public void GenerateNewPath() { if (instantiatedGoal != null) { Destroy(instantiatedGoal); } if (checkpoints.Count > 0) { foreach (GameObject checkpoint in checkpoints) { Destroy(checkpoint); } } checkpoints = new List <GameObject>(); pathInfo.GenerateNewPath(); float newZ = 0.0f; float randomizeOffsetX = Random.value < 0.5f ? 1.0f : -1.0f; for (int i = 0; i < pathInfo.GetPathLength(); i++) { float newX = 0.0f; float newY = 0.0f; if (pathInfo.GetHorizontal()) { if (i % 2 == 0) { newX = Random.Range(2.0f, pathInfo.GetHorizontalDistance()) * randomizeOffsetX; } else { newX = Random.Range(-pathInfo.GetHorizontalDistance(), -2.0f) * randomizeOffsetX; } } if (pathInfo.GetVertical()) { newY = Random.Range(-pathInfo.GetVerticalDistance(), pathInfo.GetVerticalDistance()); } pathInfo.SetPathNode(i, new Vector3(newX, newY, newZ)); newZ += pathInfo.GetRandomNodeDistance(); } pathCreator.bezierPath = new BezierPath(transform.position); pathCreator.bezierPath = GeneratePath(pathInfo.GetPath()); roadMeshCreator.flattenSurface = true; roadMeshCreator.roadWidth = pathInfo.GetRandomRoadWidth(); // for(int i = 0; i < roadRoot.transform.childCount; i++) // { // Destroy(roadRoot.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject); // } roadMeshCreator.TriggerUpdate(); instantiatedGoal = (GameObject)Instantiate(goalPrefab); instantiatedGoal.transform.SetParent(transform, false); instantiatedGoal.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().size = new Vector3(roadMeshCreator.roadWidth + 5.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f); instantiatedGoal.transform.localRotation = pathCreator.path.GetRotationAtDistance(pathCreator.path.length); instantiatedGoal.transform.Rotate(0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f); int furthestPoint = pathCreator.bezierPath.NumPoints - 1; instantiatedGoal.transform.localPosition = pathCreator.bezierPath.GetPoint(furthestPoint); carAgent.transform.localPosition = pathCreator.bezierPath.GetPoint(0); carAgent.transform.localRotation = pathCreator.path.GetRotation(0); carAgent.transform.Rotate(0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f); carAgent.transform.position += transform.forward * 3.0f; carAgent.GetComponent <CarAgent>().goal = instantiatedGoal; // carAgent.transform.position += transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.up); carAgent.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false; carAgent.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.Continuous; roadRoot.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.mainTextureScale = new Vector2(1.0f, (float)pathInfo.GetPathLength() * 2.0f); roadRoot.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.RecalculateNormals(); for (int i = 0; i < roadRoot.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponents <MeshCollider>().Length; i++) { Destroy(roadRoot.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponents <MeshCollider>()[0]); } roadRoot.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.AddComponent <MeshCollider>(); roadRoot.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = roadRoot.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh; // roadRoot.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent<MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = roadRoot.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh; // transform.GetChild(2).GetComponent<MeshCollider>().convex = true; float dst = 0.0f; float increment = 25.0f; while (dst < (pathCreator.path.length - increment)) { if (dst < increment) { dst += increment; continue; } GameObject checkpoint = (GameObject)Instantiate(checkpointPrefab); checkpoint.transform.SetParent(transform, false); checkpoint.transform.position = pathCreator.path.GetPointAtDistance(dst); checkpoint.transform.localRotation = pathCreator.path.GetRotationAtDistance(dst); checkpoint.transform.Rotate(0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f); checkpoints.Add(checkpoint); dst += increment; } }
private void generatePath() { bounds = trackArea.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().bounds; List <Vector3> points = new List <Vector3>(); int num_points = Random.Range(Points_min, Points_max); RoadMeshCreator pst = (RoadMeshCreator)GetComponent <PathSceneTool>(); PathCreator pc = GetComponent <PathCreator>(); for (int i = 0; i < num_points; i++) { float size_x = bounds.size.x; float size_z = bounds.size.z; float size_y = bounds.size.y; //print(string.Format("Size X: {0}, Y: {1} Z: {2}", size_x, size_y, size_z)); float x = Random.Range( - size_x / 2, + size_x / 2); float z = Random.Range( - size_z / 2, + size_z / 2); float y = 1; // I want to use some dumb raycasting so that the Y level always is on top of the terrain RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(new Vector3(x, 10000, z), Vector3.down, out hit)) { y = hit.point.y + pst.thickness; } //print(string.Format("Point X: {0}, Y: {1} Z: {2}", x, y, z)); Vector3 point = new Vector3(x, y, z); points.Add(point); } trackPath = new BezierPath(points, true,; trackPath.AutoControlLength = Random.Range(0.1f, 1.0f); trackPath.IsClosed = true; /* * for(int i = 0; i < trackPath.NumPoints; i++) * { * Vector3 point = trackPath.GetPoint(i); * float y = Random.Range(0.0f, 10.0f); * point.y = y; * } */ trackPath.NotifyPathModified(); pc.bezierPath = trackPath; pst.TriggerUpdate(); GameObject road = GameObject.Find("Road Mesh Holder"); MeshCollider roadCollider = road.GetComponent <MeshCollider>(); Destroy(roadCollider); roadCollider = road.AddComponent <MeshCollider>(); MeshFilter roadMesh = road.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); roadCollider.sharedMesh = roadMesh.mesh; }