        public double FindClosestElementToPoint(Vector2d point, out ElementLocation location)
            location = new ElementLocation(int.MinValue, 0);

            double closestDistanceSquared = double.MaxValue;
            int    currentElementIndex    = 0;

            foreach (var element in elements)
                // Update results if current element is closer
                Segment2d seg = element.GetSegment2d();
                double    currentSegmentClosestDistanceSquared = seg.DistanceSquared(point);

                // Update results if current element is closer
                if (currentSegmentClosestDistanceSquared < closestDistanceSquared)
                    closestDistanceSquared         = currentSegmentClosestDistanceSquared;
                    location.Index                 = currentElementIndex;
                    location.ParameterizedDistance = GetParameterizedDistance(point, seg);


            // For consistency, if the closest point is on a vertex,
            // give the index of the element after the vertex
            if (MathUtil.EpsilonEqual(location.ParameterizedDistance, 1, 1e-6))
                location.ParameterizedDistance = 0;
                location.Index = (location.Index + 1) % elements.Count;
        public double Distance(Vector2D point)
            double d0 = (Arc1IsSegment) ?
                        Math.Sqrt(Segment1.DistanceSquared(point)) : Arc1.Distance(point);
            double d1 = (Arc2IsSegment) ?
                        Math.Sqrt(Segment2.DistanceSquared(point)) : Arc2.Distance(point);

            return(Math.Min(d0, d1));
 void sanity_check()
     if (Quantity == 0)
         Util.gDevAssert(Type == IntersectionType.Empty);
         Util.gDevAssert(Result == IntersectionResult.NoIntersection);
     else if (Quantity == 1)
         Util.gDevAssert(Type == IntersectionType.Point);
         Util.gDevAssert(segment1.DistanceSquared(Point0) < math.MathUtil.ZeroTolerance);
         Util.gDevAssert(segment2.DistanceSquared(Point0) < math.MathUtil.ZeroTolerance);
     else if (Quantity == 2)
         Util.gDevAssert(Type == IntersectionType.Segment);
         Util.gDevAssert(segment1.DistanceSquared(Point0) < math.MathUtil.ZeroTolerance);
         Util.gDevAssert(segment1.DistanceSquared(Point1) < math.MathUtil.ZeroTolerance);
         Util.gDevAssert(segment2.DistanceSquared(Point0) < math.MathUtil.ZeroTolerance);
         Util.gDevAssert(segment2.DistanceSquared(Point1) < math.MathUtil.ZeroTolerance);
        public double DistanceSquared(Vector2D point)
            double fNearestSqr = Double.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count - 1; ++i)
                Segment2d seg = new Segment2d(vertices[i], vertices[i + 1]);
                double    d   = seg.DistanceSquared(point);
                if (d < fNearestSqr)
                    fNearestSqr = d;
        // Polygon simplification
        // code adapted from: http://softsurfer.com/Archive/algorithm_0205/algorithm_0205.htm
        // simplifyDP():
        //  This is the Douglas-Peucker recursive simplification routine
        //  It just marks vertices that are part of the simplified polyline
        //  for approximating the polyline subchain v[j] to v[k].
        //    Input:  tol = approximation tolerance
        //            v[] = polyline array of vertex points
        //            j,k = indices for the subchain v[j] to v[k]
        //    Output: mk[] = array of markers matching vertex array v[]
        static void simplifyDP(double tol, Vector2D[] v, int j, int k, bool[] mk)
            if (k <= j + 1)           // there is nothing to simplify

            // check for adequate approximation by segment S from v[j] to v[k]
            int       maxi  = j;                         // index of vertex farthest from S
            double    maxd2 = 0;                         // distance squared of farthest vertex
            double    tol2  = tol * tol;                 // tolerance squared
            Segment2d S     = new Segment2d(v[j], v[k]); // segment from v[j] to v[k]

            // test each vertex v[i] for max distance from S
            // Note: this works in any dimension (2D, 3D, ...)
            for (int i = j + 1; i < k; i++)
                double dv2 = S.DistanceSquared(v[i]);
                if (dv2 <= maxd2)
                // v[i] is a new max vertex
                maxi  = i;
                maxd2 = dv2;
            if (maxd2 > tol2)                     // error is worse than the tolerance
            // split the polyline at the farthest vertex from S
                mk[maxi] = true;                      // mark v[maxi] for the simplified polyline
                // recursively simplify the two subpolylines at v[maxi]
                simplifyDP(tol, v, j, maxi, mk);      // polyline v[j] to v[maxi]
                simplifyDP(tol, v, maxi, k, mk);      // polyline v[maxi] to v[k]
            // else the approximation is OK, so ignore intermediate vertices