    void Start()
        darkMap        = GameObject.Find("DarkMap");
        spawnMeteors   = GameObject.Find("SpawnMeteors");
        colorSelection = SceneSelection.MateralSelection;
        Material[] materials = new Material[marbleCount];
        switch (colorSelection)
        case 0:
            materials[0] = Resources.Load <Material>("Light Blue");
            materials[1] = Resources.Load <Material>("Purple");
            materials[2] = Resources.Load <Material>("Red");
            materials[3] = Resources.Load <Material>("Yellow");

        case 1:
            materials[0] = Resources.Load <Material>("Pink");
            materials[1] = Resources.Load <Material>("Purple");
            materials[2] = Resources.Load <Material>("Green");
            materials[3] = Resources.Load <Material>("Orange");

        case 2:
            materials[0] = Resources.Load <Material>("Dark Blue");
            materials[1] = Resources.Load <Material>("Blue");
            materials[2] = Resources.Load <Material>("Orange");
            materials[3] = Resources.Load <Material>("Red");

        case 3:
            materials[0] = Resources.Load <Material>("Earth");
            materials[1] = Resources.Load <Material>("Moon");
            materials[2] = Resources.Load <Material>("Mars");
            materials[3] = Resources.Load <Material>("Pluto");

        case 4:
            materials = RandomMarbles();

            materials[0] = Resources.Load <Material>("Blue");
            materials[1] = Resources.Load <Material>("Purple");
            materials[2] = Resources.Load <Material>("Red");
            materials[3] = Resources.Load <Material>("Yellow");
        // Create a bunch of random marbles with labels.
        marbles      = new List <GameObject>();
        marbleLabels = new List <GameObject>();
        for (int x = 0; x < marbleCount; x++)
            string marbleName = materials[x].name;

            // Create the marble
            prefab.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = materials[x];
            Vector3 spawnVector = new Vector3(Random.Range(-2f, 2f), x, Random.Range(-2f, 2f));
            marbles.Add(Instantiate(prefab, this.transform.position + spawnVector, Quaternion.identity));
            marbles[x].name = marbleName;

            // Add trails to marbles
            TrailRenderer trail = marbles[x].AddComponent <TrailRenderer>();
            trail.time     = 0.25f;
            trail.material = marbles[x].GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material;
            AnimationCurve curve = new AnimationCurve();
            curve.AddKey(0.0f, 0.75f);
            curve.AddKey(0.6f, 0.25f);
            curve.AddKey(1.0f, 0.0f);
            trail.widthCurve = curve;

            // If the map is dark, make the marbles glow
            // In order to use this, an empty GameObject named "DarkMap" must be added to the scene.
            if (darkMap != null)
                Light marbleGlow = marbles[x].AddComponent <Light>();
                marbleGlow.color      = materials[x].color;
                marbleGlow.intensity *= 5;

            // Rolling sound for marbles (only plays if they are touching a surface)
            // Add external script to each marble for collisions
            marbles[x].AddComponent <RollingSound>();
            marbles[x].AddComponent <AudioSource>();
            AudioSource audio   = marbles[x].GetComponent <AudioSource>();
            AudioClip   newClip = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("Roll");
            audio.clip         = newClip;
            audio.playOnAwake  = true;
            audio.loop         = true;
            audio.spatialBlend = 1;
            audio.rolloffMode  = AudioRolloffMode.Linear;
            audio.maxDistance  = 50;
            audio.volume       = 0.75f;

            // Create the marble label
            GameObject labelPrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>("Label");
            GameObject label       = Instantiate(labelPrefab, marbles[x].transform.position, Quaternion.identity, marbles[x].transform) as GameObject;
            label.name = marbleName + " Label";
            label.tag  = "marbleNotFinished";

            // Set the label text
            TextMeshPro labelText = label.GetComponent <TextMeshPro>();
            labelText.text         = marbleName;
            labelText.fontSize     = 14;
            labelText.color        = Color.white;
            labelText.alignment    = TextAlignmentOptions.Center;
            labelText.outlineColor = Color.black;
            labelText.outlineWidth = 0.2f;
            labelText.fontStyle    = FontStyles.Bold;

            //label.transform.position = marbles[x].transform.position;

        // This spawns meteors, but it DESTROYS the framerate
        if (spawnMeteors != null)
            meteors = new List <GameObject>();

            for (int x = 0; x < 20; x++)
                GameObject meteor = (GameObject)Resources.Load("meteor");

        // Initialize scoreboard
        scoreboard = new Scoreboard();
        foreach (GameObject marble in marbles)