        private void ParseSamplerTrack(FMAT material, SamplerTrack track)
            if (TextureList.Count == 0)

            if (material.AnimatedSamplers.ContainsKey(track.Sampler))

            var value   = (int)track.GetFrameValue(this.Frame);
            var texture = TextureList[value];

            material.AnimatedSamplers.Add(track.Sampler, texture);
        public void Reload(MaterialAnim anim)
            Name       = anim.Name;
            FrameCount = anim.FrameCount;
            FrameRate  = 60.0f;
            Loop       = anim.Loop;
            if (anim.TextureNames != null)
                TextureList = anim.TextureNames.Keys.ToList();

            if (anim.MaterialAnimDataList == null)

            foreach (var matAnim in anim.MaterialAnimDataList)
                var group = new MaterialAnimGroup();
                group.Name = matAnim.Name;

                //Get the material animation's texture pattern animation lists
                //Each sampler has their own info
                for (int i = 0; i < matAnim.PatternAnimInfos.Count; i++)
                    var patternInfo = matAnim.PatternAnimInfos[i];

                    //Get the curve index for animated indices
                    int curveIndex = patternInfo.CurveIndex;
                    //Get the base index for starting values
                    int textureBaseIndex = matAnim.BaseDataList.Length > i ? matAnim.BaseDataList[i] : 0;

                    //Make a new sampler track using step interpolation
                    var samplerTrack = new SamplerTrack();
                    samplerTrack.InterpolationType = STInterpoaltionType.Step;
                    samplerTrack.Sampler           = patternInfo.Name;

                    if (curveIndex != -1)
                        BfresAnimations.GenerateKeys(samplerTrack, matAnim.Curves[curveIndex], true);
                    else //Use the base data and make a constant key
                        samplerTrack.KeyFrames.Add(new STKeyFrame(0, textureBaseIndex));
                //Get the list of animated parameters
                for (int i = 0; i < matAnim.ParamAnimInfos.Count; i++)
                    ParamAnimGroup paramGroup = new ParamAnimGroup();
                    paramGroup.Name = matAnim.ParamAnimInfos[i].Name;

                    var paramInfo = matAnim.ParamAnimInfos[i];
                    //Params have int and float curves
                    int curveIndex    = paramInfo.BeginCurve;
                    int constantIndex = paramInfo.BeginConstant;
                    int numFloats     = paramInfo.FloatCurveCount;
                    int numInts       = paramInfo.IntCurveCount;
                    int numConstants  = paramInfo.ConstantCount;

                    //Each constant and curve get's their own value using a value offset
                    for (int j = 0; j < numConstants; j++)
                        var   constant = matAnim.Constants[constantIndex + j];
                        float value    = constant.Value;
                        //A bit hacky, convert int32 types by value range SRT modes use
                        if (constant.Value.Int32 > 0 && constant.Value.Int32 < 6)
                            value = constant.Value.Int32;

                        paramGroup.Tracks.Add(new ParamTrack()
                            Name        = constant.AnimDataOffset.ToString("X"),
                            ValueOffset = constant.AnimDataOffset,
                            //Not the best way, but 4 is typically the stride size for each value
                            ChannelIndex = (int)(constant.AnimDataOffset / 4),
                            KeyFrames    = new List <STKeyFrame>()
                                new STKeyFrame(0, value)
                            InterpolationType = STInterpoaltionType.Constant,
                    //Loop through all int and float curve values
                    for (int j = 0; j < numInts + numFloats; j++)
                        var curve      = matAnim.Curves[curveIndex + j];
                        var paramTrack = new ParamTrack()
                            Name = curve.AnimDataOffset.ToString("X")
                        paramTrack.ValueOffset = curve.AnimDataOffset;
                        //Not the best way, but 4 is typically the stride size for each value
                        paramTrack.ChannelIndex = (int)(curve.AnimDataOffset / 4);

                        BfresAnimations.GenerateKeys(paramTrack, curve);