/// <summary> /// Delete Retailer Account. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task DeleteRetailerAccount() { try { using (IRetailerBL retailerBL = new RetailerBL()) { Write("Are you sure? (Y/N): "); Write("Current Password: "******"Y", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { //Invoke DeleteRetailerBL method to delete bool isDeleted = await retailerBL.DeleteRetailerBL(retailer.RetailerID); if (isDeleted) { WriteLine("Retailer Account Deleted"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionLogger.LogException(ex); WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates Retailer's Password. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task ChangeRetailerPassword() { try { using (IRetailerBL retailerBL = new RetailerBL()) { //Read Current Password Write("Current Password: "******"New Password: "******"Confirm Password: "******"Retailer Password Updated"); } } else { WriteLine($"New Password and Confirm Password doesn't match"); } } else { WriteLine($"Current Password doesn't match."); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionLogger.LogException(ex); WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Login (based on Email and Password) /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> static async Task <(UserType, IUser)> ShowLoginScreen() { //Read inputs string email, password; WriteLine("=====LOGIN========="); Write("Email: "); email = ReadLine(); Write("Password: "******"*"); } else { Write("\b"); } }while (key.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter); WriteLine(""); using (IAdminBL adminBL = new AdminBL()) { //Invoke GetAdminByEmailAndPasswordBL for checking email and password of Admin Admin admin = await adminBL.GetAdminByEmailAndPasswordBL(email, password); if (admin != null) { return(UserType.Admin, admin); } } using (ISalesPersonBL SalesPersonBL = new SalesPersonBL()) { //Invoke GetAdminByEmailAndPasswordBL for checking email and password of Admin SalesPerson SalesPerson = await SalesPersonBL.GetSalesPersonByEmailAndPasswordBL(email, password); if (SalesPerson != null) { return(UserType.SalesPerson, SalesPerson); } } using (IRetailerBL RetailerBL = new RetailerBL()) { //Invoke GetAdminByEmailAndPasswordBL for checking email and password of Admin Retailer retailer = await RetailerBL.GetRetailerByEmailAndPasswordBL(email, password); if (retailer != null) { return(UserType.Retailer, retailer); } } WriteLine("Invalid Email or Password. Please try again..."); return(UserType.Anonymous, null); }