        public override void AddToConstraintSystem(ArrayList /*!*/ /*LinearConstraint*/ clist)
            //Contract.Requires(clist != null);
            // make an unsatisfiable constraint
            LinearConstraint lc = new LinearConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ);

            lc.rhs = Rational.FromInt(1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies the Pivot Operation on row "r" and column "c".
        /// This method can be called when !constructionDone, that is, at a time when not all basis
        /// columns have been set up (indicated by -1 in basisColumns).  This method helps set up
        /// those basis columns.
        /// The return value is an undo record that can be used with UnPivot.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <param name="c"></param>
        public Rational[] /*!*/ Pivot(int r, int c)
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <Rational[]>() != null);
            Contract.Assert(0 <= r && r < rows);
            Contract.Assert(0 <= c && c < columns - 1);
            Contract.Assert(m[r, c].IsNonZero);
            Contract.Assert(inBasis[c] == -1);             // follows from invariant and m[r,c] != 0
            Contract.Assert(basisColumns[r] != rhsColumn); // follows from invariant and m[r,c] != 0

            Rational[] undo = new Rational[rows + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                undo[i] = m[i, c];

            // scale the pivot row
            Rational q = m[r, c];

            if (q != Rational.ONE)
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                    m[r, j] /= q;

            // subtract a multiple of the pivot row from all other rows
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                if (i != r)
                    q = m[i, c];
                    if (q.IsNonZero)
                        for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                            m[i, j] -= q * m[r, j];

            // update basis information
            int prevCol = basisColumns[r];

            undo[rows]      = Rational.FromInt(prevCol);
            basisColumns[r] = c;
            if (prevCol != -1)
                inBasis[prevCol] = -1;
            inBasis[c] = r;
