public string SegregateScenes(int _tasksCount = 3, int _unitsCount = 3) { TimeSpan Dur = VideoInfo.Duration; int NumScenes = (int)Math.Ceiling(VideoInfo.Duration.TotalMinutes / 2); //Scenes = new ObservableCollection<Scene>(); Scenes.Clear(); for (int i = 1; i <= NumScenes; i++) { Scene s = new Scene(); int nextid = 0; if (Scenes.Count > 0) { nextid = Scenes.Max(a => a.Id); } s.Id = ++nextid; s.Position = i; s.UnitsCount = _unitsCount; s.TasksCount = _tasksCount; s.VideoSegment.TimeBegin = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((i - 1) * 120); if (i < NumScenes) { s.VideoSegment.TimeEnd = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(i * 120); } else { s.VideoSegment.TimeEnd = VideoInfo.Duration - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5); } s.VideoSegment.Source = VideoInfo.Source; Scenes.Add(s); } return("someShit"); }
public void ClearAllScenes() { lock (Scenes) { foreach (var i in Scenes) { i.Value.Cleanup(); } Scenes.Clear(); } }
private void LoadScenes(XmlNode parent) { if (parent.ChildNodes != null) { Scenes.Clear(); } SceneDescription d; foreach (XmlNode node in parent.ChildNodes) { d = new SceneDescription(); // traverse each attribute foreach (XmlAttribute a in node.Attributes) { switch (a.Name) { case XmlAttributeNames.Name: d.Name = a.Value; break; case XmlAttributeNames.Description: d.Description = a.Value; break; case XmlAttributeNames.Column: d.Column = Int32.Parse(a.Value); break; case XmlAttributeNames.TimePosition: d.TimePosition = Int32.Parse(a.Value); break; case XmlAttributeNames.Duration: d.Duration = Int32.Parse(a.Value); break; } } foreach (XmlNode contentNode in node.ChildNodes) { IContent content = new UnrecognizedContent(); foreach (IRiddleHandler h in ContentHandlers) { if (h.CanLoad(contentNode)) { content = h.Load(contentNode); } } d.Pages.Add(content); } Scenes.Add(d); } }
void UpdateScenes() { if (goToScene == null) { if (removeSceneCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < removeSceneCount; i++) { Scenes.Pop().EndInternal(); if (Scene != null) { Scene.ResumeInternal(); } } removeSceneCount = 0; } if (goToScenes.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < goToScenes.Count; i++) { if (Scene != null) { Scene.PauseInternal(); } Scenes.Push(goToScenes[i]); goToScenes[i].Game = this; goToScenes[i].BeginInternal(); goToScenes[i].UpdateLists(); if (i < goToScenes.Count - 1) { goToScenes[i].Update(); } } goToScenes.Clear(); } } else { if (Scene != null) { Scene.EndInternal(); } Scenes.Clear(); Scenes.Push(goToScene); Scene.Game = this; Scene.UpdateLists(); Scene.BeginInternal(); goToScene = null; } }
private void HandleBootstrap(Bootstrap <NuimoDevice, Scene> bootstrap) { Devices.Clear(); foreach (var device in bootstrap.Devices) { Devices.Add(device); device.PropertyChanged += Device_PropertyChanged; } Scenes.Clear(); foreach (var scene in bootstrap.Scenes) { Scenes.Add(scene); scene.PropertyChanged += Scene_PropertyChanged; } _settingsControl.Settings = bootstrap.Settings; _settingsControl.Settings.PropertyChanged += Settings_PropertyChanged; }
public static void ResetData(bool clearScenes = false) { HasReset = true; foreach (var obj in SceneManager.GetActiveScene().GetRootGameObjects()) { obj.SetActive(false); } PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); OnGlobalReset?.Invoke(); if (clearScenes) { Scenes.Clear(); } else { Scenes.Reload(); } }
public void Cleanup() { var it = Scenes.Values.GetEnumerator(); while (it.MoveNext()) { it.Current.Cleanup(); } it.Dispose(); Scenes.Clear(); var it2 = Actors.Values.GetEnumerator(); while (it2.MoveNext()) { it2.Current.OnRemoveWorld(this); } it2.Dispose(); Actors.Clear(); Cleanup_Editor(); mDefaultScene = null; }
/// <summary> /// Разбивает видеозапись заданное количество сцен с равной длительностью /// </summary> /// <param name="scenesCount">Нужное количество сцен</param> /// <returns></returns> public string SegregateScenes(int scenesCount, TimeSpan OverlapSegregateTime, int _tasksCount = 3, int _unitsCount = 3) { TimeSpan Dur = VideoInfo.Duration; TimeSpan segrTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((Dur.TotalSeconds - 0.1) / scenesCount); int NumScenes = scenesCount; //Scenes = new ObservableCollection<Scene>(); Scenes.Clear(); for (int i = 1; i <= NumScenes; i++) { Scene s = new Scene(); int nextid = 0; if (Scenes.Count > 0) { nextid = Scenes.Max(a => a.Id); } s.Id = ++nextid; s.Position = i; s.UnitsCount = _unitsCount; s.TasksCount = _tasksCount; s.VideoSegment.TimeBegin = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((i - 1) * segrTime.TotalSeconds); if (i < NumScenes) { s.VideoSegment.TimeEnd = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((i * segrTime.TotalSeconds) + OverlapSegregateTime.TotalSeconds); } else { s.VideoSegment.TimeEnd = VideoInfo.Duration - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1); } s.VideoSegment.Source = VideoInfo.Source; Scenes.Add(s); } return("someShit"); }
internal static void Clear() { GameObjects.Clear(); Components.Clear(); Scenes.Clear(); }
private async void Ws_SceneChanged(SLOBSWebsocket sender, SLOBSSceneEvent eventdata) { if (eventdata.Type == ESLOBSEventType.SceneAdded) { SOBSScene item = _translateScene(eventdata.Scene); Scenes.Add(item); if (SceneChanged != null) { SceneChanged(this, EOBSEvent.SceneAdded, item); } } else if (eventdata.Type == ESLOBSEventType.SceneRemoved) { int reindex = 0; SOBSScene item = _translateScene(eventdata.Scene); for (int i = 0; i < Scenes.Count; i++) { if (Scenes[i].Id == eventdata.Scene.Id) { Scenes.RemoveAt(i); } else { var scene = Scenes[i]; scene.Index = reindex; Scenes[i] = scene; reindex++; } } if (SceneChanged != null) { SceneChanged(this, EOBSEvent.SceneRemoved, item); } } else if (eventdata.Type == ESLOBSEventType.SceneSwitched) { if (!_setActiveScene(eventdata.Scene)) { var ascenes = await ws.ListScenes(); Scenes.Clear(); Scenes = _translateScenes(ascenes); _setActiveScene(eventdata.Scene); } var audio = await ws.ListAudioSources(); AudioSources.Clear(); AudioSources = _translateAudioSources(audio); if (AudioSourceChanged != null) { AudioSourceChanged(this, EOBSEvent.SourceAdded); } if (SceneChanged != null) { SceneChanged(this, EOBSEvent.SceneSwitched, ActiveScene); } } else if (eventdata.Type == ESLOBSEventType.SceneCollectionChanged) { var ascenes = await ws.ListScenes(); Scenes.Clear(); Scenes = _translateScenes(ascenes); var active_scene = await ws.GetActiveScene(); if (active_scene != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Scenes.Count; i++) { if (Scenes[i].Id == ((SLOBSScene)active_scene).Id) { ActiveScene = Scenes[i]; } } } if (SceneChanged != null) { SceneChanged(this, EOBSEvent.SceneUpdated, ActiveScene); } } }
// Do a Query request on the selected point to get the list of overlapping scenes private Task ExtractInfoAsync(string X, string Y) { return(Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(async() => { try { if (Scenes != null) { Scenes.Clear(); _selection.Clear(); } // Get the image service URL from the current layer SelectedLayer = MapView.Active.GetSelectedLayers().FirstOrDefault(); if (SelectedLayer is ImageServiceLayer) { string ImageServiceURL = null; ImageServiceLayer imageServiceLayer = (ImageServiceLayer)SelectedLayer; await QueuedTask.Run(() => { CIMDataConnection DataConnection = imageServiceLayer.GetDataConnection(); string DataConnectionXMLString = DataConnection.ToXml(); var ParsedDataConnectionString = XElement.Parse(DataConnectionXMLString); var URLNode = ParsedDataConnectionString.Elements("URL"); foreach (XElement nodeValue in URLNode) { ImageServiceURL = nodeValue.ToString(); } }); // Send a request to the REST end point to get information var point = "{x:" + X + ",y:" + Y + "}"; string[] URLSplit = Regex.Split(ImageServiceURL, "arcgis/"); //string ServiceURL = ""; string ServiceURL = URLSplit[0].Replace("<URL>", string.Empty); string url = ServiceURL + "query"; var ubldr = new UriBuilder(ServiceURL); string path = "arcgis/rest/" + URLSplit[1].Replace("</URL>", string.Empty) + "/query"; ubldr.Path = path; //ubldr.Path = $"arcgis/rest/services/Landsat/MS/ImageServer/query"; // Allows to give parameters as dictionary key,pair values rather than manually constructing a json var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(ubldr.Query); query["f"] = "json"; query["geometry"] = point; query["geometryType"] = "esriGeometryPoint"; query["spatialRel"] = "esriSpatialRelIntersects"; query["outFields"] = "*"; query["pixelSize"] = "30"; query["returnGeometry"] = "false"; ubldr.Query = query.ToString(); var httpClient = new EsriHttpClient(); var response = httpClient?.Get(ubldr.Uri.ToString()); var respstr = await response?.Content?.ReadAsStringAsync(); var SceneList = JObject.Parse(respstr); var SceneListInfo = (JArray)SceneList["features"]; foreach (JObject value in SceneListInfo) { foreach (var property in value.Properties()) { if (property.Name == "attributes") { { // Add obtained json response as a dictionary to a list of dictionaries var attribute = property.Value.ToString(); var attributeValue = JObject.Parse(attribute); var category = Int32.Parse(attributeValue["Category"].ToString()); var attributeValueDict = attributeValue.ToObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(); if (category == 1) { _selection.Add(attributeValueDict); } } } } } foreach (var value in _selection) { // Extract and convert epoch time to dd/MM/yyyy format double UnixTime = Convert.ToDouble(value["AcquisitionDate"].ToString()); var epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); DateTime date = epoch.AddMilliseconds(UnixTime); var AcqDate = date.ToString("dd / MM / yyyy"); var objID = value["OBJECTID"].ToString(); var ClCover = value["CloudCover"].ToString(); var SceneName = value["Name"].ToString(); Scenes.Add(new Scene { AcqDate = AcqDate, Name = SceneName, CloudCover = ClCover, ObjectID = objID }); } // Add recieved information to an Observable Collection and notfy UI NotifyPropertyChanged(() => Scenes); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); } })); }
public void SetScene(string path) { Scenes.Clear(); AddScene(path); }