ref curY, viewRect.width, current3); // } // } // if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) // { // this._scrollViewHeight = curY + 30f; // } // Widgets.EndScrollView(); // GUI.EndGroup(); // // GUI.color = Color.white; // Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; }