public static void UpdateRoomDebugKeys() { if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.P)) { RoomControl.IsSideScrolling = !RoomControl.IsSideScrolling; } // C: Change color barrier color. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.C)) { if (RoomControl.Dungeon != null) { PuzzleColor c = (RoomControl.Dungeon.ColorSwitchColor == PuzzleColor.Blue ? PuzzleColor.Red : PuzzleColor.Blue); RoomControl.Dungeon.ColorSwitchColor = c; if (RoomControl.GetTilesOfType <TileColorBarrier>().Any()) { gameControl.PushRoomState(new RoomStateColorBarrier(c)); } } } // CTRL+R: Restart the game. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.R) && Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.LControl)) { GameManager.Restart(); } // F5: Pause gameplay. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.F5)) { GameManager.IsGamePaused = !GameManager.IsGamePaused; } // F6: Step gameplay by one frame. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.F6) && GameManager.IsGamePaused) { GameManager.NextFrame(); } // OPEN BRACKET: open all open doors. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.OpenBracket)) { RoomControl.OpenAllDoors(); } // CLOSE BRACKET: close all doors. else if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.CloseBracket)) { RoomControl.CloseAllDoors(); } // G: Display a test message. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.G)) { gameControl.DisplayMessage("I was a <red>hero<red> to broken robots 'cause I was one of them, but how can I sing about being damaged if I'm not?<p> That's like <green>Christina Aguilera<green> singing Spanish. Ooh, wait! That's it! I'll fake it!"); } // INSERT: Fill all ammo. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Insert)) { gameControl.Inventory.FillAllAmmo(); Dungeon dungeon = gameControl.RoomControl.Dungeon; if (dungeon != null) { dungeon.NumSmallKeys = Math.Min(dungeon.NumSmallKeys + 3, 9); dungeon.HasMap = true; dungeon.HasCompass = true; dungeon.HasBossKey = true; } } // DELETE: Empty all ammo. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Delete)) { gameControl.Inventory.EmptyAllAmmo(); } // HOME: Set the player's health to max. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Home)) { gameControl.Player.MaxHealth = 4 * 14; gameControl.Player.Health = gameControl.Player.MaxHealth; } // END: Set the player's health to 3 hearts. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.End)) { gameControl.Player.Health = 4 * 3; } // T: Cycle which tunic the player is wearing. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.T)) { switch (gameControl.Player.Tunic) { case PlayerTunics.GreenTunic: gameControl.Player.Tunic = PlayerTunics.RedTunic; break; case PlayerTunics.RedTunic: gameControl.Player.Tunic = PlayerTunics.BlueTunic; break; case PlayerTunics.BlueTunic: gameControl.Player.Tunic = PlayerTunics.GreenTunic; break; } } // H: Hurt the player in a random direction. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.H)) { float angle = GRandom.NextFloat(GMath.FullAngle); Vector2F source = gameControl.Player.Center + new Vector2F(5.0f, angle, true); gameControl.Player.Hurt(new DamageInfo(0, source)); } // M: Play music. /*if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.M)) { * AudioSystem.PlaySong("overworld"); * } * // N: Set the volume to max. * if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.N)) { * AudioSystem.MasterVolume = 1.0f; * }*/ // N: Noclip mode. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.N)) { RoomControl.Player.Physics.CollideWithEntities = !RoomControl.Player.Physics.CollideWithEntities; RoomControl.Player.Physics.CollideWithWorld = !RoomControl.Player.Physics.CollideWithWorld; } // Q: Spawn a random rupees collectible. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Q)) { int[] rupees = { 1, 5, 20, 100, 200 }; //, 5, 20, 100, 200 }; int rupee = GRandom.NextInt(rupees.Length); Collectible collectible = gameControl.RewardManager.SpawnCollectible("rupees_" + rupees[rupee].ToString()); collectible.Position = gameControl.Player.Position; collectible.ZPosition = 100; } // Y: Cycle entity debug info. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Y)) { EntityDebugInfoMode = (EntityDrawInfo)(((int)EntityDebugInfoMode + 1) % (int)EntityDrawInfo.Count); } // U: Cycle tile debug info. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.U)) { TileDebugInfoMode = (TileDrawInfo)(((int)TileDebugInfoMode + 1) % (int)TileDrawInfo.Count); } // J: Spawn a heart collectible. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.K)) { Collectible collectible = gameControl.RewardManager.SpawnCollectible("hearts_1"); collectible.Position = gameControl.Player.Position; collectible.ZPosition = 100; } // B: Spawn bomb collectibles. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.B)) { Collectible collectible = gameControl.RewardManager.SpawnCollectible("ammo_bombs_5"); collectible.Position = gameControl.Player.Position; collectible.ZPosition = 100; } // J: Spawn arrow collectibles. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.J)) { Collectible collectible = gameControl.RewardManager.SpawnCollectible("ammo_arrows_5"); collectible.Position = gameControl.Player.Position; collectible.ZPosition = 100; } // 0: Spawn a monster. if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.D0) || Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Add)) { Monster monster = new TestMonster(); //Monster monster = new MonsterOctorok(); //Monster monster = new MonsterMoblin(); Vector2F position = new Vector2F(32, 32) + new Vector2F(8, 14); RoomControl.SpawnEntity(monster, position); } }