protected override void SaveInternal(SaveContext saveContext)
            // A little maintenance... if we have any models with bones, let's
            // make sure their indexes are correct...
            var models = (ChunkDICTModel)Entries[(int)EntryType.Model];

            foreach (var modelEntry in models.Entries)
                var model = (DICTObjModel)modelEntry.EntryObject;

                if (model.HasSkeleton)
                    var bones = model.Skeleton.Bones;
                    for (var i = 0; i < bones.Entries.Count; i++)
                        (bones.Entries[i].EntryObject as DICTObjBone).Index = i;

                    // TODO -- fix all SubMeshes with BoneIndices here now!

            var utility = saveContext.Utility;

            // Write out zeroes to accomodate all entries, reserving the space
            var dictLUTStartPos = utility.GetWritePosition();

            for (var entry = EntryType.Model; entry < EntryType.TotalEntries; entry++)
                var numEntries = Entries[(int)entry]?.NumEntries ?? 0U;
                utility.Write(numEntries); // We can write number of entries NOW...
                utility.Write(0U);         // ... but we can't know the offset yet!

            // First the dictionary headers are written out
            for (var entry = EntryType.Model; entry < EntryType.TotalEntries; entry++)
                var dict = Entries[(int)entry];

                if (dict != null && dict.NumEntries > 0)
                    // From start of LUT to 4 + entry * 8 bytes inward...
                    var dictLUTTarget = (uint)(dictLUTStartPos + 4 + ((int)entry * 8));

                    // Save DICT chunk

            // Now we need to explicitly write out the dictionary contents
            for (var entry = EntryType.Model; entry < EntryType.TotalEntries; entry++)
                var dict = Entries[(int)entry];


            // Resolve all references

            // Finally, write out the string table

            // The IMAG chunk seems to have its data (passed the 8 byte header) aligned to nearest
            // 128 byte boundary. So we need to make sure we're aligned there before writing it.
            // We need to do this here (unfortunately kinda) because it needs to be included in
            // the recorded size of the DATA chunk.
            utility.AlignWrite(128, 8);